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Manyseng Manysok 12C November Summative

Teacher: David Lee
Homework FCE
Simple Future Tense
The reasons for Simple Future Tense to be used
1. Used to refer to actions or states that begin and end in the future
2. Used to make predictions or guesses about the future
3. Used to consider future possibilities or conditions
4. The simple future is a verb tense that's used to talk about things that haven't
happened yet.
Structure of future simple tense
Positive: Subject + Helping verb (will) + Base form of the verb + Objects
Ex: I will read the newspaper from tomorrow.
Ex: They will play football in that field.
Ex: We will go shopping in that market this Sunday.
Negative: Subject + Will not/Won’t + Base form of the verb + Objects.
Ex: He will not say anything bad about his boss.
Ex: Make sure you arrive on time tomorrow, because the bus will not wait for you.
Ex: Jen will not quit before she reaches her goal.
Question: Will/Won’t + Subject + base form of the verb + Objects
Ex: Will I have the discipline to study Spanish every day?
Ex: Will Jen finish War and Peace over the summer?
Ex: Will Alex go to a date with you?

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