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Additional Mathematics Project Work 2/2011

Name: Ahmad Thawrique bin Mohd Taufan Class : 5 Dinamik IC Num: 941202-03-5573 Teacher: Pn Nur Asiah bt Che Lah


First and foremost, I would like to thank god that finally, I had succeeded in finishing this project work. I would like to thank my beloved Additional Mathematic Teacher, Pn. Nur Asiah bt Che Lah for all the assistances she has provided me during my job search. I appreciate the

information and advice she have given, as well as the connections she have shared with me. Her expertise and help have been invaluable during this process. Also, thanks to my mom and my dad for giving me fully support in completing this project work and permission to use their notebook for further research in completing this project work. I sincerely appreciate their generosity. I would like to give my special thank to my fellow friends who had given me extra information on the project work and study group that we had done. Thank you for spending time with me to discuss about the coursework. Last but not least, I would like to express my highest gratitude to all those who gave me the possibility to complete this coursework. I really appreciate all your helps. Again, thank you so much.


During form 5, student who takes additional mathematics as an elective is required to carry out the project. This year, the Curriculum Development Division, Ministry of Education has prepared task for us. We have to complete the task based on the methods. Through this project, we are able:

1. To wider our knowledge 2. Apply and adapt a variety of problem. Solving strategies to solve routine and non-routine problems. 3. Experience a classroom environment which is challenging and meaningful, thus, improving thinking skills. 4. Experience a classroom environment where knowledge and skills are applied in showing real life problems. 5. Experience a classroom environment where expressing ones mathematical thinking is highly encouraged. 6. Experience a classroom environment that stimulate and enhance effective learning. 7. Acquire effective learning mathematical communications through oral and writing and to use the language of mathematics to express idea correctly and precisely.


Content 1. Acknowledgement 2. Objective 3. Introduction 4. Part I 5. Part II 6. Part III 7. Further Exploration 8. Reflection 9. Conclusion


Additional Mathematics Project Work 2/2011

Part I
Geometry = To determine suitable dimensions for the cake, to assist in designing and decorating cakes that comes in many attractive shapes and designs, to estimate volume of cake to be produced Differentiation = To determine minimum or maximum amount of ingredients for cake-baking, to estimate minimum or maximum. amount of cream needed for decorating, to estimate min. or max. size of cake produced.

Progressions = To determine total weight/volume of multi-storey cakes with proportional dimensions, to estimate total ingredients needed for cake-baking, to estimate total amount of cream for decoration

Part II

1)Given 1 kg cake has volume 3800cm, and h is 7cm, so find d.

Volume of 5kg cake = Base area of cake x Height of cake 3800 x 5 = (3.142)(d/2) x 7 19000/7(3.142) = (d/2) 863.872 = (d/2) d/2 = 29.392 d = 58.784 cm

2) Given the inner dimensions of oven: 80cm length, 60cm width, 45cm height a) Find corresponding values of d with different values of h, and tabulate the answers

19000 = (3.142)(d/2)h 19000/(3.142)h = d/4 24188.415/h = d d = 155.53/h

Height,h (cm) 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

Diameter, d (cm) 155.53 109.98 89.80 77.77 68.56 63.49 58.78 54.99 51.84 49.18

b)i) State the range of heights that is NOT suitable for the cakes and explain.

h< 7cm is NOT suitable, because the resulting diameter produced is too large to fit into the oven. Furthermore, the cake would be too short and too wide, making it less attractive.

b)ii) Suggest and explain the most suitable dimensions (h and d) for the cake.
h = 8cm, d = 54.99cm, because it can fit into the oven, and the size is suitable for easy handling.

c)i) Form a linear equation relating d and h. Hence, plot a suitable (linear, best fit) graph based on
that equation

19000 = (3.142)(d/2)h 19000/(3.142)h = d/4 24188.415/h = d

d = 155.53/h d = 155.53h-1/2 log d = log 155.53h1/2

log d = -1/2 log h + log 155.53

log h log d

0 2.19

1 1.69

2 1.19

3 0.69

4 0.19

c)ii)a) Estimate the amount of fresh cream needed to decorate the cake, using the dimensions you've suggested in Q2/b/ii h=10.5cm , log h= 1.021 cm, log d= 1.680, d= 4.786 c)ii)b) h, when d=42cm d = 42cm, log d = 1.623, log h = 1.140, h = 13.80cm

3)a) Estimate the amount of fresh cream needed to decorate the cake, using the dimensions you've suggested in Q2/b/ii

h = 8cm, d = 54.99cm

Amount of fresh cream = VOLUME of fresh cream needed (area x height) Amount of fresh cream = Vol. of cream at the top surface + Vol. of cream at the side surface Vol. of cream at the top surface = Area of top surface x Height of cream = (3.142)(54.99/2) x 1 = 2375 cm Vol. of cream at the side surface = Area of side surface x Height of cream = (Circumference of cake x Height of cake) x Height of cream = 2(3.142)(54.99/2)(8) x 1 = 1382.23 cm Therefore, amount of fresh cream = 2375 + 1382.23 = 3757.23 cm

3)b) Suggest THREE other shapes (the shape of the base of the cake) for the cake with same

height (depends on the Q2/b/ii) and volume (19000cm). Estimate the amount of fresh cream (the volume) to be used for each of those cakes.

1 Rectangle-shaped base (cuboid)

19000 = base area x height base area = 19000/8 length x width = 2375 By trial and improvement, 2375 = 50 x 47.5 (length = 50, width = 47.5, height = 8) Therefore, volume of cream

= 2(Area of left/right side surface)(Height of cream) + 2(Area of front/back side surface)(Height of cream) + Vol. of top surface = 2(8 x 50)(1) + 2(8 x 47.5)(1) + 2375 = 3935 cm
2 Triangle-shaped base

19000 = base area x height base area = 2375 x length x width = 2375 length x width = 4750 By trial and improvement, 4750 = 95 x 50 (length = 95, width = 50) Slant length of triangle = (95 + 25)= 98.23 Therefore, amount of cream = Area of rectangular front side surface(Height of cream) + 2(Area of slant rectangular left/right side surface)(Height of cream) + Vol. of top surface = (50 x 8)(1) + 2(98.23 x 8)(1) + 2375 = 4346.68 cm

3 Pentagon-shaped base

19000 = base area x height base area = 2375 = area of 5 similar isosceles triangles in a pentagon therefore: 2375 = 5(length x width)

475 = length x width By trial and improvement, 475 = 25 x 19 (length = 25, width = 19) Therefore, amount of cream = 5(area of one rectangular side surface)(height of cream) + vol. of top surface = 5(8 x 19) + 2375 = 3135 cm
c) Based on the values above, determine the shape that require the least amount of fresh cream to be used Pentagon-shaped cake, since it requires only 3135 cm of cream to be used.

Part III

Method 1: Differentiation Use two equations for this method: the formula for volume of cake (as in Q2/a), and the formula for amount (volume) of cream to be used for the round cake (as in Q3/a). 19000 = (3.142)rh (1)

V = (3.142)r + 2(3.142)rh (2) From (1): h = 19000/(3.142)r (3) Sub. (3) into (2): V = (3.142)r + 2(3.142)r(19000/(3.142)r) V = (3.142)r + (38000/r) V = (3.142)r + 38000r-1 dV/dr = 2(3.142)r (38000/r) 0 = 2(3.142)r (38000/r) -->> minimum value, therefore dV/dr = 0 38000/r = 2(3.142)r 38000/2(3.142) = r 6047.104 = r r = 18.22 Sub. r = 18.22 into (3): h = 19000/(3.142)(18.22) h = 18.22 therefore, h = 18.22cm, d = 2r = 2(18.22) = 36.44cm

Method 2: Quadratic Functions Use the two same equations as in Method 1, but only the formula for amount of cream is the main equation used as the quadratic function. Let f(r) = volume of cream, r = radius of round cake: 19000 = (3.142)rh (1) f(r) = (3.142)r + 2(3.142)hr (2) From (2): f(r) = (3.142)(r + 2hr) -->> factorize (3.142) = (3.142)[ (r + 2h/2) (2h/2) ] -->> completing square, with a = (3.142), b = 2h and c = 0 = (3.142)[ (r + h) h ]

= (3.142)(r + h) (3.142)h (a = (3.142) (positive indicates min. value), min. value = f(r) = (3.142)h, corresponding value of x = r = --h) Sub. r = --h into (1): 19000 = (3.142)(--h)h h = 6047.104 h = 18.22 Sub. h = 18.22 into (1): 19000 = (3.142)r(18.22) r = 331.894 r = 18.22 therefore, h = 18.22 cm, d = 2r = 2(18.22) = 36.44 cm I would choose not to bake a cake with such dimensions because its dimensions are not suitable (the height is too high) and therefore less attractive. Furthermore, such cakes are difficult to handle easily.

FURTHER EXPLORATION a) Find volume of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th cakes. Determine whether the volumes form number pattern, then explain and elaborate on the number patterns. Radius of 1st cake = 31, volume of 1st cake = (3.142)(31)(6) = 18116.772 Radius of 2nd cake = 27.9, vol. of 2nd cake = 14674.585 Radius of 3rd cake = 25.11, vol. of 3rd cake = 11886.414 Radius of 4th cake = 22.599, vol. of 4th cake = 9627.995 18116.772, 14674.585, 11886.414, 9627.995, (it is a GP with first term, a = 18116.772 and ratio, r = T2/T1 = T3 /T2 = = 0.81) b) Given the total mass of all the cakes should not exceed 15 kg ( total mass < 15 kg, change to volume: total volume < 57000 cm), find the maximum number of cakes that needs to be baked. Verify the answer using other methods.

Use Sn = (a(1 - rn)) / (1 - r), with Sn = 57000, a = 18116.772 and r = 0.81 to find n: 57000 = (18116.772(1 (0.81)n)) / (1 - 0.81) 1 0.81n = 0.59779 0.40221 = 0.81n log0.81 0.40221 = n n = log 0.40221 / log 0.81 n = 4.322 therefore, n 4 Verifying the answer: When n = 5: S5 = (18116.772(1 (0.81)5)) / (1 0.81) = 62104.443 > 57000 (Sn > 57000, n = 5 is not suitable) When n = 4: S4 = (18116.772(1 (0.81)4)) / (1 0.81) = 54305.767 < 57000 (Sn < 57000, n = 4 is suitable)


When I doing this project work, I have learn how to do a research, answering specific question and draw a graph. From this project work, I can see that the usage of geometry is very important on our life. It is not just widely used in baking but also interpreting the condition of surrounding.

As a conclusion, the knowledge of Additional Mathematics is as daily life activities.

Besides, geometry is very helpful not just in baking but also our daily life. Thus, from this project, I understand the importance of Additional Mathematics in our daily life.


After spending countless hours, day and night to finish this Additional Mathematics project work, there are many moral values I learnt. During conducting the project, I know a little set about geometry and differentiation. Doing this project makes me realise how important the Additional Mathematics is. Also this project makes me feel how fun it is Additional Mathematic


a) Apply mathematics to everyday situations and appreciate the importance and the beauty of mathematics in everyday lives. b) Improve problem-solving skills, thinking skills, reasoning and mathematical communication c) Develop positive attitude and personalities and intrinsic mathematical values such as accuracy, confidence and systematic reasoning d) Stimulate learning environment that enhances effective learning, inquiry-based and team work. e) Develop mathematical knowledge in a way which increases students interest and confidence.

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