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Quizizz #1

1. A tent is a necessary equipment for ______.

a. eating c. dancing

b. camping d. swimming

2. I could hear our neighbor’s party music clearly.

a. person living near your house

b. person living far away from you

c. person living in another town

d. person living near the park

3. The boy moved quickly to avoid the

approaching car.

a. move slowly c. move amazingly

b. move gracefully d. move fast

4. To get the water, she will ____ the pail up

from the well.

a. pull c. put

b. push d. pole

5. The landmark of our house is a large gate.

a. compass

b. direction of the path

c. easily recognizable feature in the house

d. map

6. The movie was boring that the students wanted to just sleep.

a. exciting c. not interesting

b. enjoyable d. not easy to watch

7. I can know the latest happenings around me by watching the ________.

a. circus c. anime

b. mukbang videos d. news

8. I glanced at the sunset before closing the car because we are about to go on the road.

a. looked quickly c. stared

b. viewed d. saw

9. The finish line was happily crossed by

the winner of the marathon.

a. start c. end

b. middle d. pause

10. I don’t like the strawberry milkshake, so I asked my sister to switch it with chocolate.

a. replace c. stay

b. retain d. snitch
Quizizz 2 (NEW) ROMA – pakigawa to sa quizizz, with pictures. Ikaw na
humanap ng pictures

1. The café was filled with busy students and workers and the aroma of coffee.

a. bake shop

b. coffee shop

c. canteen

d. fast food chain

2. The equipment used in cleaning the house filled with dust is a vacuum cleaner.

a. accessory

b. details

c. mop

d. tool

3. The shelter called “PAWS” is a house for stray dogs. What is a shelter?

a. a place that gives comfort like a home

b. a place where you can party

c. a place where people read books

d. a place selling stuff

4. “The exam was difficult, that I took a long time answering it.” What is an exam?

a. activity

b. board work

c. paper
d. test

5. The festival is full of lively music and colorful decorations. What is a festival?

a. celebration

b. New Year

c. mass

d. foundation day

6. I bought a fresh meat from the butcher’s shop.

a. person who sells fish

b. a person who bakes pastries

c. a person who mills grains

d. a person who prepares and sells meat

7. What is a book?

a. something you listen to

b. something you can read

c. something you can watch

d. none of the above

8. What is a “mistake”?

a. something that is correct

b. something that is perfect

c. right

d. something that is wrong or not right

9. What is a library?

a. a place where you write

b. a place where you read books

c. a place where you play with your peers

d. a place where you sleep

10. “Her jewelry matched her shiny gown well.” What is jewelry?

a. accessory

b. baggage

c. carriage

d. tool

Quizizz #3 – RAQUEL, pakitignan na lang and paedit yung changes sa Quizizz (especially
yung maliit na letter lang dapat yung sa choices)

1. It means having something that belongs to you.

a. borrow b. share
c. own d. trade

2. What does a clock help you with?

a. tell time b. cook food
c. play music d. fly in the sky

3. Which word means an error or a wrong action?

a. number b. success
c. mistake d. victory
4. Which word means to carry on or keep doing something?
a. start b. halt
c. begin d. continue

5. What does the word mortal mean?

a. eternal b. human
c. invisible d. infinite

6.” Which word means to suggest or express something indirectly?

a. imply b. explain
c. describe d. shout

7. “To accomplish the project, we must keep our objective in mind.” What does the word
objective mean?
A. A goal or purpose
B. A person's name
C. A type of subject in school
D. A colorful object

8. “To find the missing piece in the game, I was given a hint.” Which of the following best
defines the word "hint"?
A. A clear explanation
B. A small clue or suggestion
C. An obvious statement
D. A complex idea

9. The feeling of sadness or sorrow when someone or something important is no longer with us
a. gain
b. empty
c. victory
d. loss

10. Which word from the list below means to release or let go?
a. change
b. answer
c. discharge
d. success

Quizizz #4 (QUIZZIZZ 5 to originally, pakipalitan yung no. sa 4 –GISELLE, pakitignan na

lang and paedit yung changes sa Quizizz (especially yung maliit na letter lang dapat yung
sa choices)

Quizizz #4

1. What does the word "petition" mean?

a. approval

b. formal request

c. reject

d. ignorance
2. “I am an amateur in basketball . I only started practicing last week.”

a. professional

b. beginner

c. expert

d. skilled

3. What is the opposite of "approved"?

a. accept

b. agree

c. disapproved

d. applaud

4. “The police apprehended the thief who stole from the bank.” The word "apprehended"

a. understood

b. ignored

c. arrested

d. released

5. Who is typically in charge of a ship?

a. admiral

b. sailor

c. captain

d. chief
6. What does it mean to "possess" something?

a. share

b. lack

c. own

d. borrow

7. If something is "international", it involves:

a. no countries

b. one country

c. several countries

d. a continent

8. The due date for the paper is tomorrow already.

a. start time

b. overtime

c. completion

d. deadline

9. “I have a vitamin C deficiency, so I need to eat fruits like orange as part of my diet.” What
does "deficiency" mean?

a. surplus

b. lack

c. abundance

d. excess
10. “Since the community library was no longer in good condition, they decided to abolish it”.
What does it mean to "abolish" something?

a. preserve

b. end or eliminate

c. create

d. support

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