Legacies Contributions WH Yourname

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Reminder: To show your personal understanding, all assignment responses must be in your own words unless

quoting a source.

3.04 Central and South American Legacies and Contributions


Name: Ranidu Maveekumbura

Date: 2024/01/26

Step 1: Write a complete paragraph explaining your choice. Include three summarized
facts from the lesson—a SPRITE analysis is a good idea to evaluate each civilization
I Choose The Maya Society

My choice was the Mayans even though all three societies were not without their faults. There are more
positives than negatives in the case of Mayas, in my opinion. Peaceful and technologically advanced, the
Mayans are a peaceful people. Human sacrifices were made by all three of them, although the Mayans
seem more peaceful and science-driven. In addition to being observable, the greatest achievements of
their mathematical system were tied to their religious system. Using a complicated calendar system, the
chronology is determined.

Inscriptions were carved and painted on stelae containing stories, rituals, and myths recorded by their
inhabitants. They also developed a form of writing based on hieroglyphic notation. It was a small group
of people, and it was not organized into a political unit. The cities were organized into independent city-

Step 2: Write a complete paragraph explaining why you did not choose the other
civilizations. Include one summarized fact for each civilization from the lesson.
Note: Make sure your facts are specific to each civilization. For example, you would not say you did not
pick one of the civilizations because it practiced human sacrifice, because all three practiced human

Why I Didn't Pick Inca Or Aztec

There has been little development in the field of science. Both of the Incas and the Aztecs were more
advanced than the Mayans with regard to politics and social organization. The Inca constructed a
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trademark of Florida Virtual School.
Reminder: To show your personal understanding, all assignment responses must be in your own words unless
quoting a source.

perfect irrigation system that took advantage of their environment and built large cities amid the
mountains so as to cover a vast area. Moreover, all those below the royals, which was most of the
population, were required to work for taxation; which is unfair because everyone should get the same
treatment. Aztecs developed floating orchards called chinampas, used fallow and irrigation techniques
by dikes, and built Tenochtitlan, a great city. However, they had an organization based on military
theocracy, they practiced a form of government based on their religious beliefs, and they had
expansionist ideas that they dislike since war brings sadness, death, and affects many people. Aztec
emperors have unlimited powers which, as I said earlier, is unfair because everyone should be treated

Unless Otherwise Noted All Content © 2022 Florida Virtual School. FlexPoint Education Cloud™ is a
trademark of Florida Virtual School.

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