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Rules Quick-Reference

a. Weapon Damage + Strength - (Opponent’s

Ability Test Armor Rating)
b.There is no negative health
Test Result = 3d6 + Ability + Focus

To make an ability test, first pick up three Spell Attacks

six-sided dice (3d6). Two of the dice should be
1. Make a casting roll: 3d6 + Intelligence +
one color and the third a different color. The
Arcana Focus (if applicable)
off-color die is known as the Stunt Die (see The
a. Target Number is based on spell.
Stunt Die). Roll all three dice and add the results
b.Failure means spell fizzles and you lose
together; you want to roll high. You then add the
the magic points
ability you’re testing and another 2 if you have
2. Spell Power = 10 + Willpower + Arcana
an applicable ability focus. The final number is
Focus (if applicable)
your test result.
a. Spell Power measures arcane might.
Targets test against it to resist or offset
Stunts effects

See Stunt Cards for Options

When doubles are rolled on certain types of
If your health is reduced to 0, your hero will die
tests, this generates stunt points (abbreviated
after a number of rounds equal to 2 +
SP). You can then use these points to pull off a
Constitution unless they receive healing. Dying
number of special maneuvers. Stunt points are
characters can talk, but cannot take any other
used primarily in combat encounters to keep
actions. They die at the start of their turn on the
fights dynamic and fun, along with spell stunts,
final round.
which let mages enhance their spells.

Melee Attacks Stunt Pool

You may draw up to 2 points from the stunt
1. Made using skill listed for weapon,
pool, regardless of whether you rolled doubles.
modified by a focus if applicable.
a. Target Number is opponent’s defense.
2. Roll and resolve damage
a. Weapon Damage + Strength - (Opponent’s
Action Points
Armor Rating) Spend Action Points to:
b.There is no negative health
● Reroll a die roll, including damage rolls.
Take the best result of the two rolls.
Ranged Attacks ● Reroll the Stunt Die, keeping the highest
1. Made using skill listed for weapon result for determining stunt points
(Accuracy if nothing is listed), modified by a generated (but keeping the original roll to
focus and applicable bonuses. determine success).
a. Target Number is opponent’s defense. ● Immediately heal the character as if they
2. Roll and resolve damage had time to take a breather, healing 5 +
Constitution + Level in Health. This does action, while 2 Action Points allow
not count as taking a breather for the an additional major action.
purposes of whether a character can take ● Add +2 Defense to your character until your
a 5-minute rest out of combat and take a next action.
breather regularly.
● Stabilize a dying character. The character
● Regain Magic Points as if you rested will remain unconscious but alive at 0
an hour, gaining Willpower + 1d6 Health unless a foe takes a major action
Magic Points. to strike them dead. Characters can
● Alter a minor but useful detail in a scene. recover Health normally.
● Take an additional action. Spending 1
Action Point allows an additional

Type Action

Major All-Out Attack (+1 Damage, -1 Defense)

Major Charge (Move ½ speed, then make melee attack at +1)

Major Defend (+2 Defense)

Major Heal ally - TN 11 Intelligence (Healing) test; success heals Stunt Die + Intelligence health

Major Melee Attack (adjacent within 2 yards)

Major Ranged Attack

Major Run (2x Speed)

Major Stand Up

Minor Activate (start using powers or items, such as fighting styles and potions)

Minor Aim (+1 bonus to attack roll)

Minor Guard Up (+1 or +2 to Defense until end of round; take equal penalty to all tests you make)

Minor Move (move your speed in yards)

Minor Prepare (If you haven't yet taken a major action this turn, choose a major action and end turn;
interrupt another character and take prepared action immediately,)

Minor Press the Attack (Declare adjacent enemy you have successfully attacked, if they retreat, you
may take a free action to move up to your speed to follow them)

Minor Ready (unsheathe weapon, pull out a potion, or ready an item that is stowed. You can put
away something already in hand as part of this action)

Minor Stand Firm (gain opposed test of opponent’s Strength (Might) vs your Strength (Might) or
Dexterity (Acrobatics) when opponent targets you with a Skirmish or Knock Prone stunts)

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