Ion Exchange Equilibria in Zeolite Minerals

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Dcposita 31,554 562 (1996)

9 Springer-Verlag 1996

Ion exchange equilibria in zeolite minerals

C. Colella
Dipartimcnto di lngegneria dei Materiali e della Produzione, Universit,~ di Napoli Federico 1I, Piazzale V. Tecchio 80, 80125 Naples, Italy

Received: 30 November 1995/Accepted: 10 April 1996

Abstract. C a t i o n exchange equilibria of the m o s t c o m - This study aims at surveying the f u n d a m e n t a l s of ion
m o n s e d i m e n t a r y zeolites are reviewed. Selected exchange exchange equilibria with reference to the most widespread
isotherms a n d t h e r m o d y n a m i c e q u i l i b r i u m c o n s t a n t s are n a t u r a l zeolite types, whereas aspects connected with en-
r e p o r t e d a n d interpreted in terms of selectivity of one v i r o n m e n t a l a p p l i c a t i o n s are considered in a n o t h e r work
cation over another. Selectivity sequences of various within this v o l u m e (Pansini 1996).
zeolites are c o m p a r e d with each other in the light of
Eisenman's theory a n d utilized to predict or explain speci-
fic practical performances. Historical perspective

Ion exchange phenomena have been observed, especially in agricul-

Zeolites are the m o s t i m p o r t a n t i n o r g a n i c cation ex- ture, since the dawning of civilization. The ancient Greeks knew that
the passage of brackish waters through certain "sands" resulted ill
changers. N o w a d a y s they c o m p e t e with cation exchange the modification of their "chemical" features (Helfl'erich 1962).
resins in water processing (softening) a n d in purification of Nevertheless it was not until the middle of the nineteenth century
w a s t e w a t e r and sewage. O r g a n i c resins are usually prefer- that the scientific bases of ion exchange were investigated and
red for their greater cation exchange capacity, higher disclosed. Thompson (1850) and Way (1850) discovered that ammo-
reaction rates and better resistance to chemically aggres- nia from a fertilizer dissolved in water could be fixed by a soil bed
sive environments. Zeolites on the c o n t r a r y show higher during percolation, substituting for calcium released in the eluate.
Later on. this behaviour was attributed to the presence of clay
cation exchange selectivities, g o o d resistance to temper-
minerals and humic acids in the soil. This property was named "base
ature a n d ionizing radiations, a n d excellent c o m p a t i b i l i t y exchange" and this denomination was preserved for a long time, so
with the environment. Since zeolites are widely used in that it was even used in the late 1930s, for instance in Hey's defini-
m o d e r n t e c h n o l o g y as selective adsorbents, m o l e c u l a r tion of zeolite (Hey 1937).
sieves and p a r t i c u l a r l y as catalysts, ion exchange p r o p e r t y An important advance in the understanding of ion exchange
is e m p l o y e d also as a tool for tailoring the structure in phenomena was accomplished by Eichhorn (1858), who in his pion-
eering study of ion exchange in zeolites pointed out the reversibility
o r d e r to o b t a i n specific performances.
of this type of reaction.
A p a r t from the use as a "builder" in detergent formula- Utilization of natural ion exchangers as industrial materials
tion, for which a synthetic zeolite, N a - A , LTA, has p r o v e d was not considered advantageous for a long time. Zeolites, before
to be the most effective so far (Schwuger and S m o l k a the discovery in the 1950s of the enormous deposits of zeolite-
1976), m a n y of the actual or potential a p p l i c a t i o n s of bearing rocks in many parts of the world, e.g. Japan, Italy,
zeolites as ion exchangers in industrial, agricultural United States, were believed to be nothing more than simple
a n d / o r e n v i r o n m e n t a l fields involve the use of n a t u r a l mineralogical curiosities. That is why the first important industrial
application of ion exchange involved the permutites, a class
materials of diagenetic origin ( G o t t a r d i 1989). This mainly of partially crystalline synthetic aluminosilicate exchangers
d e p e n d s on e c o n o m i c considerations, but specific p r o p e r - widely employed, especially for water softening, in the early decades
ties, such as selectivity for noxious and toxic species, have of this century (Gans 1905). After 1935 the attention of the industrial
also been g o o d reasons for using these minerals. A great world was attracted by the newly discovered ion exchange resins
deal of research on n a t u r a l zeolite ion exchangers has been (Adams and Holmes 1935), which in a few years became the
focused on the most c o m m o n l y occurring types, especially main product for solving problems related to water softening and
clinoptilolite, m o r d e n i t e a n d chabazite. A renewal of interest in inorganic ion exchangers in the early
1950s was connected with the birth and growth of the nuclear
For the sake of clarity, zeolite structure types, when necessary, are industry, and the need to find suitable ion exchangers for processing
referred to throughout the text by the structure type codes, assigned radionuclide-containing waters. This stimulated fundamental re-
by the Structure Commission of the International Zeolite Associ- search on inorganic ion exchangers, pointing out their elevated
ation (Meier and Olson 1992). selectivity in general, and specificity for certain ions, and opening the

way for applications in metal recovery from exhausted solutions,

wastewater treatment and aquatic pollution control.
As far as zeolites are concerned, systematic studies on ion ex-
change properties of either natural or synthetized zeolites were
initiated in the same period in England by Barrer (1950).

Phenomenology of ion exchange

The ion exchange reaction occurs between two or more phases, one F---?--- -7-
/ / /!,/
-< - ...... 7-
of which is liquid (solution or melt), which exchange two or more
ions (cations or anions), more or less strongly bound to each phase.
Ion exchange is commonly an equilibrium reaction, but there are
a few cases in which exchange proves to be irreversible. The quantity
I / VF
of ions exchangeable by a solid exchanger, depending on its chemical
and structural features, is called the ion exchanye capacity and is
usually expressed in milliequivalents/g.
In the simplest occurrence of ion exchange two phases are in-
volved, the solid and the liquid, which compete in mutually sharing
two ions. Ion transfer from one phase to the other is subject to the /" i
observance of electroneutrality and regulated by the ion concentra-
tion in both phases and selectivity, here referred to as the measure of o ~-M
the preference that the exchanger exhibits for one ion compared with
the other. This parameter is a function of both the energy of ion- Fig. 1. Schematic isotherms, showing unselective (a) and selective (b)
lattice interaction and the hydration energy (ion-solution interac- behaviour of the exchanger for the incoming ion M, or exhibiting
tion). a selectivity reversal (c). EM, equivalent fraction of M present at
In zeolites, ion exchange arises from the presence of extra-frame- equilibrium in the liquid phase; E~t, equivalent fraction of the same
work cations, located in the regular array of channels and cages, ion in the exchanger. Arrows indicate the reversibility of the ex-
which constitute the rigid anionic framework. Cations are bound to change reaction. The quotient (area 1)/(area 2) measures the separ-
the lattice and to water molecules, which normally fill the zeolite ation factor e at the point P (see text)
micropores. When the zeolite comes into contact with an electrolytic
solution, the zeolitic cations can be removed from their sites and
replaced by other cations fiom the solution. Substitution is
stoichiometric and, provided that suitable experimental procedures
are set up, it can be exhaustive, i.e. it can cover the entire cation EM
exchange capacity (CEC), unless partial or total exclusion occurs,
due to inaccessibility of specific exchange sites. Actually, in the
zeolite structures there are commonly various cation sites, which
differ from each other in framework position and therefore in bond
energy. This may affect both the extent and kinetics of cation
exchange. Incomplete exchange reactions may arise from cation
sieving. This may be due to cation size, both in diameter or in
volume, being incompatible with the channel dimensions or with the
space available in the specific site. Cation sieving may also occur due
to the inability of the negative charge distribution on the zeolite
structure to accommodate a given cation (Dyer 1988).

Ion exchange equilibria in zeolites /A/ /

A cation exchange reaction m a y be written as

n M (s)
m+ -}- m N "(z)+ +~- n M m
(z)+ + m N "(s)+ (1)
0 g-'M
where m a n d n are the valences of exchanging cations
M a n d N a n d subscripts s a n d z denote solution a n d Fig. 2. Schematic isotherms, showing unselective (d) and selective (e)
zeolite phase, respectively. behaviour of the exchanger for the incoming ion M with clear limits
to accommodate the ion in the framework. Curves f are indicative of
E x p e r i m e n t a l e q u i l i b r i u m data, at a given t e m p e r a t u r e
a hysteresis loop with a phase separation. Co-ordinates and arrows
a n d at c o n s t a n t total ion n o r m a l i t y in solution, are usually as in Fig. 1
plotted in such a way as to o b t a i n the cation e x c h a n g e
isotherm, a curve which is a suitable tool for a n immediate
e v a l u a t i o n of the zeolite selectivity for one cation (M) over a n d therefore the isotherm profile, in the case of uni-
a n o t h e r (N). By c o n v e n t i o n , the isotherm reports the divalent cation exchange depend, n o t only on the temper-
equivalent fraction of the i n c o m i n g cation, EM, present at ature b u t also o n the total ion c o n c e n t r a t i o n in the liquid
e q u i l i b r i u m in the liquid phase, against the equivalent phase.
fraction EM of the same cation in the zeolite. However, it is A l t h o u g h a generalization is not possible, four kinds of
to be r e m e m b e r e d that, by definition, both EM + EN = 1 profiles are usually observed for the cation exchange iso-
a n d EM + EN = 1. It is n o t e w o r t h y that e q u i l i b r i u m data, therms (Figs. 1, 2):

1. The curve is completely over (Fig. la) or under (Fig. lb) M over N at a given E.u. This may be calculated from the
the diagonal of the diagram, which means that the expression
zeolite is unselective or selective for the incoming ca-
tion M, respectively; /~M EN
u. = _ (4)
2. The curve is a sigmoid crossing the diagonal at one E,~,Eu
point (Fig. lc), which indicates a selectivity reversal, as
or obtained by a graphical evaluation from the cation
a function of EM;
exchange isotherm. For instance the value of :r related to
3. The curve shows a clear unselectivity (Fig. 2d) or select-
the point P in Fig. 1, is given by the ratio (area l)/(area 2).
ivity (Fig. 2e) for the cation M, but the exchange is not
The separation factor cannot be considered as a measure
complete, i.e. only a fraction of the CEC is available for
of the selectivity, because it varies as a function of the
composition of both the solid and liquid phases at the
4. The curve presents a hysteresis loop (Fig. 2f), which
equilibrium. A comprehensive estimation of selectivity can
means that in a given range of EM there are two solid
result from the knowledge of either the thermodynamic
phases in equilibrium with the solution.
equilibrium constant, K , , or the standard free energy of
Curves of type I may indicate that in the zeolite struc- exchange, AG o, defined as
ture there is only one site group, but this occurrence is m- n
rather rare, and is evidenced by the absence of inflections K,, - n - ttl
a M (l N
in the isotherm, i.e. the experimental curve approximates
a rectangular hyperbola. The presence of inflections in the RT
isotherm, which may occur in curves of any type, is an AG O - In K , (6)
indication that in the zeolite structure there are two or
more site groups. Isotherms of type 3 show an evident where a and h are the activities of the cation in either the
limit in the occupancy of all the available cation sites. This solution or the zeolite, respectively. It has to be observed
may be due to ion sieving or volume exclusion phenomena that K,, and AG o values give unequivocal indications as
(see the previous section). In case 4 the progressive loading regards selectivity only for type a/b isotherms (Fig. 1) and
of the cation M in the zeolite structure results in a phase generally for low zeolite loadings (low E u values). Other-
separation over the composition range corresponding to wise, the indication may be misleading, in that it reflects
the hysteresis loop. contrasting behaviours over the whole composition range,
When the isotherm exhibits a concave profile, e.g. for instance possible selectivity reversals (Fig. lc).
curves b and e in Figs. 1 and 2, the uptake of the incoming The value of K,, can be calculated from the equilibrium
cation M by zeolite from solution usually follows a Lang- cation exchange data using an integration procedure
muir-type isotherm, which in its simplified expression, derived by Gaines and Thomas (1953), provided the
valid particularly when M and N are singly charged and activity coefficients of the cations in the liquid phase can
the zeolite is unselective for N, may be written be estimated accurately. A commonly used activity coef-
ficient expression for dilute electrolytes is given by
bQmaxCM (2) Glueckauf (1949), although other expressions exist for
QM - 1 + bCM more concentrated solutions. A comprehensive descrip-
tion of the procedure for obtaining the thermodynamic
where Q,u is the amount of M m+ in the solid phase per unit quantities connected with cation exchange reactions
weight of zeolite, Q.... is the maximum value for Q:u, CM is involving zeolites may be found in several papers
the equilibrium concentration of M m+ in the solution, and (Townsend 1986; Grant and Fletcher 1993; Pabalan 1994:
b is the Langmuir constant. For convenient application to Caputo et al. 1995).
experimental data Eq. (2) may be written in a linear form, Studying a certain number of cation exchange equilib-
for instance: ria in a given zeolite type allows us to learn the specific
selectivity sequences (Sherman 1978), which are very use-
QM ful in predicting the zeolite behaviour in any practical
- bQm~x - bQM (3)
C,u application. Actually the allowed selectivity sequences in
a set of cations are much less numerous than expected
so that from a plot of QM/C.~ versus Q~, one can from the large number of permutations which are math-
obtain Q...... which is the maximum loading of M on the ematically possible. This is due to some thermodynamic
zeolite. restrictions, which, at least in the most favourable cases,
The analysis of the equilibrium data according to the can be predicted by theory. Starting from a simplified
Langmuir-type equation is possible also when the cations cation exchanger model, considering the electrostatic in-
M and N have unequal charges and are in competition teractions of cations with the negatively charged exchange
with each other, i.e. zeolite exhibits comparable selectiv- sites on the framework and with water molecules in solu-
ities for both of them (Boyd et al. 1947; Mimura et al. tion, Eisenman (1962) was able to predict that only 11
1992). selectivity sequences out of 120 that are theoretically pos-
Processing of equilibrium cation exchange data allows sible were allowed for uni-univalent cation exchanges
us to obtain some other useful parameters characterizing in the group of the alkali metals (Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs).
the exchange reaction, e.g. the separation factor, 7, which Sherry (1969) extended the treatment to divalent cations,
is a measure of the preference of the zeolite for the cation predicting 7 sequences out of 24 possible for di-divalent

exchanges in the group of the alkaline earth metals (Mg, zeolites. The types taken into consideration are known to
Ca, Sr, Ba). occur either as hydrothermal minerals or as species of
According to Eisenman (1962), the behaviour of a ca- diagenetic origin, constituting deposits of actual or poten-
tion exchanger, and therefore of a zeolite, in an uni- tial commercial interest (Deffeyes 1968; Hawkins 1984).
univalent cation exchange depends on the anionic field In the following, the main features of these natural
strength exhibited by the solid. In the case of a low field zeolites in cation exchange equilibria involving some
strength, presented by the most siliceous zeolites, cations groups of cations will be presented and discussed.
with lower charge density, such as Cs, are preferred, so
that the selectivity essentially depends on the difference in
the free energy of hydration of the two cations in competi- Alkali and alkaline earth cations
tion, more than on the difference in electrostatic interac-
tion of the cations with the framework. On the contrary, it Tables 2 and 3 summarize the exchange properties of
is predictable that the aluminous zeolites, characterized some natural zeolites towards alkali and alkaline earth
by high field strengths, tend to prefer cations with higher cations in terms of the selectivity sequences found experi-
charge density, for instance Li and Na. In this case select- mentally, compared with the patterns predicted by theory
ivity is controlled more by zeolite (cation-framework in- (Eisenman 1962; Sherry 1969). In the case of incomplete
teraction) than by solution (cation-water interaction). experimental sequences, the assigned selectivity series ref-
With reference to di-divalent cation exchange, zeolites, erence numbers appear in parentheses. Uncertainty is
irrespective of their composition, always behave as weak- indicated by the alternative of two or more numbers.
field-generating cation exchangers (Sherry 1969). Accord- Although there are some irregularities, it is evident that
ingly, they tend to prefer in any case the large cations, such the natural zeolites under consideration prefer the cations
as Ba. Finally, in the case of uni-divalent exchange, alumi- with large radius in accordance with theory (see the pre-
nium-rich zeolites evidence a marked preference for vious section), whereas the smaller cations tend to be
divalent cations, but this tendency can be reversed in the preferred by the aqueous phase. This is the typical behav-
case of more siliceous zeolites (Sherry 1969). iour of the low-field-strength ion exchangers. The effect on
the selectivity of increasing A1 content in a zeolite series is
demonstrated in the two H E U structural types (Table 2).
Natural zeolites as ion exchangers In fact, clinoptilolite, characterized by a higher silicon
content, exhibits a low-field selectivity pattern (I), while
Table 1 summarizes the chemical compositions and the heulandite with a lower silicon content shows a stronger-
cation exchange capacities of the most important natural field pattern (IIIa/IV).

Table 1. Chemical composition and cation exchange capacity of some natural zeolites
Zeolite Structure Idealized unit-cell formula CEC a Si/A1 ratio
type code meq/g reported ranges b
Chabazite CHA Ca6 [Al12Si24Ov2] 940H20 3.86 1.43 4.18
Clinoptilolite c HEU Na3K3 [A16Si3oO~2] 920H20 2.22 2.92 5.04
Erionite ERI Na2K/MgCal.s[A19Si27OTz]'27H20 3.16 3.05 3.99
Ferrierite FER Na2Mg2 [A16Si30072] " 18H20 2.33 3.79-6.14
Heulandite r HEU Ca4[A18Siz8072 ] "24HzO 2.91 2.85 4.31
Laumontite LAU Ca4 [A18Si16O~8] 916H20 4.25 1.95 2.25
Mordenite MOR Na8[AlsSi40096 ] "24H20 2.29 4.19 5.79
Phillipsite PHI NazK2Ca[AI6Si16032 ] 912H20 4.49 1.45 2.87
aCation exchange capacity calculated from the idealized unit-cell formula
bData after Gottardi and Galli (1985)
These are two isotypic zeolites, differing from each other in chemical composition (Mason and Sand 1960; Boles 1972; Alietti 1972) and/or in
thermal behaviour (Mumpton 1960)

Table 2. Selectivity patterns of alkali cations exhibited by some natural zeolites

Zeolite Selectivity series Literature reference Eisenman's series
reference numbera
Chabazite Cs > K > Rb > Na > Li Barrer et al. 1969 IIa
Clinoptilolite Cs > Rb > K > Na > Li Chelishev et al. 1973 I
Erionite Rb > Cs >~K > Na > Li Sherry 1979 II
Ferrierite Cs > Rb > K > Na Ahmad and Dyer 1988 [I]
Heulandite K > Rb > Na > Li Filizova 1974 IIIa/IV
Mordenite Cs > Rb ~ K > Na > Li Ames 1961; Rao and Rees 1966 I/lIa
Phillipsite Cs > K > Rb > Na > Li Barrer and Munday 1971 IIa
" See Eisenman (1962)

Table 3. Selectivity patterns of alkaline earth cations exhibited by some natural zeolites

Zeolite Selectivity series Literature reference Sherry's series

reference number"

Chabazite Ba > Sr > Ca > Mg Ames 1961; Barrer et al. 1969 I

Clinoptilolite Ba > Sr > Ca > Mg Ames 1961; Filizova 1974 1
Erionite Ba > Sr > Ca > Mg Ames 1961; Sherry 1979 1
Ferrierite Ba > Sr > Ca > Mg Ahmad and Dyer 1988 I
Heulandite Sr > Ba > Ca Filizova 1974 unpredicted
Mordcnite Ba > Sr > Ca > Mg Ames 1961 I
Phillipsiteh Ba > Sr > Ca Barrer and Munday 1971 [1]

See Sherry (1969)

b Exchange for Ba has proved to be irreversible (Barter and Munday 1971)

Table 4. K, values for Na -+ Cs and 2Na -* Sr exchanges in natural 1.0

zeolites at 25 C
Zeolite NarCs Reference 2Na~Sr Reference

Chabazite 69.2 ~ 0.883 "

51.0 h 0.159 t,
Clinoptilolite 51.9 ~ 1.290
55.8 d 0.321 ~
Erionite 32.9 ~ 0.794
Ferrierite~ 8.0 ~ 0.074
Mordenite h 27.2 ~ 0.5
Phillipsite 24.2 i 0.066 J
26.4 ~ 0.107

"Equilibrium data obtained at 50 C Barrer et al. 1969)

u Equilibrium data obtained at 23 ~C Perona 1993)
Ames (1965a)
d Equilibrium data obtained at 30 C Howcry and Thomas 1965)
~Pabalan et al. 1993
rThe K, values have been calculated from the reported AG * values
through the application of Eq. (6) and making use of the triangle rule
(Barrer and Klinowski 1974) 0.5 Ecs 1.0
g Equilibrium data obtained at 24 C (Ahmad and Dyer 1988)
h Synthetic mordenite (Zeolon by Norton) Fig. 3. Ion exchange isotherm protiles at 25 C for the pair N a r C s
~Barrer and Klinowski 1974 on various zcolites at 0.1 total normality: (a) chabazite (Barrer et al.
J Barrer and Munday 1971 1969); (b) phillipsite (Barrer and Munday 1971); (c) erionite (Sherry
1979). Coordinates as in Fig. 1

A m o n g the various equilibria investigated, p a r t i c u l a r exhibit m a r k e d l y different cation exchange features and
a t t e n t i o n has been paid to those involving cesium and t h e r m o d y n a m i c quantities (Barrer a n d K l i n o w s k i 1972;
s t r o n t i u m for the possible practical implications, i.e. 13Yes Shibue 1981). (Note that f r a m e w o r k charge density, which
a n d 9~ r e m o v a l from w a s t e w a t e r of nuclear p o w e r is a m e a s u r e of the anionic field strength, equals the
plants. n u m b e r of AI a t o m s (p.u.c.) x charge on electron/unit cell
As far as cesium is concerned, the d a t a in Table 2 indic- volume ( O ' C o n n o r a n d T o w n s e n d 1985).
ate that m o s t n a t u r a l zeolites, n a m e l y chabazite, clinop- In c o n t r a s t to their g o o d selectivity for cesium, n a t u r a l
tilolite, ferrierite, m o r d e n i t e and phillipsite, exhibit zeolites do not show a great preference for s t r o n t i u m
a s t r o n g preference for this cation. A high selectivity for (Table 4 a n d Fig. 4). This is mainly due to the low-field
cesium has been claimed also for l a u m o n t i t e ( R o m a n - strength exhibited by the silicon-rich n a t u r a l zeolites.
tschuk et al. 1966). This o b s e r v a t i o n is confirmed by the T h a t is why the best p e r f o r m a n c e in the j o i n t r e m o v a l of
profiles of the relevant i s o t h e r m s (see Fig. 3) and especially Cs and Sr from nuclear p o w e r p l a n t w a s t e w a t e r is to be
by the values of the c o r r e s p o n d i n g t h e r m o d y n a m i c equi- expected fi'om mixtures of n a t u r a l zeolites and alumi-
librium c o n s t a n t s (Table4). D i s c r e p a n c y of d a t a in nium-rich, strontium-selective synthetic zeolites, such as
T a b l e 4, c o n c e r n i n g the same zeolite type, m a y be due to zeolite N a - A , E T A (Ames 1962).
the use of a different activity coefficient m o d e l for the
a q u e o u s solution a n d p a r t l y to the use of a different zeolite
material. Actually, it has been d e m o n s t r a t e d , in a c c o r d - Ammonium
ance with E i s e n m a n ' s ion exchange model, that isostruc-
tural zeolites with a different silica to a l u m i n a ratio a n d A great deal of research has been carried out in the last
therefore with a different f r a m e w o r k charge density m a y thirty years on the c h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n of n a t u r a l zeolites as

1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5!

0 0.5 Esr 1.0 0 0.5 ENH4 1.0

Fig. 4. Ion exchange isotherm profiles for the pair Na~Sr on Fig. 5. Isotherm profiles for the exchange of ammonium for various
various zeolites at 0.1 total normality: (a) chabazite at 50~ (Barter cations on clinoptilolite at 0.1 total normality and 23 ~ (Sherman
et al. 1969); (b) phillipsite at 25 :'C (Barrer and Munday 1971); (c) 1978). Coordinates as in Fig. 1
erionite at 25 ~ (Sherry 1979) Coordinates as in Fig. 1

possible means for removing ammonia from water. This values reported in Table l, are consistent with the obser-
subject was introduced by Ames (1967) in a report which vation that phillipsite exhibits the best performances in
presented the remarkable selectivity of several zeolites, e.g. ammonium removal from model solutions containing also
clinoptilolite, for ammonium. Further investigations con- sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium (Sherman
firmed this observation also from a quantitative point of 1978).
view (Bilba et al. 1983; Suzuki and Ha 1984). Howery and All these data depict a very favourable situation for
Thomas (1965) found a Ka value of 8.53 at 30 ~ for the actual or potential applications in industrial and agricul-
N a ~ N H 4 equilibrium in clinoptilolite, while Townsend tural wastewater purification, aquaculture, animal feed-
and Loizidou (1984) obtained a value of 5.12 at 25 ~ ing, agriculture and horticulture (use of natural zeolites as
Several other natural zeolites have been considered for nitrogen fertilizers).
equilibrium studies involving ammonium. Remarkable
selectivities for this cation have been observed in particu-
lar for chabazite, ferrierite, mordenite and phillipsite. Heavy metal cations
K, at 25 ~ for the Na --* NH4 exchange in chabazite was
found to be 5.32 (Barrer et al. 1969). The same value for Natural zeolites, such as those reported in Table 1, fre-
ferrierite at 24 ~ mordenite at 25 ~ and phillipsite at quently display good selectivities for heavy metal cations,
20~ proved to be 2.58 (Ahmad and Dyer 1988), 6.43 which makes them valuable tools for the purification of
(Townsend and Loizidou 1984) and 13.26 (Garcia Her- industrial wastewater and/or metal recovery from process
nandez et al. 1994), respectively. water. The literature contains numerous papers on ap-
Equilibrium exchange data on clinoptilolite at 23 ~ for plications (Pansini 1996), whereas data on cation ex-
several cation pairs, including ammonium and the most change equilibria involving heavy metal cations and natu-
common alkali and alkaline earth cations found in natural ral zeolites are scarce, sometimes conflicting, and often
waters, are summarized in the isotherms of Fig. 5 (Sher- poorly comparable with each other. In general it is con-
man 1978). The following selectivity sequence is easily firmed, in agreement with Eisenman's theory (Eisenman
deduced: 1962; Sherry 1969), that natural zeolites, pre-exchanged in
sodium form, are fairly selective for monovalent heavy
K > NH 4 > Na > Ca > Mg.
metal cations, provided these are characterized by low
It is noteworthy that the same pattern, apart from the charge densities. As regards divalent cations, selectivity is
possible inversion of potassium with ammonium, is exhib- predominantly determined by their hydration energies
ited by several natural zeolites, such as chabazite (Barrer more than by the cation-lattice interaction. Accordingly,
et al. 1969), mordenite (Hagiwara and Uchida 1978; Czar- natural zeolites tend to prefer cations with lower hy-
an et al. 1986) and phillipsite (Sherman 1978), which dration energy, e.g. lead over cadmium.
accounts for the preferred exchange of the zeolites with The cations for which thermodynamic data are avail-
lower field strengths for cations having a low charge able in the literature are Ag +, Cd 2+, Pb 2+, and T1 +.
density (Eisenman 1962; Sherry 1969). The thermodyn- A good selectivity for silver is demonstrated by chaba-
amic data referred to here, complemented by the CEC zite (Barrer et al. 1969; Barrer and Sammon 1955) and

clinoptilolite (Gradev et al. 1988), which opens the way to Exchange for rare earths is favoured in zeolites with
their use in silver recovery from the wastewater from high framework charge density. In fact, these can more
photographic production. In particular, K,, at 25 C for easily accommodate cations with very high charge densit-
Na ~ Ag exchange in chabazite was found to be 11.4 ies, satisfying with one cation three or more anionic sites
(Barrer et al. 1969). Also the selectivity sequences exhib- better in zeolite frameworks.
ited by both zeolites are very similar: K > Ag > NH4 > Natural zeolites, such as those reported in Table 1, are
Pb > Na > Ca > Li for chabazite (Barrer et al. 1969) and usually characterized by a medium-low framework charge
K > NH4 > Ag ~> Pb > Na > Ca > Li for clinoptilolite density. That is why the exchange of natural zeolites for
(Czaran et al. 1986). Data on Na --+ Ag exchange in fer- rare earth cations has been often unsuccessful, e.g. the
rierite are also available in the literature (Ahmad and 3Na ~ La exchange in chabazite (Barrer and Sammon
Dyer 1984; 1988). 1955), or the exchange for Ce in erionite, phillipsite and
Calculated K~, values for 2Na --+ Cd exchange in several clinoptilolite (Ames 1965b). Cation exchange of either
natural zeolites are usually < I (Caputo et al. 1995; Loi- clinoptilolite or mordenite for Th has recently been dem-
zidou and Townsend 1987a), although favourable values onstrated to be possible, although unfavourable (Con-
of the separation factor (~ > 1) have sometimes been found stantopoulou et al. 1994). Only partial exchange has been
for low Cd loadings on chabazite and phillipsite (Colella achieved and a low selectivity has been shown. The value
et al. 1995). Based on the Ka values at 25"C and 0.1 N of K,, at 25 C and 0.01 total normality for the pair Na-Th
total cation concentration in solution, the decreasing sel- on clinoptilolite and mordenite has been found to be
ectivity pattern of the investigated zeolites for Cd appears 0.0046 and 0.0017, respectively.
to be (Caputo et al. 1995; Loizidou and Townsend 1987a):
CHA > MOR > FER > HEU (clinoptilolite) > PHI.
Natural zeolites appear to be usually very selective for Conclusions
lead (Loizidou and Townsend 1987b; Pansini et al. 1996).
K,, values for the Na-Pb pair turn out to be very high Ion exchange is the only technological sector in which
especially for mordenite, phillipsite and clinoptilolite. Sel- natural zeolites may compete in terms of performance
ectivity follows the sequence: MOR > PHI >~ CLI > with the commercial synthetic zeolites. Actually, dia-
CHA. The 2Na ---, Pb exchange on ferrierite proved to be genetic zeolites characterized by medium-high Si/AI ratios
irreversible (Loizidou and Townsend 1987b). do not replace, but complement, commercial types, such
A remarkably high selectivity of Na-exchanged as zeolites A, LTA and X, FAU, which are more alumi-
chabazite for T1 has been found (K,, = 83.5 at 25 r'C) nous. In other words natural and synthetic zeolites have
(Barrer et al. 1969). Ferrierite also demonstrates a good different fields of application as cation exchangers.
selectivity for this cation (Ahmad and Dyer 1988). As has been pointed out in this review study, in
Cation exchange isotherms of Cu exchange on agreement with Eisenman's theory, supported by experi-
chabazite (Barrer and Sammon 1955) and clinoptilolite mental confirmation, zeolite selectivity for a given
(Semmens and Seyfarth 1978; Blanchard et al. 1984; As- cation depends on its anionic field strength (or frame-
senov et al. 1988), Co exchange on clinoptilolite (Blanc- work charge density) and this feature is determined in
hard et al. 1984), Zn exchange on clinoptilolite (Semmens turn by the relevant Si/A1 ratio. This means that, at
and Seyfarth 1978; Blanchard et al. 1984; Assenov et al. least in principle, natural zeolites are irreplaceable
1988) and Cr exchange on phillipsite and chabazite in many specific applications. The possible removal
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