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9, 2023


Drug abuse has been a biggest problem we are dealing that ruin so many lives of people as well as it
affect us the innocent too who only wants to have a good life. This symposium serves purposely to
know about drugs and its effect and affect the lives of the people, to abstain the use of illegal drugs
and know the distinct difference between marijuana, shabu, cocaine, and ecstasy, etc. drug. Drug
education serves awareness and well-being of everyone.

People take drugs depending in their situation and their environmental factors including social peers
to fit in on a group, or to relax because of a trauma and depression to escape, and to experiment
illegal drugs if what is the sensation of drugs after taking. The phases of drug addiction is first,
Experimentation, voluntary take of illegal drug to escape emotional problem and cope with
depression. Second, dependence, is you are dependent from drug and cannot work or live without it,
this affect among your family and friends. This could lead to the last phase, addiction, the
uncontrollable drug usage, addiction is a progressive illness that worsens over time if left untreated.
Using drugs repeatedly over time changes brain structure and function in long lasting ways that can
persist after drug use is stopped. Addiction can be unable to abstain unless treated consistently,
impairment of behavioral control and slur speech.

Illegal drugs marketing is between Chinese and Filipino where they can buy illegal drugs by
smuggling or discreet illegal drugs by putting it inside into certain objects where security cannot be
detect. It is by then transport into local places where drug traffickers distributes illegal drugs to

If you partake in illegal drugs for selling, delivery, trading, or making drugs, you are penalize in
section 5 Republic act No. 9165 and have the penalty of imprisonment from 12 years and fine
ranging up to 500 thousand. Section 6 for life imprisonment to death and a fine of 500 thousand to 10
million for partaking in a den and group of a drug dealer.

Taking illegal drugs can affect your social status between your friends, family, churchmates,
schoolmates, etc. Illegal drugs can destroy your friendship because of their norms, especially to their
families, because people who take drugs are more aggressive and violent towards people. You can
know your friends of family if they are taking drugs, they have the improvised paraphernalia like
marijuana improvised pipe and toother, analytical weighing scale, bangka, and improvised lighter,
their eyes is also reddish and they are violent.

To abstain the use of illegal drug usage, we must be aware what we are interacted to, know how to
resist temptation, know what is the outcome when you are taking drugs with affect your health and
our society. Drug user solution is they need consistent medical treatment and rehabilitation, there is
always a hope and its not too late to change and live again without being dependent on drugs.

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