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Young of today seem to lost contact with the Word of God and with Nature but spend more time with gadgets; thus, fail to recognize
God’s manifestation in them. To restore your connections with these two (2) magnificent things and with God, you are invited and
tasked to do a “Lectio Divina in and with nature.


Nature is a very rich source of Divine inspiration. This exercise is an opportunity to "read" God's creation by taking a leisurely walk
outdoors. Lectio Divina (Divine reading) of the Word of God or the Bible is one way to communicate with God through prayer and
meditation in order to gain new insights. You can adapt this method of sacred reading with any object found in nature. You find a
particular passage from the Bible that you want to meditate with nature. Pause for a moment and ask for wisdom and insight from
God as you observe the things from nature that capture your attention. You may have a particular question in mind you desire to
understand or explore with this process, so ask specifically for insight with this particular question. You can also come with a
childlike curiosity and playfulness to see what new insights you might discover in this process. If you are unable to take a walk
outdoors, you can also use this method to observe an object from nature such as a plant, a rock or a sea shell and other natural

Questions to be reflected on for every Lectio Divina in and with Nature 1.

What do you notice?

Take a walk in nature in a slow, thoughtful way. Notice the details around you. What captures your attention? You might notice the
cloud patterns, the chirping of birds or one leaf on a tree. Do you notice a single object or many similar objects? Is there anything
that unnerves you or beckons you? Stay with those objects from nature as long as you can. Meditate on it. Sketch it. Take a photo.
Observe it from a different angle or perspective. How do you describe this object to someone who cannot see this object? Take a
moment and jot down some words or phrases that describe this object. In same way, read the scripture passage that you have
chosen. What struck you from what you have read? Reflect on it; and relate it with the beauty of nature you have marveled around
you. Jot down again your experience.
2. What is my connection with this object?
Slowly look at the object again, noticing the details. This time, pay attention to the attributes of this object and how it might describe
you. How do you connect with these traits you noticed? Are you a tight bud or a fully blooming flower? Are you organized like the
symmetrical veins in the leaf or does your life resemble the random placement of the wildflowers in the landscape? Let your
thoughts and imagination and senses be a part of the meditation. Explore the object and symbolism the way a child might explore it,
in the spirit of curiosity and openness. Allow your imagination to explore the object by becoming the object. Notice what feelings or
emotions stir you. What words of wisdom do you have to tell yourself from the perspective of the object from nature? How about the
bible text that I have read a while ago, is there anything that connects me to that Sacred Word? Jot down again your experience.
3. What is God’s invitation from me?
Look at the object one more time or read again the Bible text. Notice the connections that relate to your life today. Pay attention to
any invitation, warning or response you are prompted to follow. You may personalize the experience by completing the sentence
"God invites me to ____________". You may also draw objects that describe God’s invitation to you or write a series of “I am” that
describe you best out from the objects you relate with or from the biblical passage you have read.
"I am one who blooms where she is planted."
"I am one who draws nourishment from the deep roots of my faith."
"I am one who is broken and imperfect, yet beautiful in my own uniqueness."

4. What are you grateful for?

Pause again in silence and acknowledge God’s presence. How is God speaking personally to you today through this object? What
words He spoke with you? Thank Him for being present with you, speaking to you through this experience and loving you. You may
wish to journal or spend more time in conversation with God about this experience.

Goals = to do Lectio Divina in and with Nature; and a Portfolio of Experiences with God in the Lectio Divina in and with Nature
Role = Lectio Divina portraitist in and with Nature vis a vis Portfolio maker
Audience = Classmates and teacher
Situation = young of today have seemingly lost their connections with the Word of God and with Nature
Product = Portfolio of Experiences with God in Lectio Divina in and with Nature
Standards = The Product Portfolio will be assessed based on the rubric below.


Criteria Very Good (20) Good (15) Fair (10) Poor (5)
The content is so The content is 75% The content is 50% The content is 25%
reliable and reliable and connected reliable and connected reliable and
connected to what to what is being asked to what is being asked connected to what is
Content and is being asked to to do. Seemingly done to do. Seemingly done being asked to do.
Quality do. It is done with with care, but not on with care, but not on Not done with care,
care, on time and time and partially in time and in haste. not on time and in
not in haste. haste. haste.
The portfolio is The portfolio is done The portfolio is done The portfolio is done
done very artistically, creatively;
artistically but less in no creativity at all;
Creativity / artistically, neat and clean. creatively; seeming filled with messes
Aesthetic creatively; very filled with messes and and erasures.
neat and clean. erasures.
The portfolio is The portfolio is The portfolio is The portfolio is
prepared with much prepared originally but prepared less originally prepared without any
originality and with less connection to and has no connection originality; thus
Originality personal meaning. one’s personality. with oneself. copied and has no
meaning at all. It is
totally done for

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