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The antibiotics
The print
The plane
The antibiotics
It is one of the most relevant scientific inventions in
history. They were discovered in 1877 by Louis Pasteur
and Robert Koch. In 1928, Alexander Fleming discovered
penicillin, a chemical compound with antibiotic properties.
Thanks to its existence, countless lives have been saved.
In fact, with its appearance, diseases that until then were
considered fatal ceased to be so. Nowadays, we have to
monitor the disposal of medicines, because they can have
harmful effects on the environment.
The print
With it, culture and information became popular
and reached the entire world. It was invented by
Johannes Gutenberg in 1400 and a hundred years
later it was in widespread use throughout Europe.
Gutenberg would thus become one of the most
famous and influential inventors in human history.
And the printing press has had an indisputable
impact on the dissemination of information and,
therefore, the democratization of education.
The plane
In 1903, the Wright brothers fulfilled one of human
dreams: flying. But beyond achieving a chimera,
they managed to create a faster form of
transportation capable of bridging distances that,
until then, were too far. Since then, the aviation
industry has been developing rapidly. Its uses go
from transporting people and goods to other
purposes such as war. Today, the airplane is
considered to be not only one of the most
important technological inventions in history but
also the most influential creation in the field of
mobility and transportation after the wheel.
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