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Demographic Information:

1. Age:
- 18-25
- 26-35
- 36-45
- 46-55
- 56 and above

2. Gender:
- Male
- Female
- Prefer not to say

3. Education Level:
- High School or Below
- Bachelor's Degree
- Master's Degree or Higher

4. Number of People in Household:

- 1-2
- 3-4
- 5 or more

Solar Panel Awareness:

5. Are you aware of solar panels as a source of renewable energy?

- Yes
- No

Have you seen solar panels installed in any residential villas in your area?

- Yes
- No

Perceived Benefits (Likert Scale):

6. Please rate the extent to which you agree with the following benefits of using solar panels in residential

- Reduces Electricity Bills

- Environmentally Friendly
- Increases Property Value
- Energy Independence
- Others (please specify)

7. What factors do you consider as barriers to adopting solar panels in your villa? (Select all that apply)

- High Initial Costs

- Lack of Information
- Aesthetic Concerns
- Technical Complexity
- Insufficient Government Incentives
- Others (please specify)

Is the concern about initial installation costs a significant factor in your decision-making process?

- Yes
- No

Government Incentives:

8 . Are you aware of any government incentives or subsidies for installing solar panels in residential villas?

- Yes
- No

Would government incentives influence your decision to adopt solar panels?

- Strongly Influence
- Somewhat Influence
- Neutral
- Somewhat Discourage
- Strongly Discourage

Environmental Impact (Likert Scale):

9. Please rate the importance of reducing carbon emissions and environmental impact in your decision to
adopt solar panels.

- Not Important
- Somewhat Important
- Neutral
- Important

- Very Important

Technical Knowledge:

10 . How confident are you in your understanding of the technical aspects of solar panel installation and

- Very Confident
- Confident
- Neutral
- Not Confident
- Not at all Confident

Would you prefer professional assistance for installation and maintenance, or are you comfortable
managing it yourself?

- Prefer Professional Assistance

- Comfortable Managing Myself
- Depends

Energy Independence (Likert Scale):

11. How much does concern about energy security and independence influence your interest in adopting
solar panels?

- Not Influential
- Slightly Influential
- Moderately Influential
- Highly Influential
- Extremely Influential

Neighborhood Influence:

12. Would knowing that your neighbors have adopted solar panels influence your decision to do so?

- Strongly Influence
- Somewhat Influence
- Neutral
- Somewhat Discourage
- Strongly Discourage

13. Future Trends (Likert Scale):

In your opinion, do you think solar panels will become a standard feature in residential villas in the
UAE in the future?

- Strongly Disagree
- Disagree
- Neutral
- Agree
- Strongly Agree

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