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Applied Thermal Engineering 126 (2017) 407–418

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Research Paper

CFD investigation on combustion and NOx emission characteristics in a

600 MW wall-fired boiler under high temperature and strong reducing
Yongbo Du a, Chang’an Wang a, Qiang Lv a, Debo Li b, Hu Liu c, Defu Che a,⇑
State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow in Power Engineering, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, PR China
Electric Power Research Institute of Guangdong Power Grid Corporation, Guangzhou 510080, PR China
Electric Power Research Institute of Huadian, Hangzhou 310030, PR China

h i g h l i g h t s

 High temperature and strong reducing combustion was realized in unity boiler.
 Deep air stage and mixing O2 to secondary were used in combination.
 NOx was reduced by about 60% via the proposed method.
 Simulation results agrees well to the industrial test.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this paper, a modified air staging technology for pulverized coal boilers was proposed, to notably
Received 12 March 2017 reduce NOx emission by creating a zone with high temperature and strong reducing atmosphere
Revised 9 June 2017 (HT&SRA) in furnace. Here, the conventional air staging technology was employed in combination with
Accepted 19 July 2017
increasing O2 fraction of feeding gas in primary zone (O2.p). The new technology was numerically verified
Available online 22 July 2017
in a 600 MW wall-fired boiler and the temperature distribution, the char burnout and the effectiveness in
NOx reduction were mainly examined. The results indicate that a sufficiently low stoichiometric O2 ratio
in primary zone (SRp) is essential to reduce NOx emission by increasing O2.p. The effectiveness in NOx
Pulverized coal boiler
Numerical simulation
reduction by increasing O2.p also depends greatly on the injection position of over fire air (OFA). Under
NOx reduction the condition of 0.7 SRp and a relatively high OFA position, the NOx emission could be reduced by
Air staging 27.6% when O2.p is increased from 21% to 33%, while the incomplete combustion heat loss only shows
High temperature a slight rise. In addition, the NOx reduction ratio could reach to >60% through the proposed low-NOx com-
Strong reducing atmosphere bustion technology compared with the current operation condition.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) technology are usually
employed in combination.
In China, the NOx emission from coal-fired power plants have Although SCR technology is considered as the most effective
resulted in many serious environmental problems and worsened approach for NOx reduction in power plants [5], there still exists
human health over past few years [1]. As a response to these a series of unresolved issues involved in operation of SCR. The cost
urgent issues, the regulation against NOx emission from thermal of catalysts and reductants is quite high. The working lifetime of
power plants was revised to be more strict in 2014. According to catalysts is short and it could cause secondary pollution to discard
the latest regulation, the limitation of NOx emission from pulver- the deactivated catalysts [6]. Furthermore, the operation of SCR
ized coal boilers is 100 mg/Nm3 (at 6% O2) [2–4]. To meet such a could accelerate the formation of ammonium bisulfate, which
strict emission standard, the lower-NOx combustion technology may result in the blocking of air preheater [7]. In addition, the
gas temperature in SCR equipment is influenced by the load varia-
tion of boiler and it is quite possible that the catalyst works outside
of the optimum condition [8,9]. As explained above, SCR technol-
⇑ Corresponding author. ogy is not a reliable long-term strategy for NOx emission control.
E-mail address: (D. Che).
1359-4311/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
408 Y. Du et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 126 (2017) 407–418

Hence, it is preferred to develop low-NOx combustion technology is crucial to decrease the NOx emission and lessen many troubles
to further reduce the initial production of NOx within furnace. If involved in the denitration process for power plant.
the production of NOx within furnace is low enough, the SCR could
be disused or replaced by selective non-catalytic reduction, or at 2. Modelling methodology
least a layer of catalyst can be saved in SCR system. These improve-
ments are all favorable in terms of cost saving and environmental 2.1. Physical model
The combustion technology of air staging along furnace height The simulations were performed based on a 600 MW wall-fired
is the most widely used method to reduce NOx production because boiler, with the configuration and size parameters illustrated in
of the simple structure and facile air distribution system [1,8,9], Fig. 1. The details of the arrangement, internal structure and air
and it has also been extensively studied both experimentally and distribution of each burners and OFA nozzles are available in our
numerically during the past few decades. Currently, the air staging previous work [1,2].
technology mainly includes over fire air (OFA) system [10–12],
separate over fire air (SOFA) system [13–15], close coupled over 2.2. Numerical analysis
fire air (CCOFA) and SOFA system [1] and multi-group SOFA system
[2,16], while the former three technologies have been widely used The turbulent flow, combustion, heat transfer, particles motion,
in practice. The previous studies are mainly focused on the influ- and NOx formation in the furnace were numerically simulated by
ence of OFA ratios, OFA positions and OFA injection angles on commercial CFD software FLUENT (ANSYS, Inc., USA). The grid
NOx reduction within furnace. Generally, the initial NOx production independence was firstly tested, and the total grid number of
can be reduced by 40–65% through air staging for bituminous coal 1,467,228, and 1,904,070 was employed in the primary calculation.
fired boilers, and the final NOx concentration at furnace outlet is As shown in Fig. 2, the gas temperature distribution along furnace
usually 180–300 mg/Nm3 [10,14,17]. However, the reduction effect height computed based on these two number of cells are almost
of ordinary air staging technology on lean coal and anthracite com- the same, thus the mesh system of 1,467,228 cells was employed
bustion is much weaker, and the NOx outlet concentration is usu- in this following study.
ally >400 mg/Nm3 [1,2,11]. Overall, the regulation of NOx The SIMPLE algorithm was adopted to formulate the time aver-
emission cannot be achieved only by the existing air staging com- aged conservation equation for mass, momentum and energy. The
bustion but has to rely on SCR. In addition, the emission standard standard k-e model was used to describe the turbulent flow. The P-
of NOx may be tightened to 50 mg/Nm3 in the next few years. 1 model was chosen to model the radiation heat transfer, and the
Therefore, it is significant and inevitable to further develop low- number of bands was set to zero, indicating only gray radiation
NOx combustion technology. was modeled [22]. The absorption coefficient was calculated by
During the combustion of pulverized coal, it has been proved the wsggm-domain-based approach. The particle emissivity was
very beneficial for NOx reduction to increase temperature in fuel- assumed to be 0.9 and the scattering factor was 0.6. The two-
rich zone [18–20]. On this basis, the method of high temperature competing-reactions model and kinetics/diffusion-limited model
and strong reducing atmosphere (HT&SRA) combustion was put were used to respectively calculate the devolatilization rate and
forward to further reduce NOx production in our previous work char oxidation rate, with the detailed parameters shown in Table 1.
[21]. It is suggested that raising combustion temperature can lead The O2 concentrations of feeding gas injected from different noz-
to a substantial reduction of NOx while the air stoichiometric ratio zles were different, and then the species transport model was
of reducing zone is 0.7 [21]. However, the previous study was adopted to make the boundary condition setting convenient, with
conducted just on a lab-scale furnace, and HT&SRA combustion turbulence-chemistry interaction described by the finite-rate/
can be realized by controlling temperature with electric heater eddy-dissipation model. The gas phase combustion of volatiles
[18,19,21]. Obviously, it is very difficult to raise the combustion was simulated by a 4-step global reaction mechanism with the fol-
temperature under such a lower air stoichiometric ratio for pulver- lowing 4 reactions included [23].
ized coal boilers in power plants, and report on the application of
HT&SRA combustion is still vacant. Hence, investigation on con-
CHy Ox þ ð0:5 þ 0:25y  0:5xÞO2 ! CO þ 0:5yH2 O ðR1Þ
verting the HT&SRA combustion technology to practical use is very
CO þ 0:5O2 $ CO2 ðR2Þ
necessary and of great value, which makes this clean coal technol-
ogy with more realistic significance and development prospect.
CO þ H2 O $ CO2 þ H2 ðR3Þ
In this paper, a new air distribution mode which aims to build a
HT&SRA in pulverized coal boiler was proposed. The new combus-
H2 þ 0:5O2 $ H2 O ðR4Þ
tion technology is implemented in pulverized coal boilers by
adopting deep air staging combustion, increasing the O2 fraction As the presence of NOx makes negligible influence to the calcu-
of feeding gas in the primary zone (O2.p, for short) by mixing some lation of combustion solution, NOx calculation was executed as a
pure O2 into the air, and optimizing SOFA arrangement. The deep post-processing procedure based on the results of flow, tempera-
air staging can keep the primary zone under a strong reducing ture field, and species distributions. The prompt-NO formation
atmosphere, and increasing O2.p can accelerate the combustion of was not taken into account since its contribution is limited in
pulverized coal, to effectively raise combustion temperature in pri- coal-fired systems [23,24]. Hence, the NOx formation was calcu-
mary zone even O2 is insufficient. The employment of SOFA means lated based on the thermal-NO [25] and fuel-NO mechanisms
that OFA is kept quite far from the coal injector, which can ensure [26]. In this study, the fraction of fuel-N in volatile and in char were
the NOx generated in burner zone to be reduced adequately by pro- determined to be 40% and 60%, respectively, based on the volatile
viding a longer residence time in the reducing zone. The proposed content of the coal adopted here [27]. For lean coal, it is assumed
combustion method was investigated by the cost-effective compu- that 90% of the volatile-N converts to HCN while the rest directly
tational fluid dynamics (CFD) to study the feasibility on utility boi- forms NO with consideration of the temperature and O2 concentra-
ler. The effects of increasing O2.p on NOx reduction and char tion near the coal inlet [27–29]. Regarding the char-N, the conver-
burnout were inspected under various conditions with different sion rate was set to 90% to reflect the incomplete combustion of
OFA positions and OFA ratios. This work can offer guidance for char [30]. Then, among the released char-N, it is assumed that
the development of the low-NOx combustion technology, which 30% of that directly conveys to NO, and the rest forms HCN [30,31].
Y. Du et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 126 (2017) 407–418 409

Fig. 1. Schematic configurations (a) and mesh system (b) of the wall-fired pulverized coal boiler.

Table 2
Proximate, ultimate analysis of the coal (ar) and coal particle diameter distribution.

Parameter Value
Proximate analysis [%] V 10.38
FC 61.52
A 22.22
M 5.88
Ultimate analysis [%] C 64.25
H 3.55
O 2.62
N 1.15
S 0.33
Qnet [MJ/kg] 24.36
Particle diameter distribution [mm] Min/max diameters 10/200
Mean diameter 57.5
R-R spread parameter 1.11

ondary air is defined as the gas injected only in primary zone after
Fig. 2. Gas temperature along furnace height for grid independence test.
pulverized coal ignition, which excludes the OFA. Hence, the feed-
ing gas can be divided into primary air, secondary air, and OFA. The
stoichiometric ratio (SR) is defined as the ratio of the amount of O2
2.3. Simulation conditions actually supplied to that for stoichiometric combustion. The
parameters SR1, SR2, and SROFA represent SR of primary air, sec-
The properties of the lean coal fired in this boiler are presented ondary air, and OFA, respectively. SRp represents SR in the primary
in Table 2, and the coal particle is assumed to obey the Rosin- zone, which is to the sum of SR1 and SR2. SRb represents SR in the
Rammler algorithm. All the simulation cases were based on the burnout zone, namely the total excess O2 coefficient, and it was
100% BMCR operation with coal feed rate of 62.3 kg/s. Here, sec- 1.14 in all cases.

Table 1
Parameters for determining the devolatilization and char combustion rates.

Reaction A (s1) E (J/kmol) Weighting factor

Devolatilization First rate 2.0e + 5 1.046e + 8 0.3
Second rate 1.3e + 7 1.674e + 8 1
A (s/m) E (J/kmol) Diffusion constant
Char combustion 0.002 7.9e + 7 5e-12
410 Y. Du et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 126 (2017) 407–418

In several simulation cases, some pure O2 should be mixed in

the feeding gas to enhance O2.p, while pure O2 should be mixed
only to secondary air rather than primary air. Firstly, enhancing
O2 concentration in primary air could result in pulverized coal
more likely to ignite autogenously in the pipe. Then, enhancing
O2 concentration in primary air would result in a decrease of the
flux if SR1 remains the same, which is unfavorable for conveying
pulverized coal. Hence, the composition of primary air and OFA
was the conventional air and SR1 was fixed to 0.22 under present
investigation. Besides, the moisture in coal was added to the pri-
mary air in simulation. Finally, the mass flow rate of primary air
was 120.22 kg/s with the composition of 3.05 wt% water vapor,
22.59 wt% O2 in N2 as the balance. The gas temperature is 363 K
for primary air and 608 K for the rest of feeding gas. The wall tem-
perature was set to be 720 K, which was about 80 K higher than the
average of steam temperature in membrane wall, and the emissiv-
ity was supposed to be 0.8. The air distributions of all the cases dif-
fer from each other in three aspects, namely SRp, O2.p and OFA
Fig. 3. Comparison of measured and calculated average temperature in some cross-
position, with the details presented in Table 3. sections.

3. Results and discussion

Table 4
Comparison of some measured values and calculated results at the furnace outlet.
3.1. Validation of the study
Parameters NOx concentration/mg Nm3 Carbon content
In order to ensure the accuracy of the CFD model used here, the (6% O2) in fly ash (%)

numerical calculation result was compared with some measured Measured value 508 5.04
data reported in a previous paper [1], and the data were obtained Calculated value 506 4.28

based on the operation condition of Case 0 in Table 3. The temper-

ature test was conducted by the infrared thermometer TR630
which could realize the non-contact temperature measurement. tively remained at 0.7 and layer 4, which correspond to case 1 to
Here, the gas temperature was tested through fire holes, which case 4. The average temperature, O2 mole fraction and NOx mass-
were distributed in both the left wall and the right wall of furnace. flow rate at the horizontal cross-sections along furnace height of
Fig. 3 shows that the calculated results of average temperatures are the four cases are depicted in Fig. 4. Fig. 5 shows the temperature
in good coincidence with the measured values, and the maximum fields of these four cases, and the presented three horizontal cross-
deviation is only 6.1% for the location slightly below OFA nozzles. sections include those at the heights of bottom burners, top burn-
The calculated results of NOx concentration and carbon content ers and OFA nozzles.
in fly ash at furnace outlet also well agree with the measured val- It can be seen from Figs. 4 and 5 that the highest gas tempera-
ues, as shown in Table 4. Consequently, the calculation models ture appears near coal inlets for each condition. For case 3 and case
described above are reasonable for current work. 4, temperature at this zone is substantially higher and the flames
from burners adjacent to each other are more closely attached,
3.2. Effects of HT&SRA on the combustion and NOx production within which imply the combustion intensification and flame stabiliza-
furnace tion. The average gas temperature in burner block of case 4 is about
400 K higher than that of case 1. This is mainly due to that the gas
According to Table 3, O2.p was raised from 21% of the conven- feeding rate in primary zone is substantially decreased in case 4
tional air to 27%, 33%, and 39%, with SR1 and OFA position respec- with a constant coal feeding rate [32]. The conditions with higher

Table 3
Detailed information of various cases.

Case SRp O2 mole fraction in Mass flow rate of Gas feeding rate in O2.p (%) SROFA OFA position
secondary air (%) secondary air (kg/s) primary zone (kg/s)
Case 0 0.8 21 307.30 423.86 21 0.34 Layer 1
Case 1 0.7 21 254.32 370.88 21 0.44 Layer 4
Case 2 0.7 31.16 173.47 290.03 27 0.44 Layer 4
Case 3 0.7 44.77 122.98 239.54 33 0.44 Layer 4
Case 4 0.7 64.39 87.77 204.33 39 0.44 Layer 4
Case 5 0.7 21 254.32 370.88 21 0.44 Layer 1
Case 6 0.7 44.77 122.98 239.54 33 0.44 Layer 1
Case 7 0.7 21 254.32 370.88 21 0.44 Layer 2
Case 8 0.7 44.77 122.98 239.54 33 0.44 Layer 2
Case 9 0.7 21 254.32 370.88 21 0.44 Layer 3
Case 10 0.7 44.77 122.98 239.54 33 0.44 Layer 3
Case 11 0.8 21 307.30 423.86 21 0.34 Layer 4
Case 12 0.8 42.21 157.09 273.65 33 0.34 Layer 4
Case 13 0.9 21 360.28 476.84 21 0.24 Layer 4
Case 14 0.9 40.54 191.33 307.89 33 0.24 Layer 4
Case 15 1.0 21 413.26 529.82 21 0.14 Layer 4
Case 16 1.0 39.36 225.65 342.21 33 0.14 Layer 4
Y. Du et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 126 (2017) 407–418 411

Fig. 4. Distributions of average temperatures, O2 mole fraction and NOx mass-flow rate at the horizontal cross-section along the furnace height under different O2.p.

Fig. 5. Temperature distributions in various sections.

O2.p continue to exhibit significant higher temperature until OFA is Fig. 7 depicts the O2 distributions within furnace of these four
injected in furnace. For case 3 and case 4, the average temperatures cases, and it can be found that O2 mole fraction in burner zone is
of horizontal cross-sections can attain to >1800 K in the quite large obviously higher for case 3 and case 4. However, due to the higher
area of furnace height less than 35 m. Such a high temperature temperature and O2 fraction, the following combustion is more
field is far different from the condition of conventional air intense for case 3 and case 4, which lead to a more rapid consump-
combustion. tion of O2. Additionally, the gas flow rates of case 3 and case 4 are
The heat flux distributions at water cooled wall for the four smaller, which also magnifies the drop of O2 fraction along the fur-
cases are shown in Fig. 6. It can be observed that heat flux reveals nace height. Hence, the O2 mole fractions of case 3 and case 4 have
an obvious increase with enhancing O2.p, and it should be definitely dropped down to almost equal to that of case 1 at the furnace
resulted from the higher temperature within furnace [33–35]. height of 30 m which is not far from the top burner, as shown in
Moreover, the heat capacity of the flue gas which participates in Fig. 4. Overall, O2 mole fractions in most reducing zone are below
the heat transfer per unit time is lower as the mass flow of feeding 3% for all the four cases. The flue gas is under quite a strong reduc-
gas gets reduced. Therefore, from the top burner the temperature ing condition with such a low O2 concentration.
decreases along furnace height more rapidly for case 3 and case The NO distributions within furnace of the four cases are exhib-
4, as Fig. 4 shows. ited in Fig. 8. The regions with high NO concentrations are always
412 Y. Du et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 126 (2017) 407–418

Fig. 6. Heat flux distributions at water cooled wall.

Fig. 7. O2 distributions in various sections.

in vicinity to the coal injectors. NO at this area of case 3 and case 4 accelerated by high temperature, but the influence is relatively
is denser than that of case 1, because the local temperatures and O2 small on account of the low O2 concentration in reducing zone
concentrations are both higher [24,33,36]. Given the different mass [25]. Besides, the homogeneous reactions of NO reduced by HCN
flow of feeding gas for these four cases, the parameter of NOx and NH3 are also included in the fuel-NO calculation model. How-
massflow-rate through cross-sections within furnace is more con- ever, the mole concentrations of HCH and NH3 are so low in reduc-
victive than the local concentration to describe the formation and ing zone, characteristically about one percent of NO, that these
reduction of NOx among various cases. As shown in Fig. 4, the reactions are turned unimportant. Moreover, factoring in the abun-
massflow-rate of NOx in burner zone are in the sequence of case dant unburnt char in reducing zone caused by quite a deficient SR
4 > case 3 > case 2 > case 1, which is consistent with the descrip- in primary zone, the heterogeneous reduction by char should be
tion in Fig. 8. the critical influence on NO. In addition to these great advantages
In the subsequent reducing zone, NO is mainly reduced by char in reaction rate for case 3 and case 4, the reduced gas flow in reduc-
through R5 and R6, the following two global reactions [37,38]. The ing zone could bring both a higher concentration of unburnt char
presence of CO could promote NO reduction, but the effect on and a longer resistance of flue gas [33,35]. Therefore, the NOx
O2/N2 combustion is tiny [37]. Hence, it is acceptable to neglect massflow-rates decrease along furnace height more significantly
the influence of CO in NO calculation. For the heterogeneous reac- for case 3 and case 4, and the order for these four cases gets reverse
tion of NO reduced by char, the reaction rate calculated from R7 is near OFA nozzles as shown in Fig. 4.
dramatically increased with rising temperature. This has also been
verified experimentally in a previous work [20,37]. Meanwhile, NO þ C ! N2 þ CO ðR5Þ
this reaction can also be enhanced by the provided higher NO con-
centration in case 3 and case 4. Finally, for example, the rate of NO 2NO þ C ! N2 þ CO2 ðR6Þ
reduced by char at the furnace height of 30 m for case 3 is about 7
times of that for case 1. The formation of thermal-NO would be R ¼ AeE=RT PNO ðR7Þ
Y. Du et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 126 (2017) 407–418 413

Fig. 8. NO distributions in various sections.

Some parameters in simulation results are presented in Table 5. to the value of 128.26 mg/MJ (converted from 506 mg/Nm3, in
The total heat flow to wall increases obviously with O2.p, because of Table 4) for practical operation condition, the NOx emission is
the reinforced radiation. This could lead to a significant decrease in reduced by 58.2% and 66.7% for case 3 and case 4, respectively.
the total enthalpy increase of gas within furnace. Therefore, Consequently, the HT&SRA combustion technology is realized in
although the flux of flue gas at outlet is smaller in case 3 and case pulverized boiler by mixing some pure O2 to the secondary air
4, the gas temperature at outlet also decreases. In addition to the under a low SRp, and the effectiveness in NOx reduction is posi-
total heat flow, the maximal heat flux to wall also increases largely, tively correlated with O2.p.
as exhibited in Fig. 6 and Table 5. For case 4, the maximum of heat
flux increases by 50% compared to that of case 1. The carbon con- 3.3. Influence of OFA position on the effectiveness of increasing O2.p
tent in fly ash decreases with increasing O2.p. This should be clearly
attributed to the rise of temperature at primary zone [20,33,34]. In order to understand the effect of increasing O2.p on combus-
However, the total incomplete combustion heat loss shows a con- tion and NOx production under different OFA injection positions,
trary tendency, and the unburnt carbon in bottom ash plays an OFA was set to be injected from four different heights, respectively.
important role. For case 3 and case 4, the particle motion in furnace The result of the case with 33% O2.p was compared to that of con-
is affected by the reduced gas flux, which causes the hopper bot- ventional air combustion under each OFA position. That is, the case
tom trapping more particles with a considerable proportion of 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 were employed in this part. Figs. 9–11 respec-
unburnt carbon contained, and a similar result was obtained by tively depict the distributions of average temperature, O2 mole
Nikolopoulos et al. [22,32]. Thereby, the thermal efficiency suffers fraction and NOx massflow-rate of these eight cases. Some param-
a decrease with an increase in O2,p, but the impact is quite small as eters in simulation results are shown in Table 6. In each group, the
Table 5 shows. On the whole, the incomplete combustion heat loss average temperatures of cross-sections for the two cases are very
of about 3% is acceptable for boiler firing lean coal. close after OFA is fed, as shown in Fig. 9. Hence, the higher temper-
Besides of the conventional mg/Nm3 for NOx concentration, the ature area for the case with 33% O2.p diminishes with OFA injected
unit of mg/MJ, which is emission per the lower heating value of earlier. This could dwindle the gap in radiation heat flux between
feeding coals, was also introduced to reasonably represent the the two cases in each group. Therefore, the gaps in total heat flow
NOx emission among various cases with different gas fluxes. It and outlet temperature between the two cases in each group
can be clearly observed that NOx emission decreases with become smaller with OFA moved down, as exhibited in Table 6.
enhancing O2.p, and the reduction rate can reach to >40% for case Moving the OFA upward can raise furnace outlet temperature,
4 compared with case 1. Thereby, it can be concluded that NOx which is valid for both the cases of air combustion and that with
reduction in utility boiler is achieved by increasing the combustion 33% O2.p. This is clearly due to the retarded combustion in burnout
temperature in reducing zone with a low SRp. Moreover, compared zone, which indicates the flame getting closer to outlet [1]. Besides,

Table 5
Some parameters in simulation results of various cases.

Parameter Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4

Outlet average temperature (K) 1398 1380 1359 1351
Total heat flow in furnace (MWth) 758.7 808.9 845.3 875.3
Maximal heat flux at wall (kW/m2) 447.4 521.9 574.0 669.0
Carbon content in fly ash (%) 5.81 4.61 4.50 4.35
Char conversion in bottom ash (%) 62.52 60.14 60.21 63.74
Incomplete combustion heat loss (%) 2.57 2.78 2.90 3.13
NOx emission (mg/Nm3, 6% O2) 296.6 285.4 285.3 257.7
NOx emission (mg/MJ) 74.1 60.6 53.6 42.7
414 Y. Du et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 126 (2017) 407–418

Fig. 9. Temperature distributions along the furnace height under different OFA position with O2.p respectively at 21% and 33%.

Fig. 10. O2 distributions along the furnace height under different OFA position with O2.p respectively at 21% and 33%.

the retarded combustion also results in a decline of total heat flow flow is slightly affected. The maximum of heat flux is almost unaf-
for the air combustion cases. As for the cases with 33% O2.p, the fected by the OFA position, as it appears at burner zone.
heat transfer in burnout zone is suppressed by the retarded com- As also shown in Table 6, moving OFA down could decrease the
bustion, while the reducing zone with a very high temperature is carbon content in fly ash, since the resistance time was prolonged
enlarged by the retarded injection of OFA. Finally, the total heat in burnout zone [14,19]. As shown in Fig. 10, O2 mol fractions at
Y. Du et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 126 (2017) 407–418 415

Fig. 11. NOx massflow-rate along the furnace height under different OFA position with O2.p respectively at 21% and 33%.

Table 6
Some parameters in simulation results of various cases.

Parameter Case 5 Case 6 Case 7 Case 8 Case 9 Case 10 Case 1 Case 3

Outlet average temperature (K) 1347 1334 1353 1338 1376 1344 1398 1359
Total heat flow within furnace (MWth) 791.6 856.6 776.3 853.2 771.2 848.7 758.7 845.3
Maximal heat flux at wall (kW/m2) 456.4 582.6 436.3 577.2 433.2 588.5 447.4 574.0
Carbon content in fly ash (%) 2.59 3.21 2.70 3.58 3.98 3.92 5.81 4.50
Char conversion in bottom ash (%) 64.27 61.94 62.29 64.51 62.57 63.48 62.52 60.22
Incomplete combustion heat loss (%) 1.60 2.30 1.61 2.51 2.01 2.70 2.57 2.90
NOx emission (mg/Nm3, 6% O2) 361.5 461.5 338.1 394.1 318.2 330.4 296.6 285.3
NOx emission (mg/MJ) 90.8 86.8 85.9 74.1 80.2 61.2 74.1 53.6

the end of primary zone of the two cases are almost equal and very 3.4. Influence of SRp on the effectiveness of increasing O2.p
low in the group of layer 4, which indicates the combustion in pri-
mary zone is quite sufficient. However, with OFA injected early, the In this part, SRp was set to 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0 with OFA position
O2 mole fraction at the end of primary zone increases obviously, kept at layer 4, and O2.p of 21% and 33% were applied in simulation,
and the growth for the case with 33% O2.p is bigger than that with which correspond to the case 1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 in
21% O2.p. The combustion in primary zone of the case with higher Table 4. The suitability of enhancing O2.p in air staging combustion
O2.p seems to be affected more with the OFA injectors moved down. with different staging depths was then investigated by analyzing
Therefore, the promotion on burnout by prolonging resistance time the results. The distributions of average temperature, O2 mole frac-
in burnout zone is counteracted more for the case with 33% O2.p. tion and NOx massflow-rate in cross-sections are displayed in
Thereby, the shift of OFA position causes less influence on the Figs. 12–14, and some parameters in simulation results are shown
carbon content in fly ash for the case with 33% O2.p, and the incom- in Table 7.
plete combustion heat loss presents a same tendency. As shown in Fig. 12, for cases of conventional air combustion,
As shown in Fig. 11, NOx massflow-rates decrease rapidly in the temperature at primary zone decreases slightly as SRp increases,
reducing zone for all cases, and the decline is larger for the cases which agrees with some previous studies [1,39]. The influence of
with 33% O2.p as explained in the previous section. Hence, moving SRp on temperature for the cases with 33% O2.p is bigger than that
down OFA is unfavorable to NOx reduction, especially for the cases for conventional air combustion, which makes the temperature
with higher O2.p. For the group of layer 4, a NOx reduction ratio of divergence in primary zone between the two cases in each group
27.6% is realized through enhancing O2.p from 21% to 33%, whereas getting smaller with increasing SRp.
the ratio is only 4.4% for the condition of layer 1. Consequently, the With increasing SRp, more heat is released from the coal due to
effectiveness in NOx reduction of HT&SRA combustion technology a more full combustion, thus the heat flux to wall increases obvi-
depends greatly on the OFA position, and a large enough reducing ously, as the data in Table 7. Consequently, the temperature at out-
zone is crucial. let decreases obviously for the cases of conventional air
416 Y. Du et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 126 (2017) 407–418

Fig. 12. Temperature distributions along the furnace height under different SRp with O2.p respectively at 21% and 33%.

Fig. 13. O2 distributions along the furnace height under different SRp with O2.p respectively at 21% and 33%.

combustion. As for cases with 33% O2.p, it should be noticed that let is 521 kg/s for the case with 0.7 SRp, while that is only 466 kg/s
more pure O2 is mixed in feeding gas to keep O2.p at 33% with for the 1.0 SRp case. Therefore, although the outlet temperature
increasing SRp. This could lead to a reduction in flow rate of the increases slightly, the total heat flow to wall gets higher with
total feeding gas under the same SRb. For example, under the increasing SRp, which is consistent with the condition of conven-
condition of 33% O2.p, the massflow-rate of flue gas at furnace out- tional air combustion. The maximum of heat flux reduces with
Y. Du et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 126 (2017) 407–418 417

Fig. 14. NOx massflow-rate along the furnace height under different SRp with O2.p respectively at 21% and 33%.

Table 7
Some parameters in simulation results of various cases.

Parameter Case 1 Case 3 Case 11 Case 12 Case 13 Case 14 Case 15 Case 16

Outlet average temperature (K) 1398 1359 1358 1361 1317 1368 1280 1373
Total heat flow in furnace (MWth) 758.7 845.3 782.9 871.8 802.7 917.8 835.8 914.1
Maximal heat flux at wall (kW/m2) 447.4 574.0 444.3 571.4 444.6 554.3 449.7 536.3
Carbon content in fly ash (%) 5.81 4.50 4.55 3.63 2.37 3.04 0.30 2.49
Char conversion in bottom ash (%) 62.52 60.21 75.44 68.35 83.21 74.72 95.42 83.46
Incomplete combustion heat loss (%) 2.57 2.90 1.75 2.31 0.90 1.63 0.13 1.09
NOx emission (mg/Nm3, 6% O2) 296.6 285.3 374.8 441.8 483.0 705.0 587.2 999.5
NOx emission (mg/MJ) 74.1 53.6 95.0 79.3 123.7 121.3 152.0 167.5

increasing SRp for the cases with 33% O2.p, while it is almost obtained by enhancing SRp. Additionally, under the condition of a
unchanged among the cases of conventional air combustion. These higher O2.p, both the temperature and O2 concentration in reducing
two rules are consistent with the temperature distribution of the zone are more influenced by SRp. Therefore, with an increase in SRp,
two groups, respectively. the NOx emission increases more under the condition of 33% O2.p
As shown in Fig. 13, O2 concentration in primary zone obvi- than that of the conventional air combustion, as shown in Table 5.
ously increases with SRp, and the increasement is greater under Finally, by enhancing O2.p from 21% to 33%, a considerable NOx
the condition of 33% O2.p. Enhancing SRp could facilitate the burn- reduction rate of 27.6% is achieved for the group of 0.7 SRp,
out of coal in primary zone, which generally reduces the carbon in whereas the reduction is negligible for the group of 0.9 SRp. While
fly and bottom ash, as shown in Table 7, and this rule agrees to SRp is 1.0, the NOx production is even greater for the case with
some previous studies [10,13,15,39]. It can also be observed that higher O2.p. It can be concluded that a low enough SRp is a prereq-
as SRp increases, the decrease in carbon content in fly ash is smaller uisite if it is expected to reduce NOx by mixing some pure O2 to the
for cases with 33% O2.p. As analyzed above, the flux of feeding gas secondary air.
reduces as SRp increases with O2.p kept at 33%. This is adverse for
the mixing of particle and O2, thus the promotion on coal burnout
by increasing SRp is discounted for the 33% O2.p cases. 4. Conclusions
It can be seen from Fig. 13 that the NOx production in burner
zone increases with SRp, and the rise of O2 concentration in this In the present study, the following conclusions can be drawn:
area should be the main reason. In the subsequent reducing zone,
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cases with higher SRp, which are both unfavorable to NOx reduction ing atmosphere in the primary zone for pulverized coal boi-
[21,39,40]. Furthermore, the burnout of char is promoted by ler by mixing some pure O2 into secondary air under a low
increasing SRp, which is not beneficial for the destruction of NOx SRp. Through this method, the temperature increases signif-
either [33,41]. Hence, a noticeable increase in NOx emission is icantly and the O2 concentration is quite low in the primary
418 Y. Du et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 126 (2017) 407–418

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