Community Extension Activity in Financial Management

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Community Extension Activity: Financial Literacy Workshop

Subject: Financial Management

Objective: Educate the local community about basic financial management concepts and empower
individuals to make informed financial decisions.

Activity Description:
Organize a financial literacy workshop in collaboration with a local community center or educational
institution. The workshop should cover essential financial management topics and provide practical tips
for better financial planning and decision-making. The activity can be divided into the following
1. Introduction to Financial Management:
 Provide an overview of financial management and its importance in personal and
business settings.
 Explain key financial concepts such as budgeting, saving, investing, and debt
2. Budgeting and Financial Planning:
 Teach participants how to create a budget and allocate funds effectively.
 Discuss the importance of setting financial goals and developing a long-term financial
3. Saving and Investing:
 Explain different saving strategies and methods, such as emergency funds, retirement
savings, and investment accounts.
 Introduce basic investment options, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and real estate.
4. Debt Management:
 Educate participants on responsible borrowing practices and the importance of
managing debt.
 Discuss strategies for reducing debt, such as debt consolidation, repayment plans, and
credit score improvement.
5. Financial Risk Management and Insurance:
 Explain the concept of risk management and the role of insurance in protecting against
financial uncertainties.
 Discuss common types of insurance, such as health insurance, auto insurance, and life
6. Interactive Activities and Case Studies:
 Engage participants through interactive activities, quizzes, and case studies to reinforce
learning and encourage practical application of financial concepts.
 Provide real-life scenarios where participants can analyze financial situations and make
informed decisions.
7. Q&A Session and Resources:
 Allocate time for participants to ask questions and seek clarification on financial
management topics.
 Provide handouts or online resources containing additional information and tools for
further self-study.
Conduct a well-structured financial literacy workshop, ensuring active participation and engagement of
the community members. Prepare materials, handouts, and visual aids to support the workshop content
and provide resources for participants to refer to after the session.
Evaluation Criteria:
The community extension activity will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
 Clarity and effectiveness of the workshop delivery, ensuring that the financial concepts are
explained in a simple and understandable manner.
 Engagement and active participation of the community members during the workshop activities.
 Relevance and practicality of the financial management tips and strategies shared during the
 Impact and feedback from the community members regarding the usefulness and applicability of
the knowledge gained.
 Organization and professionalism demonstrated in the preparation and execution of the financial
literacy workshop.

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