19 Appendix

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Dear Respondent,
I am Rajesh Kumar, enrolled as a Research Scholar in the Deptt. of Commerce,
Panjabi University, Patiala. I am conducting Research on the topic Performance
Evaluation of Mutual Funds in India– A Study of Equity and Hybrid Schemes.
You are requested to provide your opinion regarding the same. I assure you that
information given by you will be kept confidential and used purely for academic

1. Investor’s Profile:
a.) Name: _________________________
b.) Address:___________________________________________________
c.) Age: __________ d.) Educational Qualifications: ________________
e.) Occupation (Please tick):
i) Service ii) Business iii) Profession
iv) Agriculture v) Household vi) Retired
vii) Any Other (Specify) ______________________________________
f.) Gross Family Income (Annual): _____________________Rs.
g.) Gross Family Savings (Annual): ______________________Rs.
2. Your investment experience of mutual funds: (Please Tick)
i) Less than 1 year
ii) Between 1 to 3 years
iii) Between 3 to 5 years
iv) Above 5 years
3. How do you rate your knowledge of mutual funds? (Please Tick)
Very Good/Good/Average/Poor/Very poor
4. How did you come to know about mutual fund? (Please Tick)
i) Broker/Sub Broker
ii) Friends & Relatives
iii) Financial Advisors/Professional/C.A.
iv) Finance Journals/ Newspapers
v) Any Other (Please Specify) _________________________________

5. Recall as many mutual funds as you can :

6. Name the mutual funds and schemes in which you have invested:
Sr. Mutual Funds Schemes

7. Rank (1-10) the following mutual funds in order of their popularity.

(Rank 1 to be given to most popular mutual fund and N.A. for not
i) UTI Mutual Fund
ii) SBI Mutual Fund
iii) HDFC Mutual Fund
iv) Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund
v) Tata Mutual Fund
vi) Principal Mutual Fund
vii) Taurus Mutual Fund
viii) Birla Sunlife Mutual Fund
ix) ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund
x) Sundaram BNP Paribas Mutual Fund

8. Rank (1-12) the following financial assets (Rank 1 to be given to most
preferred asset):
Sr. Financial Assets Returns Tax Liquidity Safety
No. point of Benefits point of point of
view point of view view
I Equity shares
II Mutual Funds
III Debentures/Bonds
IV Bank Deposits
V Company Deposits
VI LIC Policy
VII Real Estate
IX Public Provident Fund (PPF)
X National Saving Certificate
XI Kisan Vikas Patra
XII Post-Office Time Deposits

9. In which of the mutual funds have you invested? (Please Tick)

a.) Nature-Wise :
i) Open-Ended
ii) Closed-Ended
iii) Both
iv) Not Aware
b.) Sector-Wise :
i) Public Sector Mutual Fund
ii) Private Sector Mutual Fund
iii) Both
iv) Not Aware
c.) Scheme-Wise :
i) Growth /Equity/Diversified Schemes
ii) Income /Debt Schemes
iii) Balanced Schemes
iv) Sector Specific (IT/Pharma/FMCG/Oil & Gas etc.)
v) Tax Saving Schemes
vi) Money Market Schemes
vii) Exchange Traded Funds (Gold/Banking ETF )
viii) Index Funds
ix) Any other (Please Specify) : _______________________________
10. When do you make your investments in mutual funds? (Please Tick)
a.) Individual factors:
i. When money is available
ii. After gap of few months
iii. After a year
iv. Through SIP
v. At Festivals
vi. At Birthdays
vii. Any other (Please specify) _____________________________
b.) Market related factors:
i. When market is booming
ii. When correction takes place in the market
iii. When market is range bound
iv. Any other (Please specify)_____________________________

11. What is the average time horizon of your investment? (Please Tick)
i) Less than 1 year
ii) Between 1 to 3 years
iii) Between 3 to 5 years
iv) Above 5 years

12. At what interval of time do you monitor your fund performance? (Please
i) Daily
ii) Weekly
iii) Fortnightly
iv) Monthly
v) Never
vi) When withdrawal is needed
vii) Any other (Please Specify)________________________________

13. Where do you place yourself as an investor on the risk tolerance

scale?(Please Tick)
i) High Risk Taker
ii) Moderate Risk Taker
iii) Risk Averse

14. What media of advertisement would be most effective for advertising in
relation to mutual funds? (Please Tick)
i) T.V.
ii) Newspapers
iii) Professional Magazines/Journals
iv) Internet
v) Any Other (Please Specify) ____________________________________

15. Rate the following factors on the given scale according to the importance
attached by you while investing in mutual funds: (Please Tick)
Sr. Factors Highly Important Neither Unimportant Highly
No. Important Important nor Unimportant
i) Return
ii) Liquidity
iii) Risk
iv) Safety
v) Diversification
vi) Tax Saving
vii) Promoter’s Name
viii) Past Performance
ix) Rating
x) Sectors where
investment will
be made
xi) Size of Corpus
xii) Advertisements
xiii) Lock in period
xiv) Exit Load
xv) Any other

16. Give your level of agreement regarding the following statements: (Tick on
the under-mentioned scale)
Sr. Statements Strongly Agree Neither Disagree Strongly
No. Agree Agree Nor Disagree
Mutual funds are useful
for small investors.
Private sector mutual
II funds perform better than
public sector mutual funds
Mutual funds with large
corpus perform better than
mutual funds with small
Mutual funds give high
IV returns than other
Public sector mutual funds
are more secured than
private sector mutual
Mutual funds have better
VI professional expertise
than individual investor
Mutual fund products are
VII desirable for the growth of
the capital market
Tax incentives on mutual
VIII fund investments should
be increased
Mutual funds investment
IX is like owing any other
Mutual funds are more
X suitable for Indian

17. How do you measure the performance of your mutual fund? (Tick the
most preferred one)
i) Absolute Return
ii) Comparing with the Benchmark (Market) Portfolio
iii) Comparing with the Performacne of Similar Schemes
of other Funds
iv) Risk Adjusted Returns of the Schemes
v) Any other (Please Specify) ________________________________

18. Are you aware about the name of the fund manager managing your
mutual fund schemes? (Please Tick) Yes/No
If Yes, are you satisfied with your mutual fund manager? (Please Tick) Yes/No
If No, Give reasons.
19. In your opinion, which is the most important attribute of a successful
mutual fund manager? (Please Tick any one)
i) Qualifications
ii) Experience
iii) Investment Track Record
iv) Investment Philosophy and Methodology
v) Any other (Please Specify) ________________________________

20. Are you satisfied with the regulatory framework with regard to mutual
funds in India? (Please Tick) Yes/No/ Don’t Know
If No, then highlight weaknesses.

21. Please list out the major deficiencies, as observed by you, in the working
of mutual funds in India.

22. Do you intend to make mutual fund investment in future? (Please Tick)
Yes/No/Don’t know
If Yes, tick the most preferred one.
(a) Category
i) Growth /Equity/Diversified Schemes
ii) Income /Debt Schemes
iii) Balanced Schemes
iv) Sector Specific (IT/Pharma/FMCG/Oil & Gas etc.)
v) Tax Saving Schemes
vi) Money Market Schemes
vii) Exchange Traded Funds (Gold/Banking ETF )
viii) Index Funds
ix) Any other (Please Specify) ___________________________

(b) Sectors

(i) Public
(ii) Private
(iii) Both

23. How do you perceive the future of mutual funds in India? (Please Tick)
Very Bright Can’t Say Dark Very
Sector Bright Dark

24. Please give your suggestions for improvement in performance of mutual

funds operating in India.

Thank you for your co-operation



1. HDFC Mutual Fund

2. Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund
3. Tata Mutual Fund
4. SBI Mutual Fund
5. Principal Mutual Fund
6. Taurus Mutual Fund
7. UTI Mutual Fund
8. Birla Sunlife Mutual Fund
9. ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund
10. Sundaram BNP Paribas Mutual Fund

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