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What is detailed estinnate ? (R.GPV, Dec. 2015)

detailed estimate ?
What is the purpose of preparing
(R.GPV, Dec. 2016)
Ans. Detailed estimate is an accurate estimate, and it consists of the detailed
articulars for the quantities, rates and costs of all the items involved for
atisfactory completion of a work. The dimensions such as length, breadth.
nd height of each item are obtained accurately from drawing and quantities
feach item are computed, and abstracting and billing are completed. All other
etty needed for satisfactory completion of the work are included to the final
a detailed estimate.
ost to form the total of
A detailed estimate provides an amount which is very close to the final
mount of the structure.
The detailed estimate comprises the cost as follows
) Total cost of different items of project.
i) Allowance for the contingencies to provide unexpected
penditure on missed items and small changes in quantity and/or rate in various
ms of project.
i) Establishment charges for supervision.
iv) Estimated amount for the service charges which consist of
ectrical installation, water supply connections and
sanitary arrangement.
A detailed estimate is
comprised of-
i) General report
i) Specifications
118 Quantlty Sturveyng & Costing

The length of the long wall usually

reduces from earth ork tn hri
in the case of short wall, its lengngth increasee
superstructure and
Example - Refer Prob. 16.
onl quanities of difto
Q.5. Explain the
huilding wvrk by "centre
method of taking
line method". What ik
speclalwirh fferent Memn M
with this mh
(R.GPV, June
Explain centre line method with example.
Ams. In centre line method, the lengthofcentre line is caled .
(R.GP.V, June 2010
uscd for calculating the quantities ofdiflerent items. In this methodnd ulated and n
the lenveh
will remain same for in foundation, for
excavation concrete in foundat
and for superstructure. This mcthod ion, fe
simple and
all footings rapid
needs special attention and consideration at the junctions, meeting ha
cross or partition walls, ctc.

This method is quite sinple for rectangular, circular or polygonal huut

having no inter or cross walls. For buildings having partition or c buildinngge
for every junction of eross or partition walls with main walls, special at wals
and consideration shall have to be formed to calculate the accurate ention
urate quantty. I
case of verandah or partition walls joining the main walls, the
the cent
cente lime
length shall be deducted by half breadth of the layer of main wall thas
with the verandah or partition wall at the same level. To find out the centre jome
re line
length, number of such joints are studied first.
For difflerent types of walls in building, the centre line length for ea

type shall be calculated individually. In the case of a building having dife

type of walls, let us suppose that main walls are ofP type and cross walla
of Q type. The centre line length of P type walls shall be worked out jointh
first and then the centre line length of Q type walls shall be taken individualk
In such cases no deduction of any kind need to be made while
centre line length of P type walls, but for getting the net centre line
length of0
type walls, for each junction deduction of half breadth of P type wall shal
have to be formed from the total centre length of walls.
It may be noted that, no addition or subtraction is needed at comers of
the building where two walls are meeting.
In the case of a number of footings, the first footing length is to e
calculated by deducting half breadth of footing per junction from the totl
centre line length and then the subsequent footing length can be obtaioed
easily by adding one offset of footing.
Example Refer Prob.1
on the cost.
Depreciation depends on the
of maintenance and mode of use, etc. the Ofrio .
is less the starting years and
in Usually
gradually the Cmditi ne
For a building whose life is
consideredincreasesde ni
rin ng rate nf
years,i later A
as 80
the following may be reasonable
Years Depreclation ee-
Per Annum
0 to 5 Total Depreclmtnw
t o 10
10 to 20

20 to 40 1% 1.5%
40 to 80 20
The balance 10% indicates tthe net scrap
Total 90%
of the uscful period.
Q.28. Describe the different methodseof valuation.
GP.V., June ,
Explain various methods of valuation. (R.GPV, Jne
Or 2010, Dec. 2
What are the various thods of valuation ? Explain .
any one in
Or (R.GP.V, Dec. 2014detail
What are the various methods of valuation ?
Or (R.GP.V, JJune
(R.GPV. 2016
Describe various methods of valuations.
Or (R.GP.V, Dec. 2016
Explain in brief diferent methods of valuation of property
(R.GP.V, May 2018
Ans. The different methods of valuation are given below
)Rental Method of Valuation - In this method, the net rema
income is determined after deducting all outgoings from the gross ent aa
year's purchase is found out after adopting the current bank interest. Them
valuation of a property is calculated by multiplying the net rental income with
the year's purchase. This method is applicable only when the rent is known or
probable rent is worked out by enquiries.
Vahmtion 201
by ii) Direct Comparison with
Capital Value - This is the
and direct method of valuation. nis method
tio may be adonted simplest

nalit rental value is not available tor n c

ailablc about the sale price ot properues concerned, but there are facta
1atio as a
whole. It is
the property to be valued with similar properties sold in based
the erecent past. But
on comoarina

ach property is uniquc so that
ihey Cun never be alike.
articular property may be adjusted for differences hctween value of
the property
of aa

be valucd and the properties which are sold, to

iii) Valuation Based on Projit-This method

huildings such as hotels, public places, cinema
of valuation is suitable
houses, shops etc. for
hich the capitalized
depends on tne prolit. In such cascs, an estimate
of the gross profit and from this profit, ate
prep deducted. The net profit is then treated as theworking cxpenses of

the trade are

gross income from
which net income is calculated and it is multiplied by year's purchase ase to
determine the capitalized value ot the property. In such cases, the valuation
Calculated may be higher than the construction cost.

iv) Valuation Based on Cost- In this method, the

biggest and best
value of open land with due provision for burden factor is calculated and then
ling at the a it is included to the depreciated cost of the property. For calculating the
depreciated cost of the structure, the probable cost of structure with rates
uprevailing on the material date of valuation is calculated and then suitable
PK, June0prevailin

depreciation is allowed according to the type of construction, condition of

20Suructure, age, etc.
2010, Dec
() Development Method of Valuation - This method of valuation
e nused
us for the properties which are in the
undeveloped or under
GPK, Dec Decage. If a big place of land is needed to be divided into plots after developed
parks, roads etc., this method of valuation is to be used. In such cases, the
GPK,. Jat
June1 needed for parks, roads, etc., the probable selling price of the divided
a n d other expenses for development should be known.
R.GRV,D ec
net development method of valuation may be adopted, if a structure is
h be renovated by making additions, alterations or modifications. The

(RGR,My0 uation nof the

e property
prop may be calculated from the anticipated future net

womeme which it may fetch after its renovation. The net income is mulupiicu
n below- tar's purchase tto obtain the The total
n e n Sed to be
made anticipated capitalized value. expenses
in rencnovation should be calculated and the actual cost ot
t r o mt h epross property mbined with the new expenses should be
T e n tbankinteres

alue and compareu ith

ko (vi decided if the investment in renovation is justilied.
Are should be

rent Method of Valuation In this method, the


t h e

divided into four parts - (a) walls, (b) roofs, (¢) tloor and
and windows,
and lirstly the cost o f each parts should be calculatcu
184 Quantity Surveying & Costing (V-Sem.)

every step is based on some logical ground without any relnt an

percentage to the cost of the property. By this method, only

value o P
Vauer can calculate the amount of depreciation and present
mnethods of calcu
What is depreciation ? Explain (R.GPV, Dec. 2
depreciation in detail.
Ans. Refer Q.3 and Q.6.

What the different methods of calculating depreciation 7

Q.8. are (R.GPV, June 2012)
Explain any one of them in detail.
Ans. Refer Q.6.
(R.GPV, June 2010, Dec. 2012)
Q.9. Explain sinking fund.
(R.GPV, Dec. 2013, 2015, 2017
Define sinking fund.
Write short note on sinking fund. (R.GPV, May 2018)
Ans. The fund which is gradually
accumulated by way of periodic
or reconstruction
or rebuilt at the end
annual deposit for the replacement
the utility period of the structure or building, 1s known as sinking fund. If this
not taken by the owner, he will lose both structure as well a
precaution is
income at the expiry of the utility period of the property.
The sinking fund is made by regular periodic payments which accumulate
at compound interest and thus the sufficient amount is available for the
replacement or reconstruction ofstructureor property at the end of useful life
of structure or property. The sinking fund may be made by taking a sinking
fund policy with any insurance company. For land, sinking fund is not required
Q.10. Define terms depreciation and sinking fund. (R. GRV, June 2011)
Ans. Refer Q.3 and Q.9.

Q.11. How will you determine sinking fund ?

Ans. The owner can obtain a certain amount on the sale of old building
materials. This amount is known as scrap value and taken approximately 10%
of the building cost. Therefore, the computation of sinking fund is madeon
90% cost of the building.
The determination of sinking fund depends on the life of structure and
scrap value of structure or the cost of old material.
Let, S = Total amount of the sinking fund

I= Annual instalment required

i= Rate of interest in decimal (e.g. 5% = 0.05)

sinking fund
n Number of years required to accumulate the
The first anual Vahafin 185
second sinking fund, «o that
rcdemption offor Rs.Rs(n-stalment
redemption -1,Ss
Consequently, years
00 and so on accumulate mterest
the firstwould Also
anual for
second to 1,(14 ih-nstalment
instalmet won
le the (n yeara,
inking fund for
ete. Whencewonid accumulate anmoumt to l(1
(1i +(1iy1-1

Using equation (1)

Consequently, of
sinking fund can be
0.12. Explain scrap (1+i - 1
Define scrap value. Or
(R.GP.V,June 2010)
Write short note on serap Or (R.GP.V, Dec. 2013, 2017)
Ans. At the end of the
utility period, a (R.GPV, May 2018)
can hroken scraped
off into is discarded
collected by
hy selli selling these units is called units for and then, it
scrap value of a the scrap
ouilding may be about 10% disposal. The amount
value of the
its total cost of property.
dismantling and removal of the rubbish
of of The
the total amount construction.
material is subtracted
fo alue. For receivable irom the sale of the usable
example, building is to be a materials to obtain
fe is over. Then, some amount demolished when its useful
may be
Such an Amount is called the scrap value or
by selling the old
junk value of the building, materials.

incase of equipment, machines etc. which does Similarly, not

hecomes obsolete and cannot be used give useful service or
again by
replacement or in one unit
Mrts, the value can be obtained at that time by selling the machinerepairing of

or cut in parts are called scrap value. The materials of special purpose generally
have lower scrap value. For example, a timber structure will have a greater
scrap value than a corresponding R.C.C. structure. Similarly, the scrap value
of a corrugated galvanized iron sheet will be more than a corresponding
asbestos cement sheet. The scrap value is also known as demolition value.
Valuation 187
MostDanks will not finance Banks finance freehold properties
less than 30the lease period is casily
Q.17. Dierentiate between
scrap value and salvage value.
A as. The
difference between (R.GP.V, Dec. 2015)
Vo. scrap vavalue and salvage value is
Scrap Value given below
Scrap value is Salvage Value
counted in the
property the calculation
at of Ordinarily
in the
the salvage value
end of the depreciation
life and usually it is calculation
useful omitted by accounting is
as on
lump-sum basisconsidered value.
of the cost of the or 10%
) Scrap value is the
sale value of materials Salvage value is the estimated
of an
asset at the end of its value of an asset as a
life. without dismantling atwhole
the end
of its useful
i) It is not counted as a minus There are times when it
quantity. is a
minus quantity.
v) Scrap value of an asset is
Salvage value
merely sale of scrap and has the fom of a deposition may take|
sale of the asset
alimitation. to
purchaser who will continue to
use it for the function for
which it
originally designed. In this
case salvage value dominate scrap|
value in the depreciation calculation.

Q.18. Discuss in detail the factors which effect the value of a property-
(R.GP.V, June 2013
Ans, Value of a property may rise or fall from time to time. Following a
lactors that affect the market value of a property
(i) Rise in Population The demand for land, building a
peries will incre
eswill increase, if there is a rise in population due to growth ot
sthies or influx or by multiplication.
Forces of Demand and Supply-lfnumber ofbuyers ava
ale are val
than the number of properties for sale, then the
nly reduces and vice-versa.
of price
hea ratei) Cost ofConstruction Because of quick change

depreciation, the present cost of construction affectsthe=
& Costing
166 site.
Lighting al depreciation of
of tools
tools and plants
(d) and
(c) investment.

Interest on
(0 on


ofestablishments, plants
tools and
insurance etc.

(h) compensation,
overheads. (R.GPV, Dec. 01
Q12. Explainjoh
Ams. ReferQ.II(ii). ? Explaln its
meed and u s
What is
Q.13. (R.GPK, Dec. 2011, June 2
(R.GRK, Dec. 2015, Nov.
Define comtingencies.
Or 201
Discuss contingencies
in an
estimate. (R.GPV, Dec. 201n

Write short note

on contingencies. (R.GPV, May 2019
the incidental expene.
contingencies represents
Ans, The term distinct item ofiofa
item which cannot be classified

during preparation
the estimate. Contingencies
of a
which is overlooked word contingencies is derived from I
5% to 10%. The
is usually about chance oceurrence or Somethi
word con (with) and tangere
(to touch) means ing
that may happen.
incidental petty which cannot be classified undet amy
The miscellanceous under contingencies
distinct sub-head, are met from the amount provided

From the owner side, the amount to be used upon the supervising staffis
considered as of the contingencies. If there is any sayvine
included in this item
under contingencies, this amount may be usedto
against the amount provided
meet the cost of extra items with the consent of the competent authority
item in estimate for cement plastering 1:3
For instance, let there be an an
wit neat cement finish, but at the time of execution, it is required to provide TNa
there is no allotment of funds, the NCum
nosing at the end of steps. For this small work,
cost of this work may be taken from the contingency fund. But in casean
of design
expenditure is required because of increased volume of work, change
and whose cost cannot be covered by the contingency fund, revised or
the wonk
supplementary estimates are submitted for its sanction before taking up
an estimate
Q.14. Explain the importance of contingencies in(R.GPV, Dec. 2016)
Ans. Refer Q.13.
kame sho
Q.15. Define work-charged establishments.
(R.GPK, June 2016, Now. 201tiom
Or bove t
Explain work-charged establishment in detail. (R.GRK, Dec. 201
cm thick RCC slab with 10
g over it

aic flowwing shall be provided in all floors

gircase including
nside and outside walls shall be 12 mm thick
tered. he inside walls of drawing, bedroom and
e mpered and remaining dining room shall be
lls shall be two coats decorative white-washed three coats. The outside
lNalory shall be covered with wateproof cement coating. Wall surface
glazed tiles upto the top level of donr
(viii) Doors and
Windows Doors and windows
oncd teak wood and shutters ofI cm thick teak wooxd frames shall he of
he provided. Doors and windows panelling. Brass fittings
shall be varnished with French
ix) Miscellaneous Rain polish
water pipes shall be of

CAst iron,i
act inon, finished with
paint. All sanitary, water supply and asbestos cement
ll he of first class material.
ehall electrical fittingg
Q.10. Define overhead cost.
Or (R.GPV, June 2016)
Wirite short note on overhead cost.
Ans. Refer Q.6 (iv) (Unit-Il). (R.GPV, May 2018
1l1, What is overhead costs
? Enumerate various
luded in this. expenses to he
Overhead Costs Refer Q.6 (iv)
Ans. -
(R.GPV, Dec. 2012)-
Overhead charges may be classified under(Unit-II).
the following
a) General Overheads heads-
General overhead is a

enditure and does not depend on the volume of


recurring known
raloverhead is high for a big firm, on the other hand under execution.

mninal general overhead. The general overheads small firms need

(a) Establishment (office staff. include-
(b) Purchase of stationary,
(c) Travelling charges. printing, postages etc.
(d) Telephone bills.
() Rent and taxes.
it) Job Overheads Job

overhead is not
known expense, it
gends on the volume of work under
are is no work. These are the
No expense is needed when
nature of expenses
on pb or work like. directly incurred to construct
(a) Supervision (salary of
(b) Small tools, planks engineers, overseers, supervision, etc.).
adractor provides for his workmen.
ladders, ropes and hand tools as the

(c) Handling of materials.

166 Quantity Surveying & Costing (V-Sem.)
(d) Lighting at site.
(e) Repairs and depreciation of tools and plants.
(f) Interest on investment.
(g) Losses on advances.
(h)Mobilization of establishments, tools and plants.
insurance etc.
( Workmen's compensation,
(R.GRK, Dec.
Q.12. Explain job
Ans. Refer Q.11 (i).
maed and use. AA
Cost of Works 173
he investment.
te material and labour
certain the probable time forrequirements
for the work (6) To get contract.
administrative approval and technical sanction
(7) To frame
tender document and arrange for the
(8) To make
construction schedules and contract.
guc as steel and (9) To estimate
requirements of programme
cement. any controlled material
00) To choose most
(11) To make bills forremunerative or economical
(b) For interim and final alternative.
Existing payments.
()To make tax Structures The detailed estimates are
(2) To guide the schedules.
clicnt for the fixation of
(3) To provide standard rent.
procecdings. justification for claim in the arbitration
(4) To value the
property for sale,
mortgagc, fire or other insurance, purchase, government
0.21. What is DPR ?
Discuss importance and contents
of DPR.
(R.GP.V, Dec. 2013)
What is DPR ? Discuss the content DPR in
of detail.
(R.GPK, Dec. 2014, 2015)
What is meant by DPR ? How is it
prepared ? (R.GPV, June 2012)
What is DPR ? How DPR is prepared ?
(R.GPV, June 2013)
What is DPR ?
(R.GPV, June 2016)
Discuss the content of DPR in detail. (R.GPV, June 2016)
What do you understand by DPR? (R.GPV, Nov. 2018)
Ans. Detailed Project Reports - Detailed project report is a complete
iocument for investment, decision-making, approval and planning. Detailed
grject report is base document for planning and implementing the project.
Detailed projeect report is made for the investment decision-making approval,
but also can be used for execution of the project and preparation of the plan.
Preparation of detailed project report (D.P.R.) comprises of the following
work site
) Organizing reconnaissance and detailed survey at the
king LS, C/S of river/stream/nalla at 100 m intervals both on downstream
ad upstream side of the site, for a distance of 500 m.
174 Quentty Surveying & Costing (V-Sem.)

(i) The index map representing the location

ton of w
indicating the work site on a topo sheet representing the of w Ork
(ii) Preparation of plan, sectional elevational catchm ment area. sile and
components according to the detailed designs calculations
Trial Pit details.
vings of all
of a
based on Trial the
(iv) Preparation of estimate according to the Bote
directions of,
20 copies)fsitee
(v) Supplying needed number (about 15 to 20
placing before TAC and attending to the
observations of TACrof R engineer
copies) DR
accords clearance to the work and
numbers (about 6 copies) to accord administrativefinalized nbSC, i CMSC, fo
DPR in needed
sanction etc. complete according to the directions approval and technical
The DPR will preferably be a hard bound
volume in A4 size
alignment. Drawings for inclusion can be in A3 size, A4 gineer-in-charge.
size and din e
fold out within the volume. The DPR Should be
information in all the sections provided irespectivecompleted and the a3 integrateportd rain
of whether aeede
whole of it was submitted with any of the earlier
application. In other words the DPR will be a singlecorrespondence o
the application. The detailed document for:
project report (DDPR) requires
the format given below - to be
frameda ssessing
Contents of the DPR
(i) Cover Sheet
ii) Abstract and Executive Summary
(ii) Profile Sheet- This sheet will contain the
(a) Name of the organization following-
(b) Registered address
(c) Year of establishment of the organization
(d) Type of organization
(e) Details of registration (if applicable)
(f) PAN number
(g) Authorized contact person and designation
(h) Name of the project.
(iv) Mandatory Documents -
(a) Copy of registration
(6) Letter of support and letter of recommendation from distri-
(c) Authorization certificate
(d) Bond in finalized format
(e) Audited statement of accounts for last three years.
The Proposal- This section should provide the complete extd
and details of the proposal for which financial assistance is being soug
Cost of Worrs 175

litative justificati should be well supported by
iee rationale respectively. The proposal should hear in mind
wantitative a n d

mentsa n d .

ssistance set out by the ministry. No proposal should

of with a view to use it for achieving a partial fulfillment of

completing the remainder.
f i n d i n g

s e e k

thout anyplan
a kw i l h o a) Building and infrastructure (b) Interiors and display
(c) Services and cquipments (d) Firedand moveable furnitare
Special provisions (if any) () Other provisions
of costs
Estimates (h) Phasing of execution.
Conclusions The conclusions should clearly bring out the
of the proposal both in terms of preservation and promotion
ollection a n d
its service to the society.



Explain briefy
what is meant by thefollowing-
g22 ) Overheadcharges
ii) Contingencies
i i ) Work-charge establishment

iv) Various percentagejor ajerent services

(v) D.PR.
(R.GPV, June 2010)
Overhead Charges
Refer Q.11.
Ans. (i)
Contingencies Refer Q.13.

Work-charge Establishment Refer Q.15. -

Giv) Various Percentagefor Diferent Services- Refer Q.19.
(v) D.P.R.
Refer Q,21.

023. Describe thefollowing terms-

Overhead charges, Contingencies, Work-charge establishment and DPR-

(R.GPV, June 2011
Ans. Overhead Charges Refer Q.11.
Contingencies - Refer Q.13.

Work-charge Establishment - Refer Q.15.

DPR-Refer Q,21.
.4. Write down the sub-heads on main item of work which ar

Onsidered while preparing DPR.

When an estimate of works, DPR is
used to explain t
sA framing
sub-divisions into which the whole cost of a project is classified. Every su

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