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Toothpaste Analysis

I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to
all those who provided
me with the opportunity to complete this project. I
extend my profound thanks
to our principal, Ms. Maithreyi Rajesh, for granting me
this opportunity. Special
appreciation goes to our Chemistry teacher, Ms.
Bhagavthy, for her time and efforts
in reviewing and supporting the project. I also want to
extend my sincere
gratitude to my parents and friends who offered
immense support throughout
the completion of this project.

1. Introduction-------------------------------------------3

2. Aim-------------------------------------------------4

3. Materials Required--------------------------------------5

4. Theory-----------------------------------------------6

5. Procedure--------------------------------------------7

6. Observation-------------------------------------------9

7. Conclusion-------------------------------------------11

8. Precaution-------------------------------------------12

9. Bibliography-----------------------------------------13
Our project entails the comprehensive analysis of a range of compounds
Found in Colgate toothpaste. This multifaceted toothpaste, possessing
Attributes such as being basic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory,
Desensitizing, and providing a whitening effect, incorporates a diverse
Array of compounds. Fluorine, a principal element present in nearly all
Toothpaste formulations, manifests in Colgate as sodium fluoride,
Effectively impeding dental decay.Benzyl alcohol, another integral component
in Colgate, not only inhibits Microbial growth but also contributes aromatic
flavor. Additionally, Calcium carbonate, inherent in Colgate, serves a dual
purpose by Imparting a basic nature and providing the characteristic white color
to The toothpaste. Another noteworthy component is potassium nitrate,
Functioning as a desensitizing agent to address dental hypersensitivity.
This project focuses specifically on the systematic analysis of these
Compounds within Colgate toothpaste. While acknowledging the presence
Of numerous other compounds, our emphasis is on these four due to their
Relatively higher percentage composition compared to other constituents.
This strategic focus aims to yield effective insights in the analysis of
Colgate toothpaste, unraveling its intricate composition and


To prove the presence of benzyl alcohol, sodium

fluoride, calcium Carbonate, potassium nitrate in
Colgate toothpaste.
Materials required

• Colgate toothpaste sample

• Water
• Test tubes
• Tollens reagent
• Iodine solution
• Potassium Dichromate (K2CR2O7)
• Concentrated HCL
• Dil. HCL
• Silver Nitrate
• Sodium Sulphate
• Barium chloride

In the analysis of Colgate, the application of iodine solution

and Subsequent heating of the paste results in a yellow
precipitate of Iodoform, affirming the presence of benzyl
alcoholAdditionally, the Reaction of metal carbonate with
acid induces brisk effervescence, Indicating the liberation of
carbon dioxide. Furthermore, the interaction Of Colgate with
dichromate leads to the formation of benzaldehyde. Upon
Double boiling with Tollen’s reagent, this compound yields a
reddish-Brown precipitate.The primary type of
reactioninstrumental in this analysis is the
doubleDisplacement reaction, specifically precipitatereaction.
This reaction Plays a pivotal role in forming precipitates,
thereby providing the Expected results. It involves the mutual
exchange of ions between two salt Solutions, enabling a
systematic examination of the composition of Colgate
toothpaste. This methodological approach helps unravel the
Chemical components present and their characteristic
reactions, Contributing to a comprehensive understanding of
the formulation.

Procedure for testing benzyl alcohol

• IODINE TEST: Add a few drops of iodine solution to test tube

Containing Colgate toothpaste.

• TOLLENS REAGENTS TEST: Add a few drops of Tollens reagents to

A test tube containing Colgate toothpaste sample. Heat the test
Tube gently.

• DICHROMATE TEST: Add a few drops of potassium dichromate

Solution and a few drops of Conc.HCL to a test tube with the
Toothpaste sample. Heat gently. Procedure for testing sodium fluoride

• SILVER NITRATE TEST: Take a portion of toothpaste and mix it

With small amount of dil. HCL. Add a few drops of silver nitrate
Solution to the mixture.
• SULPHATE TEST: In a sample of toothpaste add sodium sulphate.
Procedure for testing calcium carbonate

• REACTION WITH ACID: In a test tube, add a small amount of

Toothpaste and mix it with HCL.

• CONFIRMATION OF PRECIPTATE: Heat toothpaste sample on a

Heat source to dry it out. Collect residue and test it solubility in

Procedure for testing Potassium Nitrate

• FLAME TEST: take paste onto a non-flammable surface and heat


• BARIUM CHLORIDE TEST: add surface drops of barium chloride

Solution to another test tube containing toothpaste sample.

• ACID TEST: add a few drops of conc. HCL to a test tube with
Toothpaste sample.
Observation for benzyl alcohol test

• IODINE TEST: If the solution turns blue-black. Benzyl alcohol maybe


• TOLLENS REAGENTS TEST: Benzyl alcohol is present, it may give a

Reddish-brown precipitate.

• DICHROMATE TEST: If benzyl alcohol is present, it may form

Benzaldehyde, which can be recognized by its characteristic odour.

Observation for sodium fluoride test

• SILVER NITRATE TEST: If Sodium Fluoride is present, it will form a

White precipitate of silver fluoride.

• SULPHATE TEST: If Sodium Fluoride is present, it may form a

White precipitate.

Observation for calcium carbonate test

• REACTION WITH ACID: Calcium carbonate will react with the acid,
Producing effervescence as carbon dioxide gas is released.

• CONFIRMATION OF PRECIPTATE: Calcium carbonate is insoluble in

Water, so if the residue doesn’t dissolve, it could indicate the
Presence of calcium carbonate.

Observation for potassium nitrate test

• FLAME TEST: If potassium nitrate is present, a white precipitate of

Barium nitrate may form.

• BARIUM CHLORIDE TEST: If potassium nitrate is present, a white

Precipitate of barium nitrate may form.

• ACID TEST If potassium nitrate is present, effervescence may

Occur, indicating the release of gas (carbon dioxide).

Our project successfully confirms the presence of sodium fluoride,

benzyl Alcohol, calcium carbonate, and potassium nitrate in Colgate
toothpaste.The quantification of the products or the intensity of the
precipitates Obtained indicates that these compounds are present in
trace amounts Within the toothpaste.In conclusion, the detection and
quantification of These specific compounds provide valuable insights
into the formulation of Colgate toothpaste. The trace amounts suggest
that these ingredients are Intentionally incorporated, likely
contributing to the toothpaste’s Intended properties, such as
antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, Desensitizing, and whitening effects.
Further research and analysis could Delve into the exact
concentrations and their synergistic effects, Enhancing our
understanding of Colgate’s chemical composition and its Efficacy in
oral care.

• Avoid contact of solution with skin, eyes and clothing.

• Provide good ventilation in process area to prevent formation of


• Take any precaution to avoid mixing with Combustibles.

• Do not breathe the gases formed.


• Colgate Official Publications: Colgate-Palmolive. “Colgate

Toothpaste: Formulation and Ingredients Report.” Colgate Research

Division, 2020



• Lab Manual

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