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I love my car, although I can never make up my mind if it's a car or a van.
It's supposed to have seven seats in it, but I took all the ones out of the back and put
in crates for the dog

and a bed for me.

And then I can take the van and I go on journeys and adventures and I can stay the
night and I don't

have to pay money out to go to a hotel.

I like to save money, so I like to do that.

And also it means that the dogs are with me and I don't have to find a hotel that likes

I travel all over Europe in my van and I have the most wonderful adventures and I get
to see lots of new

things and I just love to explore really.

It's the most wonderful thing in the world, the freedom of the road.

The other day I needed some shoes, so I went to the mall to buy some.
The store, which I always shop at though was closed for some reason.
So I had to go to another store, but they didn't have the shoes that I liked.
In the end, I ended up going home with no shoes at all.
I had to go online and buy my shoes there instead.
It took five days for the shoes to arrive, so I was a little frustrated.


Next weekend I'm going to visit my new friend whom I haven't seen for ages.
so I am really excited to have lunch with him in his house.
He told me that he will take me to his uncle's farm where they have a lot of cows,
sheep, and different
animals, and we will also go horse riding.
After that we are going to have a roam around the village, which by the way, is a
beautiful village in the
Atlas Mountain.

One night, my mom was driving and I was in the car with her.
And we were going back home from another town, where we had to drive on a rural
It was quite dark, and it was a little bit foggy, which was a little bit dangerous, but
we had to keep going.

And we were going about a hundred kilometers an hour, which was the average
speed on a highway.
And we ended up coming across something in the middle of the road that was going
up and down, up and down.
And we couldn't really see because it was so foggy.
Anyway, she slowed down a little bit, and we got closer.
It was a kangaroo hopping in the middle of the road, and it wouldn't get off the road.
It just kept hopping, and hopping, and hopping.
For about half an hour, we had to follow this kangaroo on the road because it
wouldn't get off.
And then finally after that time, it went left back into this paddock.

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