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Cytometry Part B (Clinical Cytometry) 94B:652–659 (2018)

Original Article
The Monoclonal Anti-CD157 Antibody Clone
SY11B5, Used for High Sensitivity Detection of
PNH Clones on WBCs, Fails to Detect a
Common Polymorphic Variant Encoded
by BST-1
Johanna Blaha,1 Klaus Schwarz,1,2 Claudia Fischer,2 Peter Schauwecker,2
ochsmann,1,2 Hubert Schrezenmeier,1,2 and Markus Anliker2*
Britta H€
Institute for Transfusion Medicine, University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany
Institute for Clinical Transfusion Medicine and Immunogenetics Ulm,
German Red Cross Blood Service Baden-W€ urttemberg-Hessen, Ulm, Germany

Background: CD157, encoded by BST-1, has been described as a useful flow cytometric marker
for the analysis of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) as it is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol
(GPI)-linked molecule highly expressed on normal monocytes and neutrophils. We and others observed
isolated CD157 signal dropouts during intended PNH analysis. We hypothesize that these negative popu-
lations occur due to an antibody failure. To investigate the reason for this finding, we compared two dif-
ferent anti-CD157 antibody clones for PNH analysis.
Methods: We sequenced BST-1 of CD157-negative probands that are not suffering from PNH and expressed
wild type and a discovered variant form of CD157 in HEK293 cells. We compared the binding patterns of two
different anti-CD157 antibody clones (SY11B5 and RF3) by flow cytometry and western blot analysis.
Results: When sequencing two CD157-negative probands we detected a common SNP (p.Arg145Gln) in
exon 3 of BST-1. We found that only anti-CD157 antibody clone RF3 but not the more widely used clone
SY11B5 was able to detect both, the wild type and the variant form of CD157 in flow cytometric experiments.
Conclusion: The failure of anti-CD157 antibody clone SY11B5 to detect a common SNP can explain
some CD157-negative cytometric data. This provides crucial knowledge for laboratories performing PNH
analyses as such results can potentially lead to false-positive PNH interpretation. Our results confirm the
importance of published PNH guidelines. V C 2018 International Clinical Cytometry Society

Key terms: CD157; monoclonal antibody; PNH; flow cytometry; single nucleotide polymorphism

How to cite this article: Blaha J, Schwarz K, Fischer C, Schauwecker P, H€

ochsmann B, Schrezenmeier H and
Anliker M. The Monoclonal Anti-CD157 Antibody Clone SY11B5, Used for High Sensitivity Detection of PNH
Clones on WBCs, Fails to Detect a Common Polymorphic Variant Encoded by BST-1. Cytometry Part B 2018;
94B: 652–659.

Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) is a *Correspondence to: Markus Anliker, Institute for Clinical
Transfusion Medicine and Immunogenetics Ulm, German Red Cross
hematological disorder with a non-malignant but life- €rttemberg-Hessen, Ulm, Helmholtzstraße 10,
Blood Service Baden-Wu
threatening character (1). The disease is caused by a 89081 Ulm, Germany. Email:
clonal expansion of a hematopoietic stem cell that Grant sponsor: International Graduate School in Molecular Medicine,
acquired a somatic mutation, most often in the PIG-A Ulm University.
gene, leading to a deficiency of glycosylphosphatidylino- Received 10 July 2017; Revised 28 December 2017; Accepted
8 January 2018
sitol (GPI)-linked or -anchored proteins on the cell sur- Published online 23 January 2018 in Wiley Online Library (wileyon-
face of its offspring cells (2). Among others, two of the
missing molecules are the complement regulatory DOI: 10.1002/cyto.b.21625

C 2018 International Clinical Cytometry Society

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molecules CD55 and CD59 which are essential for pro- it as a potentially useful GPI-anchored marker for PNH
tecting autologous cells from the complement system analysis. In 2014, CD157 became more important for
(1). If those molecules are missing on the cell surfaces PNH testing as Sutherland and colleagues introduced
the complement system is activated, eventually leading two high-sensitivity assays for PNH cell detection that
to cell lysis. Cell lysis is the cause for intravascular included CD157 (16). The good applicability of CD157
hemolysis which is one of the three main clinical fea- in PNH testing was further confirmed by Marinov et al.
tures of PNH. The other main symptoms belonging to in assays for simultaneous evaluation of granulocytes
the classical clinical triad of PNH are bone marrow fail- and monocytes (42,43). However, some rare cases of
ure and thrombosis especially at unusual sites which is CD157-negative, non-PNH have been reported sugges-
the single most frequent cause of death in PNH patients ting to use two GPI-specific reagents per lineage to
(3–5). However, the occurrence of the clinical features avoid misinterpretation (43). Out of 1,113 patients that
of PNH varies a lot in patients and makes the disease dif- were analyzed for PNH via flow cytometry (11) as part
ficult to diagnose (6). Flow cytometry is the gold stan- of routine workup in our laboratory we found two iso-
dard for identification and quantification of PNH pheno- lated CD157 failures. In order to reveal the discrepant
types (7–9). Using this method even small populations result between CD157 and other GPI-anchored markers
of GPI-deficient cells can be detected, which allows a in these cases we examined these two CD157-negative,
quantitative assessment of the PNH population. Further- non-PNH cases concerning their BST-1 genetics. We
more, flow cytometry is preferentially used for follow-up showed a common SNP to be the origin of the binding
of PNH patients or patients that were suffering from failure of the anti-CD157 antibody clone SY11B5 which
other bone marrow failures like aplastic anemia or is often used for PNH analysis.
refractory cytopenia with unilineage dysplasia (RCUD)
(3,8) as there is a well-known association between MATERIALS AND METHODS
PNH and these other bone marrow diseases (10–14). Genomic DNA Isolation and Sanger Sequencing
Diverse markers and staining strategies for PNH testing
Following informed consent genomic DNA was iso-
are discussed in different manuscripts (7,9,11,15–19).
lated from the patients’ granulocytes or mononuclear
Published PNH guidelines emphasize the use of two
cells using the Wizard Genomic DNA Purification Kit
GPI-specific reagents for the analysis of leukocytes (gran-
(Promega, Madison, WI, #A1120). BST-1 was amplified
ulocytes and monocytes) and red blood cells. These
guidelines seem even more important considering some
cases of antibody failure to recognize antigen due to and 50 -CAGAGGACTTGGAGAGGATCAAGTG-30 ), pre-

existing polymorphic variants or rare cases of single pared for Sanger Sequencing using the Big DyeV Termi-
marker deficiencies, for example, CD55, CD59, and nator v1.1 Cycle Sequencing PR-100 Kit (Applied Biosys-
CD16 (7,20–26). tems, Foster City, CA, #4337450) and sequenced with
The multifunctional molecule CD157, encoded by the primers (Sequ#1_BST-1_Ex1/F: 50 -ATGGCGGCCCAGG
bone marrow stromal cell antigen BST-1, is a GPI- GGTGCG-30 , Sequ#2_BST-1_Ex3/F: 50 -GTTCTGTATGGC
anchored molecule with a molar weight of 40–46 kDa AGGGTTGC-30 , Sequ#3_BST-1_Ex8/F: 50 -GGACCACAGCA
(27). The molecule is highly conserved and acts as CCCATCCTG-30 , Sequ#4_BST-1_Ex3/R: 50 -GCAACCCTG
receptor and ectoenzyme. As homologue of CD38 CCATACAGAAC-30 , Sequ#5_BST-1_Ex8/R: 50 -TTACAGTT
(27,28) it shares 36% of its protein sequence (29). Due GAGTCCTGGAAG-30 ). After precipitation with Hi-DiTM
to the fact that CD157 belongs to the ADP-ribosyl Formamide (Applied Biosystems, #4311320) sequences

cyclase gene family it exhibits diverse functions (27). It were detected using the ABI PrismV Genetic Analyzer
was reported that BST-1 promotes pre-B-cell growth and 3130xl (Applied Biosystems).
is involved in early T-cell development (30). CD157 is a Cloning
crucial factor for the mobility of human neutrophils
(31,32) and is involved in the transmigration of mono- The plasmid pEF1a-IRES-Neo was a gift from Thomas
cytes (29). As reported by Morone et al. CD157 plays a Zwaka (Addgene plasmid #28019) (44). Plasmid DNA
crucial role in cell–extracellular matrix interaction (33). was prepared with the QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit
In mesenchymal stem cells BST-1 has pivotal regulatory (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany, #27104) according to the
functions (34). It further has been found to play a role manufacturer’s protocol. gBlocks Gene fragments for
in several human diseases like Parkinson’s disease (35) BST-1 wild type and BST-1 SNP (c.434G>A) were pur-
and rheumatoid arthritis (36) or diverse cancer types chased from IDT (Coralville, IA):
such as acute myeloid leukemia (37), ovarian carcinoma Wild type BST-1/SNP (c.434G>A) BST-1: 50 -
(38), and malignant pleural mesothelioma (32). CCGCTCGAGCACCATGGCGGCCCAGGGGTGCGCGGCA
anchored proteins and showed for the first time that ACTGTTGCTGCTGGCGGCGGGCGGGGCGCGCGCGCGG
CD157 could potentially be used as additional marker TGGCGCGGGGAGGGCACCAGCGCACACTTGCGGGACAT
for PNH testing (39–41). In humans, CD157 is highly CTTCCTGGGCCGCTGCGCCGAGTACCGCGCACTGCTGA
expressed on peripheral blood monocytes and granulo- GTCCCGAGCAGCGGAACAAGAACTGCACAGCCATCTGGG
cytes but absent from erythrocytes (27), which includes AAGCCTTTAAAGTGGCGCTGGACAAGGATCCCTGCTCCG

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CGTTTTATGCCCCTGAGCGATGTTCTGTATGGCAGGGTT (all from Beckman-Coulter, Brea, CA) for identification
GCAGATTTCTTGAGCTGGTGTC of leukocytes, granulocytes, and monocytes, respec-
G/A tively. For PNH clone detection cells were stained with
CTACATCAGAAGACTGTGAAAATAATCCTGTGGATTCC Burlington, Canada, #FL1A, 1026 mol/L) and 5 mL anti-
AACAGGAGCCTATCCCATCAAAGGTTTTTTTGCAGATTA clone RF3 (Beckman Coulter, #IM2557, 0.5 mg/mL). After
TGAAATTCCAAACCTCCAGAAGGAAAAAATTACACGAAT 15–30 min of incubation at room temperature (RT)
TGGAATCCTGCGGGGAAGGCAGCATGAAAGTCCTGGAA #A07799) was added, that prior was diluted 1/10 in
AAGAGGCTGAAGGACATGGGGTTCCAGTACAGCTGTAT water. Cells were incubated for 10 min at RT, washed in
CCACAGCACCCATCCTGACTGTGCCTTAAAGTCGGCAG Cytomics FC500 flow cytometer (Beckman Coulter). All
CAGCCGCTACTCAAAGAAAAGCCCCAAGTCTTTATACAG centrifugation steps were performed at 300g for 5 min.
AACAAAGGGCGGGTCTTATCATTCCCCTCTTTCTGGTG In vitro verification. HEK293 cells were detached
CTGGCTTCCAGGACTCAACTGTAAGCGGCCGCTAAACT using Accutase Solution (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO,
AT-30 . #A6964) and 2 3 105 cells were resuspended in 20 mL
After overnight digestion of gBlock Gene fragments PBS and stained with 0.5 mL anti-CD157-PE (clone
and plasmid DNA with NotI and XhoI (New England SY11B5) or 0.5 mL anti-CD157-FITC (clone RF3). Cells
Biolabs, Ipswich, MA, #R0189L, R0146L) in the NEBuffer were incubated for 10 min at RT and washed in PBS. All
3.1 (New England Labs, #B7203S) at 378C the plasmid centrifugation steps were performed at 2,000 rpm for 5
was treated with alkaline phosphatase (Roche, Basel, min at RT. Cells were resuspended in 200 mL PBS,
Switzerland, #10108138001) before both were ligated stained with 7-aminoactinomycin D (0.5 mg, Sigma-
with the Fast-LinkTM DNA Ligation Kit (epicenter, Madi- Aldrich, #A9400) and analyzed on a BD Accuri C6 Flow
son, WI, #LK0750H) according to the manufacturer’s Cytometer.
protocol. Plasmids harboring BST-1 wild type or SNP or
the empty vector were transformed in One Shot TOP10 Western blot analysis
bacteria (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, #C404010) according
to the manufacturer’s protocol. Plasmid DNA was Proteins were isolated using 100–300 mL lysis buffer
extracted from overnight bacterial cultures via the High- (50 mM Tris HCl, pH 8.0; 62.5 mM EDTA, pH 7.96; 1%
Speed Plasmid Maxi Kit (Qiagen, #12663) according to NP 40, 0.4% natrium desoxycholate.) Cells were incu-
the manufacturer’s protocol. All plasmid constructs bated for 30 min at 48C and centrifuged for 5 min at RT.
were verified by digestion with restriction enzymes and Protein concentrations were analyzed with DCTM Pro-
fragment size verification on agarose gels and by Sanger tein Assay (BIO-RAD, Hercules, CA), the MARS Data
sequencing. Analysis Software and a POLARstar Omega ELISA-Reader
(BMG Labtech, Ortenberg, Germany). About 30 mg pro-
Cell Culture, Transfection, and Selection tein lysate were separated on 10% sodium dodecyl sul-
HEK293 cells were cultured in IMDM (Gibco by life fate polyacrylamide gels and transferred to a nylon mem-
technologies, Carlsbad, CA, #21980-032) supplemented brane (Immobilon P PVDF Transfer Membran Millipore,
with 10% FCS (PAA, #A15–101, Lot#10108-0961). The Billerica, MA). The membrane was probed with the anti-
cells were transfected using the AmaxaV R Cell Line bodies [anti-CD157-PE 1:800, anti-CD157-FITC 1:100 and
NucleofectorVR Kit V (Lonza, Basel, Switzerland, #VACA- anti-Ku-86 (Santa Cruz, Dallas, TX, #SC5280) 1:1500] in
1003) according to the manufacturer’s protocol using 5% milk powder in 1x TBST (10 mM Tris pH 7.2–8,
the Nucleofector Program A23. Two days post transfec- 0.15 M NaCl, 0.05% Tween 20) and incubated overnight
tion 1.5 mg/mL Geneticin (Thermo Fisher Scientific, at 48C. After washing with 13 TBST, the membrane was
Waltham, MA, #11811064) was added to the media for probed with HRP-conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG
selection until day 10 when the concentration was (H 1 L) antibody (BIO-RAD, #1706516) 1:3,000 in 5%
reduced to 0.5 mg/mL. Medium was changed every 2–3 milk powder in 13 TBST for 2 h at RT and developed
days. Cells were negative for mycoplasma and squirrel with the SuperSignalTM West Pico Chemiluminescent
monkey retrovirus. Substrate (Thermo Scientific, #34080) according to the
manufacturer’s protocol. Chemiluminescence signals
Flow cytometric PNH test were detected with the FusionCapt Advance SL2 Xpress
Routine panel. Following informed consent 100 mL software on a Fusion SL (Vilber Lourmat, Eberhardzell,
EDTA-blood from the probands were stained with 10 mL Germany).

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FIG. 1. Routine PNH staining for CD157. Monocytes (green) and granulocytes (purple) were stained with FLAER and anti-CD157 antibody clone
SY11B5. In the healthy control sample all cells are FLAER- and CD157-positive. In the representative PNH-positive control (PNH-patient) 73.5% of
the monocytes and 74% of the granulocytes are negative for FLAER and CD157. In samples from both presented probands almost 100% of mono-
cytes as well as of granulocytes are only positive for FLAER but negative for CD157.

RESULTS received a bone marrow transplantation from his sister.

Absent CD157 Signal in Two Non-Related Upon follow-up, the proband was investigated for the
Non-PNH Probands presence of a PNH clone. The analyzed cells were nega-
tive for CD157 using the monoclonal antibody clone
Here we present two non-PNH cases, both with miss-
SY11B5 (Fig. 1). However, the proband was not diag-
ing anti-CD157 clone SY11B5 signal on their monocytes
nosed with PNH because all other molecules tested in
and granulocytes.
the PNH routine panel were present and the proband
The first proband is of Asian (Turkish) ancestry and
suffers from cyclic neutropenia for several years. In the showed no clinical symptoms. Upon STR-analysis the
context of the standard evaluation of patients with bone investigated cells were noted to be of female origin,
marrow failures the patient was tested for PNH. Strik- thus, originated from the bone marrow donating sister.
ingly, all PNH panel markers were inconspicuous except The sister is inconspicuous in her hematopoiesis.
for CD157 (Fig. 1). No significant CD55 and/or CD59-
CD157 Protein is Present as Polymorphic Variant on the
deficient erythrocyte and reticulocyte population was
detected (data not shown) and no signs of hemolysis or Cell Surface of Both Probands
thrombophilia were reported. In order to explain the inconclusive staining results
The second proband, who is of Philippine ancestry, we performed further experimental work up. Both pro-
initially presented with a severe aplastic anemia, bands were tested again for the expression of CD157

FIG. 2. A polymorphic CD157 variant is present on the probands monocytes and granulocytes. A. 99.3% of the monocytes and 96.4% of the
granulocytes of proband 1 are positive for CD157 when using the anti-CD157 antibody clone RF3. This representative staining pattern of proband 1
indicates type I cells (normal expression of GPI-anchored molecules). B. Wild type sequence of exon 3 of BST-1 compared with both probands. Both
probands carry the SNP rs2302464.

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with a second monoclonal anti-CD157 antibody clone

(RF3). Interestingly, this antibody clone was able to


detect CD157 on the probands’ cell surfaces (Fig. 2A).


After genetic examination of the BST-1 gene in both
cases, a common SNP (p.Arg145Gln, rs2302464) in
frequency exon 3 was found (Fig. 2B). The SNP has an allele fre-

quency of 4.85%, with an especially high incidence in


East Asia (20.57%) and an overall homozygous allele

occurrence of 0.27% according to the Exome Aggrega-
Observed SNPs in BST-1 with an allele incidence of >1% according to the Exome Aggregation Consortium database (45)

tion Consortium database (ExAC) (45) (Table 1). Addi-

tionally, we found two identical synonymous SNPs in




both probands. The SNP p.Ser156Ser (rs2302463) has


an overall homozygous allele incidence of 0.25% and a
high homozygous occurrence in East Asia (1.83%). With
an overall allele frequency of 52.55% in East Asia the

variant p.Arg315Arg (rs1058212) is very common among


this population (Table 1). We hypothesized the SNP


(p.Arg145Gln) in exon 3 of BST-1 to be the reason for

the antibody failure of anti-CD157 antibody clone




The Anti-CD157 Antibody Clone SY11B5 Fails to Detect a





Common Polymorphic Variant of CD157 (p.Arg145Gln)

Datasets with a total allele number of <10,000 or mutations in introns or the 30 UTR were excluded.

To test whether the SNP p.Arg145Gln is causative for

the observed antibody failure we stably expressed the
Total allele

wild type form or the polymorphic variant of CD157 in




HEK293 cells and analyzed them by staining with both

antibody clones in flow cytometric experiments (Fig.
Table 1

3A). An empty vector backbone served as negative con-

trol. HEK293 cells that were transfected with the empty
vector were negative for both anti-CD157 antibody

clones. Both antibody clones detected the molecule on


cells expressing the wild type form of CD157. Strikingly,



on HEK293 cells expressing the polymorphic variant of



CD157 (p.Arg145Gln) only the anti-CD157 antibody

clone RF3 was able to detect the present molecule. In
order to validate both antibodies in a second approach
western blot experiments were performed (Fig. 3B).
Similar to what was observed in flow cytometry results,
antibody clone SY11B5 detected only the wild type
4:15737732 G/A (rs28404156)
4:15737722 C/T (rs28641514)
4:15704874 G/C (rs2302468)

4:15739415 G/C (rs3900588)

4:15739428 A/T (rs4320134)
4:15709192 G/A (rs2302465)
4:15709252 G/A (rs2302464)

4:15713446 C/T (rs2302463)

form of CD157 in western blot experiments. However,

4:15733454 A/C (rsl058212)

in western blot analyses the second antibody clone

Annotation is for a non-canonical transcript.

(RF3) failed to detect the polymorphic variant of

CD157. We proved the presence of both CD157 variants

on the blot with a polyclonal antibody excluding the

absence of the polymorphic protein due to, for exam-
ple, miscompartmentalization (Fig. 3C).
We were able to show that the wild type form of
CD157 (p.Arg145) is detectable with both common anti-
CD157 antibody clones (SY11B and RF3) in flow cytom-
etry as well as in western blot analyses. However, the
polymorphic CD157 variant (p.Arg145Gln) was only
detectable in flow cytometry experiments using the anti-
Synonymous >1%

body clone RF3.

Missense >1%

Stop lost >1%

Several different PNH analysis panels of flow cytometric

staining strategies have been proposed (7–9,11,16,17,46),

but an overall consensus PNH analysis protocol does not

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FIG. 3. In vitro validation of anti-CD157 antibody clone SY11B5 and RF3 in flow cytometry and western blot experiments. A. In the empty vector
control no CD157 signal is obtained. The wild type CD157 is detectable with both antibody clones. The polymorphic variant is only detectable using
the clone RF3. B. Both antibody clones detect only wild type CD157 in western blot experiments. C. The polyclonal anti-CD157 antibody detects the
wild type as well as the variant CD157 protein. Ku-86 was used as loading control in western blot experiments. [Color figure can be viewed at]

exist. Both, cell type and molecules addressed differ CD157 deficiency is not the reason for failing CD157
among these PNH panels as well as detection sensitiv- detection in our laboratory. Rather, we identified an
ity of applied reagents. It is important for PNH analysis antibody detection problem due to a changed amino
that even small PNH clones are detectable. However, acid sequence of the antigen. The underlying SNP
even in individuals without clinical symptoms of PNH (p.Arg145Gln) is among the most common SNPs in
few PNH-like cells have been found (47,48). Here we BST-1 listed in the ExAC Browser. Indeed, 2.3% of the
report on two cases out of 1113 with negative CD157 East Asian populations carry this SNP homozygously
staining on monocytes and granulocytes using the anti- whereas the polymorphism has lower frequencies in
body clone SY11B5 for PNH testing. All other GPI- other populations. It remains to be tested whether
anchored markers were normally expressed on periph- patients carrying this SNP variant of CD157 have even-
eral blood cells of these patients. As part of our qual- tually a higher prevalence of bone marrow diseases
ity management of PNH flow cytometry we further other than PNH. Whether also other SNPs in BST-1 are
analyzed these cases to elucidate the reason for the leading to false negative signals in flow cytometry has
discrepancy between CD157 (SY11B5) staining and never been examined, however, we consider the SNP
other GPI-anchored markers. CD157 has been (p.Arg145Gln) as leading cause for CD157-negative
described to be a potent alternative marker for PNH cases. In the future, it will be worth testing the per-
testing in diverse antibody panels based on both formances of both anti-CD157 antibody clones when
FLAER- and non-FLAER approaches. In this study we other missense SNPs of BST-1 or combinations of other
show that application of CD157 as a marker for PNH SNPs with p.Arg145Gln are investigated. In our opin-
might be challenging, since its binding site can be ion CD157 is still a valid molecule for PNH routine
affected by a SNP that impairs detection by at least testing. However, CD157-based identification of GPI-
one anti-CD157 antibody clone. Those rare CD157- deficient populations must be confirmed by another
negative cases have also emerged in other laboratories GPI-specific reagent. Investigators can either decide to
before. It was suggested that this phenomenon may be use other anti-CD157 antibody clones than clone
an isolated CD157 deficiency, because all cases with SY11B5, which always has been used for establishment
lack of CD157 staining expressed GPI anchored mole- of PNH analysis guidelines, or they must be aware of
cules normally on red blood cells (Type I PNH) (43). non-PNH, CD157-negative individuals. Of note, in our
Although the existence of such deficiencies cannot be experiments the antibody clone RF3 was less sensitive
excluded, we are the first to show that an isolated than clone SY11B5. Thus, clone RF3 needs to be

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