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RNP APCH supports all leg types and path terminators used in standard RNAV, including TF and
RF. RNP AR procedures support only two leg types:
RNP APCH 支持标准 RNAV 中使用的所有航段类型和路径终端,包括 TF 和 RF。 RNP AR 程序仅

TF leg: Track to Fix: a geodesic path between two fixes.

TF 腿:定位点轨迹:两个定位点之间的测地线路径。

RF leg: Radius to Fix. This is a curved path supported by positive course guidance. An
RF leg is defined by a radius, arc length, and a fix. Not all RNP capable FMS systems
support RF legs. Use of RF legs is allowed prior to the Final Approach Fix. Qantas Boeing 737-800 flying RNP departure
RF 腿:固定半径。这是一条由积极的路线指导支持的弯曲路径。 RF 腿由半径、弧长和固定点 from Queenstown, New Zealand
定义。并非所有支持 RNP 的 FMS 系统都支持 RF 支路。在最终进近修复之前允许使用 RF 腿。 澳洲航空波音 737-800 飞行 RNP 从新西兰皇后

For RNP AR APCH operation see Special Aircraft and Aircrew Authorization Required
approach section below.
对于 RNP AR APCH 操作,请参阅下面的特种飞机和机组人员授权所需进场部分。

The performance-monitoring and alerting capabilities may be provided in different forms depending on the system installation, architecture, and
configurations, including:

display and indication of both the required and the estimated navigation system performance;

monitoring of the system performance and alerting the crew when RNP requirements are not met; and
监控系统性能,并在不满足 RNP 要求时向机组人员发出警报;和

cross track deviation displays scaled to RNP, in conjunction with separate monitoring and alerting for navigation integrity.
跨航迹偏差显示按 RNP 缩放,并结合单独的导航完整性监控和警报。

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An RNP system utilises its navigation sensors, system architecture, and modes of operation to satisfy the RNP navigation specification
RNP 系统利用其导航传感器、系统架构和操作模式来满足 RNP 导航规范要求。

It must perform the integrity and reasonableness checks of the sensors and data, and it may provide a means to deselect specific types of
navigation aids to prevent reversion to an inadequate sensor. RNP requirements may limit the modes of operation of the aircraft, e.g. for low
RNP, where flight technical error (FTE) is a significant factor, and manual flight by the crew may not be allowed.
它必须对传感器和数据进行完整性和合理性检查,并且可以提供一种取消选择特定类型导航设备的方法,以防止恢复到不适当的传感器。 RNP 要
求可能会限制飞机的运行模式,例如对于低 RNP,其中飞行技术错误 (FTE) 是一个重要因素,可能不允许机组人员进行手动飞行。

Dual system/sensor installations may also be required depending on the intended operation or need.

An RNAV system capable of achieving the performance requirements of an RNP specification is referred to as an RNP system.

Because specific performance requirements are defined for each navigation specification, an aircraft approved for a RNP specification is not
automatically approved for all RNAV specifications.
由于每个导航规范都定义了特定的性能要求,因此批准用于 RNP 规范的飞机不会自动批准用于所有 RNAV 规范。

Similarly, an aircraft approved for an RNP or RNAV specification having stringent accuracy requirements is not automatically approved for a
navigation specification having a less-stringent accuracy requirement.
类似地,批准具有严格精度要求的 RNP 或 RNAV 规范的飞机不会自动批准具有不太严格精度要求的导航规范。

Designation 指定
For oceanic, remote, enroute and terminal operations, an RNP specification is designated as RNP X, e.g. RNP 4.[a][b]
对于海洋、远程、航路和终端运行,RNP 规范被指定为 RNP X,例如RNP 4。 [a] [b]

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Approach navigation specifications cover all segments of the instrument approach. RNP specifications are designated using RNP as a prefix and
an abbreviated textual suffix, e.g. RNP APCH (for RNP approach) or RNP AR APCH (for RNP authorisation required approach).
进近导航规范涵盖仪表进近的所有部分。 RNP 规范使用 RNP 作为前缀和缩写文本后缀来指定,例如RNP APCH(用于 RNP 进场)或 RNP AR
APCH(用于 RNP 授权所需进场)。

Performance monitoring and alerting requirements


The performance monitoring and alerting requirements for RNP 4, Basic-RNP 1 and RNP APCH have common terminology and application. Each
of these specifications includes requirements for the following characteristics:
RNP 4、Basic-RNP 1 和 RNP APCH 的性能监控和警报要求具有共同的术语和应用。每个规范都包含以下特性的要求:

Accuracy: The accuracy requirement defines the 95% Total System Error (TSE) for those dimensions where an accuracy requirement
is specified. The accuracy requirement is harmonised with the RNAV navigation specifications and is always equal to the accuracy
value. A unique aspect of the RNP navigation specifications is that the accuracy is one of the performance characteristics that is
精度:精度要求定义了指定精度要求的尺寸的 95% 总系统误差 (TSE)。精度要求与 RNAV 导航规范相一致,并且始终等于精度值。 RNP 导航

Performance monitoring: The aircraft, or aircraft-and-pilot combination, is required to monitor the TSE and to provide an alert if
the accuracy requirement is not met or if the probability that the TSE exceeds two-times the accuracy value is larger than 10−5. To
the extent operational procedures are used to satisfy this requirement, the crew procedure, equipment characteristics, and
installation are evaluated for their effectiveness and equivalence.
性能监控:飞机或飞机与飞行员的组合需要监控 TSE,并在未满足精度要求或 TSE 超过精度值两倍的概率大于 10 时发出警报 −5 。在使用操

Aircraft failures: Failure of the aircraft equipment is considered within airworthiness regulations. Failures are categorised by the
severity of the aircraft level effect, and the system must be designed to reduce the likelihood of the failure or mitigate its effects.

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Both malfunction (equipment operating but not providing appropriate output) and loss of function (equipment ceases to function)
are addressed. Dual system requirements are determined based on operational continuity (e.g. oceanic and remote operations).

The requirements on aircraft failure characteristics are not unique to RNP navigation specifications.
对飞机故障特性的要求并非 RNP 导航规范所独有。

Signal-in-space failures: Signal-in-space characteristics of navigation signals are the responsibility of the ANSP.[9]
空间信号故障:导航信号的空间信号特性由空中航行服务提供者负责。 [9]

The net effect of RNP navigation specifications is to provide bounding of the TSE distribution. Since path definition error is assumed to be
negligible, the monitoring requirement is reduced to the other two components of TSE, i.e.
RNP 导航规范的最终效果是提供 TSE 分布的边界。由于假设路径定义错误可以忽略不计,因此监控要求减少到 TSE 的其他两个组成部分,即

flight technical error (FTE) and navigation system error (NSE). It is assumed that FTE is an ergodic[c] stochastic process within a given flight
control mode. As a result, the FTE distribution is constant over time within a given flight control mode. However, in contrast, the NSE
distribution varies over time due to a number of changing characteristics, most notably:
飞行技术错误(FTE)和导航系统错误(NSE)。假设 FTE 是给定飞行控制模式下的遍历 [c] 随机过程。因此,在给定的飞行控制模式下,FTE 分
布随时间变化是恒定的。然而,相比之下,NSE 分布由于许多变化的特征而随时间变化,最值得注意的是:

Selected navigation sensors: The navigation sensors used to estimate position, such as a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)
or DME/DME.[d]
选定的导航传感器:用于估计位置的导航传感器,例如全球导航卫星系统 (GNSS) 或 DME/DME。 [d]

Relative geometry of the aircraft position to the supporting navigation aids: All radio navaids have this basic variability, although
the specific characteristics change. GNSS performance is affected by the relative geometry of the satellites compared to the
aircraft.[e] DME/DME navigation solutions are affected by the inclusion angle between the two DMEs at the aircraft (90° being
optimal) and the distance to the DMEs, since the aircraft DME transponder can have increasing range errors with increasing
飞机位置相对于支持的导航设备的相对几何形状:所有无线电导航设备都具有这种基本的可变性,尽管具体特征会发生变化。 GNSS 性能受到
卫星与飞机相比的相对几何形状的影响。 [e] DME/DME 导航解决方案受到飞机上两个 DME 之间的夹角(最佳为 90°)以及到 DME 的距离的
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影响,因为随着飞机 DME 转发器的增加,范围误差也会增加。距离。

Inertial reference units: Errors increase over time since last updated.

Application of performance monitoring and alerting to aircraft


Although the TSE can change significantly over time for a number of reasons, including those above, the RNP navigation specifications provide
assurance that the TSE distribution remains suitable to the operation.
尽管由于多种原因(包括上述原因),TSE 可能会随着时间发生显着变化,但 RNP 导航规范可以保证 TSE 分布仍然适合运行。

This results from two requirements associated with the TSE distribution, namely:
这是由于与 TSE 分布相关的两个要求,即:

The requirement that the TSE remains equal to or better than the required accuracy for 95% of the flight time.
要求 TSE 在 95% 的飞行时间内保持等于或优于所需的精度。

The probability that the TSE of each aircraft exceeds the specified TSE limit (equal to two times the accuracy value) without
annunciation is less than 10−5.
每架飞机的 TSE 超过规定的 TSE 限值(等于精度值的两倍)且未发出通知的概率小于 10 −5 。

Typically, the 10−5 TSE requirement provides a greater restriction on performance. For example, with any system that has TSE with a normal
distribution of cross-track error, the 10−5 monitoring requirement constrains the standard deviation to be 2 × (accuracy value)/4.45 = accuracy
value/2.23, while the 95% requirement would have allowed the standard deviation to be as large as the accuracy value/1.96.
通常,10 −5 TSE 要求对性能提供更大的限制。例如,对于任何具有跨轨误差正态分布 TSE 的系统,10 −5 监控要求将标准偏差限制为 2 ×(准确度
值)/4.45 = 准确度值/2.23,而 95% 的要求则允许标准偏差与准确度值/1.96 一样大。

It is important to understand that while these characteristics define minimum requirements that must be met, they do not define the actual TSE
重要的是要理解,虽然这些特征定义了必须满足的最低要求,但它们并没有定义实际的 TSE 分布。
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The actual TSE distribution may be expected to be typically better than the requirement, but there must be evidence on the actual performance if
a lower TSE value is to be used.
实际的 TSE 分布通常会优于要求,但如果要使用较低的 TSE 值,则必须有实际性能的证据。

In applying the performance monitoring requirement to aircraft, there can be significant variability in how individual errors are managed:

Some systems monitor the actual cross-track and along-track errors individually, whereas others monitor the radial NSE to simplify
the monitoring and eliminate dependency on the aircraft track, e.g. based on typical elliptical 2-D error distributions.
一些系统单独监控实际的跨航迹和沿航迹误差,而其他系统则监控径向 NSE 以简化监控并消除对飞机航迹的依赖,例如基于典型的椭圆形二维

Some systems include the FTE in the monitor by taking the current value of FTE as a bias on the TSE distribution.
某些系统通过将 FTE 的当前值作为 TSE 分布的偏差将 FTE 包含在监视器中。

For basic GNSS systems, the accuracy and 10−5 requirements are met as a by-product of the ABAS requirements that have been
defined in equipment standards and the FTE distribution for standardised course deviation indicator (CDI) displays.
对于基本 GNSS 系统,精度和 10 −5 要求作为设备标准中定义的 ABAS 要求的副产品以及标准化航向偏差指示器 (CDI) 显示的 FTE 分布得到

It is important that performance monitoring is not regarded as error monitoring. A performance monitoring alert will be issued when the system
cannot guarantee, with sufficient integrity, that the position meets the accuracy requirement.

When such an alert is issued, the probable reason is the loss of capability to validate the position data (insufficient satellites being a potential

For such a situation, the most likely position of the aircraft at that time is exactly the same position indicated on the pilot display.

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Assuming the desired track has been flown correctly, the FTE would be within the required limits and therefore the likelihood of the TSE
exceeding twice the accuracy value just prior to the alert is approximately 10−5. However, it cannot be assumed that simply because there is no
alert the TSE is less than twice the accuracy value: the TSE can be larger. An example is for those aircraft that account for the FTE based on a
fixed error distribution.
假设已正确飞行所需航迹,则 FTE 将在要求的限制内,因此 TSE 超过警报之前精度值两倍的可能性约为 10 −5 。然而,不能仅仅因为没有警报就
假设 TSE 小于准确度值的两倍:TSE 可以更大。一个例子是那些基于固定误差分布计算 FTE 的飞机。

For such systems, if the FTE grows large, no alert is issued by the system even when the TSE is many times larger than the accuracy value. For
this reason, the operational procedures to monitor the FTE are important.
对于此类系统,如果 FTE 变大,即使 TSE 比精度值大很多倍,系统也不会发出警报。因此,监控 FTE 的操作程序非常重要。

Areas of operation 经营范围

Oceanic and remote continental


Oceanic and remote continental airspace is currently served by two navigation applications, RNAV 10 and RNP 4. Both rely primarily on GNSS to
support the navigation element of the airspace. In the case of RNAV 10, no form of ATS surveillance is required. In the case of RNP 4, ADS
contract (ADS-C) is used.
目前,海洋和偏远大陆空域由两种导航应用提供服务:RNAV 10 和 RNP 4。两者都主要依靠 GNSS 来支持空域的导航要素。对于 RNAV 10,不需
要任何形式的 ATS 监视。在 RNP 4 的情况下,使用 ADS 合同(ADS-C)。

Continental en-route 大陆航空途中

Continental en-route airspace is currently supported by RNAV applications. RNAV 5 is used in the Middle East (MID) and European (EUR)
regions, but as of 2008, it is designated as B-RNAV (Basic RNAV in Europe and RNP 5 in the Middle East).
大陆航路空域目前由 RNAV 应用程序支持。 RNAV 5 在中东 (MID) 和欧洲 (EUR) 地区使用,但自 2008 年起,它被指定为 B-RNAV(欧洲为基本
RNAV,中东为 RNP 5)。

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In the United States, RNAV 2 supports en-route continental airspace. At present, continental RNAV applications support airspace specifications
which include radar surveillance and direct controller-to-pilot voice communications.
在美国,RNAV 2 支持航路大陆空域。目前,大陆 RNAV 应用支持空域规范,包括雷达监视和直接管制员与飞行员的语音通信。

Terminal airspace: arrival and departure


Existing terminal airspace concepts, which include arrival and departure, are supported by RNAV applications. These are currently used in the
European (EUR) Region and the United States. The European terminal airspace RNAV application is known as P-RNAV (Precision RNAV).
现有的航站楼空域概念(包括到达和出发)由 RNAV 应用程序支持。这些目前在欧洲(欧元)地区和美国使用。欧洲终端空域 RNAV 应用被称为

Although the RNAV 1 specification shares a common navigation accuracy with P-RNAV, this regional navigation specification does not satisfy the
full requirements of the RNAV 1 specification.
尽管RNAV 1规范与P-RNAV具有共同的导航精度,但该区域导航规范并不能满足RNAV 1规范的全部要求。

As of 2008, the United States terminal airspace application formerly known as US RNAV Type B has been aligned with the PBN concept and is
now called RNAV 1. Basic RNP 1 has been developed primarily for application in non-radar, low density terminal airspace.
截至 2008 年,美国终端空域应用(以前称为 US RNAV B 型)已与 PBN 概念保持一致,现在称为 RNAV 1。基本 RNP 1 主要开发用于无雷达、低

In future, more RNP applications are expected to be developed for both en-route and terminal airspace.
未来,预计将针对航路和航站空域开发更多的 RNP 应用。

Approach 方法

Approach concepts cover all segments of the instrument approach, i.e. initial, intermediate, final, and missed approach. The RNP APCH
specifications requiring a standard navigation accuracy of 1.0 NM in the initial, intermediate and missed segments and 0.3 NM in the final
进近概念涵盖仪表进近的所有部分,即初始进近、中间进近、最终进近和复飞。 RNP APCH 规范要求初始航段、中间航段和错过航段的标准导航
精度为 1.0 海里,最后航段的标准导航精度为 0.3 海里。
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