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Poetic Devices

Meta p ho r
■ bowe r quiel ■ sweet dreams
■ wreaLhing a flowe ry ba nd • pall
■ e ndless fo untain of immortal drink

■ noble nalurc s ■ cooling covert
■ ba nd Lo bind
■ flowe ry ba nds ■ shad y boon
■ daffodils in g iven world ■ clear rills
■ cooling coverl ■ gra nde ur o f the dooms
■ e ndless fountain of immortal drink
■ simple sheep (refe rs Lo mankind as Chrisl is Lhe she phe rd~\ ~

Transferred Epithet 111ii,.\ \ "

■ gloomy d ays ■ wi{_" '~tya nd o'er d a rke ned ways
Hyperbole ~<)"-
• en d less mounLain
Rhyme Scheme
• aa bb cc
~ /ummary
This poem presents the reader with the views of Keats on beauty and its value, and its
importance to humans. Beauty, in whatever form it may be found, is an eternaJ joy to humans,
because it offers humans the constant opportunity to reflect on that beauty, which stands in
such stark contrast to the dejection, monotony and ugliness of our everyday Jives. In spite of all
the difficulties and the sufferings that humans face, beauty has the ability to produce happiness
and temporarily shift the burdens that humans bear.
Keats therefore, establishes that in his view of the world, life for humans consists of
unremitting struggles and difficulties, and it is only beauty in its various guises that is able
to shift those trials and at least temporarily produce happiness. The poem concludes with a
list of things that constitute "beauty" for Keats, which include both physicaJ objects which are
examples of natural beauty such as daffodils, and also beauty that can be found in art, such as
"the lovely tales we have heard or read". AH of these forms of beauty act as "an endless fountain
of immortal drink", allowing humans to forget bleak reality and experience joy. This poem
therefore, focuses on the theme of happiness and how it can be experienced. It inspires us and
gives us the courage to fight against all odds.

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