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Kurdistan Region of Iraq

Akre University of Applied Sciences

Akre Technical Institute
Surveying Department

Fundamentals of Surveying

by: Bakhtiyar Q. Khawaja

Lecture 5: Obstruction

Surveying Linear surveying
Obstruction to the measurement, alignment is possible (Field problem)
During measurement of distance, various obstacles may be encountered in the field.
Depending upon the type of obstacle, a suitable geometrical figure has to be framed and
an equivalent distance has to be measured or computed. Obstacles encountered in the
field can be divided into three broad categories.
❖ Type 1: Ranging along obstacle is possible but not measurement such as pond, river
etc. using right angle.

Measurement obstructed Ranging round the obstacle
Surveying Linear surveying
1. Perpendicular offsets are drawn from the line one at each side of the obstacle, as
shown in the above figure.
2. A parallel distance equivalent to distance along the obstacle is measured.
3. In some cases, the distance is being calculated either adopting basic principle of
geometry and/or trigonometric relations.

CE = CD2 + DE2
Length of AB = AC + CE + EB
BC = DF; AB = AC + CB 3
Surveying Linear surveying
❖ Type 2: The distance is being computed using trigonometric relations
Measurement across an obstruction:
1. Distance A‐B across a river
2. Set d1 normal to AC.
3. Set d2 normal to AC.
4. D,E are at the end of d1 and d2.
5. D is located on AE.
6. From similar triangles calculate AB.

Surveying Linear surveying
= CE ; AC = AB + BC

= ; AB * CE = BD * (AB + BC)

BD ∗ (AB+BC)
AB =

Surveying Linear surveying
Example 1: During measurement of distance, a pond had been come across the path. Let
P and Q are the stations selected on the opposite side of the pond. A line PC = 900 m,
was set out on one side of PQ, and a line PD =1100m was set out on the other side, such
that CQD was in a straight line. The length of the lines CQ and QD are 500m and 600m
respectively. Determine the desired distance PQ.
using cosine rule
5002+ 9002 − PQ2
cos C =
2 ∗500 ∗ 900

PQ = 5002 + 9002 − 2 ∗ 500 ∗ 900 ∗ cos C

To determine cos C from the PCD triangle 6

Surveying Linear surveying
PC2 + CD2 − PD2
cos C =
2 ∗ PC ∗ CD

(9002+ 11002− 11002

cos C = 2 ∗ 900 ∗1100
= 65° 51´ 08“

PQ = 9002 + 5002 − 2 ∗ 500 ∗ 900 ∗ cos 65.842 = 831.76 m

Surveying Linear surveying
Example 2: A survey line AB crosses a river. A line AP is run perpendicular to the
survey line having length 200 m. Another line PB is set at right angle to QP such that the
point Q lies on the survey line at the extension of BA and at a distance of 50m from A.
Compute the distance AB.
From the similar triangle

AP2 2002
AB = = = 800 m
AQ 50

Surveying Linear surveying
❖ Type 3: Both ranging and measurement along the obstacle is not possible such as
1. Two perpendicular offsets of equal length are erected from the line before the
obstacle and a parallel line is ranged, as shown in figure below.
2. The parallel line is extended and two perpendicular offsets, of same length as before,
beyond the obstacle, are dropped from the line beyond the obstacle.
3. Equivalent distance along a line parallel to ranged line is then measured to get the
distance. However, depending on field condition surveyor can apply suitable
geometrical /trigonometric concepts to find the unknown distance.

Surveying Linear surveying

Surveying Linear surveying
A survey line AB crosses a river obliquely. P and Q are two points selected on the line
one at each end of the river. Another line EPF is run parallel to the center line of the river
and point E is such that angle QEP is right angle and EP = PF = 100 m. A third point G is
set at a distance of 150 m from P such that angle GFP is also right angle. Compute the
distance PQ.
Answer 2: 180.278 m


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