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Factors Affecting Strand/Track Choices of

Grade 10 Students of Naga City School of Arts and Trades

for S/Y: 2022-2023


Jhozrel R. Losa

Zuriel C. Enciso

Ruth R. Mendoza

Andrei B. De Jesus

Althea Florendo

Mcxil Laquindanum

Maxinne Buison

Eion Montes

Mandy Millares

Marites D. Boncodin Ph.D., Ed. D.

Research Adviser

Completing this research study was not easy. You have to do

your best and give your time and effort to have a strong and

worthy study. Being students of Naga City School of Arts and

Trades, we learned that research is one of the most challenging

parts of our journey as a grade 12 student, but we accept that

challenge and see it as an opportunity to become familiar with

each chapter on making a research paper. This step helps us as

we continue our college lives. But we believe that we couldn't

have done this without the people behind our success. So, the

researchers would like to thank those who contributed for the

completion of this research paper.

First and foremost, we truly thank our Heavenly Father for

all the blessings he has showered upon us. Thank you for giving

us the strength, knowledge, ability, and opportunity to

undertake this research study. Without his guidance and mercy,

we couldn't accomplish this on time.

Second, we would like to convey our deepest and most

heartfelt gratitude towards Ms. Marites D. Boncodin, lecturer of

Practical Research 2, and our second mom. Thank you for

providing invaluable guidance, support, advice, comments,

suggestions, and provisions that helped in the completion of

this study. It was an honor to be one of your students and work

under your guidance.

We would also like to express our gratitude to our parents,

who have always supported us since day 1. For all the

sacrifices, efforts, and understanding from the start of the

chapter until we succeeded. Thank you!

Last but not least, we extend our deepest thanks to the

respondents who participated and cooperated during our survey.

Without them, we couldn't have done this and survived this

paper. To all the people who have been part of this research

study, a big thanks to all of you.This means a lot to us.




Statement of the Problem……………………………………………………………………………………………4

Scope and Delimitation…………………………………………………………………………………………………5

Significance of the Study…………………………………………………………………………………………6-7

Definition of Terms…………………………………………………………………………………………………………8

Conceptual Framework………………………………………………………………………………………………………9-10

Theoretical Framework……………………………………………………………………………………………………11-13


CHAPTER II…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………15

Related Studies……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………16-20

Related Literature……………………………………………………………………………………………………………21-25



CHAPTER III(Methodology)……………………………………………………………………………………………35

Research Design……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………36

Research Instrument…………………………………………………………………………………………………………37-39

Statistical Treatment……………………………………………………………………………………………………39-40



Analysis and Interpretation……………………………………………………………………………………42-64



Problem 1……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………67




Problem 2……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………69




Problem 3……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………70



Problem 4……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………72






Letter to the Respondents………………………………………………………………………………………78-79

Survey Questionnaires…………………………………………………………………………………………………80-85

Answer Sheet…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………86


Researchers Curriculum Vitae………………………………………………………………………………93-97



The Philippines' K-12 education system has undergone

significant changes in the past decade, with the introduction of

Senior High School (SHS) being one of the most significant. The

SHS program is designed to prepare students for tertiary

education, employment, and entrepreneurship by providing

specialized education in specific fields. The program offers

four tracks, namely Academic, Technical-Vocational-Livelihood,

Sports, and Arts and Design. Students must choose one of these

tracks, each comprising different strands, before beginning

their SHS education.

Track and strand selection is a crucial decision for Grade

10 students as it determines the courses they will take in SHS

and, ultimately, their future career paths. The Department of

Education (DepEd) has mandated that SHS students must select

their tracks and strands based on their interests, skills, and

aspirations. However, research has shown that several factors

influence track and strand selection, including parental

influence, peer pressure, and the perceived prestige of certain

tracks and strands.

Some 10th graders worry excessively about the track and

strand they should take. Students should consider their

individual skills and shortcomings while examining various

fields. This will enable them to choose the track and strand

that best suits their needs.Choosing a track and strand should

ultimately prepare students for success in their chosen

vocations and give them the information and skills they need to

make a positive contribution to society. Schools can assist

students in achieving their objectives and realizing their full

potential by providing them with the support and direction they

need to make wise decisions.As with experimental research

reports. Guiding students to their desired strand can help them

decide for their future in education.

The K-12 education system in the Philippines is governed by

the Republic Act No. 10533, also known as the Enhanced Basic

Education Act of 2013. The law mandates the implementation of a

K-12 program that includes six years of primary education, four

years of junior high school, and two years of senior high

school. The DepEd has formulated policies, guidelines, and

standards for the K-12 program's implementation, including the

SHS program's curriculum and track and strand offerings.

The DepEd Order No. 31, s. 2018 provides guidelines for the

implementation of the SHS program, including the selection of

tracks and strands.

The purpose of this study is to identify the factors

influencing Grade 10 students' track and strand selections in

the SHS program in the Philippines.

The study aims to provide insights into the factors influencing

Grade 10 students' track and strand selections, which can inform

the development of policies and interventions to promote

informed decision-making among students. The study's findings

can also inform career guidance programs in schools and help

parents and educators understand the factors that influence

students' career.

Statement of the problem:

The researchers will determine the factors affecting the

choices and preferred strand/track in senior high school of

grade 10 students in Naga City School of Arts and Trades.

This study will be conducted in Naga City School of Arts and

Trades S/Y: 2022-2023

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions.

1.What strand/track preferred by the grade 10 students of NCSAT?

2. What are the factors affecting the strand/track choices of

grade 10 students in senior high school?

3. What is the degree of influence of the grade 10 students'

reasons for their selected strand?

4. What are the advantages of choosing the aligned strand/track

in senior high school?

Scope and Delimitation:

This study aims to identify the preferred strand/track by

the grade 10 students and also the factors but only limiting it

to the following factors; such as Family Influence, Personal

Interest, Peer Influence and Family Condition.The study will be

conducted in Naga City School of Arts and Trades during Academic

Year 2022-2023. The study will use a quantitative approach,

including surveys to collect data from a sample size of 213

grade 10 students from Naga City School of Arts and Trades

determined by slovin’s formula, and the researchers also use

simple random sampling method in choosing respondents in each

section of grade 10.

This study is limited to 213 chosen grade 10 students only

and does not cover the all students of Naga City School of Arts

and Trades.

Significance of the study

The study intends to investigate the factors affecting

strand/track choices by Grade 10 students of Naga City School of

Arts and Trades.

The output of the study will help the following:

Students/ Research Participants.This study will help the

grade 10 students to know the factors that affect them in

choosing their strand they want to pursue in senior high

school.This study will also help the participants to easily

socialize to the expected population in each strand/track.

School.To help the school to be prepared for the incoming

grade 11 students for the S/Y 2023-2024 and strategically

analyze the most and least preferred strand/ track of the future

grade 11 students.And last is to help the school to control the

population of a specific strand/track.

Teachers. The teacher or the class adviser of each

strand/track will know the estimated number of students in their

specific strand and they will be more prepared on how to handle

their future grade 11 students.

Future Researchers.The future researchers can use this

study to their Related Literature and Related Studies.They can

use this study as well as a guide of familiarity in every part

of research and what is this all about and they can learn

different methods in doing research.

Definition of terms:

Alignment- this refers to the connection between a student's

goals, assessment, career, and learning activities.

Factor- a circumstance, fact, or influence that contributes to a

particular result or outcome.

Strand- an area of study under an academic track that senior

high school students must take to prepare for their chosen

degree in college.

Student- this refers to individuals who will respond to a

research survey.

Track- refers to students who wish to pursue a college program

based on their desired course.

Conceptual Framework

Conceptual Framework

Senior High School aims to prepare students before entering

college, equipping them with the global skills, competencies,

and knowledge needed to achieve successful career paths in the

future. In addition, students can't decide properly because of

the factors that affect them in choosing a strand/track, it

includes their family, peers, and especially their interest.

This study revolves around two variables; one is the

factors and two is strand/track choices. The independent

variable is the factors while the dependent variable is the

strand/track choices, because factors affect the strand/track

choices of grade 10 students.

This study will examine the factors affecting the

strand/track choices of grade 10 students in Naga City School of

Arts and Trades. This study will use surveys to collect data

from a sample size of 213 chosen grade 10 students.

This study will determine the different factors that affect

grade 10 students in choosing their strand/track that they want

to pursue in senior high school.

Theoretical Framework

Theoretical Framework

This study is supported by three theories: two for strand

choices such as Choice Theory by William Glasser,cited

(Charles,2008) and Social Cognitive Career Theory(SCCT),cited

Staunton (2015); and one for factors which is The Curriculum

Theory by MacDonald (2017) cited, Jerome Bruner.

Their characteristics and how it will apply in the study are

discussed individually.

The paradigm is shown in figure 1.

The theory presented in this statement is the Curriculum

Theory (CT) which focuses on the examination and shaping of

educational curricula. CT is concerned with values, historical

analysis of the curriculum, ways of viewing current educational

curriculum and policy decisions, and theorizing about the

curricula of the future. According to MacDonald (1971), CT is

based on a multiplicity of factors such as situation, human

goals, hypothesizing, and testing. This theory also emphasizes

the importance of student's career choices in the development of

specialized courses that promote lifelong learning.

William Glasser's Choice theory is also a major factor in

this study, which emphasizes that all people are curious by

nature, and that the most efficient and profound learning takes

place when it is started and pursued by the learner. Glasser's

theory also emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility

and the development of unique talents through creative

expression. This theory is essential in shaping the curriculum

to meet the needs of students and promote their lifelong


Overall, the theory presented in this statement is that the

curriculum should be designed to promote lifelong learning and

meet the needs of students by considering their interests and

career choices, while also emphasizing the importance of

personal responsibility, creative expression, and unique



Republic of the Philippines (2013). Republic Act No. 10533, An

Act Enhancing The Philippine Basic Education System By

Strengthening Its Curriculum And Increasing The Number Of Years

For Basic Education, Appropriating Funds Therefore And For Other



Lagajino, E. et al., (2016). Students’ Career Choices: A Guide

For Senior High School Preparation.

Rafanan, R.J. and De Guzman, C.Y. (2020). Pursuing STEM Careers:

Perspectives of Senior High School Students


Chapter II


This chapter discusses the related studies and literature

that researchers considered in strengthening the claim and

importance of the present study. This chapter also presents the

similarities, differences and the uniqueness of the present

study in different previous studies and literature. This part is

really important to make your research stronger at the end of

your studies because of different purposes like the following;

it helps the researchers to gather valuable data and ideas that

can guide them on their own research. It also prepares the

reader to better assimilate and understand the concept of the

study. And lastly, it sharpens the researchers Research Focus.

This chapter consists of three parts including review related

literature, review related studies and state of the art which

will give a reader a better and stronger research study.

Related Studies

The study on the expectations of Grade 10 students about

senior high school academic track by Ray Neil Escolano (2022)

provides important insights into the expectations and

perceptions of students as they transition to senior high school

in the Philippines. Escolano's study found that Grade 10

students had varying expectations and perceptions of the senior

high school academic track. While some students had clear

aspirations and goals for their academic track, others were

unsure or lacked a clear understanding of the available options.

The study also found that students' expectations were shaped by

a range of factors, including their personal interests, future

career aspirations, and the perceived job opportunities

associated with each track.

The study "Perceptions of Grade 10 Students Towards Senior

High School and Factors Influencing Their Choice" by Queros,

Lasam, Granel, Sinsano, and Batin (2020) contributes to the

growing body of literature on senior high school education in

the Philippines. The study aims to identify the perceptions of

Grade 10 students towards senior high school and the factors

that influence their choice of senior high school tracks.

Previous research has highlighted the importance of senior high

school education in preparing students for their future careers

and enabling them to make informed decisions about their career

paths. The study by Queros et al. builds on this literature by

focusing specifically on Grade 10 students' perceptions and

decision-making processes. One key finding of the study is that

students' perceptions of senior high school were largely

positive, with many students viewing it as an opportunity to

acquire new knowledge and skills, as well as to prepare for

higher education or employment. However, some students also

expressed concerns about the cost of senior high school

education and the difficulty of the curriculum. The study also

identified several factors that influenced students' choice of

senior high school tracks, including their interests and career

goals, their parents' advice and opinions, and the availability

of resources and facilities in their chosen senior high schools.

These findings are consistent with previous research on the

factors that influence students' educational choices. For

example, studies have shown that parental influence can play a

significant role in students' decision-making processes,

particularly in terms of their choice of career paths.

In a study by Lariosa and Dugay (2019) entitled "Factors

Affecting Senior High School Students' Strand Preferences in the

Philippines," the researchers found that academic performance

and career aspirations significantly influenced the strand

preferences of students. The study suggests that schools should

provide students with opportunities to explore different career

paths and ensure that they have the necessary academic and

non-academic support to excel in their chosen strand.

Another study by Albao et al. (2019) entitled "Factors

Affecting the Choice of Senior High School Strand Among Grade 10

Students in a Public School in the Philippines" explored the

factors that affect the choice of senior high school strand

among grade 10 students in a public school in the Philippines.

The study found that the most significant factor was the

perceived suitability of the chosen strand to the students'

interests and abilities. The study highlights the importance of

providing students with career guidance and counseling services

to help them make informed decisions about their future.

In a study by Arboleda (2019) entitled "Academic

Performance and Strand Choice of Senior High School Students,"

the author found a significant relationship between academic

performance and the strand choice of senior high school

students. The study suggests that students with higher academic

performance tends to choose STEM (Science, Technology,

Engineering, and Mathematics) strands, while those with lower

academic performance tend to choose non-STEM strands. The study

emphasizes the importance of providing academic support and

interventions to students who are struggling academically to

ensure that they can succeed in their chosen strand.

A study by Macatangay and de Guzman (2019) showed that

students consider the availability of resources and facilities,

such as laboratories, equipment, and textbooks, in their

decision-making process. The lack of resources and facilities

can discourage students from choosing a particular strand.

A study conducted by Cariño et al. (2018) entitled "Factors

Affecting Senior High School Strand Choices of Students"

investigated the factors that influence grade 10 students in

choosing their senior high school strands in a private school in

the Philippines. The study found that the most influential

factors were the interests and skills of the students, parental

guidance and support, and the future job prospects of the chosen

strand. The study highlights the importance of guidance and

counseling programs in senior high schools to help students make

informed decisions about their future.

In a study by R. A. Viloria and E. S. Eustaquio (2018), it

was found that teachers also play an influential role in

students' track preference. The study suggests that teachers can

encourage students to pursue certain academic tracks by

providing information and guidance on the benefits and

opportunities that come with those tracks.

A study by Cario and Gokcen (2018) found that parents'

education level and occupation can influence their children's

choice of strand. Parents who have higher education and income

tend to encourage their children to choose the academic track,

while those with lower income and education levels prefer the

technical-vocational track.

Another study by Hernandez (2018) found that students'

decision-making is also influenced by their cognitive ability,

values, and beliefs.

Related Literature

The literature review in the article provides a

comprehensive overview of previous studies and research on the

topic. The review starts by defining the senior high school

tracks in the Philippine education system and their relevance to

students' future careers. The review also discusses the various

factors that influence students' decision-making processes, such

as personal factors, family factors, and school-related factors.

One of the notable findings from the literature review is

that students' academic performance and abilities are

significant factors that influence their choice of senior high

school tracks. Students who have higher academic performance

tend to choose academic tracks, while those who struggle

academically tend to opt for vocational or technical tracks.

The review also highlights the impact of parental influence

on students' decision-making processes. Parents' level of

education and occupation can significantly influence their

children's choice of senior high school tracks. Additionally,

the review discusses the role of schools and teachers in guiding

students in their decision-making processes and providing

support for their chosen tracks.

Overall, the literature review in the article provides a

valuable insight into the various factors that influence

students' decision-making processes when choosing their senior

high school tracks. The study's findings have significant

implications for policymakers, school administrators, and

educators in designing and implementing effective strategies to

support students in their academic and career paths.

A study by Camilleri and Vassallo (2018) focused on the

factors that affect the career decision-making process of

university students in Malta. The study found that

self-awareness, social support, and job opportunities were

significant factors that influenced the decision-making process.

This study highlights the importance of self-awareness and

support in the decision-making process.

A study by Chong (2018) explored the factors that affect

students' decisions to pursue STEM (Science, Technology,

Engineering, and Mathematics) programs in higher education in

Malaysia. The study identified several factors, such as

students' academic performance, self-efficacy, and interest in

STEM subjects, that played a crucial role in their

decision-making process.

One study by C. Cruz and M. Ferrer (2017) found that

students' academic performance and abilities are strong

predictors of their track preference. The study suggests that

students with strong academic performance and abilities tend to

choose academic tracks that align with their strengths, while

those with weaker academic performance and abilities are more

likely to choose tracks that require less academic rigor.

Another study by E. Calaycay and R. Ramirez (2016)

identified parents as one of the most significant factors that

influence students' track preferences. According to the study,

parents often have a strong influence on their children's choice

of track by providing guidance and advice based on their own

experiences and expectations.

A study by Wang and Sun (2016) explored the factors

influencing the choice of major among undergraduate students in

China. The results showed that academic interest, career

prospects, and social expectations were significant predictors

of major choice. This study is relevant to our research since it

has relatively the same factors that we used to determine on how

a student will make their decision and it explores how external

factors can influence a person's decision-making process.

The study "Students’ Career Choices: A Guide For Senior

High School Preparation" by Lagajino et al., (2016) explores the

factors that influence students' career choices and provides

recommendations for senior high school students to help them

prepare for their future careers. They identified that the

factors that a student considers in choosing a strand/track are

the distinctive education that the school provides, the

learning environment, parents' choice, school location,

qualification of teachers, and the school curriculum. This study

is relevant and significant because career choice is a crucial

decision that impacts an individual's life and can have

long-term effects on their personal and professional


The gender and socio-economic status of the students also

influence their choice of academic strand. In a study by Scherer

and Ansaloni (2016), it was found that female students are more

likely to choose academic programs in the humanities and social

sciences, while male students are more likely to choose programs

in science and technology.

A study by Barikani, Tabatabaei, and Ghalavand (2015)

focused on the factors that influence the choice of field of

study among high school students in Iran. The study found that

academic achievement, family background, and job prospects were

significant factors that influenced the decision-making process.

This study highlights the importance of academic achievement and

family background in the decision-making process.

A study by C. R. Ariola and R. D. Dizon (2015) revealed

that peers also play a significant role in students' track

preference. The study found that students tend to choose

academic tracks based on their peers' choices, as they want to

fit in and feel accepted by their peers.

A study by Mann and Cadwallader (2014) examined the factors

that influence the choice of major among college students in the

United States. The study found that students' personal

interests, job opportunities, and parental influence were

significant predictors of major choice. This as both studies are

relevant to our research exploring how personal interests and

external factors can influence a person's decision-making



Our research primarily focuses on the strands or tracks

that grade 10 students intend to pursue when they move up to

senior high school. Along with that main topic, we also

considered the advantages of choosing a strand or track that

aligns with them as well as the factors that the students

consider in choosing a strand or track and their degree of

influence on the aforementioned decision.

In our related literature, authors such as Wang and Sun

(2016), Mann and Cadwallader (2014), Barikani, Tabatabaei, and

Ghalavand (2015), C. Cruz and M. Ferrer (2017), and Chong (2018)

stated that factors such as academic interest and performance,

career prospects or job opportunities, family background, and

social expectations are significant factors that affect the

students’ decisions. Our research only covers the four factors,

namely: family influence, personal interest, peer influence, and

family condition.

According to E. Calaycay and R. Ramirez (2016) and C. R. Ariola

and R. D. Dizon (2015), parental influence and peer influence,

respectively, were the most influential factors that students

took into account in choosing a strand or track. We chose to

only focus on these four factors since they don’t delve too much

into internal factors such as the students’ intelligence, mental

state, and values or external factors such as societal

expectations and school locations.

Speaking of internal and external factors, Lagajino et al.

(2016) ascertained that the type of education some schools

provide, the learning environment, parents' choice, school

location, qualification of teachers, and the school curriculum

are factors that are considered when a student is choosing a

strand or track for senior high school. Gender and socioeconomic

status are also significant factors, according to Scherer and

Ansaloni (2016).

As for how they are able to come to those decisions,

Camilleri and Vassallo (2018) state that self-awareness and

social support help the students make more grounded decisions.

Moving onto the related studies, they share similarities

with the related literature in that factors such as academic

interest and performance, career prospects or job opportunities,

family background, and social expectations are the most

significant factors according to authors such as Cariño et al.

(2018), Lariosa and Dugay (2019), Albao et al. (2019), Arboleda

(2019), Queros et al. (2020), and Ray Neil Escolano (2022).

Macatangay and de Guzman (2019) and R. A. Viloria and E. S.

Eustaquio (2018) focused on human external factors, which are

parents and teachers, respectively. They state that these

factors are significant enough since these types of people have

the most influence on students aside from their peers.

While learning, students use facilities and resources, and

according to Macatangay and de Guzman (2019), the availability

of facilities and resources also affects the students’


Hernandez (2018) went with only internal factors such as

cognitive ability, values, and beliefs, and they concluded that

these factors affect the students’ decisions the most.

Unlike the other literature and studies mentioned, this

study will rank the most and least influential factors that we

have previously specified. These four factors were the most

commonly mentioned in the related studies and literature, so

it’s evident that these are the most common factors that are

related to this study which makes it easier for the respondents

to identify their reasons.

In conclusion, several factors influence students'

decision-making process in choosing a strand in senior high

school. These include their career aspirations, academic

performance, peer influence, availability of resources and

facilities, and parental guidance and support. Understanding

these factors can help educators and policymakers develop

effective strategies to guide students in their decision-making

process and ensure their success in senior high school and



Escolano, R.N. (2022). Expectations of Grade 10 Students About

Senior High School Academic Track.


Queros, M.J., Lasam, C., Granel, C., Sinsano, G., and Batin,

C.M. (2018). Perceptions of Grade 10 Students Towards Senior

High School and Factors Influencing Their Choice.



Lariosa, and Dugay,. (2019). Factors Affecting Senior High

School Students' Strand Preferences in the Philippines.

Albao (2019). Factors Affecting the Choice of Senior High School

Strand Among Grade 10 Students in a Public School in the


Arboleda (2019). Academic Performance and Strand Choice of

Senior High School Students.


Macatangay,. and de Guzman,. (2019). Senior High School Strands:

Factors Affecting the Students’ Preference.

Cariño,. (2018). Factors Affecting Senior High School Strand

Choices of Students.

Viloria, R. A., and Eustaquio, E. S. (2018). FACTORS AFFECTING


Cario,. and Gokcen (2018). Factors Affecting the Track

Preference of Grade 10 Students at Cielito Zamora High School.


Hernandez (2018). Senior High School Strands: Factors Affecting

the Students’ Preference.


Camilleri, and Vassallo (2018). Factors Influencing the

Preferences of Grade 10 Students in Choosing their Preferred

Senior High School Track.

Chong (2018). Factors that Influence the Track Preference of the

Grade-10 Students.


Cruz, C. and Ferrer, M.(2017). Senior High School Track and

Strand Preference.

Calaycay, E.and Ramirez, R. (2016). Students’ Perspectives of

Senior High School Strands/Tracks.



Wang, and Sun (2016). Factors Influencing the Choice of Major

Among Undergraduate Students in China.

Lagajino (2016). Students’ Career Choices: A Guide For Senior

High School Preparation.

Scherer, and Ansaloni (2016). Track Preference and Influences in

Choosing A Track For Incoming Senior High School Students

Barikani, Tabatabaei, and Ghalavand (2015). Factors that

Influence the Choice of Field of Study Among High School

Students in Iran.

Ariola, C. R. and Dizon, R. D. (2015). EXPECTATIONS OF GRADE 10



Mann and Cadwallader (2014). Factors that Influence the Choice

of Major Among College Students in the United States.




This chapter discusses the process or procedure made by

the researchers to support and start solving the main problem of

the study. This chapter consists of four parts including

research design which discusses the method used for your study

if it's qualitative, quantitative and mixed method approach.

Next is population, this will give the target population or

respondents who were included in the study. Next is the research

instrument, this will serve as a procedure on what instrument

will be used by researchers to answer the different research

questions and last is statistical treatment, that will explain

to the readers on how the researchers get their target

population. The respondents were able to answer the different

specific questions of the study that served as the baseline and

necessary data and information that was used in the entire


Research Design

Our study aims to know the most and least preferable

strand/track by grade 10 students. And also the most and least
influential factors in choosing a strand they want to pursue in
senior high school. In this study, we chose descriptive because
it defines, discusses and validates the research findings. A
survey form will be used by proponents to determine the
preferred strand and factors that affect them in choosing a
strand/track in senior high school.

The researchers also use simple random methods in

distribution of (213) survey questionnaires among random 213
grade 10 students only of their different sections including,
section Alfelor, Andaya, Arroyo, Bordado, Fortuno, Fuentebella,
Jacob, Honesto Pesimo, Robredo and Villafuerte. Quantitative
data were analyzed to identify the factors affecting
strand/track choices of Grade 10 students.


There are ten (10) different sections in grade 10 that

serve as respondents of the study. We will randomly choose 24
students in section Arroyo and 21 students in the remaining nine
sections of grade 10 for a total of 213 respondents. The total
population of grade 10 students of NCSAT are 455. We got 213
respondents as a target sample size of our study because of
slovin's formula. They answered the survey as questions given by
the researchers.
It supported the researchers to easily create an interpretation
and conclusion for the study.


Grade 10 Students Sample Size


10 Alfelor 21

10 Andaya 21

10 Arroyo 24

10 Bordado 21

10 Fortuno 21

10 Fuentabella 21

10 Jacob 21

10 Honesto Pesimo 21

10 Robredo 21

10 Villafuerte 21


Research Instrument

We, the researchers, used the survey procedure to gather

data and information with the use of questionnaires. The

questionnaire is composed of two (2) parts,the first part

consists of 10 multiple choice questions while the second part

consists of 16 items through scaling the most and least

influential factors, a total of twenty six (26) no of

questions.We also use zipgrade application to easily collect

data through scanning different answer sheets. This instrument

was used to answer the following questions:

1. What strand/track is preferred by the grade 10 students of


2. What are the factors affecting the strand/track choices of

grade 10 students in senior high school?

3. What is the degree of influence of the grade 10 students'

reasons for their selected strand?

4. What are the advantages of choosing the aligned

strand/track in senior high school?

After gathering the questionnaire, the researcher tallied

the answer to get the accurate percentage in every item of each

question. Averaging is chosen by the researchers because it

won't take too much time.

Later, the researchers created a graphical diagram

representation to show, describe and illustrate the results of

the survey in a very plain way. By this, the researchers got

both the highest and lowest number of tallied answers.

Statistical Treatment

The Following statistical procedures were used to determine the

sample size or respondents of the study

Slovin’s Formula


n= Sample size

N= Population Size

e= Margin of error

The Total Population of Grade 10 in NCSAT is 455 and the

researchers used 95% confident level where we determined

5%margin of error and transposed it into decimal which is 0.05

As a result of the formula used, our final sample size is 213.


Mark Slovin, Michael Slovin, Kulkol Slovin. Slovin Formula

Chapter 4


This chapter presents the analysis of the research

questions posed in the study. The research questions aimed to

explore the preferences and factors influencing the choice of

strand/track among grade 10 students at Naga City School of Arts

and Trades (NCSAT). The data obtained from the research

questionnaire will be examined and interpreted to provide

insights into the students' preferences, influencing factors,

and the advantages of choosing an aligned strand/track in senior

high school. The method used to analyze the data is already

discussed in the methodology chapter.

Research Question 1: Preferred Strand/Track by Grade 10 Students


Figure 1

In survey question number 1, a total of 198 students

expressed their intention to proceed with senior high school,

while 12 students were unsure about pursuing senior high school.

Additionally, 3 students abstained from answering this question.

This data provides an overview of the students' inclination

towards continuing their education and indicates their

commitment to senior high school.

One study by C. Cruz and M. Ferrer (2017) found that students'

academic performance and abilities are strong predictors of

their track preference. The study suggests that students with

strong academic performance and abilities tend to choose

academic tracks that align with their strengths, while those

with weaker academic performance and abilities are more likely

to choose tracks that require less academic rigor.

Figure 2

In survey question number 2,this question will investigate

the reason of 12 students who answered no in question number 1

why they don't want to pursue senior high school. A total of 7

students choose learning difficulties while both financial

issues and social problems at school have 2 students who choose

it as their reasons. No one chooses lack of guidance and support

but 1 student chooses fear as his/her reason, and 201 students

abstain from answering, a total of 213 respondents.

In a study by Arboleda (2019) entitled "Academic

Performance and Strand Choice of Senior High School Students,"

the author found a significant relationship between academic

performance and the strand choice of senior high school

students. The study suggests that students with higher academic

performance tend to choose STEM (Science, Technology,

Engineering, and Mathematics) strands, while those with lower

academic performance tend to choose non-STEM strands but in this

case, some students have extreme learning difficulties that they

won't pursue in senior high school. The study emphasizes the

importance of providing academic support and interventions to

students who are struggling academically to ensure that they can

succeed in their chosen strand.

Figure 3

In survey question number 3,The data revealed that 51

students chose the Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)

strand, 33 students opted for the Accountancy Business

Management (ABM) strand, 39 students selected the Science,

Technology and Engineering System (STEM) strand, 25 students

chose the General Academic Strand (GAS), and 56 students

enrolled in the Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) strand.

These statistics provide insights into the popularity of

different strands and the students' preferences based on their

interests and career aspirations.

A study by Wang and Sun (2016) explored the factors

influencing the choice of major among undergraduate students in

China. The results showed that academic interest, career

prospects, and social expectations were significant predictors

of major choice. This study is relevant to our research since it

has relatively the same factors that we used to determine on how

a student will make their decision and it explores how external

factors can influence a person's decision-making process.

Figure 4

In survey question number 4,Question 4 investigated

students' expectations regarding the difficulty level of their

preferred strand. Findings revealed that 19 students expected it

to be easy, 36 expected it to be moderate, 119 expected it to be

challenging, and 31 expected it to be difficult. While 8

students abstain from answering.

The study "Perceptions of Grade 10 Students Towards Senior

High School and Factors Influencing Their Choice" by Queros,

Lasam, Granel, Sinsano, and Batin (2020) contributes to the

growing body of literature on senior high school education in

the Philippines. The study aims to identify the perceptions of

Grade 10 students towards senior high school and the factors

that influence their choice of senior high school tracks.

Previous research has highlighted the importance of senior high

school education in preparing students for their future careers

and enabling them to make informed decisions about their career

paths. The study by Queros et al. builds on this literature by

focusing specifically on Grade 10 students' perceptions and

decision-making processes. One key finding of the study is that

students' perceptions of senior high school were largely

positive, with many students viewing it as an opportunity to

acquire new knowledge and skills, as well as to prepare for

higher education or employment. However, some students also

expressed concerns about the cost of senior high school

education and the difficulty of the curriculum. The study also

identified several factors that influenced students' choice of

senior high school tracks, including their interests and career

goals, their parents' advice and opinions, and the availability

of resources and facilities in their chosen senior high schools.

These findings are consistent with previous research on the

factors that influence students' educational choices. For

example, studies have shown that parental influence can play a

significant role in students' decision-making processes,

particularly in terms of their choice of career paths.

Figure 5

In survey question number 5, 81 students expressed being

fully prepared for the upcoming senior high school, while 88

students indicated feeling somewhat prepared. Additionally, 44

students choose to abstain from providing a response.

The study on the expectations of Grade 10 students about

senior high school academic track by Ray Neil Escolano (2022)

provides important insights into the expectations and

perceptions of students as they transition to senior high school

in the Philippines. Escolano's study found that Grade 10

students had varying expectations and perceptions of the senior

high school academic track. While some students had clear

aspirations and goals for their academic track, others were

unsure or lacked a clear understanding of the available options.

The study also found that students' expectations were shaped by

a range of factors, including their personal interests, future

career aspirations, and the perceived job opportunities

associated with each track.

Figure 6

In survey question number 6, 175 students reported taking

time to choose their strand/track by saying "YES". On the other

hand, 32 students indicated not being given enough time to make

their strand selection by saying "NO". Additionally, 6 students

choose to abstain from providing a response.

One study by C. Cruz and M. Ferrer (2017) found that

students' academic performance and abilities are strong

predictors of their track preference. The study suggests that

students with strong academic performance and abilities tend to

choose academic tracks that align with their strengths, while

those with weaker academic performance and abilities are more

likely to choose tracks that require less academic rigor.

Research Question 2: Factors Affecting Strand/Track Choices of

Grade 10 Students

Figure 7

In survey question number 7, this question will investigate

the different factors of students in choosing their preferred

strand or track. A total of 44 students choose family influence,

141 students choose personal interest, 11 students choose peer

influence while 13 students choose family conditions as their

factors in choosing a strand/track they want. Additionally, 4

students choose to abstain from answering.

A study conducted by Cariño et al. (2018) entitled "Factors

Affecting Senior High School Strand Choices of Students"

investigated the factors that influence grade 10 students in

choosing their senior high school strands in a private school in

the Philippines. The study found that the most influential

factors were the interests and skills of the students, parental

guidance and support, and the future job prospects of the chosen

strand. The study highlights the importance of guidance and

counseling programs in senior high schools to help students make

informed decisions about their future.

Research Question 3: Degree of Influence of Reasons for Selected


Figure 8

Percentage of the Highly Modera Less Not Abstain

Most and Least Influen -tely Influen Influen

Influencing Factors -tial Influe -tial -tial

in Choosing a Strand -tial

A. Family Influence

11. A strong and 61.97% 30.98% 2.82% 4.23% 0%

positive family can

lead to a better

involvement in

choosing a strand.

12. My parents 24.41% 25.35% 20.19% 26.76% 3.29%

recommended that I

take this strand.

13. I choose this 22.06% 19.72% 18.78% 35.68% 3.76%

strand based on my

parent's perception

of my future career.
14. Choosing a strand 30.98% 25.82% 21.60% 17.37% 4.23%

that my parents will

approve of.



15. My abilities and 61.03% 22.07% 7.98% 5.63% 3.29%

career aspirations

will help me to

choose a strand.

16. I choose this 59.62% 25.35% 8.45% 3.29% 3.29%

strand based on the

satisfaction that I

will get soon from my

future career.

17. I based my chosen 49.77% 27.23% 14.08% 5.16% 3.76%

strand on the basis

of my skills and


18. I chose this 31.46% 29.11% 25.35% 10.79% 3.29%

strand because I'm

good at it.
C. Peer


19. My friends will 17.84% 20.18% 22.07% 32.87% 7.04%

acknowledge me if I

choose the same

strand as them.

20. I and my peer 32.86% 21.60% 22.54% 16.90 6.10%

group share thoughts

and opinions in

choosing strands.

21. I go by the trend 20.66% 19.72% 14.55% 37.56% 7.51%

in class/campus in

choosing a strand.

22. I consulted my 18.31% 23.48% 25.82% 26.76% 5.63%

friend before

choosing a strand.

D. Family


23. I choose this 16.90% 21.13% 23.95% 33.33% 4.69%

strand based on my
parent's occupation.

24. My family are all 21.13% 16.90% 28.17% 29.57% 4.23%

professionals and

they want me to look

up after them.

25. I choose this 23.94% 23% 21.60% 27.23% 4.23%

strand because of

financial issues.

26. My parents are 34.74% 23% 16.91% 19.25% 6.10%

undergraduates, this

may prompt me to

pursue a stable and

high earning job.

Survey question from number 11 to 26, aimed to determine

the degree of influence of the grade 10 students' reasons for

selecting their chosen strand/track. In terms of family

influence, in survey question number 11, highly influential got

the highest total percentage of 61.97%, while in number 12 and

13, not influential got the highest total percentage of 26.73%

for number 12 and 35.68% for number 13. Lastly, in survey

question number 14, highly influential, got the highest total

percentage of 30.98%. To sum up there are two highly influential

and two not influential in terms of family influence.

In terms of personal interest, in survey question number 15

to 18 highly influential got the highest total percentage of

61.03% for number 15, 59.62% for number 16, 49.77% for number 17

and 31.46% for number 18.

In terms of peer influence, in survey question number 19,

not influential got the highest total percentage of 32.8, while

in number 20, highly influential got the highest total

percentage of 32.86% and for number 21 and 22, they are both got

the highest percentage in not influential for a total of 37.56%

for number 21 and 26.76 for number 22. To sum up ,there are one

highly influential and three not influential in terms of peer

influence factors.

In terms of family condition, in survey question number 23

to number 25 , not influential got the highest total percentage

of 33.33% for number 23, 29.57% for number 24 and 27.23% for

number 25, while in survey question number 26, highly

influential got the highest total percentage of 34.74%. To sum

up, there are one highly influential and three not influential

factors in terms of family condition.

The data revealed that 141 students said that it is their

personal interest while 44 said that it is because of family

influence and 13 students said it is due to their family

condition and while 11 said that it is influenced by their

peers, lastly 3 chose to abstain. Mann and Cadwallader (2014).

In a study by Lariosa and Dugay (2019) entitled "Factors

Affecting Senior High School Students' Strand Preferences in the

Philippines," the researchers found that academic performance

and career aspirations significantly influenced the strand

preferences of students. The study suggests that schools should

provide students with opportunities to explore different career

paths and ensure that they have the necessary academic and

non-academic support to excel in their chosen strand.

Research Question 4: Advantages of Choosing Aligned Strand/Track

in Senior High School.

Figure 9

In survey question number 8, aimed to identify the

advantages of choosing an aligned strand/track in senior high

school. The 80 students expressed their desire to expand their

knowledge and skills. Out of these, 60 students emphasized the

importance of preparation for college. Additionally, 36 students

recognized the advantages of an enjoyable strand that matches

their interests, while 8 students indicated four advantages

including; it will expand my knowledge and skills, expose me to

my chosen field of study, make it more enjoyable, be able to

concentrate and get better equipped for my wanted career.

Furthermore, 5 students stated that the chosen field would not

only expand their knowledge and skills but also expose them to

their desired career, making the experience enjoyable and

allowing them to concentrate harder on learning. Lastly, it is

worth nothing that 24 students abstained from providing a

response.A total of 213 respondents.

The study "Students’ Career Choices: A Guide For Senior

High School Preparation" by Lagajino et al., (2016) explores the

factors that influence students' career choices and provides

recommendations for senior high school students to help them

prepare for their future careers. They identified that the

factors that a student considers in choosing a strand/track are

the distinctive education that the school provides, the

learning environment, parents' choice, school location,

qualification of teachers, and the school curriculum. This study

is relevant and significant because career choice is a crucial

decision that impacts an individual's life and can have

long-term effects on their personal and professional


Figure 10

In survey question number 9, In question number 9, 186

students responded "YES" to aligning their choice of

strand/track with their personal interests. However, 16 students

indicated "NO," stating that their chosen strand/track did not

align with their interests. Additionally, 11 students choose to

abstain from providing a response.

Another study by Albao et al. (2019) entitled "Factors

Affecting the Choice of Senior High School Strand Among Grade 10

Students in a Public School in the Philippines" explored the

factors that affect the choice of senior high school strand

among grade 10 students in a public school in the Philippines.

The study found that the most significant factor was the

perceived suitability of the chosen strand to the students'

interests and abilities. The study highlights the importance of

providing students with career guidance and counseling services

to help them make informed decisions about their future.

Figure 11

In survey question number 10, This will examine the results

of choosing an undecided senior high school strand/track. A

total of 55 students choose poor performance and

dissatisfaction, 22 students choose low level of involvement, 29

students choose wasting time and effort while 52 students chose

you got pressured,stressed and depressed and 9 students choose

both performance and dissatisfaction and you got

pressured,stress and depressed as their personal opinion on

choosing an undecided strand/track. Additionally, 46 students

choose to abstain from answering this question.

According to Escolano (2022), many students view it as an

opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills, as well as to

prepare for higher education or employment. However, some

students also expressed concerns about the cost of senior high

school education and the difficulty of the curriculum.


Cruz, C. and Ferrer, M.(2017). Senior High School Track and

Strand Preference.

Arboleda (2019). Academic Performance and Strand Choice of

Senior High School Students.


Wang, and Sun (2016). Factors Influencing the Choice of Major

Among Undergraduate Students in China.

Queros, M.J., Lasam, C., Granel, C., Sinsano, G., and Batin,

C.M. (2018). Perceptions of Grade 10 Students Towards Senior

High School and Factors Influencing Their Choice.



Escolano, R.N. (2022). Expectations of Grade 10 Students About

Senior High School Academic Track.



Cariño,. (2018). Factors Affecting Senior High School Strand

Choices of Students.

Lariosa, and Dugay,. (2019). Factors Affecting Senior High

School Students' Strand Preferences in the Philippines.

Lagajino, E. et al., (2016). Students’ Career Choices: A Guide

For Senior High School Preparation.

Albao (2019). Factors Affecting the Choice of Senior High School

Strand Among Grade 10 Students in a Public School in the


Chapter 5

Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations


In this chapter, the analysis of the research questions

provided insights into the preferences, influencing factors, and

perceived advantages of choosing a strand/track among grade 10

students at NCSAT. The data indicated students' commitment to

pursuing senior high school, the challenges they face, their

preferences for specific strands, and their expectations

regarding the advantages and difficulties associated with their

chosen strands.

Problem No. 1

What are the most and least preferable strands/tracks by

the grade 10 students of Naga City School Of Arts and Trades?


Based on the survey that the researchers conducted, the most

preferable strand/track is Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL)

with a total percentage of 26.29%, while the least preferable

strand/track is General Academic Strand (GAS) with a total

percentage of 11.74%.


Therefore we conclude that the Technical Vocational Livelihood

Program is the most preferable strand and General Academic

Strand is the least preferable strand by grade 10 students in

Naga City School of Arts and Trades for the upcoming school year

2023 to 2024.


We highly suggest to have a program like "Strengthen Career

Guidance and Counseling Services" that will provide

comprehensive career guidance and counseling services to help

students make informed decisions about their preferred

strands/tracks, and also organize career fairs, workshops, and

guest speaker sessions to expose students to various career

options and pathways.

Problem No.2

What are the factors you consider in choosing your preferred



Based on the results, most grade 10 students of Naga City School

of Arts and Trades answered personal interest as their factors

that they consider in choosing their preferred strand/track with

a total percentage of 66.2% while peer influence being the least

influential with a total percentage of 5.16%.


Therefore, we conclude that in four factors we mentioned in our

study including: Family Influence, Personal Interest, Peer

Influence and Family Condition that most of the students of

NCSAT consider personal interest as their factors in choosing

their preferred strand/track while peer influence being a factor

that they least consider.


We highly recommend implementing activities such as career

guidance that will help future senior high school students to

get a greater understanding of their strengths and weaknesses

and ways they can leverage their academic assets. In this

activity students will improve motivation, self-esteem and

confidence among high school students. By knowing which careers

might be a good fit for them, students' sense of self-worth can

also be boosted.

Problem no. 3

What are the most and least influential factors in choosing a



Based on the result of the given survey questionnaires, the most

influential factor is personal interest having the highest

percentages of highly influential in all four situations being

61.03%, 59.62%, 49.77%, and 31.46% respectively while the least

influential factors are peer influence and family condition

both having 3 of the highest percentages in not influential,

being 32.87%, 37.56%, 26.76, and 33.33%, 29.57%, 27.23%

respectively, and 1 high percentage in the highly influential

being 32.86% and 34.74% respectively.


Therefore, we conclude that the most influential factor that

affects grade 10 students of NCSAT in choosing their preferred

strand is personal interest, followed by family influence and

peer influence and family condition being the least influential



We highly recommend increasing financial assistance and

scholarship opportunities. This will develop financial aid

programs to support students who face financial constraints in

pursuing their preferred strands/tracks, and seek partnerships

with external organizations or sponsors to offer scholarships

specifically targeted at students interested in specific fields

or career paths. Encouraging collaboration and interaction

between students from different strands/tracks through

inter-strand/track projects and activities can further influence

their judgment into choosing on what strand they feel aligned


Problem No. 4

What are the advantages of choosing the aligned strand/track in

senior high school?


Based on the result, most of the grade 10 students answered with

the highest total percentage of 37.56% that choosing the aligned

strand in senior high school will help them expand their

knowledge and skills while being able to concentrate on my

learnings has the least benefits with a total percentage of 0%.


Therefore, we conclude that the advantage of choosing the

aligned strand in senior high school will help grade 10 students

of NCSAT to expand their knowledge and skills while being able

to concentrate on my learnings is not something that benefits

choosing an aligned strand/track.


We highly recommend an activity that enhances academic support

and remedial programs that will identify students who face

learning difficulties and provide tailored academic support

programs to assist them in their chosen strands/tracks.

Also establish tutoring programs or peer mentoring initiatives

to encourage academic progress and address any challenges faced

by students. In these kinds of activities students will have the

courage to go and choose the aligned strand they want. In

addition, we highly recommend interactional activities such as

workshops that can be both beneficial and fun that can easily

grab the students attention and increase their interest in

learning more about the different strands and tracks.

Recommendations for Further Studies

We, the researchers, recommend using a qualitative approach in

nature in this kind of research topic, for more accurate

results. It will be better if the interview is done 1 by 1 only

therefore and use thematic analysis to specify the response of

each participant. We also recommend that future studies include

more external and internal factors such as societal

expectations, gender, cognitive ability, and mental state of the

respondent. The researchers also recommend using zipgrade

application for fast tally of answers if only the paper is

quantitative in nature, but with strict guidance and clear

instructions of facilitators to avoid miss shading the answer



A. Article

Republic of the Philippines (2013). Republic Act No. 10533, An

Act Enhancing The Philippine Basic Education System By

Strengthening Its Curriculum And Increasing The Number Of Years

For Basic Education, Appropriating Funds Therefore And For Other


B. Electronics

Arboleda (2019). Academic Performance and Strand Choice of

Senior High School Students.

Ariola, C. R. and Dizon, R. D. (2015). EXPECTATIONS OF GRADE 10


Barikani, Tabatabaei, and Ghalavand (2015). Factors that

Influence the Choice of Field of Study Among High School

Students in Iran.

Calaycay, E.and Ramirez, R. (2016). Students’ Perspectives of

Senior High School Strands/Tracks.

Camilleri, and Vassallo (2018). Factors Influencing the

Preferences of Grade 10 Students in Choosing their Preferred

Senior High School Track.

Cariño,. (2018). Factors Affecting Senior High School Strand

Choices of Students.

Cario,. and Gokcen (2018). Factors Affecting the Track

Preference of Grade 10 Students at Cielito Zamora High School.

Chong (2018). Factors that Influence the Track Preference of the

Grade-10 Students.

Cruz, C. and Ferrer, M.(2017). Senior High School Track and

Strand Preference.

Escolano, R.N. (2022). Expectations of Grade 10 Students About

Senior High School Academic Track.

Hernandez (2018). Senior High School Strands: Factors Affecting

the Students’ Preference.

Lagajino, E. et al., (2016). Students’ Career Choices: A Guide

For Senior High School Preparation.

Lariosa, and Dugay,. (2019). Factors Affecting Senior High

School Students' Strand Preferences in the Philippines.

Albao (2019). Factors Affecting the Choice of Senior High School

Strand Among Grade 10 Students in a Public School in the


Macatangay,. and de Guzman,. (2019). Senior High School Strands:

Factors Affecting the Students’ Preference.

Mann and Cadwallader (2014). Factors that Influence the Choice

of Major Among College Students in the United States.

Queros, M.J., Lasam, C., Granel, C., Sinsano, G., and Batin,

C.M. (2018). Perceptions of Grade 10 Students Towards Senior

High School and Factors Influencing Their Choice.

Rafanan, R.J. and De Guzman, C.Y. (2020). Pursuing STEM Careers:

Perspectives of Senior High School Students

Scherer, and Ansaloni (2016). Track Preference and Influences in

Choosing A Track For Incoming Senior High School Students

Viloria, R. A., and Eustaquio, E. S. (2018). FACTORS AFFECTING


Wang, and Sun (2016). Factors Influencing the Choice of Major

Among Undergraduate Students in China.


Letter to the respondents

Naga City School of Arts and Trades

Felix Plazo St.

Sabang, Naga City

Dear Respondent,


We are the students of 12-HUMSS here in Naga City School of Arts

and Trades, currently administering a research study titled,

“Factors Affecting Strand/ Track Choices of Grade 10 Students of

Naga City School of Arts and Trades for S/Y: 2022-2023”

With that being said, we would like to borrow your valuable

time, effort, and input for you to answer our questions in the

survey questionnaire that will be provided, which is crucial for

the fulfillment of our research study. We can guarantee that

your response and all other data collected from the survey will

be kept strictly confidential and will only be used for research


Your response and cooperation is greatly acknowledged and

appreciated by the researchers of this study. Thank you very


Truly yours,

Jhozrel R. Losa

Zuriel C. Enciso

Ruth R. Mendoza

Andrei B. De Jesus

Althea Florendo

Mcxil Laquindanum

Maxinne Buison

Eion Montes

Mandy Millares


Survey Questionnaire

Part 1

1. Are you planning to pursue senior high school?

A. Yes ( If yes, disregard the 2nd question and proceed to the

3rd question)

B. No ( If no, answer the 2nd and the following questions but

assume you are planning on going senior high school)

2. What are your reasons why you don't want to pursue senior

high school?

A. Learning difficulties

B. Financial issue

C. Social problems at schools

D. Lack of guidance and support

E. Fear

3. What is your preferred strand/track that you want to take

in senior high school?

A. Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)

B. Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM)

C. Science, Technology and Engineering System ( STEM)

D. General Academic Strand (GAS)

E. Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL)

4. How difficult do you think your preferred strand/track is?

A. Easy

B. Moderate

C. Challenging

D. Difficult

5. How are you ready for your senior high school journey?

A. Very ready

B. Somewhat ready

C. Hardly ready

D. Not Ready

6. Did you take time choosing the strand/track that you wanted?

A. Yes

B. No

7.What factors do you consider in choosing your preferred

strand?(Choose one factor only)

A. Family Influence

B. Personal Interest

C. Peer Influence

D. Family Condition

8. What are the advantages to you as a grade 10 student to

choose the aligned strand/track in senior high school? (Choose

as many as you want)

A. It will expand my knowledge and skills.

B. It will expose me to my chosen field of study in

preparation for college.

C. Studying become more enjoyable since the strand are

designed and specialized to match my interest

D. I'll be able to concentrate harder on my learning.

E. I'll get better equipped for my wanted career.

9. Do you think your chosen strand/track aligns with your

strength and interest?

A. Yes

B. No

10. What are the results of choosing an undecided senior high

school strand/track? (Choose as many as you want)

A. Poor performance and dissatisfaction

B. Low level of involvement

C. Dropping out

D. Wasting time and effort

E. You got pressured, stress and depressed

Part 2

Influential Factors

The following are the factors affecting the strand/track

choices of grade 10 students. Please shade your influential

factors according to the scale:

A4- highly influential

B3- moderate influential

C2- less Influential

D1- not influential

Influencing Factors A B C D

4 3 2 1

B. Family Influence

11. A strong and positive family can

lead to a better involvement in

choosing a strand.

12. My parents recommended that I

take this strand.

13. I choose this strand based on my

parent's perception of my future


14. Choosing a strand that my

parents will approve of.

B.Personal Interest

15. My abilities and career

aspirations will help me to choose a


16. I choose this strand based on

the satisfaction that I will get

soon from my future career.

17. I based my chosen strand on the

basis of my skills and abilities.

18. I chose this strand because I'm

good at it.

C. Peer Influence

19. My friends will acknowledge me

if I choose the same strand as them.

20. I and my peer group share

thoughts and opinions in choosing


21. I go by the trend in

class/campus in choosing a strand.

22. I consulted my friend before

choosing a strand.

D. Family Condition

23. I choose this strand based on my

parent's occupation.

24. My family are all professionals

and they want me to look up after


25. I choose this strand because of

financial issues.

26. My parents are undergraduates,

this may prompt me to pursue a

stable and high earning job.

Answer sheet


“Virtual Discussion”
Researchers Curriculum Vitae

Name: Jhozrel Rasco Losa

Age: 19 years old

Birthdate: May 23, 2004

Address: Zone 4 Abella, Naga


Name: Zuriel C. Enciso

Age: 22

Birthdate: December 1, 2000

Address: Zone-4 Barangay

Dugcal Camaligan Camarines


Name: Ruth R. Mendoza

Age: 18

Birthdate: April 14,2005

Address: Lot 26 Blk. 21

Libra St. Villagrande Homes,

Concepcion Grande, Naga City

Name: Eion Dmitri R. Montes

Age: 19

Birthdate: September 27,


Address: Soriano Avenue,

Villa Sorabella Subdivision,

Concepcion Grande, Naga City

Name: Althea Shayne D.


Age: 19

Birthdate: January 08, 2004

Address: Zone 4 Reinacimiento,

Brgy Tabuco, Naga City

Name: Mcxil Laquindanum

Age: 18

Birthdate: August 26, 2004

Address: Zone 6A Igualdad Naga


Name: Andrei De Jesus

Age: 17

Birthdate: July 01, 2005

Address: Zone 3, Brgy.

Triangulo, Naga City


Age: 19

Birthdate: NOVEMBER 16, 2003

Address: BLK. 16 LOT 13 CAMAGONG


Name: Nieva Mandy D. Millares

Age: 19

Birthdate: January 16, 2004

Address: Zone-1 Barangay Dugcal

Pag-asa St. Camaligan Camarines



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