Prof. Ed. 21 Worktext Episode (1.6)

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Conceptualized by: Raymond D.

Garcia, MA Math
Assistant Professor 1 – Apayao State College
Episode 1: The Learning Environment Management of Learner Behavior

Worktext in Prof. Ed. 21

Field Study 1
(Learning Episode 1.6)
Assistant Professor I


Field Study 1 66
Conceptualized by: Raymond D. Garcia, MA Math
Assistant Professor 1 – Apayao State College
Episode 1: The Learning Environment Management of Learner Behavior
Episode 1.6: Management of Learner Behavior
Managing the learners behaviour properly is an immense challenge to teachers. The learner’s
behaviour, unless assessed with exceptionalities or with special education needs, is basically
influenced by the reaction to external stimuli, such as learning environment, classroom activities,
teacher’s behaviour, and even the behaviour of other learners. At times, the behaviour of students
may be unpredictable, making a situation difficult for teachers to manage. In some instances,
teachers use different pedagogical techniques to manage learner behaviour.
This lesson will help you understand how teachers manage learner behaviour and how the
physical and socio – emotional environments of the classroom could be maximized to support or
sustain the interest of students in learning and to manage their behaviour.


1. Observe how teachers manage learner behavior.

2. Discuss different variables that influence learner behaviour in the class.
3. Identify techniques used by the teacher in managing learner behaviour.

Education Theory
The teacher uses a variety of skills and strategies to make their students become interested
and engaged in the learning process. By managing the class, the teacher is able to fulfil his/her role
better. Thus, classroom management is essential in ensuring an effective learning environment
(Lynch, 2016). The teachers need to provide a venue where the students’ potentials will be
maximized to the fullest. As a manager, the teacher plays a significant role in providing a learning
environment that would satisfy and meet the needs and interests of the students. William Glasser
(199) proposes that behaviour is propelled by an inherent need to satisfy five basic needs: the need to
love and belong, the need to survive, the need to feel empowered, the need to be free, and the need to
be happy. Glasser’s Choice Theory suggests that the students behave according to how their needs
will be fulfilled and satisfied. Thus, it is essential that the teacher establishes a relationship with the
students to be able to address their individual needs. It is only by being able to establish a positive
relationship with the students that the teacher can motivate them to stay focused and engaged. The
teacher who believes in this theory provides the students with activities that will enable them to take
charge of their own learning and apply what they have learned until mastery is achieved.

B, F, Skinner (1982) suggests that the teacher manage the students’ behaviour through
rewards and punishment. According to Skinner, the teacher reinforces good behaviour by giving
external rewards like praises, or good grades. On the other hand, if the students are deprived of
rewards that they find appealing, their behaviour is likewise regulated. The teacher who follows this
theory always makes sure that good behaviour is acknowledged in order for the n=behaviour to be

In contrast, Alfie Kohn(2006) believes that students’ behaviour can be managed well if they
are given the opportunity to satisfy their curiosity. In this theory, Kohn suggests that the students be
given freedom to pursue concepts that interest them instead of imposing predetermined lessons on
them. When students are engaged in learning the concepts of their choice, they become more
involved in their own learning. Teachers, according to Kohn, need not use grades or external rewards
to motivate students. Students learn because they see the relevance of what they are learning in their
own lives.

Field Study 1 67
Conceptualized by: Raymond D. Garcia, MA Math
Assistant Professor 1 – Apayao State College
Episode 1: The Learning Environment Management of Learner Behavior


Management of Learner Behavior

Name: ___________________________________________ Date:____________________

Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Score:
Direction: Use the school you observed in Learning Activity Task 1.1A. Observe the teacher, then
check the item that best describes the learning environment. Compile your answer in a portfolio.

YES NO Remarks
1. Does the teacher expect the students to respond
according to how the lessons were taught?

2. Does the teacher provide the students with

opportunities to engage in activities of their choice?

3. Does the teacher provide immediate feedback like

praises or grades?

4. Is the classroom environment arranged so that the

students can easily collaborate?

5. Is the classroom environment arranged so that the

students can freely explore their interests?

6. Does the teacher provide the students with

opportunities to succeed?

7. Does the teacher immediately correct the mistakes

made by the students?

Field Study 1 68
Conceptualized by: Raymond D. Garcia, MA Math
Assistant Professor 1 – Apayao State College
Episode 1: The Learning Environment Management of Learner Behavior
8. Does the teacher guide the students to discover
their own mistakes?

9. Does the teacher allow the students to commit

mistakes until they are able to correct these errors on
their own?

10. Is the student – teacher relationship cordial?

11. Can the students freely express their thoughts

and ideas in class?

12. Does the teacher listen to students’ ideas?

Field Study 1 69
Conceptualized by: Raymond D. Garcia, MA Math
Assistant Professor 1 – Apayao State College
Episode 1: The Learning Environment Management of Learner
Management of Learner Behavior

Name: ___________________________________________ Date:____________________

Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Score:
Direction: Read carefully and answer the following questions based on what you have observed in
the class. Compile your answer in a portfolio.

1. What kind of classroom management does the teacher practice? Why?


2. Do you think that the management style that the teacher is using in class contributes to the
students’ learning? Why? Why not?

3. If you were a teacher, what management style would you think best maximize students’

Field Study 1 70
Conceptualized by: Raymond D. Garcia, MA Math
Assistant Professor 1 – Apayao State College
Episode 1: The Learning Environment Management of Learner
Support for Learner Participation

Name:__________________________________________________ Date:____________________
Course/Year/Section: _____________________________________ Score:
Direction: Write your reflection of what you have learned in this lesson by completing the
statements below. Compile your answer in a portfolio.

1. I realized that
2. I believe that
3. I believe that
4. When I become a teacher, I will

Field Study 1 71
Conceptualized by: Raymond D. Garcia, MA Math
Assistant Professor 1 – Apayao State College
Episode 1: The Learning Environment Management of Learner

Field Study 1 72

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