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Workforce analytics is an algorithmic model that is used to analyze employee data to get

insight into future workforce planning and to give Return-on-Investment (ROI) evidence for
workforce-related choices.
In talent management, where employee data is the primary focus, workforce analytics are
commonly employed. Workforce analytics makes use of programable algorithms that can be
used in several key areas of talent management, such as:
 Rather than looking for keywords, automatically examine resumes and analyze applicant
 Perform social media and background checks to look for good or warning signs in the
candidate's behavior as well as personality traits.
 Make an automatic candidate shortlist.
 Find talent that is comparable to the best talent currently employed by the company.
 Utilize the effectiveness of automated jobs to cut down on hiring expenses.
 When looking for candidates, don't make decisions based solely on gender.
When an employee exceeds expectations but has not received recognition yet, keep an eye on
them, raise an alarm, and determine their pay scale.
Behavior should be tracked and monitored for security or productivity requirements.
Keep an eye out for and report behaviors indicative of workers who might wish to leave the

Employee Management
Establish performance standards and monitor staff members' progress to gauge their future
potential and provide necessary support.
Determine the employees' skill and training gaps so that the right kind of support or training
may be provided to increase employee satisfaction.
To help with succession planning, match high-performing workers to the duties and
performance standards of other positions.

An example of how SunPharma a pharmaceutical company would use Workforce analysis on

their team of R and D scientists

Increasing Project Efficiency and Talent Assignment:

Goal: Assign R&D experts to projects that complement their expertise in order to increase
overall research productivity.
Analytical Approach: Evaluate the knowledge, expertise, and track record of scientists.
Scientists are matched to projects according to their areas of strength, and future assignments
are refined by reviewing past project results.
Increasing Efficiency and Output:

Goal: Determine what influences team and individual performance to increase overall
Analytics Methodology: Use key performance indicators (KPIs) to gauge the impact and
production of your projects. Use performance metrics analysis to find trends linked to
productive teams and apply best practices throughout the R&D division.
3. Retention and Professional Development: • Goal: Recognize the elements that impact
R&D scientists' job satisfaction and retention while fostering their professional growth.
• Analytics Approach: To identify factors that affect work satisfaction, conduct surveys and
examine responses. Employ retention methods, provide specialized training for professional
promotion, and use analytics to monitor career advancement.
4. Skills Analysis for Targeted Training: • Goal: Determine the R&D team's skill shortages so
that targeted training initiatives can be put in place.
• Analytics Approach: Use workforce analytics to perform a skills gap analysis. Evaluate
current skills against project requirements and design training programs to address identified
5. Workforce Planning for Future Projects:
• Objective: Anticipate future talent needs and plan for upcoming R&D projects.
• Analytics Approach: Use workforce analytics to forecast skill demand based on the
project pipeline.
In summary, the strategic use of workforce analytics for Sun Pharma's R&D scientists
involves leveraging data to make informed decisions about talent allocation, performance
improvement, retention strategies, skills development, and proactive workforce planning,
contributing to innovation and competitiveness in the pharmaceutical industry.

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