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1. What does accuracy refer to in the context of assessment tools?

A. Consistency of scores
B. Agreement of raters on scores
/C. Correctness, free from mistakes
D. Appropriateness of score-based inferences
2. What is a crucial requirement for a test to be considered fair?
/A. Unbiased and non-offensive test items
B. Consistency of measurement
C. Accuracy of assessment tools
D. Measurability of objectives
3. When writing multiple-choice questions, what is advised regarding the language used?
A. Introduce unfamiliar words to challenge students
/B. Use words familiar to the students
C. Incorporate complex vocabulary to test language skills
D. Include jargon to assess specialized knowledge
4. In the development of a true/false test, what is a guideline regarding the length of true and false statements?
A. Make true statements longer than false ones
/B. Keep true and false statements equal in length
C. Prioritize longer false statements for challenge
D. Vary the length randomly
5. What is an essential consideration when creating effective matching questions?
A. Ambiguous directions to challenge students
B. Directions that do not specify item usage
/C. Clear directions stating whether an item will be used once or more than once
D. Complex directions to test comprehension
6. What aspects are considered when evaluating the practicality and efficiency of an assessment tool?
/A. Teacher's familiarity, time, complexity, ease of scoring, and cost
B. Agreement of raters on scores
C. Unbiased test items
D. Consistency of measurement
7. What is the main focus of reliability in assessments?
A. Agreement of raters
/B. Consistency of measurement
C. Fairness to examinees
D. Measurability of objectives
8. According to guidelines for constructing essay items, what is emphasized regarding the statement of an
A. Use vague language to encourage interpretation
B. Allow for multiple interpretations in the statement
C. State items imprecisely to challenge students
/D. An item should be stated precisely and must clearly focus on the desired answer
9. What is an important characteristic of the stem in a multiple-choice question?
A. Vagueness and ambiguity
B. Repetition of content from the choices
/C. Meaningfulness by itself and presenting a definite problem
D. Lengthiness without context
10. Why is it important to discuss or present the scoring system to students when using essay questions?
A. To confuse students about grading criteria
B. To maintain ambiguity in scoring
C. To create uncertainty among students
/D. To provide clarity and transparency in the assessment process
11. What is a recommendation regarding the use of verbal association clues in multiple-choice questions?
A. Incorporate verbal association clues from the stem into the key
/B. Avoid verbal association clues in both the stem and key
C. Emphasize verbal association clues for clarity
D. Include multiple verbal association clues in each question
12. What is a consideration when designing true/false tests?
/A. Always include an equal quantity of true and false statements
B. Ensure true statements are marked more often than false ones
C. Randomize the quantity of true/false statements
D. Avoid assessing false statements due to their difficulty

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