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in MAPEH 8

Name: _____________________________Grade/Section: ______________Date: _____________

Direction: Read each statement carefully choose the best answer from the given choices by writing the letter of the
correct answer on your answer sheet.

1. It is one of the most beautiful countries in Southeast Asia and also known as Kampuchea.
a. Indonesia b. Cambodia c. Malaysia d. Myanmar
2. This is a Cambodian musical ensemble or an orchestra that usually accompanies ceremonial music of
the royal courts and temples.
a. Pinpeat b. Piphat c. Gamelan d. Oneat
3. This is one of the musical ensembles of Pinpeat and this is called as xylophones or the idiophone.
a. Oneat b. Samphor c. Kongvong d. Chhing
4. What do you call a double headed drum played with hands in the musical ensembles of Pinpeat?
a. Oneat b. Samphor c. Kongvong d. Chhing
5. This country is an archipelago in Southeast Asia comprising approximately 17,500 islands.
a. Myanmar b. Malaysia c. Indonesia d. Cambodia
6. This are the musical ensemble of Pinpeat in Cambodia EXCEPT.
a. Oneat b. Samphor c. Skorthom d. Slendro
7. What do you call the Myanmar’s traditional folk music ensemble?
a. Saung Gauk b. Kertok c. Hsaing waing d. Hne
8. This instrument of Hsaing waing is called the double reed pipe.
a. Hne b. Chauk Lon Pat c. Pat Waing d. Maung Hsaing
9. What do you call the harp of Myanmar?
a. Hsaing Waing b. Kyi Waing c. Saung Gauk d. Chauk Lon Pat
10. If guitar has six(6) strings and ukulele has four(4) strings, how many strings are there in Saung Gauk?
a. 7 b. 10 c. 13 d. 8
11. Which instruments is NOT part of Hsaing Waing?
a. Skorthom b. Pat Waing c. Chauk Lon Pat d. Maung Saing
12. What musical ensemble and types of performances in Malaysia that is a gong-based musical ensemble
commonly used in funerals and weddings in East Malaysia?
a. Dikir Barat b. Silat Melayo c. Agung and Kulintang d. Kertok
13. This are the musical ensemble and types of performances in Malaysia EXCEPT.
a. Folk music b. Silat Melayo c. Kertok d. Dikir Barat
14. What types of Cambodian weaving that yields single or two-color fabrics?
a. Geometric motifs b. Uneven Twill c. Ikat Technique d. Free form design
15. The patterns of this Cambodian weaving are diverse and vary by region and the common motifs
include lattice, stars and spots.
a. Geometric motifs b. Uneven Twill c. Ikat Technique d. Free form design
16. It is considered to be one of the finest arts in the world.
a. Batik b. Sihn c. Shantung Taffeta d. Thai silk
17. This term is an Indonesian-Malay word, believed to be related to the Malay word titik, which means
“point,” “dot,” or “drop.”
a. Sihn b. Batik c. Hand Painted d. Block printed
18. What type of batik that the artist uses the canting, a small copper container with one or more
different-sized pipes.
a. Sihn b. Batik c. Hand Painted d. Block Printed
19. This type of batik is done by welding together strips of metal to form a metal block.
a. Sihn b. batik c. hand painted d. block printed
20. What arts and crafts of Thailand that made out of rice paper with a bamboo frame, which contain a
fuel cell or small candle.
a. Flying lanterns b. Loy Krathong c. Wayang Kulit d. Wau Kite

21. This are some popular Vietnamese fabric ranges EXCEPT.

a. Tangkolok b. Shantung taffeta c. Bengaline weave d. Ebony satin
22. This are the three main types of relief sculpture EXCEPT.
a. Alto form b. Bas form c. Sunken relief sculpture d. Dastar
23. In what country, they make paper by hand in the wider region for over 700 years using the bark of the
local sa or mulberry tree.
a. Laos b. Thailand c. Brunei d. Indonesia
24. It is defined as a condition in which an individual has enough energy to avoid fatigue and enjoy life.
a. Health-related b. Fitness c. Cardiovascular d. Flexibility
25. It refers to number of times a physical activity is done in each week.
a. Frequency b. Intensity c. Type d. Time
26. It is the duration or the length of session of a physical activity.
a. Frequency b. Intensity c. Type d. Time
27. Which is NOT a flexibility exercise?
a. Jogging b. Yoga c. Stretching d. Calf
28. This are the cardiovascular exercises EXCEPT.
a. Walking b. Swimming c. Lunges d. Jogging
29. It referred to as the magnitude of the effort required to perform an activity or exercise.
a. Frequency b. Intensity c. Type d. Time
30. It is the ability to move a body part through a full range of motion (ROM) at a joint.
a. cardiovascular fitness c. Body composition
b. Flexibility d. Muscular strength
31. It is the ability of the heart and circulatory system to supply oxygen to muscles for an extended period
of time.
a. Cardiovascular fitness c. Body composition
b. Flexibility d. Muscular strength
32. It is a social concept on how men and women should think, feel and act.
a. Sex b. Gender c. Sexuality d. Androgyny
33. What term defines a man or a woman based on biological characteristics?
a. Sex b. Gender c. sexuality d. Androgyny
34. What do you call the sets of activities that society considers as appropriate for men and women?
a. Gender role b. Gender identity c. Gender equality d. Gender sensitivity
35. It is the way you look as a man or a woman.
a. mental self b. social self c. physical self d. emotional self
36. It is the way you feel about yourself and others.
a. mental self b. social self c. physical self d. emotional self
37. Which characterizes a good decision?
a. Easy to make c. One that your teacher told you to make
b. Makes you friends happy d. Made after a thoughtful consideration of consequence/s
38. Why is it important to understand human sexuality?
a. We will all be mature adults
b. We have similar sexuality issues
c. There is a specific age for developing one’s sexuality
d. It will help us build a better relationship with ourselves and others.
39. It involves the name given at birth, the toys played with, the clothes worn, the friends played with, the
roles and responsibilities at home.
a. Sex b. Gender c. Sexuality d. Androgyny
40. Which is NOT a healthy attitude that can influence sexual behavior.
a. appreciates own body
b. express love and intimacy in appropriate ways
c. fixing the broken faucet
d. communicates effectively with family
41. This are the healthy attitudes of peers that can influence sexual behavior EXCEPT.
a. takes responsibility for own behaviors
b. interacts with both genders in appropriate and respectful ways
c. respect both gender in all aspects
d. express love and intimacy in appropriate ways
42. What does this symbol mean

a. Male b. Female c. Lesbian d. Gay

43. What does this symbol mean
a. Male b. Female c. Lesbian d. Gay

44. It is a choice you make or act upon.

a. Determination b. Consideration c. Decision d. Exploration
45. It is a communicable disease that is spread by a pathogen from one person to another person
through sexual contact.
a. Cancer c. Sexually Transmitted Infection
b. Diabetes d. Fever
46. From the abbreviation AIDS, what does the letter D mean?
a. Disease b. Disorder c. Deficiency d. Defect
47. Which steps is NOT included in decision making?
a. Elevate b. Decide c. Identify your values d. Evaluate
48. It is the way you value relationship.
a. Physical self b. Mental self c. Social self d. Ethical self
49. It permits man and woman equal enjoyment of human rights.
a. Sex b. Gender c. Gender Equality d. Gender role
50. What phrase refers to the usual role of men?
a. Giving birth c. Fixing the broken faucet
b. Doing household chores d. Babysitter

Don’t be Stress, Do your Best. Forget the Rest.


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