Medium Access Control 06 - Class Notes

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CS & IT ® ENGINEERING _ COMPUTER NETWORKS i de Medium Access Control i] Lecture No-06 By- Ankit Doyla Sir PRR en ee eee ee ee MBER Clem nena) not suitable for interactive application where data size very less wa It is not suitable for real time application . Real time applications requires the delivery of data with in some time limit. Ethernet is not reliable because of high probability of collision 3/ it SM Tee Team eR Come) R Come Teele eee USER MET a eT tt eee ACE ee CCE 1) Ethernet there is no facility to set priorities. Efficiency = Ethernet €smalco) DEC NS Te i om Glliston Coe ERY ce) efficiency Caleukion oF Etuant (csmalcr) @ COUTTS ea cad Si Sa slot i mn Collision slot Time CRU re = _Tyanamission time V] Sali fora dd Gontention Ata @ CLIC ear ea oD f No- oF Collision slot Vim | CoEr rari ace a uk vee aed a) ie Toreares ae. i 11 es g od 1 a icici f Ree mad sf ; Cige eased : vaesearel i ae | ee tho es ome eon ee H l Preven pa or ea coRote ALG ms © 91 Eduontt Se aue Camry a earl oO rae Téanp missin al a 0) CY maui ef ficiency POSE fecal Sal ear CUT Oar US| oa Lr Sm i i © | N= Totad Numbut oF station m Etunut a ace ete ee eee Be oc ee Ce Te ae’ Ba merce Ty gs UC ie ees re Remaining SD mse ee er oe eee tte eye Cer ke Cea cad ® Co ee ot ace aL co aa et OR cLU arg Sea CU a ee en cea a (es) rata) aod A re ae Roe mae) eT ic | Nummbsx oF Stations i-¢ ee then eee Mee ane S } ir . : ae ey rive on al a es ae = rae ae a ae ne et CUT erate ty bay 4 7) UTC Saal RU VOr bam cc ere 4 (-3"* Le TU CR Cora eT ) AO eae SCY SR NOC @ Ree ei a CU USS WN eoiieCe mee neces Increases when propagation delay and transmission delay are low eee ee eer C MACRO TOMS me Oe Ve ea iraiy Ter Aiea Ce aC OER ECU oC ary high SRB eee ER EURO Re El Ba re rm @ re Which of the following statements is TRUE about CSMA/CD @ [GATE - 2005] eras la) Ye TL SES BTR eS Lycee cece ee a ‘ ae Ethernet is not based on CSMA/CD protocol > q Le ee CSMA/CD is not suitable for a high propagation delay network lil satellite network i? BV eee BUE ROU VAM DB alfend af nd ral b @ ) r Q3 The network consists of 4 hosts distributed as shown below. Assume this network uses CSMA/CD and signal travel at 3 x 10° kM/sec. If sender send at 1 Mbps, what could be minimum size of the packet? 600 bits 400 bits 6000 bits 1500 bits Tack¥ame) = ax hy Sar Te: TO) a Nea CLO ig va a fe Pied 5 if pial eet Poe Lee) ales a Ste [Ee CE acta) PP IER y AE SSS See ANT 8 OUT e ele Me LS eS otc OY ML ETc Lee Cou oe) my transmit with a probability p in each time slot. What is the Pees Ae eee ECLECTIC SEE RCM eS eleg oe eae ai ever] @ a-p crea IE @ ru-p @ 1-a-p 6 Ceey ete Come Ue el meee (PREC BRET ee) Pelco Pht Soom OME ee eRe ROL hag PUTS eee eee mee OM OMY meeel eae mie PET Me Mel CUS St ECR COO MT Sele ae oor mee Bice Le Me luly slot by Si, Sz, S3 and S, are 0.1, 0.2, (Oem Broa WUE eeela itis mele Rete Puerta) the first slot without any collision by any of these four stations Femi [GATE - 2015] 4 4, $2202; $2203, S4¢z0-4 [eee ae To mY ares ren <7 si <3 By a a SC) O-4 oy Oo (Uy 9 i -) LaietGl) ieee) - 0-2 e ea i (12a? ete) ae Oxy (re) 0-6 = 0-129¢ aaa a ee rae et eee Dre Suppose CSMA/CD protocol is used for channel access in mm) Ethernet LAN and _3 hosts are in LAN. Each host can transmit data in an idle slot (empty slot) with probability 0.8. What is the Perl emeree imo eae erat E RUE e eles @ 0032 @ 0.096 @ 0.128 © 0384 Oa SOD ay CCK eur HY) Fiabability (P)=08 cone Seren ret BPCUNGLae np SUG emoea Te ee eae ae Srey Ea) ay BARC L SNe Und Berg Suppose CSMA/CD protocol is used for channel access in mm) Ethernet LAN and each host can transmit data in an idle (empty) slot with probability 0.75. The total number of hosts exist in the PAB ee Smee ee Ome ee ERTL slotis 0.1875 is____- Cach Host car|t¥ansmit data iy an idle Host(p)=045 OS aan i Tea Ka My ta cena riety Host) = 9 pee a i tua TEC Sau eg + Sty ec en ae Ce iis 04845 = 0454-25) ae seer ka eee ile ORUTC NaC ean Cons ae Suppose two nodes, A and B are attached to opposite ends of the cable with propagation delay of 12.5 sec. Both nodes Elec ance Te Oe mee el Le Lic me TSC SD ewe k=1 in the exponential backoff protocol. At what time (inxseconds) is A’s_packet completely delivered at B, if Bandwidth of the link is 10 Mbps and packet size is 1000 bits for the following, CGR ei) es ise (b) Without Purging 125 psec Cre lceee Cc acay DS Gen mCP ne Ais i Pkt Kf ty Aaa Fe ie aire Pee MOLE re Ty STE eS Ra D Der Le ke iy Der LY Aa MS ee fs Curia a ae ma cd : ica Ee ROE EERE Tics Prerrare coal ar ee asd K=o Leas i Yt oS plane i : SEO TSRts CURES CU aL eh a ey ee Ss us pe pa USOC Nae eae Lame CUD Ca CL Ria ROCULCIRSTT es peers Ie BD aCe Aa Computly ee CUSar o) A Coneatt oF Furging cleaning) rc Cee RT] Cee it eT ce eee) ry GF uitchwose (9,4) Ce or OL eae Oey us Nea Cd ee LOL) Crna ethos lle ; m Peer CEN UTE aaa te ny cesy 4 i = L¥slot duyetion Ce [ee REe ERE t, aT ConarE OF Purging C caning) 6 <3) ea {ism frost bias a Corea arn a eerie Vn eee eT Consider a simplified time slotted MAC protocol, where each nos always has data to send and transmits with probability p = 0.2 in every slot. There is no backoff and one frame can be transmitted in Tee UC een ec R Ree Ome to transmissions are unsuccessful due to collision. What is the maximum number of hosts which this protocol can support, if each host has to be provided a minimum through put of, frames per riot time slot? ea 2 eo: ean ce eo y aha Caen Cc. @: Broce eae cea eC ence COD Do Lind

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