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A Journey to Enlightenment

Finding truth is not the same as finding happiness, you aspire to see the truth but once you have
experience and seen it you cannot avoid the suffering, otherwise you have seen nothing at all.

This is about a man who considered his life as tough row to hoe or miserable until he discovered the
teachings of Mooji.

Emmanuel’s family always have misunderstandings and never ending fights. Jayma the eldest sibling and
the breadwinner of the family scolded their other younger siblings for being irresponsible and
unreasonable because even the simplest household chore can never get done by their own with
willfulness. At the very young age, their parents died because of accident which Jayma became the one to
look and take care of her younger siblings since then.

When Emmanuel enter their house he heard his sisters fighting again. His other siblings were always busy
with their phones rather than help their eldest sister which always resulted to arguments.

Scene 1:
Jayma: Crismie will you wash the dishes? Because your sisters are busy doing their school works one
them cannot do it right now.
Crismie: I don’t wanna do it, it is not my job!
Jayna: You’re washing the dishes or you’re not having dinner tonight?
Crismie: I don’t care still I don’t wanna do it! (attention to her phone)
Jayma: Crismie!
Joanna: How dare you raise you voice to our sister?

He can feel the toxic atmosphere. It seems like it became their routine to feel the heavy feelings and
emotions everytime he heard ad saw how messed up his family is which he doesn’t want to see and
happen. He felt like his life is an endless suffering.

Meditating became Emmanuel’s favorite hobby. He decided to read and listen to teachings of Mooji.
Scene 2:
Emmanuel: When you are growing up you come to a point you will not find satisfaction. Don’t grieve at
everything and feel that you are giving up, the one that feels that will not go beyond and will not attain
the perfect state.
You are not an enemy to life and life is not an enemy to you. It is only when we picked up the identity of
the person then the struggles will come to you.

Mary Claire: Emmanuel have you think what is your purpose in this world?
Emmanuel: I think my purpose in this world is to meet Guru Mooji and achieve true mindfulness.
Mary Claire: So deep huh? Is that the result why you are so into books?
Emmanuel: Let me tell you, it is not just a book.
Mary Claire: Physically it’s a book.
Emmanuel: Yes, but you know reading them delivers me into peace and it enlightens my mind.
Mary Claire: Okay, but let me ask. Why are you so interested with that Moo--ji and what is his teachings
all about?
Emmanuel: Well, it’s all about our questions in life, the true meaning of it and how inner peace can be
gained. When people have found the truth – or, at least, their version of it – this equates to a level of
spiritual enlightenment. And we can apply this practices in our daily lives.
Mary Claire: Hmm? (Confuse)
Emmanuel: You know what? We should do it sometimes, I’ll teach you how.

Emmanuel invite Mary Claire for a meditation. But Mary is not used to it so she was easily distracted by
some of their classmates laughing at them. She felt humiliated and decided to stop the meditation.
However, she’s not interested anymore because she thinks it’s weird and just a waste of time. Emmanuel
was left all alone.

The past is no longer there.

The future is not yet there.
But there’s only the present moment
Mountains and rivers
Earth and sun all lie within the heart of consciousness.

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