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Title of the research evaluated: 5 4 3 2 1

Relationship Between the Level of Anxiety and the English Proficiency Level of
Pre-Service Teachers at Pangasinan State University-Bayambang Campus
Chapter 1

Introduces reader to problem /
Provides evidence that substantiates problem's existence /
Rationale—Substantiates need to conduct the proposed study /
Purpose of Study
Clearly presents purpose of study /
Provides operational definitions of independent & dependent variables /
Briefly explains methodology /
Significance of Study—Potential impact of study /
Research Question(s) or Alternative Hypotheses are clearly listed /
APA Format (citations, margins, spacing,page number, placement, headings) /
Mechanics, Grammar, Spelling, Clarity, Use of Transitions /

Positive Points

The problem is presented clearly

The description is aligned to the problem.
Rationale Evidences presented clearly show the need to conduct the study

The purpose of study is well presented

They have presented important terms

They have reached the expected beneficiaries.

They clearly explain their hypothesis
They followed the proper format
There was no grammatical incorrect, the spelling, and transition was well executed.

Negative Points

The back up study is not up to date

The evidences are not aligned to the problem presented
Date of publications of the studies are not up-to-date.

They only defined conceptually not operationally

Atleast discuss briefly the methods on how the study will be conducted in scope and delimitation part of the study.
Some parts are limited to the beneficiaries.
They only defined conceptually not operationally

Some of the alternative hypotheses are too broad


The researcher must present a problem that arose in PSU that leads to why they wanted to conduct the study to the pre se
Conduct a review to an existing related studies to support the problem.
Focus more on recently published studies.

The definitions of term should be defined operationally and conceptually

Methodology should be presented in the scope and Delimitations part
Explain how the future researchers will benefit from the study. Also, there are many benefits that the researcher should ga
The research questions must be in a proper alignment, it must aligned logically.

The paper must go through a thoroughly checking, every details should be checked such like the justification and alignmen
Group 1 will evaluate Group 2
Group 2 will evaluate Group 3
Group 3 will evaluate Group 4
Group 4 will evaluate Group 5
Group 5 will evaluate Group 6
Group 6 will evaluate Group 7
Group 7 will evaluate Group 1

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