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G E O LO G Y O F T H E L A N D A N D S E A A R E A S O F N O R T H E R N E U R O P E S P E C I A L P U B L I C AT I O N 1 0 - 87

Geology of Svalbard

Norwegian Polar Institute, Polarmiljøsenteret , 9296 Tromsø, Norway.


Tectonic setting Pre-Old Red Sandstone basement

The archipelago of Svalbard forms the The pre-Old Red succession (key map 11,
emergent northwestern corner of the 10) is exposed in the west and north of the
Barents Sea Shelf, which was uplifted by archipelago. U-Pb zircon isotopic age de-
Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic crustal move- terminations have revealed relict elements
ments. The area provides a splendid insight of several Precambrian events (1800-1700
into the varied geological structure and Ma, 1400 Ma and two or three older ones),
geo-historical development of the north- the Grenvillian tectonothermal event
western Barents Sea since the Palaeo- (1000-950 Ma) and the Timanian
proterozoic. The geological record ranges (Baikalian) movements (650-600 Ma).
from possible Archaean to Recent and These events are followed by two phases of
shows a multi-orogenic development with Caledonian folding and thrusting, includ-
prominent tectonic events of Grenvillian ing evidence for an oceanic suture zone in
(Late Mesoproterozoic), Caledonian (Or- the western province (Fig. 1).
dovician-Silurian), Ellesmerian or Sval-
bardian (Late Devonian), Variscan (Middle
Carboniferous) and Alpidic (Early Tertiary)

North of Svalbard, 50-100 km from the

shore, a steep passive continental margin
with slopes up to 10° (average 4°) forms
the boundary with the Eurasian Basin of
the Arctic Ocean. Offshore to the west of
Svalbard, a 40-80 km-wide shelf separates
the coast of the main island, Spitsbergen,
from a structurally complex oceanic area,
an active mid-ocean ridge, the Knipovich
Ridge. The central part of this ridge is a
spreading axis which is segmented by a
transform fault system, the Spitsbergen
Fracture Zone in the north, and the Molloy
Fracture Zone in the south. Fig. 1. Interlayered eclogite and blueschist
The pre-Old Red is subdivided into three in the high-pressure metamorphic,
The northwestern shelf corner borders the different tectonostratigraphic basement Vestgötabreen Complex, Motalafjella, wes-
Yermak Plateau, the northern part of which provinces, whose structure, sedimentary tern Spitsbergen. The formation of the
may be all that remains of an Early Tertiary record and tectonothermal evolution differ complex was related to subduction along
hot spot. Late Cretaceous thermal uplift, from each other. All of these consist mainly an orogenic suture zone during an Early
Early Tertiary shoulder uplift along the of metamorphosed supracrustals (327, Caledonian metamorphic event in
rifted margin of the developing Arctic 326), whose lower structural levels were Ordovician time. Photo: Synnøve Elvevold.
Ocean, and subsequent transform move- granitised and migmatised during several
ments in a periodically transpressive re- of the tectonometamorphic events in the
gime along the western margin may all two northern provinces (410). Their juxta-
have their share in explaining the uplift of position occurred probably during the
the archipelago and especially of its west- Caledonian period, though no consensus
ernmost and northernmost parts. about the mechanisms involved yet exists.
8 8 - S P E C I A L P U B L I C AT I O N 1 0 G E O LO G Y O F T H E L A N D A N D S E A A R E A S O F N O R T H E R N E U R O P E

oped along older tectonic lines. With wan-

ing tectonic movements in later
Carboniferous time, most of Svalbard de-
veloped into a carbonate platform (Fig. 3)
with episodes of evaporite formation
(middle part of 140). These conditions
lasted through the Early Permian, while
the later part of the Permian experienced
renewed clastic influx and a subsequent
hiatus at the era boundary (upper part of
140). The latest Permian is represented by
a hiatus throughout Svalbard.

Late Palaeozoic sedimentation in the

Svalbard-Barents Sea area was continuous
with that in the Wandel Sea Basin in north-
eastern Greenland, a site at that time situ-
ated not farther than maybe 100 km from
what is now the western coast of Svalbard.

Fig. 2. Caledonian angular unconformity Mesozoic. The Mesozoic stratigraphic

between inverted, Early Palaeozoic limesto- After the Middle Silurian, however, record consists of repeated clastic sedi-
nes (Arkfjellet unit: brownish rocks in left Svalbard formed part of the ‘Old Red mentary successions, mainly Triassic-Early
foreground) and red and yellowish-brown, Continent’. During the Silurian and earli- Jurassic, delta-related coastal and shallow-
Devonian sandstones. A dark-purple est Devonian, Caledonian granites (194) marine, shelf sediments (105, part of 103)
weathering horizon is developed directly and, exceptionally, gabbros (239) intruded and Mid Jurassic to earliest Cretaceous
below the contact. Kneikfjellet, Sørkapp the basement rocks. A Caledonian angular deeper shelf sediments (88, part of 103),
Land, southern Spitsbergen. Photo: Winfried unconformity of Late Silurian age is well and again Early Cretaceous shallow shelf/
Dallmann. developed across Svalbard (Fig. 2). delta deposits (86). The source area of the
sediments was mainly situated to the west,
Devonian and younger rocks and later also to the north, while the basin
Old Red Sandstone (Devonian). During opened towards the present Barents Sea.
the Devonian period, Svalbard experienced This view is consistent with the less com-
the deposition of a vast thickness of Old plete Mesozoic sections in the Wandel Sea
Red molasse sediments (177, 175, 170) that Basin of NE Greenland (not seen on the
are mainly preserved in a downfaulted map). Early Jurassic block faulting and de-
crustal block in northern Svalbard between velopment of sedimentary basins during
Precambrian basement terranes. The main the Cretaceous in the Wandel Sea Basin are
tectonic overprint and tectonic style of this explained by the Mesozoic onset of trans-
graben system is related to a Late Devonian form faulting between Greenland and the
culmination of tectonism, the ‘Svalbardian Barents Sea. In Svalbard, no such tectonics
Phase’, which resulted in contractional are seen, and the entire Upper Cretaceous
movements predominantly in northern is lacking due to an overall uplift, with
Svalbard. This phase of deformation is ge- highest uplift rates in the northwest.
netically related to the Ellesmerian-North
Greenland Fold Belt in the Canadian Arctic The first sign of break-up between
and northern Greenland. Greenland and Europe and the opening of
the Arctic and North Atlantic oceans re-
Late Palaeozoic. During the Carboniferous corded in Svalbard is the intrusion of dol-
period, Svalbard developed from a site of erites (102) from the latest Jurassic through
fault-block tectonism with differential sed- the Early Cretaceous. They occur most
imentation to a stable shelf that experi- commonly as sills in Carboniferous
enced overall subsidence (except for south- through to Jurassic strata (progressively
Fig. 3. Upper Carboniferous platform carbo- ern Spitsbergen) (147, 140). The main younger to the east) (Fig. 3). On Kong
nate rocks of the Wordiekammen fault-block movements occurred in the Karls Land, in eastern Svalbard, basaltic la-
Formation (light) intruded by a thick, Bashkirian and Moscovian, resulting in a vas (within 88) were extruded during the
strongly jointed, Mesozoic dolerite sill. new constellation of troughs, mainly half- later part of the Early Cretaceous. They be-
Nannafjellet, Lomfjordhalvøya, northeastern grabens, with a pre- to syntectonic sedi- long to a larger volcanic province (81) that
Spitsbergen. Photo: Christian Scheibner. mentary (lower part of 140) record devel- also includes large parts of the Barents Sea
Geo lo Gy of th e l an d an d se a ar e as o f n o r t h e r n e u r o p e s p e c i a l p ub l i c at i on 1 0 - 89

and Franz Joseph Land (Zemlja Frantsa rocks. Quaternary volcanic centres of off-
Iosifa). ridge alkali basalts (B) are situated on old
Tertiary. The opening of the Arctic and fracture zones; their age is probably be-
North Atlantic oceans caused a tectonic tween 700,000 and 100,000 years. Thermal
overprint in western Svalbard during the springs in several places in northwestern
Palaeocene and Eocene. Tectonism was re- and southern Spitsbergen indicate contin-
lated to a transform fault system between uously high geothermal gradients along
the Greenland and Barents shelves, the the Tertiary fold-and-thrust belt.
Spitsbergen Fracture Zone, offshore to the
west of Svalbard. Despite this dextral trans-
form plate setting, the developing Tertiary Selected literature for further reading
fold-thrust belt consists mainly of conver- Aga, O. J. & Worsley, D. 1986: The geological history
gent structures. This led to a decoupling of Svalbard. Evolution of an Arctic archipelago.
model, meaning that strike-slip and con- Den norske stats oljeselskap a.s, Stavanger,
vergent movements may be localised in 121 pp.
different deformation zones. An alternative Dallmann, W. K. (ed). 1999: Lithostratigraphic lexi-
– and mechanically more easily under- con of Svalbard. Upper Palaeozoic to
standable – model makes plate motions Quaternary bedrock. Review and recommen-
between Greenland and Ellesmere Island dations for nomenclature use. Committee on
responsible for the convergent deforma- the Stratigraphy of Svalbard. Norsk
tion, which would thus be unrelated to the Polarinstitutt, 320 pp.
Arctic-North Atlantic transform displace- Harland, W. B. 1997: The geology of Svalbard.
ment. Geological Society of London Memoir 17,
521 pp.
The western part of the fold-thrust belt Hjelle A. 1993: Svalbards geologi (Norwegian
was uplifted and eroded down to language edition). Polarhåndbok No.6, Norsk
Fig. 4. Basal part of the Tertiary succession
Precambrian strata, which were thrust Polarinstitutt, Oslo, 163 pp.
of the Central Tertiary Basin, Spitsbergen.
ENE-ward onto the simultaneously devel- Hjelle, A. 1993: Geology of Svalbard (English lan-
The sandstone unit in the upper part of the
oping, depositional foreland basin (Central guage edition). Polarhåndbok No. 7, Norsk
photo is the Endalen Member of the
Tertiary Basin). Thrust movements were Polarinstitutt, Oslo, 163 pp.
Firkanten Formation. The underlying
transferred to the east ahead of the fold Todalen Member is largely covered by
belt along high-level detachments within scree. The coal seams of the Todalen
the cover sediments and interfered with Member are still worked in Longyearbyen,
basement-involved fault zones farther east Sveagruva and Barentsburg. Here, however,
(Billefjorden and Lomfjorden fault zones). in Sverdrupbyen, Longyeardalen, central
The stratigraphical record of Tertiary ba- Spitsbergen, we see the abandoned coal
sins is entirely clastic, with intervals of mine ‘Nye Gruve 1’, which was worked
coal-bearing successions (72, 68) that have during the period 1939–1958.
been worked for almost a century (Fig. 4). Photo: Winfried Dallmann.

During the later stages of fold belt devel-

opment (Eocene-Oligocene), minor sedi-
mentary basins, especially the
Forlandsundet Basin with a clastic sedi-
mentary fill (54), developed in the west of
Svalbard. Their structural record contains
components of strike-slip. The latest tec-
tonic overprint involved faulting associated
with a post-Eocene, E-W extensional re-
gime throughout western Svalbard, in con-
nection with the development of a passive
continental margin to the west.

Tertiary and Quaternary volcanic activity.

Volcanic activity of both Tertiary and
Quaternary age occurred in NW Spits-
bergen. Plateau basalts of Miocene to
Pliocene age (transitional olivine basalts,
53) overlie Devonian and Precambrian

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