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Ulangan Harian Bahasa Inggris

Semester Genap
Nama :
Kelas :
Hari/Tanggal :
I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b or c!

1. What is it ? it is a….
a. Fly
b. Dragonfly
c. Butterfly
2. Bird and cat are ….. animal.
a. Poultry
b. Wild
c. Pets

3. What pet does she have ?

She has ….
a. Cat
b. Snake
c. Shark
4. Khalif : What pet do you have ?
Zanki : I have …..

a. Cat
b. Lion
c. Cow
5. It is a pet. It is a …..
a. Bird
b. Rabbit
c. Goose

Ana : is that a pet ?
Ani : …..
a. Yes, it is
b. No, it is not
c. Yes, it is not

Burhan : are they camel ?
Haikal : Yes, …..
a. It is not
b. They are not
c. They are
8. I ….. a rabbit at home.
a. Has
b. Have
c. Has not
9. She ….. a horse.
a. Has
b. Have
c. Have not
10. Afiyah has a turtle.
Into indonesia is…
a. Afiyah memiliki seekor kucing
b. Afiyah tidak memiliki seekor ayam
c. Afiyah memiliki seekor kura – kura
II. Fill in the missing letters!
1. G _ _ t
2. H _ _ s _
3. C _ t
I. Translate into english
1. Unta = ….
2. Kerbau = ….
II. Translate into indonesia
1. Bee = …..
2. Duck = …..
3. Parrot = ….
III. Fill the blank with the correct word!
1. Lion, tiger and crocodile are……… animal.

2. The…….. is in the aquarium.

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