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light on the earth, although their source

was the collapsing core of a massive,

young star 160,000 light-years away.
The theorists had forecast it amazing- by James Burke

ly well. A dozen or two neutrinos were
caught from the million million million
that crossed both house-size detectors,
ßowing up through the solid earth from
the south. (Of course, you yourself, like
all the rest of us, were pierced through The Silk Road
and through by trillions of the super-
nova neutrinos: no damage.) The neu-
trino ßash from that single star collapse

was, for a second, more powerful than his is the Þrst of my monthly col- the way up to humankind, had been
the steady optical light of all the stars umns for ScientiÞc American. It designed by God into a series of succes-
in all the galaxies we can see! is entitled ÒConnectionsÓ (a name sively more complex species that dif-
An inferno at the supernovaÕs dense I have also used for books and two tel- fered from one to the next only by inÞ-
imploding core, only a few miles across, evision series) because I aim to look nitely small graduations. The German
became several thousand times hotter at the way the great web of change con- in question, Gottfried W. Leibniz, had a
than the center of the sun. From it a tide nects events, discoveries, inventions, vested interest in things microscopical-
of neutrinos poured out, able to leave personalities, politics, the arts and 1,000 ly small, having recently developed an
the star, though not without interac- other components that can be involved inÞnitesimal calculus with which to
tions in that enormously thick enve- in the act of innovation. Reductionism work out the rates of acceleration of
lope. The high temperature made neu- simply does not begin to describe this planetary bodies. Leibniz saw Leeuwen-
trinos by heat alone, two at a time, neu- complex, serendipitous process, in hoekÕs organisms during a visit to Delft
trino and antineutrino together. Myriad which even apparently trivial elements in 1678 and asserted that they showed
Þerce encounters between hot photons have the most important eÝects. Take, the diÝerences between species might
or between electron pairs within the for instance, the case of shot silk. be so tiny Òthat it is impossible for the
core made neutrinos only rarely, but, In the mid-17th century, one of the senses and imagination to Þx the exact
once made, the neutrinos promptly left few mills in northern Europe producing point where one begins or ends.Ó
for the cold world outside, taking with high-quality products such as shot
them more than 99 percent of all the
energy released in the starÕs collapse.
So much is well supported. One more
silkÑa Þne, iridescent and expensive
weaveÑwas in SpitalÞelds in London. So
in 1668 a Dutch draper called Antonie
L eibnizÕs philosophy, which was based
on the existence of such inÞnitesi-
mally small, fundamental elements of
wonder may also be true. There are Thonisoon went there to see the latest existence, or Òmonads,Ó turned out to be
strong signs that the cosmos we inhab- English designs. He was astounded to exactly the universal substrate for which
it is Þlled with unseen matter, whose come across drawings of silk Þbers the 18th century was looking. Jean-
gravitational pull is the only evidence magniÞed to a much greater extent than Jacques RousseauÕs call for a return to
we have. We do not know what it is. was possible by means of the draperÕs the life of the noble savage and the gen-
Surely the simplest conjecture is worth glass he normally used to examine cloth. eral disenchantment with the social ef-
tentative trial against the unknown. Fired by this amazing discovery, he fects of the industrial revolution had
This missing matter, 10 or more times returned to his hometown of Delft, spurred the search for a way to reunite
as copious as all the ordinary matter changed his name to the more aristo- human beings with nature. In Jena, the
that comprises stars and galaxies, may cratic van Leeuwenhoek, took up lens hotbed of this new Romantic view of
be thermal neutrino pairs. The hot, ear- grinding (the 17th-century equivalent life, Friedrich SchellingÕs Naturphiloso-
ly cosmos could have made them, al- of computer chip design) and began to phie brought together recent scientiÞc
though like photons they will cool in mingle with the local scientific elite. On discoveries (of opposite magnetic poles,
the universal expansion. Christmas Day, 1676, the result of his positive and negative electric charge,
The rest mass of neutrinos is not new interest burst upon an astonished and chemical acids and bases) into a
known from experiment or theory. If Royal Society of London in the form of uniÞed theory of nature as a product
they have any, they can cool only so far. a long letter containing illustrations of of the dynamic resolution of mutually
Some part of their energy cannot be tak- what Leeuwenhoek had seen through conßicting forces.
en away, allowing them to be the miss- one of his 500-power lenses. It was in 1820, while attempting to
ing mass of the cosmos, as once before What shook everybody was his claim apply this ÒconßictÓ view to electricity
they were the missing energy for the that the minute objects were alive, be- and magnetism, that a Dane called Hans
Òradioactive ladies and gentlemenÓ cause he had seen them moving. With Christian ¯rsted forced more electrici-
Pauli had saluted in his letter of 1930. this Þrst sight of rotifers and their wav- ty into a wire than he thought it would
The mass of any neutrino (we now ing cilia, protozoan cells rupturing, take. The wire became incandescent,
know of three kinds of neutrinos, not hair emerging from its roots, wriggling convincing him that electricity and light
just the beta-decay ones) is a major spermatozoa and organismsÑ30 mil- were related, so he extended his inves-
open question; watch for news. lion of which Leeuwenhoek estimated tigations and discovered that current
Neutrinos may be what the cosmos would Þt on a grain of sandÑa new would aÝect a magnetized needle at a
is made of. Our own kind of complex world opened to science. distance.
atomic matter, all those electrons and For one German passing through Hol- Twenty-one years later this electro-
quark-built nuclei and the photons that land, the microscopic organisms also magnetic principle brought Samuel F. B.
build stars, planets and life, may be served as proof of the ÒGreat Chain of Morse to develop the telegraph. In 1842
only a small impurity by weight in a BeingÓ theory. This theory held that all Morse helped Sam Colt, the inventor of
wonderful universe of neutrino pairs. life-forms, from the simplest slime all the revolver and MorseÕs neighbor in

Copyright 1995 Scientific American, Inc. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN November 1995 109
New York CityÕs Washington Square, by up to 100,000 times a second. Mauchly
providing him with the electromagnetic realized that vacuum valves might au-
means to detonate one of ColtÕs new un- tomate the business of calculation by
derwater mines, so as to demonstrate acting as data storage devices.
their power to President John Tyler by Before he could do much about the
blowing up a ship on the Potomac. ColtÕs idea, World War II broke out. Mauchly
other aim was to impress the Russians, was conscripted and soon found anoth-
who were also interested in his inven- er mathematical problem that was also
tion. But Colt was unwilling to explain taking too long to solve. This was the
exactly how he detonated the mines, so matter of calculating artillery tables,
the Russian contract went instead to a used to instruct a gunner how to aim
Swede called Alfred B. Nobel, whose and Þre his piece under all conditions.
mines needed no electrical signals to Early in the war, at the U.S. Army Ballis-
trigger them. When a shipÕs hull hit No- tic Research Laboratories in Aberdeen,
belÕs mine, it distorted a lead casing, Md., dozens of female mathematicians
breaking a glass tube inside, releasing were each taking up to 30 days, work-
its sulfuric acid contents onto a mix- ing around the clock, to complete one
ture of potassium and sugar, causing a artillery table for one gun. A single
ßame that ignited gunpowder. shell trajectory (that took into account
At the time of the Crimean War, the all the possible variables aÝecting its
Russians sowed these new Nobel mines ßight) required 750 multiplications, and
in the port of Sevastopol, forcing the a typical table for one gun involved
Allied supply ßeet to ride at anchor 3,000 trajectories. By 1942 the labora-
outside the harbor. The ships were left tory was being asked to calculate new
disastrously vulnerable to the great tables at the rate of six a week, bringing
hurricane of November 14, 1854. In the the situation close to crisis.
course of the storm, the ßeet was dev- Mauchly put forward his vacuum
astated, and with it the winter supplies valve counting idea, and the army ac-
for the army ashore. The deprivations cepted it. The process basically involved
that winter were so dreadful that Flo- switching on or oÝ vacuum tubes, ar-
rence NightingaleÕs subsequent investi- ranged in sets of 10, and using the to-
gations would bring down the British tal of each setÕs on/oÝ state as a num-
government and inspire Jean-Henri Du- ber. MauchlyÕs machine was operative
nant to found the Red Cross. by 1946, too late for the war eÝort but
not too late to calculate how to cause

B ut it was the loss of the warship

Henri IV, pride of the French navy,
that had the biggest eÝect. The sinking
an atomic explosion. Known as ENIAC
( Electronic Numerical Integrator and
Computer ), the machine was eÝective-
caused a sensation in France. The next ly the worldÕs Þrst electronic computer,
day Emperor Napoleon III called for the so named after the term commonly
establishment of weather forecasting used for the female mathematicians at
services throughout the country. By Aberdeen.
1860 daily telegraphic weather reports ENIAC was fed data by means of
were being published all over Europe. punched cards, adapted by inventor
One leading Þgure in the new science Herman Hollerith for use in the 1890
was a young American naval oÛcer U.S. census. That approach had been
named Matthew Maury, who for nine suggested to him by his brother-in-law
years collated reports from all over the in the textile industry, who knew about
U.S. and amassed the equivalent of a an automatic weaving system involving
million daysÕ observations, from which sprung hooks pressed against a paper
he was able to prove that storms were card with holes in it. Where there was a
all either circular or oblong. hole, a hook would pass through and
By the 1930s the U.S. Weather Bureau pick up a thread. Hollerith replaced the
had been going for more than 60 years, hooks with electriÞed wires and made
and nobody had yet attempted to ana- each wire represent a piece of census
lyze all the data it had collected. So a data; where a wire passed through a
young physics teacher by the name of hole, it would make electrical contact
John W. Mauchly, who as a student had and cause a dial to move forward by
worked summers at the Weather Bu- one number. The system greatly sped
reau, decided to attempt the task. The up the census, counting 62,947,714
problem with analyzing the massive Americans in one twentieth the time
data set was the time it would take to taken ( for a much smaller population)
do so by conventional methods. by the previous census.
Then Mauchly discovered that re- The weaving technique Hollerith mod-
searchers studying cosmic rays were iÞed had been used to automate the
counting their particles using a vacuum production of cloth made of a material
valve, because it could be turned on too expensive to make mistakes with:
and oÝ by particle strikes very rapidly, shot silk.

110 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN November 1995 Copyright 1995 Scientific American, Inc.

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