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Swami Jeevan Devmani

(Traditional Reiki Grand Master, Therapist & Teacher)

5 - Shiv Colony, Champa Vihar,

New Bhupalpura, 100 Feet Road,
Near Hotel Royal Inn, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India.

Mobile No: 91-9352516130

Mobile No: 91-9352516130






















Mobile No: 91-9352516130


Just for today,

I will not be angry.

Just for today,

I will not worry.

Just for today,

I will do my work Honestly.

Just for to day,

I will be kind to my neighbor and every living thing.

Just for today,

I will give thanks for my many blessings.

Mobile No: 91-9352516130


The Japanese/English dictionary translates this symbol to mean: “ Great Being

of the Universe, shine on me, be my friend”. The “Encyclopedia of Eastern
Philosophy and Religion” lists a definition of this symbol as “ Treasure house
of the great beaming light”, and states that it is a Zen expression for one’s own
true nature or Buddha nature.
The usage of the Usui Master symbol creates:
 A noticeably stronger channel between the physical self and the higher

 It intensifies and focuses the Reiki energy causing it to more firmly establish
positive results in a definite, grounded and permanent way.

 It protects the healing work that in does.

It is similar to the Power symbol in many ways except that it operates on a

much higher frequency and brings into use a higher level of divine power.
Once attuned to this symbol, it should always be used first before using the
other Reiki symbols or before doing any Reiki actions as it will empower
and enhance them. It seems to bring with it a greater feeling of wholeness,
fulfillment and completion.

The Usui Master symbols can be used:

 When giving Reiki treatments

 To empower any other kind of healing, manifesting, or personal

transformation work.

 As part of a ritual in conjunction with physical movement.

 To bless and empower all activities.

 Any at anytime, even while driving; e.g. while driving, first think of Reiki,
then chant, either verbally or mentally, followed by, “ I establish my divine
presence on earth” , three times. Do this over and over and allow yourself
to feel the power you are creating within yourself.

Mobile No: 91-9352516130



Reiki meditations work best if done everyday and in done in the morning .
However, you can also do it whenever you have the time. Twice a day id that
much better. This is a very powerful meditation combining all the value of
other types of meditation such as Transcendental Meditation plus the healing
power of the Reiki energies. It can bring physical relaxation , mental clarity
including improved ability to visualize, clairvoyance, enhanced healing skills,
and the expansion of consciousness. It can also be used to solve problems and
achieve goals and it has the amazing tendency to surround all the areas of
concern in your life with a soft white Reiki mist! Its value increases with regular
1. Sit quietly in a comfortable position with your hands on your legs or other
part of your body breathing slowly and deeply with your eyes closed as
you think of Reiki.
2. Draw the Usui Master symbol in front of you using the whole hand with
fingers together visualizing white or violet light coming from your middle
finger thrust drawing out the symbol in the air in front of you.
3. Hold the image of the symbol in your mind in front of you and repeat the
secret name for the Usui Master symbol three times. Say in out loud if
on one in around you or to yourself in others are around. Hold the visual
image of the symbol steadily in your mind for several minutes or up to
ten minutes. You may use a clock or watch and briefly open your eyes to
check the time when you sense it is up. Do not worry if you find your
mind has wandered away from the image or in you start thinking about
other things. If you discover this has happened , do not berate yourself
as this is normal , simply direct your mind back to the image. As you
continue this practice each day, your ability to hold the image steadily
will strengthen. If you have trouble visualizing, do the best you can. If
you cannot visualize at all, and repeated attempts have not brought
improvement, draw the symbol on a piece of paper and focus on it in the
same way with your eyes open and relaxed. After a while,
experiment with closing your eyes and retaining the image .
4. when you are finished meditating on the symbol, imagine it moving up
into a field of light above you and bring your attention back in front of
your eyes.

Mobile No: 91-9352516130

5. Repeat steps 2 – 4 with the Power symbol, the Mental/ emotional symbol
and the Healing symbol.
6. After meditating on the symbols you will be centered and charges with
creative healing energies, you will now be ready to go on to the second
part of the meditation where you can send Reiki to the projects and
challenges of the day, actualize your goals and help or heal others at a



7. State your goal out loud or to yourself, create a picture of it in your mind to
represent the goal accomplished and visualize the four Reiki symbols
around it. Hold this image in your lind for several minutes or longer with
the thought and feeling of accomplishment. Do this for each goal or project
or to send help or healing to others. When you are finished with the
image, state: “ If this be possible within Divine love and wisdom, then let
it be so.” Then send the image up to the field of light and place it within
the other Reiki symbols with a feeling of fulfillment. Accept the idea that
the process is complete and that your goal has been established. Believe this
to be true, then completely release it from your conscious attention. If you
are not a visualizer,simply write out the goal or healing on a piece of paper
stating that it has been achieved along with the four Reiki symbols and
hold it between your hands accepting the idea that it is surrounded with
8. If you have a Reiki grid, use this time to charge your master crystal
which you would have been holding under your hands and channel Reiki
into it is as well as projecting the four Reiki symbols into it. Then after you
are finished with the Reiki meditation charge your grid.
9. To finish the Reiki meditation, place your tongue to the roof of your
mouth and focus on the area just behind your navel. Then draw the
Power symbol down the front of your body with the spiral around the
area just below your navel. Pat your stomach three times and repeat the
secret name of the Power symbol three times. Then hold your attention on
this spot steadily for several minutes and up to minutes or longer. This

Mobile No: 91-9352516130

will release any excess build-up or energy in your head and store it in the
power center.
10. Then while breathing slowly and deeply open your eyes.


A crystal grid can be created and charged with Reiki which will continue to
send Reiki to heal, protect or manifest a goal for 48 hours or longer after it in
charged. In addition, the Reiki grid can be used by your guides and higher-
self as a bridge to transmit healing and help to you and your clients.
To create your Reiki grid you will need eight crystals. Choose then with care
and sensitivity for their intended purpose allowing your intuition to guide you to
them. Your crystals should be cleansed before using them by placing them in
rock or sea salt water for 24 hours. Say a prayer over them after they are in
the salt asking that they be purified for your highest spiritual purpose. You
may also attune them to the creative energies of the earth , sun and moon by
placing them part way in the earth with tip pointing up during the three days
of the full moon. Do this in a place where the light of the sun and moon will
shine on them. Say a prayer at this time asking that the creative forces of the
earth, sun and moon will assist you in your highest spiritual purpose.
Next you must prepare a place for your Reiki grid. It should be a place that only
you have access to or at least a place that is your space it could be an altar or a
sacred place in your home on a desk top or shelf.
From the eight crystals select the one that seems the strongest and is the most
Yang or contains the most male energy. This will be your master charging
crystal. Then place six of the crystals at equal points around a circle about
12” in diameter pointing inward. This will create a hexagon or six sided
figure. Place the last crystal in the center pointing to one of the others. For
your central crystal, you may also choose to use a double terminated crystal, a
cluster, pyramid or crystal ball. Play with the arrangement until it feels right.
Take a picture of yourself and sign your name on the back. Also, draw the
four Reiki symbols on the back along with their names. Include an empowering
affirmation such as “I am perfectly protected and healed now on every level
of my being so that my greatest spiritual purpose is completely fulfilled,” or “I
allow the love and wisdom of my highest spiritual guides to protect , heal and
empower en to fulfill my true spiritual purpose,” or Higher-Self, guide me so
that I might be of greater service to others,” or “I allow myself to heal so
that my Reiki healing energies become stronger and stronger and stronger.”
Use any of these or any combination or use your own creative intuition to
make-up your own.

Mobile No: 91-9352516130

After your crystal have been purified and know how you will arrange them, and
your picture is prepared, your next step-is to charge your crystal with Reiki.
Take each crystal individually and channel Reiki into it for at least ten minutes.
As you do this say a prayer asking that your highest spiritual guides attune
to the crystal so as to assist you in your work and in the high spiritual
purpose of the Reiki grid. Also, ask your highest Reiki guides as well as
the angels and archangels to work with you in charging the grid. You can also
do a Reiki attunement on each crystal if you have taken Reiki III to give
them an even greater charge of higher frequency energy.
As you charge each crystal, place it in its proper position in the grid. After the
crystal are in position , do not move them as this will weaken their energy
connection. Then charge your master crystal in the same way.
The master crystal is to be used to keep your Reiki grid charged. Charge it
with Reiki in the same way as the others. Then while holding it in your
right hand, begin drawing out pie shaped sections above the grid imagining
energy coming from the master crystal and
charging the grid. Start with the central crystal and move out to an outer
crystal then across moving counter clockwise to the next outer crystal and
back to the centre then back out the same outer crystal you went in form and
so on, making pie shaped movements and moving around the grid in a counter
clock wise direction. As you do this , repeat an affirmation/mantra of power
such as: “ I empower this grid with light , with light , with light ]with light
to heal, to heal, I empower this grid with love, with love, and wisdom ,
wisdom, wisdom to heal, to heal, to heal, to heal with love, with love, with
love,” again ] feel free to use your creative intuition to create empowering
affirmation/mantras that feel right for you.
Meditation with your master crystal each day and use it to charge your
Reiki grid each day. If you miss a day or two, do not worry, However, for
you Reiki grid to remain activated , you must work with it regularly. For
greater and effectiveness, do the Reiki meditation while holding your master
crystal , and end the meditation by projecting the four Reiki symbols into
your master crystal , then use it to charge your Reiki grid.
If you have a person you would like to send Reiki to a project or goal you
would like to empower with Reiki , write it out on a piece of paper and
draw out the four Reiki symbols. Then Reiki it between your hands and place
it within your grid. Your gird will continuously send Reiki to heal the person or
manifest the goal.

Mobile No: 91-9352516130


The Hui Yin

A muscular contraction of the Hui Yin points is a necessary part of

giving Reiki attunements. The Hui Yin points is between the anus and the
genitals. When giving attunements a special type of high frequency Ki enters
your system and passes through the Hui Yin point as part of the process. This
point must be held for the entire time you are giving the attunements to
prevent KI form escaping form this point. Therefore, it important to practice
holding this point to build-up your coordination and muscular strength in this
Practice contracting the muscles in area twenty times in row and then holding
them as long as you can. Also practice contracting these muscles continuously
while you go about your daily activities. As you continue, it will become
easier and easier and you will be able to contract them for longer periods of
time. Your muscular coordination will develop so that you will be able to
isolate the different muscle groups in to back, middle and front. It in the
middle area that is important to hold for the attunements. This exercise in
similar to the Kagel birth exercises for woman.

Psychic Surgery

Negative psychic energy which is usually composed of negative thoughts

and feelings block the flow of life force and is the cause of disease. This non-
physical negative energy forms in to clumps with particular shape and
lodges itself in or around the physical organ, charkas or in the aura. It can be
removed using this technique.

Mobile No: 91-9352516130

This technique can be used to facilitate the healing of any issue including
physical health problems, career and money problems, emotional difficulties,
relationships, addictions, mental problems and spiritual problems, etc.

Psychic surgery can be done in conjunction with a regular Reiki session

with psychic surgery done first. It you have taken Reiki III, start with the
healing attunement, followed by psychic surgery and then regular Reiki.

1. Ask the client to describe the issue they would like to have healed.
2. Ask them to close their eyes and meditate on the Ask them “ if this
problem was in a part of the body, which part would it be in. “ This is
often easy as the client will feel tension or pain in an area of the body
whenever they think about the issue. It there is any difficulty in choosing
an area, just ask the client to take a guess with the idea that is no wrong
3. Ask them to imagine they are looking into the area have chosen. Ask
them “if this problem had a shape, what shape would it have. “ The shape
to be looked for is the shape of the negative energy that in causing or
represents the problem. If a person has a physical problem, it is important
for them to see the shape as negative energy surrounding the physical
organs or area of the body that has the problems rather than simply using
the shape of the organs themselves.
4. Do the same thing with color, texture, weight and sound so that they have
a clear image of the block. Remember that any answer is OK and that they
don’t have to get all of them.
5. Tell the client that you are going to sent the problem up to God or the
Higher power. Ask them to focus on the shape and meditate on letting
go of it. Also ask them to acknowledge and be willing go learn any
lesson or receive any information Related to the healing process.
6. The client can be standing or sitting in a chair.
7. Move behind the client, draw the Usui master symbol on both hands
and clap them together three times repeating its name to yourself three
times Do the same with the power symbol. Draw the power symbol
down the front of your body for protection. Draw the power over your
heart and crown charkas to open them.
8. Extend your Reiki fingers by pulling on your physical fingers and
imagine you are pulling them out into the air about six to eight inches.

Mobile No: 91-9352516130

As you are pulling your fingers out. Breath in through party closed lips so
can hear the air flowing. Do this three times. Then pat the ends of your
extended fingers and imagining you can actually feel them. Draw the
power symbol on the ends of the fingers. Do this with both hands. Move
you hands around imagining you can feel the extended fingers and the
power they contain.

The Process

9. Say a prayer, either out loud or to yourself. Ask Reiki guides, the angels
and archangels, all healing beings of light and God work with you to
create toe most powerful healing possible. Ask that the healing take place
within divine love and wisdom so that the highest good is created for
all concerned.
10.Draw the power symbol over the area where the block is located.
11.Stand in a powerful position and using the full strength of your total being
imagine you are reaching in and grabbing the negative energy with your
extended Reiki fingers pulling it out and sending it up to God. This is
done with physical, emotional, mental and spiritual intention – the full
strength of your being. You may actually be able to see the negative shape
or your may be aware of it in some way. Use your perception to guide
you in how you pull it out.
12.When you pull the negative energy out. Breath in vigorously through
partly closed lips making an audible sound. When you release the
negative energy up to God, breath out vigorously, when using the breath
in this way, imagine you are breathing in to your hands and not in to your
lungs., this will prevent you from pulling the negative energy in to yourself.
13.Continue to pull out the negative energy for several minutes. As you do
so, you will feel a change in how the area feels. This means you are
making progress. Try pulling from different angles and sides of the area
Allow yourself to be guided as to what to do and how to do it. Let the
area that is healing speak to you and guide you.
14.After continuing for four or five minutes, ask the client how they feel and
if they perceive any change in the shape of the negative energy. If the
shape is gone, you are done with this part. If it is still partially there, then
continue to pull the negative energy out until the client reports it is
completely gone or it has been replaced with positive energy.

Mobile No: 91-9352516130

15.If after several sets of pulling the negative energy is still present, you will
need to communicate. with the area to find out the lesson or what it
needs to heal. Draw the emotional/mental symbol on the area, hold your
hand (s) on the area and talk directly to the area asking for guidance form
it. Ask if there is a lesson that must be learned in order for the negative
energy to release. Ask the client to focus on the area and say whatever
comes in to her or his mind even if it seems silly or illogical or if it is
embarrassing. You should also say whatever comes into your mind.
16.use the guidance that comes, sometimes this is something that can be
done in the session such as forgiving someone or allowing love in. At
other times it is something that must be continued after the session.
17.After receiving and acting in this information, continue with additional
psychic surgery pulling out the negative energy and asking the client to
report the results.
18.Sometimes all the negative energy releases in the session, and at other
times a process of release is started that continues on its own for several
hours or days.
19.The area should be treated afterwards with Reiki to fill it with
healing energy. Use the power symbol to seal the treatment.
20.Use a karate chop in the air between you and the client to break the
connection between you and the client. Retract your fingers by pushing
them back as you blow out of your mouth.
21. Continue with a standard Reiki treatment using All the hands positions.


Place the Antahkarana symbol under the feet when doing this meditation. Do
a complete Reiki healing on yourself to that mediation. Then proceed with the
regular Reiki mediation you learnt in ART.
Then after step 9 of the regular Reiki mediation add this step. It is a modified
from of the Taoist Microcosmic Orbit mediation. Its purpose in to open and
clear the charkas and create a clear pathway for higher frequency energies
as they are brought into your system. It will allow these higher energies to
be fully assimilated and prevent problems, caused by too much energy in the
head of other parts of the body. It will also purify and/or release from your
system any negative energy you may have released from storage within
yourself or that you may have attracted. By circulating your energy the

Mobile No: 91-9352516130

negative energy is transmuted in the charkas as it passes through them and

may also be released form the charkas. This happens automatically as you
circulate it.
Hold your tongue to the roof of your mouth and gently contract the Hui Yin
point. Then picture the Power symbol at the navel point and your attention
there for 30 Sec. or up to several minutes. Then move to the next point down
and do the same. Proceeding around and up the sine to the head and back to
the navel using the points on the Reiki III Meditation chart. This will open
and clear each charka. Then , run white light around this circuit for several
minutes or up to a half hour. Picture it moving through each point. The flow
is always down the front and up the spine. You may choose to do this as a
separate meditation from the complete Reiki III mediation. It is very soothing
and creates a calm balanced state.

Mobile No: 91-9352516130


Contracting The Hui Yin

A muscular contraction of the Hui Yin point is a necessary part of giving Reiki
Attunements. The Hui Yin point is between the anus and the genitals. When
giving attunements, a special type of high frequency Chi process enters your
system & passes through the Hui Yin point as part of the process. This point
must be held for the entire time you are giving the attunements to prevent
Chi from escaping from this point. Therefore, it is important to practice
holding this point to build-up your coordination and muscular strength in this
Practice contracting the muscles in this area 20 times in a row and then holding
them as long as you can. Also practice contracting these muscles
continuously white you go about your daily activities. As you continue, it
will become easier and easier and you will be able to isolate different muscle
groups in to back, middle and front. It is the middle area that is important to
hold for the attunements. This exercise in similar to the Kagel birth exercises
for woman.

Mobile No: 91-9352516130

Reiki Attunements

The Reiki attunement is a sacred spiritual initiation that connects and initiate
with higher levels of consciousness and the unlimited source of healing
energy. It opens the crown, heart and palm charkas for their use in channeling
Reiki. Reiki is a gift which comes directly form the highest spiritual source
and as such should be treated with the greatest respect. It is unique in that
there are no requirement of spiritual purification necessary in order for it to
work and in order for a person to receive the attunements. This includes the
Reiki III attunement wherein one can go on the become a Reiki Master/Teacher.
Therefore the tern "Master" in connection with Reiki is a special one and does
not carry with it the same meaning as a spiritual master who is free of all
karma, completely purified and enlightened .
Anyone, regardless of the degree of their spiritual development may vary from
person 'to person , but the quality of Reiki energy remains the same.
Therefore ,all Reiki Master/ Teachers are equal in that they all have the
ability as teachers and their understanding of Reiki does vary and is
determined mainly by the standards of the individual teacher or school they
have student with along with personally developed skills and experience.

Giving Reiki Attunements

There are several different techniques in use for giving Reiki attunements. All
of them are effective. The process taught by the Centre has been distilled
from three slightly different techniques and includes the use of two Tibetan
Reiki symbols as well as the four Usui symbols . Experimentation with
emphasis on results was used to develop this attunement process. It is a
powerful, yet simple technique.
Intention is most important in giving the attunements. The Reiki spirit guides
that work with you get their cue as to which energies to use and what to do
from your intention. This is way it is possible to use the same technique for
Reiki I as for ll as it is simply the intention that makes the difference.
This also means that even if you are unable to visualize clearly or at all or if
you don't draw the symbols perfectly, or if you don't feel anything
happening or if your confidence is low, it doesn't matter, the attunement will
take place anyway simply because of your intention. Attunements work in the
same way that Reiki healing do. They flow automatically whenever you intend
them to. The attunement will take place whenever you simply go through
the motions with the intention of initiating a student into Reiki.
The first time I did an attunement, it as though I was just going through the
motions, I could not feel anything happening. This lowered my confidence to
the point that while doing the attunements. I was thinking that I would have

Mobile No: 91-9352516130

to refund each persons money as it wasn't working and I would have to go

back to my teacher and be re-attuned. However, I was surprised and pleased
afterward when people commented in how powerful attunement was and how
clearly they could feel the new Reiki energies flowing. Some of these
students were professional healers and clairvoyants who worked with
psychic energies everyday thus, they were qualifies to give an accurate
appraisal of with the fact that Reiki attunements are not dependent on the
conscious state of the person doing the attunements and work automatically.

How To Give A Reiki Attunement

Before starting the attunement process, have your students sitting in a row or
in a circle in straight back chairs. Make sure there is enough room in front
and in back for you to walk. Explain about the hands being in the prayer
position to start and that toughing the left shoulder is a signal to raise the
hands up to the top of the hand. Demonstrate this so everyone understands.
Also explain that you will be placing your hands on the top of the head.(
Sometimes during an attunement, a person will get confused and bring the
hands up when you place your hands on the top of your head instead of
when you tough the left shoulder so if this happens, gently motion their
hands back down. Also sometimes they forget to bring them up ) Then
guide them in to a meditation grounding them to the earth and connecting
them to the spiritual energy above.
You may also choose to do a self-attunement either before or after attuning
your students.
The four parts of the attunement process each have a different purpose and
cause different things to happen. Part one open the crown charka and brings
the energies down on to your aura and into the aura of the students. In part
two, the energies enter the hands, the body and charkas of the students. In
part three , the process is completed by sealing in the attunement,
disconnecting the students from the teacher, and permanently connecting the
students form the teacher, and permanently connecting the students to the
Reiki source. Part four is a blessing for the students.
Note : If you have problem visualizing, simply do the best you can and
imagine that the symbols are where you want them to be and it will work
just fine and be just as powerful as if you were visualizing them perfectly. It
is the intention that is important. Keep in mind that there are powerful Reiki
guides that will working with you. Infect one way to look at it is that they
are doing the attunement and you are simply acting as a channel.

Mobile No: 91-9352516130

Technique For Each Attunement

The Reiki I and II attunement is exactly the same with the intention making the
difference. Make sure you state in your mind which attunement you are
about to do before you begin and then simply follow the directions exactly.
It is what goes into the hands that makes the difference between the Reiki
This includes when the hands are on top of the head as well as when they are
open in front of the heart. In the Reiki I & II attunements , the three Reiki II
symbols go into the hands. In the ART attunement, the four Usui symbols go
into the hands. In Reiki III attunement the four Usui symbols plus the two
Tibetan symbols go into the hands.

Violet Breath

1. Contract Hui Yin point and place your tongue to roof of your mouth.

2. Draw in a breath imagining it as white light coming down through the

crown charka, through the tongue, down the front of the body(Functional
channel) through the Hui Yin point and up the spine(Governing channel) to
the centre of the hand. Imagine the white mist filling the head.

3. Within the violet light, picture the Tibetan Master Symbol.

4. Breathe the Tibetan Master Symbol and violet light into the students
crown charka and imaginethe symbol moving into the heart charka ( for
initiation attunements the symbol goes into the baseof thebrain ) as you
hant the secret name of the Tibetan Master symbol three times.

Reiki Healing Attunement

A Reiki attunement can be given for healing purposes only. This attunement
brings in high frequency healing energies which are more powerful and
effective then those given during a regular Reiki treatment. If done before
psychic surgery and a regular Reiki treatment, it will make the treatment
more effective by opening the aura and creating a move receptive state. The
healing attunement also creates the opportunity for the clients guides to work
with her him in a more powerful way. This attunement does not initiate the
client onto Reiki and can be done on anyone. It can be done on more than one
client at a time. It must be done in private with no one watching and with
eyes closed.

Mobile No: 91-9352516130

The reason the healing attunement does not initiate the client into Reiki is that
the symbols are not placed onto the hands.
The most powerful results are achieved by doing a Healing Attunement first.
Followed by psychic surgery as outlined in the ART manual and then a
standard Reiki treatment using all the hand positions.

Removing Negative Energy

The Reiki healing attunement is highly effective in removing negative

energies from the client. It will remove negative energy in the physical body,
aura and charkas and work to help release any blocks the client chooses. It
can also be used in conjunction with Spirit Release work.
Before beginning the healing attunement, explain to the client that or she must
be willing to let go the block and any other conditions in his or her life the
block may have created. They must be willing to make important changes in
their attitude about themselves and life concerning the issues involved and
to become aware of those issues in new ways. Have the client focus on the
block with the intention of releasing it during the healing attunement.

Empowering Goals

The healing attunement can also be used to empower goals. If there is

something that needs to heal before she or he can achieve, it is likely that
there is something that needs to heal before she or he can achieve it. There
may be unconscious negative feelings and thoughts about the goal that are
blocking its achievement such as fear of failure or feat of success etc. These
blocks can be focused on the client and released during the Healing
During the Healing Attunement, if is also possible to receive insight about
the goal and guidance in making plans. Sometime a particular goal is not in
harmony with a persons life path if this is the case, the client may be made
aware of this during the Healing Attunement.
Have the client focus on the goal and be willing to take responsibility for
doing whatever necessary to achieve in as well as being open to new ideas
and attitudes about it. A willingness to release unconscious negative attitudes
about the goal is also necessary.


The client should be sitting their feet on the floor and their hands palms down
their legs. The clients eyes should remain closed through out the healing
attunement with their attention focused inwardly on their purpose. A short

Mobile No: 91-9352516130

meditation can be done to connect the person to the positive energies of the
earth and to the positive energies from above.
1. Ask the client to describe the issue they would like to heal.
2. Ask then to close their eyes and meditate on the issue. Ask them " if his
problem was in a part of the body, which part would it be in. " This is
often easy as the client will feel tension or pain in an area of the body
whenever they thick about the issue. If they have difficulty choosing an
area, just ask the client to take a guess with the idea that there is no
wrong answer.
3. Ask them on imagine they are looking into the area they have chosen
and ask them " if this problem had a shape, what shape would it have.“
4. Do the same thing to find the color, texture, weight and sound shape
makes, so that they have a clear image of the block. Remember that any
answer is OK and that they don't have to get all of them.

Before actually starting the healing attunement, move behind the client and
ask a silent prayer, asking for the help of your spiritual guides , the Reiki
guides and helpers and the angels and archangels. Then silently state to
yourself and to them that this is to be a Healing attunement. Draw the Usui
master symbol and the power symbol on your plan charkas. Draw the power
symbol down the front of your body, and on your solar plexus, heart, throat,
third eye and crown charkas intending them to open to the light. Draw out
all six Reiki symbols in the air in front of you intending their energy to fill
the room. Then proceed.

Part One

1. Move behind the client and make the sign of the fire serpent from the top
of the head and down the back spiraling at the base of the spine.
2. Place both hands on top of the head and close your eyes meditating
briefly to gain energetic with the client.
3. Bring your tongue to the top of your mouth, contract the Hui Yin point
and do the violet breath ( Remember, you must continue holding the Hui
Yin point and the continue to keep your tongue touching the top of your
mouth throughout the entire process.) Open your hands and exhale in to
the crown charka picturing the Tibetan Master symbol moving from the
middle of your head, out with your breath and into the client crown
charka , then moving through the clients head and down into the charka
in to the initiating a person into Reiki.( when initiating into Reiki, the
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symbols go initiating a person into Reiki. When initiating in to Reiki, the

symbols go to the base of the brain; when giving a healing attunement, the
symbols go to the heart). As the symbol in moving , respect the secret
name of the Tibetan Master symbol three times in mantra like fashion
saying the last one as the symbol moves into the heart. As you visualize
the symbol moving, guide it with your right hand.
4. Draw the Usui master symbol over the head and white repeating the
secret name of the Usui Master symbol three times to yourself in mantra
like fashion, picture the symbol moving into the crown through the head
and lodging in the heart, guiding it with your right hand.
5. Repeat step four with Power symbol, the Mental/emotional symbol and the
distant symbol. Move on to the next client and repeat the above or if only
one client, move to the front and do part two.

Part Two

Move to the front and draw the Tibetan master symbol over the crown
charka. Then repeat the secret name of the Tibetan master symbol three
times as you guide the symbol through the third eye, the heart and then into
the solar plexus. Then gently tap the top of the head three times with the
finger tips.
Repeat the above step with the Usui master symbol the Power symbol, the
Mental emotional symbol, and the Distant symbol.
Gently blow toward the solar plexus, and continue blowing as you move up to
the heart, the third eye and crown. Continue blowing back down to the solar
plexus then back up to the crown. The blowing is don in one smooth
continuous motion, up then down, then back up. As you blow, use your
hands to guide the energy placing a strong intention on completely out. If the
client has described the block so as to move it up and out of the body/ chakras
/aura and up to the light.
Move to the next client and repeat the above or go to part three.

Part Three

1. place your hands on the clients shoulders and look down through the
crown chakra imagining you can see into the heart. Look for a soft pink
ball of light ( the ball of light could also be white, green lavender or gold) or
imagine one being three. lovingly place a positive affirmation in the
students heart and subconscious mind by repeating it to yourself three
times, intending it to be accepted by the subconscious mind and to enter
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the heart. Use affirmation such as " You are completely healed by Divine
love now " or " You are completely guided and cared for by God now "
You are empowered by Divine love, wisdom and power to achieve your
highest spiritual purpose now".
2. Place your dominant hand on the back of the clients heart chakra, and
the non-dominant hand on the shoulder. Repeat this phrase " I now
perfectly seal this healing process with Divine love and wisdom" while
picturing a door with the power symbol on it being closed and locked
over the heart chakra. While you do this, intend , will and feel that the
healing process is sealed and complete or that the client is ready to receive
Reiki treatment. Place hands on the client shoulders with the feeling that
both you and the student have been blessed by the experience.

Part Four

Move to the front of the client and hold your hands at waist level with palms
facing toward the client. Inhale and hold the breath briefly , then exhale while
releasing the Hui Yin point and tongue and intending the releasing energy
to act as a blessing for the client. Ask the client to breath deeply and slowly
and slowly open their eyes. Ask client of the negative shape is still there or if
it has changed. If more work is needed, use Psychic Surgery and a standard
Reiki treatment.

Part One

Before actually starting the attunement, move behind the client and
say a silent prayer, asking for the help of your spiritual guides, the Reiki
guides and helpers and the angels and archangels. Then silently state to
yourself and to them that this is to be a Healing Attunement. Draw the Usui
master symbol and the power symbol on your palm charkas. Draw the power
symbol down the front of your body, and on your solar plexus, heart, throat,
third eye and crown chakras intending them to open to the light. Draw out all
the six reiki symbols in the air in front you intending their energy to fill the
room. Then proceed.
1. Move behind the person and make the sign of the fire serpent from the top
of the head and down the back.
2. Place behind on top of the head close your eyes meditating briefly to gain
energetic rapport with the student.

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3. Bring your tongue to the top of your mouth, contract the Hui Yin point and
do the Violet Breath ( Remember, you must continue holding the Hui Yin
point and continue to keep your tongue touching the top your mouth
through out the entire process). Open your hands and exhale into the
crown chakra picturing the Tibetan Master symbol moving from the
middle of your head, out with your breath and into the students crown
chakra. Then picture it moving through the middle of the students head
and lodging in the base of the brain. At the same time it is moving
through the students head, repeat the secret name of the last name of the
Tibetan Master symbol three in the mantra like fashion saying the last
name as the symbol lodes in the base of the brain. As you visualize the
symbol moving, guide to with your right hand.
4. Draw the Usui Master symbol over the head and while repeating the
secret name of the Usui Master symbol three times to yourself in mantra
like fashion, picture the symbol moving into the crown chakra through the
head and lodging in the base of the brain, guiding it with your right hand.
5. Tough the students left shoulder signaling them to raise their prayer clasped
hands to the top of the head.
6. Draw the Power symbol in the air over the hands. Then picture the symbol
moving into the hands then down into the crown chakra through the head
and lodging in the base of the brain while chanting the secret name of
the power symbol to yourself three times. Do the same for the
mental/emotional symbol and the Distant symbol, guiding each symbol
with your right hand.
7. Gently move the student's hands from the top of their head motioning
them back down in front of heart. Move on to the next person and repeat
the above or if only one student, move to the front and do part two.

Part Two

1. Move to the front and open the students hands flat holding your left hand (
if you are right handed or the opposite if your left handed) under the
students hands. With your hand draw out the power symbol in the air
above the hands. Then picture the symbol moving into the hands as you
chant to yourself the secret name of the Power symbol three times. Then
slap the hands three times. Repeat with the mental/emotional symbol and
the Distant symbol.

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2. Bring the student's hands together and move them back in front of the
students heart. Hold your hands over the students hands and blow over the
hands, down to the solar plexus , then up to the third eye and crown and
back over the hands to the solar plexus and back to the hands. Move to the
next student and repeat the above or go to part three.

Part Three
1. Place your on the student's shoulders and look down through the crown
chakra imagining you can see all the way down to the root chakra at the
base of the spine. Look for a red ball fo tire or imagine one being there in
the root chakra. Place a positive affirmation in the students mind by
repeating it to yourself three times, intending it to be accepted by the
subconscious mind of the student such as " You are a successful and
confident Reiki healer" or " Divine love and wisdom guides and empowers
you in your use of Reiki “
2. Bring your hands together , placing your thumbs at the base of the skull.
Repeat this phrase " I now seal this process with Divine love and wisdom
" while picturing a door with the power symbol on it being closed and
locked. While you do this, intend, will and feel that the process is sealed
and complete and the students now connected directly to the Reiki source.
Place your hands in the students shoulders with the feeling that both of
you have been blessed by the experience.

Part Four

1. Move to the front of the student and hold your hands at waist level with
palms facing toward the student.
2. Inhale and hold your breath briefly, then exhale while releasing the Hui
Yin point and tongue and intending the releasing energy to act as a
blessing for the student.
3. Ask the student to breath deeply and gradually open the eyes.

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In several other attunement techniques, four attunement are given for

First degree Reiki. Experimentation has determined that the one attunement as
outlined in this manual is all that is necessary to fully initiate a student into
First degree Reiki. If for some reason you wish to use four attunement for
First degree, do the following :In attunements one to three, separately place
each of the symbols in the hands. In other world in attunement one, place the
mental/emotional symbol in the hands and in attunement three place the Distant
symbol in the hands. This includes when the hands are in the heat in part one, as
well as when they are in front in part two. Do everything else exactly the same.
In attunement four, place all three symbols in the hands as in a standard
attunement of r Reiki I & II.


The difference between the Reiki I & II attunement and the ART
attunement is what goes in to the hands. ART, the Usui Master symbol, along
with the other three symbols are placed in the hands, both when they are on the
top of the head in part one, as well as in part two when they are held flat in
front of the heart.
Before actually starting the attunement, move behind the client and say a
silent prayer, asking for the help of spiritual guides, the Reiki guides and
helpers and the angels and archangels. Then silently state to yourself and to
them that this is to be a Healing Attunement. Draw the Usui master symbol
and the power symbol on your palm chakras. Draw the power symbol down
the front of your body, and on your solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and
crown chakras intending them to open to the light. Draw out all sex Reiki
symbols in the air in front of your intending their energy to fill the room. Then
Part One

1. Move behind the person and make the sign of the fire serpent from the top of
the head and down the back.
2. Place both hands on top of the head and close your eyes meditating briefly
to gain energetic rapport.
3. Bring your tongue to the top of your mouth, contract the Hui Yin point
and do the violet Breath ( remember, you must continue holding the Hui
Yin point and continue to keep your tongue the top of your mouth
through out the entire process). Open your hands and exhale into the
crown chakra picturing the Tibetan Master symbol moving from the

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middle of your head, out with your breath and onto the students crown
chakra. Then picture it moving through the middle of the students head and
lodging in the base of the brain. At the same time it is moving through
the students head, repeat the secret name of the last name of the Tibetan
Master symbol three times in the mantra like fashion saying the last name
as the symbol lodges in the base of the brain. Use your right hand to guide
the symbols into the base of the brain.
4. Touch the students left shoulder signaling them to raise their prayer clasped
hands to the top of the head.
5. Draw the Usui Master symbol over the head and while repeating the
secret name of the Usui Master symbol three times to yourself in mantra
like fashion, picture the symbol moving through the hands, into the crown
chakra through the head and lodging in the base of the brain. Do the same
for the power symbol, the Mental/emotional symbol and the Distant
symbol. Guide the symbols with your hand into the base of the brain.
6. Gently move the student's hands from the top of their hands motioning
them back down in front of the heart.

Move on to the next person and repeat the above or if only one student,
move to the front and do part two.

Part Two

1. Move to the front and open the student's hands flat holding your left hand
( if you are right handed or the opposite if your left handed) under the
students hands. With your right hand draw out the Usui Master symbol in
the air above the hands. Then picture the symbol moving into the hands as
you chant to yourself the secret name of the Usui Master symbol to yourself
three times. The slap the hands three times. Repeat with the
mental/emotional symbol and the Distant symbol.
2. Bring the student's hands together and move them back in front of the
students heart. Hold your hands over the students hands and blow over the
hands, down to the solar plexus, then up to the third eye and crown and
back over the hands to the solar plexus and back to the hands, Move to
next the student and repeat the above or go to part three.

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Part Three

1. Place your on the student's shoulders and look down through the crown
chakra imagining you can see all the way down to the root chakra at the
base of the spine. Look for a red ball fo tire or imagine one being there in
the root chakra. Place a positive affirmation in the students mind by
repeating it to yourself three times, intending it to be accepted by the
subconscious mind of the student such as " You are a successful and
confident Reiki healer" or " Divine love and wisdom guides and empowers
you in your use of Reiki “
2. Bring your hands together , placing your thumbs at the base of the skull.
Repeat this phrase " I now seal this process with Divine love and wisdom
" while picturing a door with the power symbol on it being closed and
locked. While you do this, intend, will and feel that the process is sealed
and complete and the students now connected directly to the Reiki source.
Place your hands in the students shoulders with the feeling that both of
you have been blessed by the experience.

Part Four

1. Move to the front of the student and hold your hands at waist level with
palms facing toward the student.
2. Inhale and hold your breath briefly, then exhale while releasing the Hui
Yin point and tongue and intending the releasing energy to act as a
blessing for the student.
3. Ask the student to breath deeply and gradually open the eyes.


It is possible to perform a Reiki attunement on yourself. You can use this

technique to perform a Reiki initiatory attunement involving the hands or a
healing attunement. Simply use one of your legs, bent at the knee intend that
the knee is your head and the thigh is your back. Do part one. If you want to
do an initiatory attunement using the hands, place you left hand only above
the knee, intending that it represents both hands. Use your right hand to draw
out the symbols in the air above , picturing them moving down through the
hand and into the knee as though it is your head.
Do part two using your opposite knee as the front of your body.
If doing an initiatory attunement using the hands, intend that your left hand
represents both hands. Draw out the symbols in the air above your left hand
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and slap both hands together. Then blow over the hands, third eye and solar
plexus areas as represented by the leg.
Return to the knee for part four.
Use the right knee for part four.
Remember, it is your intention in the most important part of doing
attunements along with what you imagine to be true. Because of this , can
also use a Teddy Bear or a pillow to represent yourself when doing a self-


It is possible to send attunement to others at a distance. Use a teddy bear or a

pillow placed in a chair to represent the person you intend to send the
attunement to. Draw the Distant symbol over the teddy bear or pillow and
repeat the persons name three times intending that the teddy bear or pillow
represents them that the attunement will go to them. Them proceed with the
attunement process. You can send a healing attunement they already have. For
the front part of the attunement, draw a picture of hands on a piece of paper
with the persons name on it and tape it to the front.


Practice doing attunement on friends and family. Reiki support groups are a
great place to practice attunements. The initiatory attunement should only be
practiced on people who already have received the attunement you want to
practice. While an attunement will last a life time and no additional
attunements are necessary in order for the person to continue to have Reiki,
additional attunement strengthen and refine the Reiki energy they already
have and can also create spiritual experiences. The healing attunements can be
done on anyone.


The Reiki practitioner/teacher must allow her or himself to confirm to the

nature of Reiki energy if they to be perceived by others as authentic and if
they are to be truly successful. People cannot be so easily fooled by surface
spiritually now. They want the real teacher who comes from experience and
is working on her or his own deep healing.
This is a continual process of working with all aspects of one's being that are
out of step with Reiki and allowing those aspects to heal. One must release

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all negative thoughts, feelings and energies as they arise and allow the Reiki
consciousness to replace them.
It in not wrong to have a negative thought or feeling as we are all human. In
fact, it is important for us to accept that we have faults and weaknesses.
Only than can we release them into the Reiki light to be healed.
The true nature of the Reiki energy is that it works in harmony with all
people in a spirit loving cooperation and free flowing joy, the true Reiki
practitioner/teacher dose not complete with others, but works in joyful
cooperation. This means being happy about the success of others, even when we
do not perceive ourselves as being successful.
In my experience there have been two principles that have become must
important to me. They involve trust and humility and as follows:
1. To trust completely in the God-Self or Higher- Power the source of Reiki as
the only source of guidance and sustenance. This is something that can be
developed with experience over time to be very effective. The God-Self is
filled with complete wisdom and all powerful. You will never find a better
source of help. As you skill with Reiki grows, your power will grow as well.
It is important to never use tour developing personal to have power over
others. If you are to be free and to heal completely , it is important to use
your increasing personal power to help others connect more strongly with
the God-Self and be free also.
2. Do not complete with others, but become an increasing channel for the
Divine value the God-Self has to others trough you. You have unique
qualities and the Higher-power has a special purpose for you different
from anyone else. Focus only on allowing your Divine purpose to shine
forth and you will never have to worry about lack or competition from
others. In fact, after a while you will realize that competition is only a
figment of a negative imagination , it doesn't exist. Life is one flow that
we are all a part of. Trust in the flow of life. Completely accept life. Allow
life to flow through you to others. This is the way of Reiki. It will heal you
in every way bringing deeply felt happiness, peace real freedom.
3. With humility , be willing to look at, feel and release all impurity ,
negatively and darkness that is within you so that your true light will
shine more brightly. Realize that your outer world is a reflection of your
inner state. If there are people or situations in your life that you have
decided are negative , then there is part of you that if you were of it you
would label negative as well. When you notice yourself having negative
thoughts or feelings toward other people or situations, look inside
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yourself and be willing to accept your dark parts, the parts you have
hidden away. Allow yourself to accept them as part of yourself. Ask to be
shown the lesson they contain. Allow yourself to learn the lesson. Then
forgive yourself and release the imbalanced part, the hurt part into the
Reiki light. Let go of it and allow it to be healed. This is the mature way to
deal with life's difficulties. It takes courage and can also be painful, but
as you do it, you will be building a foundation for success that can never be
shaken. You will come to realize that all things in life have a place. i.e.,
worthwhile and beneficial. Treat your students with the greatest respect.
Never use fear, subtle threats of the withholding of information to force your
students to be depended on you. Openly encourage each student to be
connected to his or her own power and freedom. What you create for others
comes back to you. Trust in the abundance of the universe and you will be
blessed with peace and joy.

Here Is Your Assignment

1. You Will Receive A Body

You may like it or not, but it will be your for the entire period this time

2. You Will Learn Lessons

You are enrolled in a full-time, informal school called life. Each day in
this school you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like the
lessons or think them irrelevant stupid.

3. There Are No Mistakes, Only Lessons

Growth is a process of trial and error, experimentation. The "failed"

experiments are as much a part of the process as the experiment that ultimately

4. A Lesson Is Repeated Until It Is Learned

A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned
it, then you can go on to the next lesson.

Mobile No: 91-9352516130

5. Learning Lessons Does Not End

There is no part of life that does not contain its lessons. If you are alive,
there are lessons to be learned.

6. "There Is No Better Than "Here"

When you "there" has become a "here", you will simply obtain another
"there" that will, again, look better than "here"

7. Others Are Merely Mirrors of You

You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects
to you something you love or hate about yourself.

8. What You Make Of Your Life Is Up To You

You have all the tools and resources you need; what you do with them is
up to you. The choice is yours.

9. The Answers Lie inside You

The answers to life's questions lie inside you. All you need to do is look
listen, and trust.

10.Whether You Thank You Can or Can't,

In Either Case You'll Be right Think About it.


The following is an outline of another attunement technique. It is

including in this manual so that you will have additional information about
another system currently in use. It is not intended for you to use this
technique as a Center certified Reiki teacher when taking Reiki classes. The
attunement techniques outlined above which we practice in class that
include the Tibetan symbols have proven to be the most effective. The
following technique is for informational and experimentation purposes only.
This is a first degree initiation done with for attunement and comes from
the Furumoto Lineage. This is an Usui attunement and does not include the
Tibetan symbols or the violet breath.

Mobile No: 91-9352516130

1. Move behind the student and draw the Power symbol vertically over the
head and repeat its secret name to yourself three times.
2. Draw the Distant symbol vertically starting at the top of the head and
going down the back and repeat its secret name to yourself three times.
3. Draw the power symbol horizontally over the top of the head and respect
its secret name to yourself three times.
4. Place the dominant hand on top of the students head and other hand upright
in the air.
5. Repeat the secret name of the Distant symbol three times and the secret
name of the Usui Master symbol three times to yourself in mantra
like fashion. ( This is a mantra used many times throughout the
attunement process).
6. For attunement one do seven sets of mantra. For attunement two to four, do
three sets of the mantra.
7. For the fourth attunement only, move the non-dominant hand to the base of
the skull to seal and repeat the mantra in step 5 three times. Wait for
energy to equalize between hands.
8. For second to fourth attunement, place hands; on shoulders and say the
mantra three times.
9. Move to the front and draw the power symbol with your dominant hand
over the students hands that are in the prayer position. Say the secret
name of the power symbol three times. Hold the students hands with
your hands so that the thumb of your dominant hand is folded over the
top of the students fingers and say the mantra three times. Then place
over fingers of your dominant hand between the students hands with the
thumb of your dominant hand still folded over the top of the students
fingers and say the mantra three times.
10.Move the students prayer clasped hand up the third eye so the students
thumb in line with the third eye.
11.Draw a large Power symbol in front of the main torso and say the secret
name of the power symbol three times.
12.Draw the power symbol with tongue in the roof of the mouth and say its
secret name three times as you blow over the finger tips and top of the
13.Repeat step 12 with the heart chakra and solar plexus.
14.Move hands down to their original position in front if the heart.

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15.Draw the power symbol over the forehead and say its secret name three
times Place your dominant hand horizontally directing it and the third
eye with non dominant hand going up into the air. Picture the power
symbol going into the head.
16.Remove hand from forehead and draw a large power symbol in front of
the student to close. Bring your hands down to your sides to close energy.


This information is sacred. Do not show it to anyone or leave it where others

could read it.
There are several differences between the original Usui system of attunements
and the Usui /Tibetan system used by the Center. In the Usui /Tibetan
system, the two Tibetan symbols have been added along with the Violet
breath. The technique of placing the symbols in to the third eye used in the
Usui system is not used in the standard Usui/ Tibetan system as it can be
too powerful for some people. However , if you are guided to do so, feel free
to include it in the Usui/Tibetan system prior to placing the symbols in to
the hands. Four attunements are used in the original Usui system in the First
degree attunement process whereas in the standard Usui/Tibetan system, one
attunement is used.
Begin each attunement process using the instructions on page 6 in your
Reiki III manual titled " How to Give a Reiki Attunement." Then proceed with
the following.


You will be placing only the power symbol into the hands during all four
attunements for First Degree. This includes when the hands are on the head as
well as when they are open in front.

First Of Four Attunements

Part one (back)

1. Place both hands on top of the head and close your eyes meditating briefly
to gain energetic Rapport with the student.
2. Draw the Usui Master symbol over the head and while repeating the
secret name of the Usui Master symbol three time to yourself like fashion,
picture the symbol moving into the crown chakra through the head and
lodging in the base of the brain, guiding it with your right hand.

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3. Touch the students left shoulder signaling them to raise their prayer
clasped hands to the top of the head.
4. Draw the Power symbol in the air over the hands. Then picture the symbol
moving into the hands then into the crown chakra through the head and
lodging in the base of the brain while chanting the secret name of the
power symbol to yourself three times.
5. Gently move the students hands from the top of their head motioning
them back in front of heart.

Move on to the person and repeat the above or if you have only one student,
move to the front and do part two.

Part Two (Front)

1. Move to the front and open the student's hands flat holding your left
hand ( if you are right handed or the opposite if your left handed) under
the students hands.
2. Draw the power symbol in front of the students third eye, then chant the
secret name of the power symbol three times as you picture it moving
into the head through the third eye.
3. With your right hand draw out the power symbol in the air above the
hands. Then picture the symbol moving into the hands as /you chant to
yourself the secret name of the power symbol three times. Then slap the
hands three times.
4. Bring the students hands together and move them back in front of the
students heart. Blow over the hands , up to the third eye, and crown , and
back over the hands to solar plexus and back to hands.

Move to next student and repeat the above or go to part three.

Part Three ( Back)

1. Place your hands on the student's shoulders and look down through the
crown chakra imagining you can see into the students heart chakra. Place
a positive affirmation in the students heart by repeating it to yourself three
times, intending it to be accepted by the subconscious mind by placing it
into the heart chakra of the student such as " You are a successful and
confident Reiki healer" or " Divine love and wisdom guides and empowers
you in your use of Reiki“
Mobile No: 91-9352516130

2. Bring your hands together, placing your thumbs at the base of the skull.
Repeat this phrase" I now seal this process with Divine love and wisdom"
while picturing a door with the power symbol on it being closed and
locked. While you do this, intend , will and feel that the process is sealed
and complete and the student is now connected directly to the Reiki source.
3. Place your palms on the students shoulders and repeat the affirmation "
We are both blessed by this process " or hold this feeling for several
4. Move to the front. Ask the student to place their hands palm down on
their legs and to breath deeply and slowly while opening their eyes.
You may add a final blessing of your own choosing if are so inclined at
this point.

Second And Third Of Four Attunements

Note that the second and third attunements for First degree Reiki are exactly the

Part One (Back)

1. Place both hands on top of the head close your eyes meditating briefly to
gain energy rapport with the student.
2. Draw the Usui Master symbol over the head and while repeating the
secret name of the Usui Master cymbol three times to yourself in mantra
like fashion, picture the symbol moving in to the crown chakra through
the head and lodging in the base of the brain, guiding it with your right
3. Draw the Distant symbol over the head and while repeating the secret
name of the Distant symbol three time to yourself in mantra like fashion,
the picture the symbol moving into the crown chakra through the head and
lodging in the base of the brain guiding it with your right hand.
4. Touch the students left shoulder signaling them to raise prayer clasped
hands to the top of the head.
5. Draw the power symbol in the air the hands. Than picture the symbol
moving into the hands then down into the crown chakra through the head
and lodging in the base of the brain while chanting the secret name of
the power symbol to yourself three times.

Mobile No: 91-9352516130

6. Gently move the students hands from the top of their head motioning
them back down in front of heart.

Move on to the next person and repeat the above or if you have only one
student, move to the front and do part, two.

Part Two (Front)

1. Move to the front and open the student's hands holding your left hand ( if
you are right handed or the opposite if your left handed) under the students
2. Draw the Power symbol in front of the students third eye, then chant the
secret name of the Power symbol three times as you picture it moving
into the head through the third eye.
3. Draw the Distant symbol in front of the students third eye, then chant the
secret name of the Distant symbol three times as you picture it moving
into the head through the third eye.
4. With your right hand draw out the Power symbol in the air above the
hands. Then picture the symbol moving into the hands as you chant to
yourself the secret name of the power symbol three times. Then slap the
hands three times.
5. Bring the students hands together and move them back in front the students
heart. Blow over the hands, up to the third eye, and crown, and back over
the hands to solar plexus and back to hands.

Move to next student and repeat the above or go to part three.

Part Three (Back)

1. Place your hands on the student's shoulders and look down through the
crown chakra imagining can see on to the students heart chakra. Place a
positive affirmation in the students heart by repeating it to yourself three
times, intending it to be accepted by the subconscious mind of the student
such as " You are a successful and confident Reiki healer" or " Divine
love and wisdom guides and empowers you and your use of Reiki".
2. Bring your hands together, placing your thumbs at the base of the skull.
Repeat this phrase" I now seal this process with Divine love and wisdom "
while picturing a door with the power symbol on it being closed and

Mobile No: 91-9352516130

locked. While you do this, intend, will and feel that the process is sealed and
complete and the student is now connected directly to the Reiki source.
3. Place your palms on the students shoulders and repeat the affirmation "
we are both blessed by this process " or hold this feeling for several
4. Move to the front. Ask the student to place their palm down on their legs
and to breath and slowly while opening their eyes. You may add a final of
your own choosing if you are so inclined at this point.

Fourth Of Four Attunement

Part One ( Back )

1. Place both hands on top of the head and close your eyes meditating
briefly to gain energetic rapport with the student.
2. Draw the Usui Master symbol over the head and while repeating the
secret name of the Usui Master symbol three times to yourself in mantra
like fashion, picture the symbol moving in to the crown chakra through
the head and lodging in the base of the brain, guiding it with your right
3. Draw the Distant symbol over the head and while repeating the secret
name of the Distant symbol three time to your self in mantra like fashion,
the picture the symbol moving into the crown chakra through the head
and lodging in the base of the brain guiding it with your right hand.
4. Draw the mental/ emotional symbol over the head and while repeating the
secret name of the mental/ emotional cymbol three time to yourself in
mantra like fashion, picture the symbol moving into the crown chakra
through the head and lodging in the base of the brain, guiding it with your
right hand.
5. Touch the student's left shoulder signaling them to raise their clasped
hands to the top of the head.
6. Draw the Power symbol in the air over the hands. Then picture the
symbol moving into the hands then down in to the crown chakra through
the head and lodging in the base of the brain while chanting the secret
name of the power symbol to yourself three times.
7. Gently move the students hands from the top of their motioning them
back down on front of heart.

Mobile No: 91-9352516130

Move on the next person and repeat the above or if you have only one
student, move to the front and do part two.

Part Two ( Front)

1. Move to the front and open the student's hands flat holding your left
hand ( if you are right handed or the opposite if your left handed) under
the students hands.
2. Draw the power symbol in front of the students third eye, then chant the
secret name of the power symbol three times as you picture it moving
into the head through the third eye.
3. Draw the Distant symbol in front of the students third eye, then chant the
secret name of the Distant symbol three times as you picture it moving
into the head through the third eye.
4. Draw the mental/emotional symbol in the front of the students third eye,
then chant the secret name of the Distant symbol three times as you picture
it moving into the head through the third eye.
5. With your right hand draw out the power symbol in the air above the
hands. Then picture the symbol moving in to the hands as you chant to
yourself the secret name of the power symbol three times. Then slap the
hands three times.
6. Bring the students hands together and move them back in front of the
students heart. Blow over the hands, up to the third eye and crown , and
back over the hands to solar plexus and back to hands.

Move to the next student and repeat the above or go to part three.

Part Three (Back)

1. Place your hands on the student's shoulders and look down through the
crown chakra imagining you can see into the students heart chakra. Place
a positive affirmation in the students heart by repeating it to yourself
three times. Intending it to be accepted by the subconscious mind of the
student such as " You are a successful and confident Reiki healer" or "
Divine love and wisdom guides and empowers you in your use of Reiki".
2. Bring your hands together, placing your thumbs at the base of the skull.
Repeat this phrase " I now seal this process with Divine love and
wisdom" while picturing a door with the power symbol on it being and

Mobile No: 91-9352516130

locked. While you do this, intend, will and feel that the process is sealed
and complete and the student is now connected directly to the Reiki source.
3. Place your palms on the students shoulders and repeat the affirmation "
We are both blessed by this process" or hold this feeling for several
4. Move to the front. Ask the student to place their hands palm down on
their legs and to breath deeply and slowly while opening their eyes.
You may add a final blessing of your own choosing if you are so inclined at
this point.



Your will be placing the power, Mental/Emotional and the Distant symbols into
the hands for the second Degree attunement. This includes when they are on the
as well as when they are open in front.

Part One (Back)

1. Place both hands on top of the hand and close your eyes meditating
briefly to gain energetic rapport with the student.
2. Draw the Usui Master symbol over the hand and while repeating the secret
name of Usui Master symbol three to yourself in mantra like fashion,
picture the symbol moving into the crown chakra through the head and
lodging in the base of the brain, guiding it with your right hand.
3. Touch the student's left shoulder signaling them to raise their prayer clasped
hands to the top of the head.
4. Draw the Distant symbol over the head and while repeating the secret
name of the Distant symbol three times to yourself in mantra like fashion,
the picture d the symbol moving into the crown chakra through the head
and lodging in the base of the brain guiding it with your right hand.
5. Draw the mental/Emotional symbol over the head and while repeating
the secret name of the mental/ Emotional symbol three times to yourself
in mantra like fashion, picture the symbol moving into the crown chakra
through the head and lodging in the base of the brain, guiding it with your
right hand.

Mobile No: 91-9352516130

6. Draw the power symbol in the air over the hands. Then picture the
symbol moving into the hands then down into the crown chakra through
the head and lodging in the base of the brain while chanting the secret
name of the power symbol to yourself three times. Gently move the
students hands from the top of their head motioning them back down in
front of heart.

Move on to the next person and repeat the above or if you have only one
student, move to the front and do part two.

Part Two (Front)

1. Move to the front and open the student's hands flat holding your left hand
( if you are right handed or the opposite if your left handed) under the
students hands.
2. Draw the power symbol in front of the student third eye, then chant the
secret name of the power symbol three times as you picture under the
students hands.
3. Do step 2 with the Mental/Emotional and Distant symbol so that you place
all three symbols into the third eye.
4. With your right hand draw out the power symbol in the air above the
hands. Then picture the symbol moving in to the hands as you chant to
yourself the secret name of the power symbol three times. Then slap the
hands three times.
5. Do step 4 with the Mental/Emotional symbol and the Distant symbol so
that you place all three symbols into the hands.
6. Bring the student's hands together and move them back in front of the
students heart. Blow over the hands, up to the third eye, and crown , and
back over the hands to solar plexus and back to hands.

Move to next the student and repeat the above or go to part three.

Part Three (Back)

1. Place your hands on the student's shoulders and look down through the
crown chakra imagining you can see in to the students heart chakra. Place
a positive affirmation in the students heart by repeating it to yourself
three times, intending it to be accepted by the subconscious mind of the

Mobile No: 91-9352516130

student such as " You are a successful and confident Reiki healer" or "
Divine love and wisdom guides and empowers you in your use of Reiki".
2. Bring your hands together, placing your thumbs at the base of the skull.
Repeat this phrase" I now seal this process with Divine love and wisdom
"while picturing a door with the power symbol on it being closed and
locked. while you do this, intend, will and feel that the process is sealed
and complete and the student now connected directly to the Reiki
3. Place your palms on the students shoulders and repeat the affirmation "We
are both blessed by this process" or hold this feeling for several seconds.
4. Move to the front. Ask the student to place their hands palm down on their
legs and to breathe deeply and slowly while opening their eyes. You may
add a final blessing of your own choosing if you are so inclined at this


 To establish and maintain standards for teaching Reiki.

 To certify students and teachers.

 To cerate instruction manuals to use in Reiki classes.

 To encourage the establishment of Reiki support groups where

people can give and receive Reiki treatments.

 To support people in the development and use of their Reiki skills

 To encourage students to become successful Reiki teachers if they are

guided to do so.

 To openly acknowledge the value provided by all Reiki practitioners,

and teachers regardless of their lineage or affiliation.

 To promote the friendly cooperation between all Reiki practitioners

and teachers to word the goal of healing ourselves and planet Earth
through the use of Reiki.

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