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Dhez- Module 1 ADDIE- analyzing learning needs

Analyze- identifying the problem (perspectives), assessing the situation- Supreme Court/ RTC Br. 293
Malabon City- John Caleb C. Andal

-to study or examine in detail in order to understand more about it

Analysis in L&D

- Identifying L&D Needs, Prioritizing L&D Needs, Selecting L&D Interventions

Needs analysis: Organization needs, Performance Needs, Work environment Needs, Learning Needs

Organization Needs: Goals for a unit, department or institution

Performance Needs: OTJ requirements from people who are performing a specific job

Work environment needs: systems and processes within the work environment that affect performance

Learning needs: What people must learn if they are to perform successfully

Needs assessment techniques:

- Direct Observation

- Key informant interviews

- Questionnaires

- IPCR/Consultation with persons in key positions

- Focus groups

- Assessment/Surveys

- Work samples

- Competency tool

SUG Matrix- Seriousness, Urgency, Growth Potential

Seriousness- How important are the outcomes in this area? How significant are the performance and
competency gaps in this area? (vs, s, less serious)

Urgency- How much time does the agency have to improve performance and competency in this area
before any substantial damage occurs? (vu, urgent, less u)

Growth Potential- If performance or competency is not developed, will the situation over time improve?
Ramin the same or worse? (Great extent, mod ext, low extent)
Select L&D Interventions 70:20:10 Model

70- workplace learning (experiential learning)

20- social learning (informal learning)

10- structured learning (formal learning)

Module 2 Design and Development

Jennifer M. Parajo

Designing Training Programs

“Begin with end in mind”

Learning objectives

Terminal or Performance (enabling)- what learners will be able to do by the end of intervention; focus is
performance level

Enabling objectives- enable the achievement of terminal objective; break down terminal objective

Session objectives (module objective)-

It is mandarotry that learning objectives are formulated first before indentifying content and selecting
learning methods

Writing objectives

Magers ABCD Method

Blooms Taxonomy

Performance Objkective

Module 3 Facilitation and Administration

Lyka Angelique Villegas- Baluyot

Design- Formulate learning objecives

-flesh out learning activity plan

Dewvelopment- prepare all facilitator materials

-develop all participant materials and learning aids

Commonly used learning tools

- slides, charts, wall charts, posters

Considerations in selecting learning tools





-Engaging, Clarifying, Gate-Keeping, Processing, Synthesizing

Module 4

Evaluation- examine the results of the learning solution and determine if it met the objectives set

Ensure that the intervention is not a waste of time and money

Provide management with information on leaning and progress of their staff

Provide HR with information on the effectiveness of the interventions provided-demonstrate quality and
value of programs

Kirkpatrick’s 4 levels of evaluation




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