Symptoms and Problem Clusters in Cancer Stiel 2014

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Vol. - No.

- - 2013 Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 1

Original Article

Symptoms and Problem Clusters in Cancer

and Non-cancer Patients in Specialized
Palliative CaredIs There a Difference?
Stephanie Stiel, Dipl Psych, Dominik M.K. Matthies, Dominik Seuß, MSc,
Declan Walsh, MD, Gabriele Lindena, MD, and Christoph Ostgathe, MD
Department of Palliative Medicine (S.S., D.M.K.M., C.O.); and Comprehensive Cancer Center (S.S.,
C.O.), CCC Erlangen e EMN, University Hospital Erlangen, Friedrich-Alexander-Universit€ at
u rnberg, Erlangen, Germany; Cognitive Systems Group (D.S.), Faculty Information
Systems and Applied Computer Science, University of Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany; The Harry R.
Horvitz Center for Palliative Medicine (D.W.), Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Center, Cleveland,
Ohio, USA; and Clinical Analysis, Research and Application (CLARA) (G.L.), Kleinmachnow,

Context. In clinical practice, some symptoms and problems frequently occur in
combination, which may have consequences for symptom management.
Objectives. Facing a growing number of non-cancer patients in palliative care,
this study aimed to differentiate symptom clusters in the non-cancer population
from those in cancer patients.
Methods. Inpatient data from the German Hospice and Palliative Care
Evaluation between 2007 and 2011 were used for a cluster analysis of a 16-item
symptom and problem checklist. An agglomerative hierarchical method was
chosen. Coefficients from distance matrix ranging between 0 and 1 were
calculated to indicate the interrelationship of clustered symptoms.
Results. The analysis identified five clusters in cancer patients: 1) nausea and
vomiting (d ¼ 0.000); 2) anxiety, tension, and feeling depressed (d ¼ 0.125); 3)
wound care and disorientation/confusion (d ¼ 0.229); 4) organization of care
and overburdening of family (d ¼ 0.202); and 5) weakness, tiredness, need for
assistance with activities of daily living, and loss of appetite (d ¼ 0.207). Five
comparable clusters were identified in non-cancer patients: 1) nausea and
vomiting (d ¼ 0.000); 2) anxiety, tension, and feeling depressed (d ¼ 0.166); 3)
organization of care and overburdening of family (d ¼ 0.187); 4) weakness and
need for assistance with activities of daily living (d ¼ 0.139); and 5) tiredness and
loss of appetite (d ¼ 0.182).
Conclusion. As symptom clusters do not significantly differ between cancer
and non-cancer patients, specific frequent symptoms in non-cancer patients
should be assessed. Identification of symptom clusters may help to target
therapies and focus the use of medications to improve patients’ quality of

Address correspondence to: Stephanie Stiel, Dipl Psych, Erlangen, Germany. E-mail: stephanie.stiel@
Department of Palliative Medicine, University Hos-
pital Erlangen, Krankenhausstraße 12, 91054 Accepted for publication: August 16, 2013.

Ó 2013 U.S. Cancer Pain Relief Committee. 0885-3924/$ - see front matter
Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 Stiel et al. Vol. - No. - - 2013

life. J Pain Symptom Manage 2013;-:-e-. Ó 2013 U.S. Cancer Pain Relief
Committee. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Key Words
Cluster analysis, symptoms, problems, cancer, non-cancer, palliative care

Introduction and pain (complemented by anxiety).6,7,9 In

addition, nausea and vomiting were allocated
The majority of patients receiving special-
to clusters empirically9e11,13,14 and, in some
ized inpatient palliative care suffer from
research attempts, complemented by appetite
numerous and complex symptoms and prob-
loss.14 Comparable symptom clusters were
lems caused by their advanced terminal illness.
found in a first analysis of patients suffering
The relief of these symptoms is one key target
from non-cancer diseases.15,16 Within these
of palliative and hospice care.1 Although pa-
clusters, there may be differences caused by
tient symptoms should be considered individu-
methodological aspects9 such as study design,
ally, single symptoms may be not only seen as
number of assessed symptoms, and definition
isolated problems but integrated into groups
of clusters17; different care settings of different
of symptoms, the so-called clusters.2 There
countries18; or other factors. These statistically
has been a growing interest in the method of
identified, but common, symptom clusters can
clustering symptoms during the last decades.
be recognized easily from clinical practice in
Whereas 777 citations on the search term clus-
palliative and hospice care.
ter analysis are found in PubMed in 1990, at
Caregivers of any profession might consider
least 7882 citations may be found in 2012.
the whole set of symptoms and their adequate
Clusters are defined as at least two or more
evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment if a
related symptoms forming a stable and inde-
patient currently suffers from just one of the
pendent group from other symptom clusters.3
representatives of the symptom cluster. Never-
The existence of symptom clusters is clearly
theless, in clinical practice, a subgroup of pa-
reflected in clinical practice, where some
tients will not have additional symptoms or
symptoms do often appear together, and these
only some of the symptoms within a cluster.
symptoms seem to have a special interdepen-
Single symptoms do not function as sentinel
dence regarding their incidence. Statistically
symptoms within a specific cluster, as presence
defined symptom clusters are identified using
of one symptom does not necessarily mean
cluster analysis from large data sets. These
that the other symptoms will be present.
data sets are obtained by systematic assessment
The consideration of symptom clusters in
of multiple symptoms.
individual patients is known to supplement
Thus far, several experiences with symptom
information on quality of life and even patient
clustering in patients with advanced disease
prognosis15; for example, there is a correlation
have been reported internationally. These ana-
between lower quality of life and the incidence
lyses often use data from symptom assessment
of the symptom cluster pain, depression, and
tools such as the Edmonton Symptom Assess-
anxiety.7 This indeed emphasizes the impor-
ment Scale (ESAS)4 but have significant draw-
tance of analyzing common symptom clusters.
backs in identification of valid clusters because
In research, using symptom clustering might
of the limited symptom content of the tools.
help discover associations of different symp-
The most common clusters found in cancer
toms, although not causation, which also could
patients comprise, for example, fatigue and
be important for clinical practice and attempts
drowsiness supplemented depending on publi-
to standardize treatment strategies for single
cation to decreased appetite, dyspnea, pain or
symptoms and symptom clusters.
nausea.5e8 Anxiety and depression were clus-
Until now, relevant end-of-life studies dealing
tered and completed by pain or sleep prob-
with symptom clustering have concentrated on
lems/insomnia.5e11 Another cluster was
patients with advanced cancer in the very late
found for pain and fatigue,9,12 and depression
Vol. - No. - - 2013 Symptom Clusters in Cancer and Non-cancer Patients 3

stages of their disease. However, facing a Study Material and Data Sets: HOPE
growing number of non-cancer patients and at- Symptom and Problem Checklist
tempting to prepare for their best possible During the development and validation
treatment in palliative and hospice care,19,20 process of the HOPE Symptom and Problem
there is a need to investigate and identify symp- Checklist (HOPE-SP-CL), a list of frequent
tom clusters in these patient groups. Therefore, symptoms was constructed and evaluated in
this study aims to explore and compare cluster the HOPE yearly populations. The HOPE
analysis for cancer and non-cancer patients core documentation system includes a 16-item
receiving inpatient palliative care. Free from SP-CL comprising eight physical symptoms
preliminary assumptions, similarities and dif- (pain, nausea, vomiting, dyspnea, constipation,
ferences in symptom clusters are evaluated for weakness, loss of appetite, tiredness), two
clinical relevance and what these similarities nursing problems (wound care, assistance
and differences mean for symptomatic treat- with activities of daily living [ADL]), four psy-
ment at the end of life for both populations. chological symptoms (feeling depressed, anxi-
To our knowledge, this is the first attempt to ety, tension, disorientation/confusion), and
establish symptom and problem clusters in two social problems (organization of care, over-
advanced non-cancer patients treated in pallia- burdening of family). These symptoms and
tive and hospice care settings. problems are ranked by team members on a
four-point verbal rating scale (0 ¼ none,
1 ¼ mild, 2 ¼ moderate, and 3 ¼ severe) at
the time of patient admission. The HOPE-SP-
Methods CL was validated in 2012 and analyses of reli-
Study Framework ability and validity showed satisfactory to good
Since 1999, the German Hospice and Pallia- psychometric properties.23 The data from this
tive Care Evaluation (HOPE), a nationwide SP-CL comprise the central component of the
documentation system, has been conducted statistical analyses reported here.
in yearly three-month evaluation periods. Dur- The analysis presented here solely used sec-
ing these three months, national palliative and ondary evaluations of available, deidentified
hospice care institutions, such as inpatient HOPE data from 2007 to 2011. None of the
palliative care units, hospices, or specialized data included identifying, or potentially identi-
outpatient palliative care teams, register basic fying, information. For this analysis, no addi-
data on all consecutive patients receiving their tional data collection, patient involvement, or
care. These data are predominantly used for study measures took place.
benchmarking and quality management of
palliative care and for research purposes in
Germany.21,22 Data Analyses and Statistics
The documentation system includes core in- These analyses used anonymous data from
formation on patients’ personal data, their so- inpatient palliative care patients, which were
cial and living situations, diagnosis and stage documented in HOPE between 2007 and
of disease, individual symptom and problem 2011, retrospectively. The program SPSS 19.0
burden, current medication, multiprofessional for Windows (IBM Corporation, Armonk,
care approaches, characteristics of the end of NY) was used for statistical analysis. The cluster
treatment, and teams’ satisfaction with the analysis was based on the severity of the symp-
course of treatment and care. toms and problems of the HOPE checklist. All
From 2007 to 2011, patients (n ¼ 2055 to symptoms and problems are weighted equally
2444) were registered from palliative care within the HOPE checklist and valued as pri-
units, inpatient hospices, outpatient palliative mary patient complaints in palliative and hos-
care teams, inpatient palliative care consulta- pice care. Therefore, all 16 items from the
tion teams, outpatient physicians, nursing SP-CL were analyzed as symptoms in the clus-
care teams, and other medical wards partici- ter analysis. This technique classifies symptoms
pating in this survey. For this analysis, only and problems into several groups in which
data from inpatient palliative care units were items are related within each group, but dis-
included. similar between groups.24
4 Stiel et al. Vol. - No. - - 2013

An agglomerative hierarchical method was Results

used, which first considers each symptom
Demographic and Disease-Related Data of the
and problem according to its intensity level
Study Sample
as a cluster consisting of one item. It then
A total of 6181 cancer and 560 non-cancer
groups similar symptoms and problems
patients documented in HOPE at the time of
together stepwise until a final cluster that
admission to an inpatient palliative care unit
contains all of the symptoms and problems is
between 2007 and 2011 were included in this
built. The cluster analysis uses the average
analysis. Cancer patients most often had can-
linkage between groups and the squared
cer of digestive (29.5%) or respiratory and
Euclidean distance. Coefficients (d) from the
intrathoracic organs (19.0%) and breast can-
distance matrix ranging from 0 (indicating a
cer (10.7%). Non-cancer patients suffered
minimum distance) to 1 (indicating a maxi-
from diseases of the circulatory (25.0%), ner-
mum distance) were calculated to indicate
vous (17.5%), respiratory (11.6%), or digestive
the extent of interrelation of the clustered
(10.7%) systems (Table 1).
symptoms and problems and are presented
The three most common symptoms
in dendrograms. Coefficients are usually
documented with moderate and severe symp-
defined by interpreting the course of the lines
tom intensities were weakness (cancer 85.4%;
in the dendrograms, and a coefficient of
non-cancer 86.9%), tiredness (cancer 68.9%;
#0.250 was selected here to define the final
non-cancer 70.4%), and need for assistance
clusters. This coefficient is little more rigorous
with ADL (cancer 75.1%; non-cancer 88.3%)
compared with the approach of Walsh and
(Table 2).
A higher proportion of non-cancer patients
For comparison of the cluster analysis of
were female (56.6%) than cancer patients
the different patient groups, all cases were
(50.8%) (P ¼ 0.008, c2 test). Non-cancer pa-
coded as 1) cancer patients if the recorded
tients were on average older (mean 73.8 
diagnosis that led to palliative care treatment
13.8 years) (P ¼ 0.000, t-test) than cancer pa-
was a cancer disease independent from addi-
tients (mean 67.7  12.5 years); 75.3% of cancer
tional non-cancer diseases (e.g., patient with
and 89.3% of non-cancer patients had an
rectum carcinoma and hypertension is coded
Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group perfor-
as a cancer patient) or 2) non-cancer patients
mance status of grade three or four (P ¼
if only non-cancer diagnoses were recorded
0.000, c2 test). The duration of stay was longer
(e.g., chronic heart failure, motor neuron
in cancer patients (mean 13.9  12.8 years)
disease, chronic obstructive lung disease).
than in non-cancer patients (mean 12.7 
Patients with a documented primary non-
11.0 years) (P ¼ 0.062, t-test). Finally, 33.4% of
cancer diagnosis and mixed additional cancer
cancer and 41.1% of non-cancer patients died
disease (e.g., primary cirrhosis of the liver and
during an inpatient stay (P ¼ 0.003, c2 test).
secondary prostate cancer) were excluded
from the analysis to prevent systematic bias
in group allocation. Each patient belonged Cluster Analysis
to one of these patient groups, so that no The analysis identified five clusters in cancer
case could be evaluated in more than one patients: 1) nausea and vomiting (d ¼ 0.000);
group. 2) anxiety, tension, and feeling depressed
(d ¼ 0.125); 3) wound care and disorienta-
tion/confusion (d ¼ 0.229); 4); organization
Ethics Statement of care and overburdening of family (d ¼
According to the statement of the local 0.202); and 5) weakness, tiredness, need of
ethics committee of the medical faculty of assistance with ADL, and loss of appetite
the Friedrich-Alexander-Universit€at Erlangen- (d ¼ 0.207) (Fig. 1).
N€urnberg, and because of the study plan, Five comparable clusters were identified in
formal application for approval was not neces- non-cancer patients: 1) nausea and vomiting
sary. The research meets all applicable stan- (d ¼ 0.000); 2) anxiety, tension, and feeling
dards for the ethics of experimentation and depressed (d ¼ 0.166); 3) organization of care
research integrity. and overburdening of family (d ¼ 0.187); 4)
Vol. - No. - - 2013 Symptom Clusters in Cancer and Non-cancer Patients 5

Table 1
Absolute and Relative Number (in %) of Patients Suffering from Cancer vs. Non-Cancer Primary Diagnoses
Cancer Patients (n ¼ 6181) Non-Cancer Patients (n ¼ 560)

ICD-10 ICD-10
Primary Diagnosis Code n % Primary Diagnosis Code n %

Malignant neoplasms of digestive C15eC26 1823 29.5 Diseases of the circulatory system I00eI99 140 25.0
Malignant neoplasms of respiratory C30eC39 1173 19.0 Diseases of the nervous system G00eG99 98 17.5
and intrathoracic organs
Malignant neoplasm of breast C50 660 10.7 Diseases of the respiratory system J00eJ99 65 11.6
Malignant neoplasms of female C51eC58 443 7.2 Diseases of the digestive system K00eK93 60 10.7
genital organs
Malignant neoplasms of male genital C60eC63 389 6.3 Symptoms, signs, and abnormal R00eR99 48 8.6
organs clinical and laboratory findings, not
elsewhere classified
Malignant neoplasms of urinary tract C64eC68 337 5.4 Diseases of the genitourinary system N00eN99 32 5.7
Malignant neoplasms of ill-defined, C76eC80 313 5.1 Diseases of the blood and blood- D50eD90 25 4.5
secondary, and unspecified sites forming organs and certain
disorders involving the immune
Malignant neoplasms, stated or C81eC96 288 4.7 Diseases of the musculoskeletal M00eM99 20 3.6
presumed to be primary, of system and connective tissue
lymphoid, hematopoietic, and
related tissue
Malignant neoplasms of lip, oral C00eC14 206 3.3 Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic E00eE90 18 3.2
cavity, and pharynx diseases
Malignant neoplasms of eye, brain, C69eC72 173 2.8 Certain infectious and parasitic A00eB99 15 2.7
and other parts of the central diseases
nervous system
Melanoma and other malignant C43eC44 128 2.1 Mental and behavioral disorders F00eF99 13 2.3
neoplasms of skin
Malignant neoplasms of mesothelial C45eC49 127 2.0 Injury, poisoning, and certain other S00eT98 13 2.3
and soft tissue consequences of external causes
Malignant neoplasms of thyroid and C73eC75 55 0.9 Other diseases 11 1.9
other endocrine glands
Malignant neoplasms of bone and C40eC41 34 0.5 Missing data 2 0.4
articular cartilage
Other malignant neoplasms 8 0.1
Missing data 24 0.4
Total 6181 100 Total 560 100%

weakness and need of assistance with ADL 16-item checklist that includes physical,
(d ¼ 0.139); and 5) tiredness and loss of appe- nursing, psychological, and social symptoms
tite (d ¼ 0.182) (Fig. 2). and problems. Although it has not yet become
routine to include psychosocial and nursing
problems along with physical symptoms in
Discussion cluster analyses with an oncology focus,
The careful and repeated assessment of including them is central to a multidimen-
symptoms and problems of patients receiving sional approach of palliative and hospice
palliative care is of high relevance for individ- care, as these domains are considered equal
ual symptomatic treatment and the measure- to physical symptoms.
ment of therapeutic benefits. Symptom Clinical experience has shown that some
assessment allows for awareness of changes in symptoms often occur together. Statistical
individual symptom burden and treatment ne- analysis of the clustering of symptoms is still
cessities and for overall quality assurance in controversial. The methodology reveals the
palliative care. However, not only the recogni- conflict and discrepancies between clinically
tion of single symptoms but the awareness of observed and statistically identified clusters. It
symptom and problem clusters could be should be carefully considered that statistical
important for clinical practice. Therefore, the significance is not an indicator for mandatory
authors performed a cluster analysis from a clinical relevance and importance.17 Symptom
6 Stiel et al. Vol. - No. - - 2013

Table 2
Relative Number (in %) of Patients Suffering From None, Mild, Moderate, and Severe Symptom and Problem
Intensity: Cancer (n ¼ 6181) vs. Non-cancer (n ¼ 560) Primary Diagnoses
Intensity of Symptoms and Problems (%)
HOPE-SP-CL 2007-2011 Group None Mild Moderate Severe Missing Data

Pain C 19.5 22.2 28.8 27.4 2.1

N-C 30.5 21.4 22.5 19.3 6.3
Nausea C 44.8 23.9 16.9 11.4 3.0
N-C 59.8 17.5 10.0 5.5 7.2
Vomiting C 66.0 13.4 10.8 7.1 2.7
N-C 75.2 8.2 6.1 4.6 5.9
Dyspnea C 42.9 22.2 17.4 15.1 2.4
N-C 35.7 20.7 20.4 18.2 5.0
Constipation C 35.8 24.3 21.2 14.1 4.6
N-C 38.4 20.5 18.0 14.5 8.6
Weakness C 1.8 10.1 29.5 55.9 2.7
N-C 1.6 4.8 22.3 64.7 6.6
Loss of appetite C 11.5 16.9 25.2 42.0 4.4
N-C 15.2 13.0 16.1 42.1 13.6
Tiredness C 6.4 20.8 32.6 36.3 3.9
N-C 5.3 14.5 22.5 47.9 9.8
Wound care problems C 60.6 15.3 10.8 7.0 6.3
N-C 46.1 15.2 14.1 14.3 10.3
Need of assistance with ADL C 6.2 15.1 25.8 49.2 3.7
N-C 3.8 4.3 12.1 73.2 6.6
Feeling depressed C 32.7 28.7 20.5 10.5 7.6
N-C 33.0 19.5 18.4 11.1 18.0
Anxiety C 26.7 29.4 23.9 13.2 6.8
N-C 26.1 23.0 22.3 13.4 15.2
Tension C 21.7 29.6 26.0 15.6 7.1
N-C 19.1 26.4 24.1 17.2 13.2
Disorientation/confusion C 62.8 14.9 9.8 7.3 5.2
N-C 41.8 13.6 11.4 17.3 15.9
Problems with organization of care C 26.0 18.1 23.1 26.3 6.5
N-C 25.9 14.3 16.4 31.8 11.6
Overburdening of family C 14.6 18.8 25.3 33.4 7.9
N-C 12.5 16.8 21.6 37.5 11.6
HOPE-SP-CL ¼ HOPE Symptom and Problem Checklist; C ¼ cancer; N-C ¼ non-cancer; ADL ¼ activities of daily living.

clustering completely relies on statistical alloca- cancer and non-cancer patients is intuitively
tions of symptoms without taking relevant clin- obvious. The joint (non-)occurrence of these
ical observations into account. Additionally, the symptoms is evident in both clinical observa-
number and selection of symptoms and prob- tions and in former research investigations.11
lems assessed and used in the cluster analysis Literature shows that in some trials loss of appe-
systematically influence the production and tite was clustered with nausea and vomiting and
constellation of clusters, which then can vary clinically valid, but could not be replicated with
in different investigations. Even though symp- the data reported here.25,26 These discrep-
toms and problems are clustered similarly in ancies in cluster findings also may derive from
cancer and non-cancer patients in the analysis different methodological understandings and
presented here, this finding is of high clinical definitions of clusters as pairs or even more
relevance. No matter what underlying disease than two symptoms as a complex.27 This under-
causes a certain symptom for the patient, other lines the clinical relevance and importance of
symptoms and problems might likewise occur. statistically verified symptom clusters. Symp-
Therefore, the symptom and problem burden toms such as weakness and need for assistance
during the terminal phase might be compara- with ADL seem to be clustered together self-
ble in both cancer and non-cancer patients. evidently in non-cancer patients, as one might
For this reason, the comparable clustering of result from the other symptom. Increasing
1) nausea and vomiting; 2) anxiety, tension, weakness may be accompanied by an increasing
and feeling depressed; and 3) organization of need for assistance with ADL, so that one symp-
care and overburdening of family in both tom could be replaced by the other. These two
Vol. - No. - - 2013 Symptom Clusters in Cancer and Non-cancer Patients 7

Fig. 1. Dendrogram of symptom clustering in cancer patients (n ¼ 6181), displayed with distance matrix

symptoms were complemented by another Surprisingly, pain was not clustered closely
symptom cluster consisting of loss of appetite to any other symptom, both in cancer and
and tiredness, as found by Walsh and Rybicki.10 non-cancer patients. From the literature,12,28
These four symptoms were recognized as one it was suggested that pain might be clustered
broader cluster in cancer patients. All in all, a with tiredness as it is known to cluster with fa-
similar picture is shown.7,8 tigue or constipation.9,17,29 This finding could

Fig. 2. Dendrogram of symptom clustering in non-cancer patients (n ¼ 560), displayed with distance matrix
8 Stiel et al. Vol. - No. - - 2013

not be replicated from the existing data in our inpatient palliative care patients in Germany
study. The authors also hypothesized from clin- from the last several years, this investigation
ical experience that dyspnea and anxiety is based on a secondary analysis of prospective
might cluster together. It has been observed records of symptoms and problems and was
that the occurrence of dyspnea might aggra- not performed as a prospective study in partic-
vate anxiety and, in turn, increasing anxiety ular. A prospective study would not have al-
may aggravate dyspnea, in a vicious circle.30,31 lowed for this extensive symptom clustering
However, this hypothesis could not be verified comparing cancer and non-cancer patients.
from the study data. The symptom clustering presented here
Symptoms and problems from the four only considered data on patients treated in
HOPE subscales (physical, psychological, nur- inpatient palliative care units. Therefore, the
sing, and social symptoms and problems) are results may not be generalized to patients
not mixed in clusters. Overall, the clustering from different care settings such as outpatient
of symptoms and problems rather reflects the palliative care or hospice.
differentiation of the subscales within the The vast majority of patients included in
HOPE-SP-CL. The clusters most often summa- the HOPE data suffered from cancer, but a
rize physical, psychological, nursing, or social considerable smaller proportion of patients
symptoms as it is intended and proven by the were diagnosed with non-cancer diseases.
construct validity of the HOPE-SP-CL.23 Therefore, both populations cover a wide
Significant differences and deviations be- range of different cancer diagnoses or dif-
tween the cluster allocations could not be ferent neurologic, cardiac, pulmonary, and
found. The symptom and problem clustering renal diseases in non-cancer patients. Accord-
in cancer and non-cancer patients appears ingly, the results may be different for more ho-
rather similar. Here the clustering of weakness mogeneous patient groups, both in cancer and
and need for assistance with ADL as well as non-cancer populations. Non-cancer patients
tiredness and loss of appetite in (non-)cancer may suffer more often and intensively from
patients emphasized the progression and other symptoms and problems than cancer pa-
advanced stages of disease in patients receiving tients do. Patients suffering from neurologic
inpatient palliative care in Germany. This also diseases may have terminal symptoms such as
is displayed in the demographic data of this dysphagia or spasticity,32 and patients with car-
study such as even worse Eastern Cooperative diac diseases may have edema more often than
Oncology Group performance status grades, cancer patients,33 whereas cancer patients may
older age, and a higher percentage of deaths suffer more often and intensively from such
in non-cancer patients at the end of treatment problems as cachexia than non-cancer pa-
than in cancer patients. tients.34 Unfortunately, these items are not
Most likely, the same pathophysiology of sin- included in the HOPE-SP-CL.
gle symptoms leads to the occurrence of other The cluster analysis depended directly on the
symptoms in a cluster that might be indepen- set of symptoms and problems documented in
dent from the underlying primary disease. HOPE. The data are limited by the fact that
Therefore, symptoms might occur together the SP-CL contains a finite number of symptoms
no matter what disease the patient is suffering and problems. The allocation of clusters may be
from. very different when considering and including
Caregivers might gain additional insights other symptoms and problems. Nevertheless,
into correlations of symptoms and problems some symptoms were often clustered together
and adapt and target therapeutic measures to in other research studies, so that a high validity
whole complexes of symptoms and problems of the clusters can be assumed.
instead of single symptoms. Likewise, patients The data collected involved physician-
may benefit directly from recommendations assessed symptoms and not patient-related
from these findings. assessment. This could potentially produce
different clusters because physician-related
Study Limitations assessment is likely to be distinctly different
Although the framework of HOPE allowed from patient-related assessment. Therefore,
for a very high number of data sets on the comparison of symptom clustering from
Vol. - No. - - 2013 Symptom Clusters in Cancer and Non-cancer Patients 9

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