Accreditation of Providers and Registration of Qualifications

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Accreditation of Providers and Registration of Qualifications

Returns programmes that do not meet criteria for accreditation

Returns qualifications that do not meet SAQA policy and criteria for registration

Higher Education

Apply for accreditation to

Providers accredited Qualifications
offer new qualifications
Recommends qualifications
Apply for registration to SAQA for registration on
of new qualifications the NQF

Develop new qualifications Accredits providers to offer Registers qualifications that

and new learning programmes registered qualifications meet SAQA policy and criteria
for registration on the NQF

Returns qualifications that do not meet SAQA policy and criteria for registration
Work-based Education

Providers accredited Qualifications
Apply for accreditation to offer registered
registered qualifications Recommends qualifications
to SAQA for registration on
the NQF

Develop learning programmes • Facilitates the development of new qualifications Registers qualifications that
leading to registered qualifications • Accredits providers to offer registered qualifications meet SAQA policy and criteria
for registration on the NQF

Returns qualifications that do not meet SAQA policy and criteria for registration
General and Further Education

Providers accredited Qualifications
Apply for accreditation to offer
registered qualifications Recommends qualifications
to SAQA for registration on
the NQF

Develop learning programmes • Facilitates the development of new qualifications Registers qualifications that
leading to registered qualifications • Accredits providers to offer registered qualifications meet SAQA policy and criteria
for registration on the NQF

*Need to register with DHET **Independent schools must be registered with provincial departments Issued by: SAQA Date: July 2018

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