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Aerodynamics Second Mid-Semester Exam MM: 25 Time: 1 hour

Q.1 Answer any two questions. Each question carries 8 marks.

a) The velocity field is described the equation v͢ = −3 î + 3 ĵ. Does a velocity potential exist? If so, find the
potential function.
b) Sketch the streamline pattern for uniform flow over a sink with justification.
c) A source and sink of strength 4m2/s and 8m2/s are located at (-1,0) and (1,0) respectively. Find the
velocity induced at the point (1,1).
d) Derive an expression for potential function over a doublet using the expression for its streamfunction.
e) A two-dimensional flow field is made up of a source at origin and a flow given by φ = r2cos2θ. What is
the position of stagnation point?
f) A 2d velocity field has velocities along the x and y directions given by u = x2t, v = 2xyt respectively,
where t is the time. What is the equation of streamline?
g) How many stagnation points are possible if a doublet is placed in uniform flow with its axis normal to
the freestream?
Q.2 Answer any five questions. Each question carries 2 marks.
a) State Kelvin’s theorem.
b) Define velocity potential. For what kind of flow is it defined?
c) For what conditions can the flow field be described by Laplace equation and why?
d) Write the expression for velocity potential for an irrotational vortex and sketch equipotential lines.
e) Plot coefficient of pressure over circular cylinder for potential flow.
f) If a very high value of circulation is associated with potential flow over a circular cylinder, where will the
stagnation points lie?
g) If a doublet is placed next to an infinite straight wall, how can that flow be modelled? Show using

Aerodynamics Second Mid-Semester Exam MM: 25 Time: 1 hour

Q.1 Answer any two questions. Each question carries 8 marks.
a) The velocity field is described the equation v͢ = −3 î + 3 ĵ. Does a velocity potential exist? If so, find the
potential function.
b) Sketch the streamline pattern for uniform flow over a sink with justification.
c) A source and sink of strength 4m2/s and 8m2/s are located at (-1,0) and (1,0) respectively. Find the
velocity induced at the point (1,1).
d) Derive an expression for potential function over a doublet using the expression for its streamfunction.
e) A two-dimensional flow field is made up of a source at origin and a flow given by φ = r2cos2θ. What is
the position of stagnation point?
f) A 2d velocity field has velocities along the x and y directions given by u = x2t, v = 2xyt respectively,
where t is the time. What is the equation of streamline?
g) How many stagnation points are possible if a doublet is placed in uniform flow with its axis normal to
the freestream?
Q.2 Answer any five questions. Each question carries 2 marks.
a) State Kelvin’s theorem.
b) Define velocity potential. For what kind of flow is it defined?
c) For what conditions can the flow field be described by Laplace equation and why?
d) Write the expression for velocity potential for an irrotational vortex and sketch equipotential lines.
e) Plot coefficient of pressure over circular cylinder for potential flow.
f) If a very high value of circulation is associated with potential flow over a circular cylinder, where will the
stagnation points lie?
g) If a doublet is placed next to an infinite straight wall, how can that flow be modelled? Show using

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