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Introduction to Aeronautics 2 nd Mid-Semester Exam MM: 25

Answer any three questions. Each question carries 5 marks.

1. An airplane flies at 500 km/h at an altitude of 5250 m. What temperature and pressure might you
expect on the nose of the airplane, where the flow should come to rest?
2. Estimate the value of lift coefficient of an elliptic wing having NACA 0012 airfoil as cross-section and
aspect ratio 6 at angle of attack 6°.
3. The altimeter on a low-speed airplane reads 2 km. The airspeed indicator reads 50 m/s. If the outside
air temperature is 280 K, what is the true velocity of the airplane?
4. Show that for a delta wing in the shape of a pure triangle having quarter chord sweep angle Λ1/4,
the aspect ratio is 3 cotΛ1/4.
5. Consider an airplane flying at some real altitude. The outside pressure and temperature are 2.65 x
104 N/m2 and 220 K, respectively. What are the temperature and density altitudes?
6. Calculate the speed of sound in Helium at a temperature 20° C.

Answer any five questions. Each question carries 2 marks.

7. Define aerodynamic centre and centre of pressure.
8. Why are wingtip vortices formed in a finite wing?
9. What is dynamic pressure? Which instrument may be used to measure it in low-speed flow?
10. For the same equivalent air speed, will the true airspeed increase or decrease with altitude? Why?
11. What will be the effect of increase in aspect ratio on induced drag and why?
12. What is the difference between streamlined and bluff bodies?
13. Consider a NACA 2412 airfoil having chord length 12 ft. What will be its maximum thickness?

Introduction to Aeronautics 2 nd Mid-Semester Exam MM: 25

Answer any three questions. Each question carries 5 marks.
1. An airplane flies at 500 km/h at an altitude of 5250 m. What temperature and pressure might you
expect on the nose of the airplane, where the flow should come to rest?
2. Estimate the value of lift coefficient of an elliptic wing having NACA 0012 airfoil as cross-section and
aspect ratio 6 at angle of attack 6°.
3. The altimeter on a low-speed airplane reads 2 km. The airspeed indicator reads 50 m/s. If the outside
air temperature is 280 K, what is the true velocity of the airplane?
4. Show that for a delta wing in the shape of a pure triangle having quarter chord sweep angle Λ1/4,
the aspect ratio is 3 cotΛ1/4.
5. Consider an airplane flying at some real altitude. The outside pressure and temperature are 2.65 x
104 N/m2 and 220 K, respectively. What are the temperature and density altitudes?
6. Calculate the speed of sound in Helium at a temperature 20° C.

Answer any five questions. Each question carries 2 marks.

7. Define aerodynamic centre and centre of pressure.
8. Why are wingtip vortices formed in a finite wing?
9. What is dynamic pressure? Which instrument may be used to measure it in low-speed flow?
10. For the same equivalent air speed, will the true airspeed increase or decrease with altitude? Why?
11. What will be the effect of increase in aspect ratio on induced drag and why?
12. What is the difference between streamlined and bluff bodies?
13. Consider a NACA 2412 airfoil having chord length 12 ft. What will be its maximum thickness?

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