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After having read the article, I have come to realize that states don’t usually treat the issue of

discrimination against the LGTBTQIA+ community seriously, and that they haven’t made
solidified laws that protect these people as well. As the LGBTQIA+ continually experiences hate
speech no matter where they go, it is imperative that laws are made in order to create a society
wherein they are respected and given the same opportunities as other genders have. With the
rampant hate speeches that they experience online everyday, states must make sure that these
crimes are not spread throughout social media. Even though Southeast Asian countries have
cultures that are traditional and patriarchal at best, it is still important to set aside these cultures
for the betterment of their communities. These countries should take into mind the frameworks
that were mentioned in the article in being able to make their own set of laws that aims to
penalize people who continue to inflict hate speech towards the LGBTQIA+ community, as hate
speeches often lead to torture, unequal treatment and discrimination in aspects such as health
and jobs. This ultimately leads to the violation of human rights that each and every human being

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