Rangka Kursus UK4236 Sesi 2022-2023

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Fakulti Undang-Undang




En Aminurasyed Mahpop (Penyelaras): 01165061661/ aminurasyed@ukm.edu.my
Prof Madya Dr Rohaida Nordin: 0389216365/ rohaidanordin@ukm.edu.my
Cik Norhafizah Zainal Abidin: hafizahzainal@ukm.edu.my

Felo Alumni:

Felo Alumni Sivil

1. Tuan Mohd Khalil Tajuddin
2. Puan Surya Wati Binti Hj Shawal
3. Tuan Mohd. Rosly Khady Bin Mohd
4. Puan Haleez Hasnan
5. Tuan Muhammad Noor Firdaus Rosli
6. Tuan Rasshidi Syed
7. Tuan Goh Kean Peng
8. Puan Loh Jiah Lee
9. Tuan Wan Idi Amin Wan Ibrahim
10. Dr Gan Chee Keong

Felo Alumni Jenayah

1. YBhg Dato’ Hj. Haniff Bin Hassan
2. Dr. Noradura Binti Hamzah
3. Tuan Mohamad Zahid Bin Ahmad
4. Tuan Dony Abdullah
5. Tuan Eyu Ghim Siang
6. Tuan Rodzim Zaimy bin Abdul Hamid
7. Tuan Syahrul Sazly Md. Sain
8. Puan Norhanum Hassan
9. Tuan Ahmad Hafiz bin A. Bakar
10. Tuan Zulfazmi bin Abu Bakar


M Tarikh/ Topik Tenaga Metod

Masa Pengajar
18/3 Taklimat Kursus untuk Felo Penyelaras Taklimat
9-12 pm Advokasi Kursus Umum &
Penyerahan Fail Kes & Berkumpulan
Perbincangan PdP Ketua-ketua
Felo Advokasi
1 31/3 Pengenalan Kursus Penyelaras Kuliah Umum
3-5 pm Pembahagian Kes Kursus
Penyerahan Akujanji – Tiada
1/4 Sesi Pengenalan Felo-Pelajar Felo-felo Berkumpulan
10-12 pm Advokasi
2 7/4 Prinsip-prinsip Asas Advokasi YA Tuan Kuliah Umum
3-5 pm Perbicaraan Jenayah Muniandy A/L
3 14/4 Prinsip-prinsip Asas Advokasi YA Puan Kuliah Umum
3-5 pm Perbicaraan Sivil Mahazan Mat
15/4 Dokumen Perbicaraan Cik Norhafizah Kuliah Umum
3-5 Menggunakan Teknologi Zainal Abidin
5 28-30/4 Latihan Amali 1 – Felo-felo Latihan
Rujuk kepada rancangan Advokasi Kemahiran
Masa pengajaran Berkumpulan
mengikut (Firma)
6 5-7/5 Latihan Amali 2 – Felo-felo Latihan
Rujuk kepada rancangan Advokasi Kemahiran
Masa pengajaran Berkumpulan
mengikut (Firma)
7 12-14/5 Latihan Amali 3 – Felo-felo Latihan
Rujuk rancangan pengajaran Advokasi Kemahiran
Masa Berkumpulan
mengikut (Firma)
8 26-28/5 Latihan Amali 4 – Felo-felo Latihan
Rujuk rancangan pengajaran Advokasi Kemahiran
Masa Berkumpulan
mengikut (Firma)
9 2-4/6 Latihan Amali 5 – Felo-felo Latihan
Rujuk rancangan pengajaran Advokasi Kemahiran
Masa Berkumpulan
mengikut (Firma)
1 9-11/6 Latihan Kendiri – - Latihan
0 Persiapan Perbicaraan Mock Kemahiran

Masa Berkumpulan
mengikut (Firma)
1 16-18/6 Latihan Kendiri – - Latihan
1 Persiapan Perbicaraan Mock Kemahiran
Masa Berkumpulan
mengikut (Firma)

1 23-25/6 Perbicaraan Mock Hakim-hakim Taksiran
1 30/6-2/7 Perbicaraan Mock Hakim-hakim Taksiran



Topics Session with

1. Introduction to Criminal Advocacy & Litigation

2. Preparation for Trial - Pre-trial planning, First Session with

discovery and investigation 2.1 Fellow
Interviewing the accused
2.2 Interviewing the witnesses
(s.134 Evidence Act, Rule 34 Legal Profession
(Practice & Etiquette) Rules 1978)
2.3 Representation for withdrawal
or reduction of charge
(include alibi s.402A
2.4 Visit to the scene
2.5 Charges
2.6 Section 51A
2.7 The strength of prosecutor or accused evidence

3. Pre-trial motions (Case Management) First Session with

3.1 Witness list or selection process (failure to call Fellow
s.114(g) Evidence Act)
3.2 Parties involved (Lawyer for accused or lawyer watch
in brief)
3.3 Discovery of document or exhibits or direction for
right to inspect
3.4 List of exhibits or evidence available
3.5 Witness statement (written examination in chief) [if

4. Trial motions First Session with

4.1 Case mention or mention in behalf Fellow
4.2 Charges and plead by accused
4.3 Opening statement

5. Build up Prosecution case Second Session with

5.4 Witness examination Fellow (EIC)

5.4.1 Administer oath to witnesses
5.4.2 Examination in chief
a) Establish facts of the case (from
incident occurred)
b) Rules against leading question or
witness coaching
c) Art in refreshing witness memory
d) Controlling witnesses
5.4.3 Cross examination Third Session with
a) Attempt to impeach credibility or Fellow (Cross)
testimony given in examination in
b) Inapplicability of leading question
but must be relevant to the case or
facts in question.
c) Art in cross examining witnesses
d) Rules against ‘self-incriminate’
and ‘privilege communication’
e) Not limited to issue raised during
examination in chief, can raise
new issue.
5.4.4 Re examination
a) Strengthened testimony given Fourth Session with
during examination in chief Fellow (Re)
b) Clarify question asked during
cross examination if the said
answer being impeach or not clear
or asked in a manner that need
further explanation.
c) Rules against leading question or
witness coaching
d) Art in refreshing witness memory
e) Rules against introducing new
issues. Question must be based
only on the issues raised during
cross examination. (Subject to
next cross examination if any
pending court approval)
5.5 Defence closing remark & submission of no case
to answer First and Fifth
5.6 Prosecution closing remark & submission of Sessions with Fellow
proving prima facie case
5.7 Defence’s reply to prosecution closing remark &

6. Defence case
6.1 Accused enters defence, with three options:- First Session with
6.1.1 giving sworn statement from witness box Fellow
6.1.2 unsworn statement from accused dock
6.1.3 remain silent Second Session with
6.2 Defence witness examination. Accused as first Fellow
witness in defence case (if he elect option 4.8.1 [EIC]
or 4.8.2 above) then followed by other defence
witnesses. Third Session with

6.2.1 Administer oath to witnesses Fellow [Cross]
6.2.2 Examination in chief
6.2.3 Cross examination Fourth Session with
6.2.4 Re examination Fellow [Re]

6.3 Defence closing remark & submission of proving First Session with
reasonable doubt Fellow
6.4 Prosecution closing remark & submission of proving &
case beyond reasonable doubt Fifth Session with
6.5 Defence’s reply to prosecution closing remark & Fellow

7. Preparing and Presenting Your Submission Fifth Session with

7.1 Oral or written Fellow
7.2 Complex and complicated facts with correct
exposition of law
7.3 Identify strong points
7.4 Address all relevant issues (primary or secondary)

8. Tendering evidence & Second, Third and

exhibits related matter during Fourth Sessions with
trial Fellow
8.1 Expert testimony
8.1.1 Establish the expert status (academic or
special qualification, skills, training,
knowledge or experience)
8.1.2 Establish standard or universally accepted
expert test or method to prove the expert
report (Expert communication in court) –
expert reasons especially in dealing with
DNA evidence.
8.1.3 ‘No break in chain of expert evidence’ from
the day the expert received such exhibit, lab
testing process or procedure, until
preparation of report.
8.1.4 Collection and preservation of samples
8.1.5 Calling defence own experts
8.2 Eyewitness testimony
8.2.1 Direct evidence
8.2.2 Rules against hearsay
8.2.3 Corroborate with other evidence
8.3 Electronic generated evidence (s.90A EA)
8.4 Marking, Tendering Exhibits & Best Evidence Rule
8.4.2 Tendering exhibit
8.4.2 Marking exhibit as “ID” pending identification
from the maker or anybody who have
personal knowledge.
8.4.3 Confirmation exhibit by the maker, exhibit
will be mark from “ID” to “P” for
prosecution exhibit, or “B” or “D” for
defence exhibit.
8.4.4 Objections in tendering or marking exhibit
(issues on the status whether primary or

secondary evidence of the said exhibits)

9. Sentencing, mitigation Fellow is encouraged

process and stay of to discuss this topic in
execution 9.1 Mitigating Fifth Session
factor from defence
9.2 Prosecution reply and adduce aggravated factor
9.3 Stay of Execution – Practice, Law and Procedure

B. Advocacy in CIVIL CASES

Topics Week
1. Introduction to Civil Advocacy and Litigation

Initial Case Investigation/Assessment

a. To ascertain jurisdiction of court to adjudicate the

civil dispute
b. To analyse the pleadings of each party i.e. the
Plaintiff’s statement of claim and Defendant’s First Session with
statement of defence Fellow
c. To understand the pleaded cause of action and
remedies sought by the Plaintiff
d. To understand the position and pleaded defence of
the Defendant
e. To formulate the Issues to be Tried and Statement of
Agreed Facts
f. To asses if enough evidence exists to prove the claim
or, to defend the suit

2. Handling Documentary Evidence

a. Litigators consult with and advise clients; retain Second Session with
expert witnesses; attend pre-trial conferences and Fellow
develop a trial strategy based on the facts and
documentary evidence.
b. Judge or Registrar will direct lawyers from both side
to file in a few documents or bundle before hearing
date such as follows:-
 Bundle of pleading
 Statement of agreed facts
 Statement on issues to be tried (non-agreed facts)
 List of witnesses
 Witness written statement i.e. written
examination in chief of each witnesses
 Bundle of agreed documents
 Bundle of non-agreed documents

c. Classification of bundle of documents

 Part A – Authenticity and Contents of
Documents are both Agreed and Admitted

 Part B – Authenticity of Documents Agreed and
Admitted as Evidence but Contents of
Documents Not Agreed and Not Admitted.
 Part C – Authenticity and Contents of
Documents are both Not Agreed and Not

3. Civil Trial Advocacy – General Overview

a. The Importance Pleading in Civil Trial

b. Relevant Pre-Trial Interlocutory Application(s)
(Discovery, Interrogatories, Injunction, Amendment
of Pleading)
c. Pre-Trial Case Management
(preparing Common Bundle of Documents,
compliance with direction of Court, “Unless Order”)
d. Identifying Relevant Witnesses (types of subpoena)
e. Preparing Witness Statement
f. Handling objection during civil trial

4. Full Trial – Handling Witnesses and Questions from


4.1 Administer oath to witnesses

4.2 Examination in chief
Third Session with
 Establish facts of the case (from incident Fellow
 Rules against leading question or witness
 Art in refreshing witness memory
 Controlling witnesses Fourth Session with
4.3 Cross examination Fellow
 Attempt to impeach credibility or testimony given
in examination in chief
 Inapplicability of leading question but must be
relevant to the case or facts in question.
 Art in cross examining witnesses
 Rules against ‘self-incriminate’ and ‘privilege
 Not limited to issue raised during examination in
chief, can raise new issue.
4.4 Re examination
 Strengthen testimony given during examination in
 Clarify question asked during cross examination if
the said answer being impeach or not clear or
asked in a manner that need further explanation.
 Rules against leading question or witness
 Art in refreshing witness memory
 Rules against introducing new issues. Question

must be based only on the issues raised during
cross examination. (Subject to next cross
examination if any pending court approval)

4.5 The process of persuasion in the courtroom –

Effective communication.
a) Establish the relationship with those you wish to
b) Depend on number of factor e.g. preparedness;
attractiveness; similarity between the source and
the audience; conviction; competence and
c) credibility and trustworthiness; commitment; and

4.6 Dealing with questions from the bench – should be

welcomed, not feared.
a) Listen carefully to questions;
b) Anticipate and prepare for predictable questions;
c) Answer questions immediately and succinctly;
d) Establish a dialogue with the bench (adopt a
conversational tone and manner);
e) Adapt your argument in accordance with the
court’s reaction (if court is very unreceptive to
your line of argument, it might be best to move
on to another point);
f) Use questions as a platform to advance your
g) If you don’t know the answer, say so;
h) Have appropriate strategies for occasions when
you are “stuck” - building the question into your
answer may buy you a few precious seconds to
i) Do not personalise your answers with “i believe”
or “i think”.
j) Watch the body language of the judge, don’t
speak too fast as you may lose important point
from being recorded by the judge;

k) Some responses as follows are best avoided:-

(i) With the greatest respect your Honour,
that is a very strange question,
(ii) I’ll be getting to that your Honour,
(iii) Is that a statement or a question.
l) The following responses may be useful:-
(i) “With respect, your Honour” (if you
wish to disagree with the Judge),
(ii) “I appreciate what your Honour is
saying, but counsel is unable to assist
further” (when you believes that he or
she has fully canvassed an issue),
(iii) “That may well be so your Honour, but it
is in my humble view that itmis not an

issue that falls to the court to decide” (if
judge makes comment which is out of

5. Preparing and Presenting Your Submission

5.1 Oral or written Fifth Session with

5.2 Complex and complicated facts with correct exposition of Fellow
5.3 Identify strong points
5.4 Address all relevant issues (primary or secondary)


Kursus ini adalah untuk melengkapkan pelajar dengan kemahiran-kemahiran yang diperlukan
untuk menjadi peguambela dan peguamcara yang berjaya. Penekanan diberi kepada
kemahiran mengendalikan perbicaraan sama ada kes sivil atau jenayah. Ia merupakan
pembelajaran mengenai teknik-teknik penyediaan kes, penggunaan Bahasa Mahkamah,
menyediakan pliding peringanan hukuman, teknik menjalankan pemeriksaan utama,
pemeriksaan balas, pemeriksaan semula saksi dan penghujahan kes. Pelajar juga diajar
mengenai etika di mahkamah dan diikuti dengan perbicaraan olok-olok.


HPK 1: Mengenalpasti kemahiran yang perlu untuk menjadi seorang pengamal

HPK 2: Menganalisis undang-undang, fakta dan prinsip yang berkaitan dengan sesuatu
HPK 3: Melaksana tugas secara berpasukan dalam (ucapan pembuka, ucapan penutup,
hujahan yang tidak ditentang, hujahan ditentang dan pemeriksa, memeriksa
balas dan memeriksa semula saksi-saksi)
HPK 4: Mampu berhujah dengan kemahiran asas advokasi dalam perbicaraan di
HPK 5: Menghayati etika profesional dalam tugasan advokasi yang diberikan.


Penilaian oleh Hakim semasa perbicaraan olok-olok 50%

Penilaian oleh Felo semasa latihan (individu) 35%

Penilaian oleh Felo semasa latihan (kumpulan) 10%

Penfailan dan serahan dokumen, kehadiran syarahan 5%

Jumlah 100%


i. Fahri Azzat. 2019, The Malaysian Guide to Advocacy. Sweet & Maxwell.
ii. Nahendran Navaratnam. 2017. The Trial Lawyer’s Companion. 2nd Ed. Sweet &
iii. Glissan, J. L. 2011. Malaysia Sdn Bhd. Advocacy in Practice. Ed. Ke-5. Chatswood:
iv. Mauet, T. A. 2010. Trial Techniques. Ed. Ke-8. New York: Aspen Publishers.
v. Gurdial Singh Nijar. 2005. Civil Trial Advocacy: A Practical Guide. Kuala Lumpur:
Advance Professional Courses.
vi. Hisyam Abdullah. 2002. Criminal Trial. Advocacy for the Defence. Johor Baharu.


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