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LO Task 1 Term 1 – 2023 ©TAC




TASK 1 – Assignment
Total : 70

Time allocation : In your own time

Date : 3 March 2023

Examiner : D Gouws

Moderator : J Joubert
LO Task 1 Term 1 – 2023 ©TAC

Mark summary
Sections Mark Total Mod Punt
Activity 1 70
Total 70
Percentage 100%

1. Read the given information and make sure that you understand it.
2. Complete all the instructions.
3. Enjoy the assignment.

Developed by That Assessment Company 2

LO Task 1 Term 1 – 2023 ©TAC
Written Task: Design and making
1. For the first part of the task you will design make and keep a journal.
A journal is a personal record of events, experiences and reflections that you add to on a
regular basis. There are different types of journals for example:
• A traditional Journal: on everyday events, thoughts and feelings
• A reading or a movie journal: on the books you read and the movies you see.
• A Fitness journal: where you log and comment on your exercise programme.
• A travel or vacation journal: record of all the things you did and saw.
• A nature journal: describes nature study activities and experiments.

For the purpose of this particular activity, you will make use of a combination of the traditional
journal as well as a fitness journal.
At the end of each day you must record events and experiences and reflect on:
• Your goal-setting skills regarding your personal lifestyle choices
• The influence of media, environment, friends, peers, family, culture, religion and
community on the personal lifestyle choices that you have made
• The appropriateness of your responses to influences on personal lifestyle choices.
• The effectiveness of your decision-making skills and assertiveness skills.
• The effectiveness of the strategies you used to deal with problem solving.
• The effectiveness of your time-management skills.
• The level and improvement of your reading, writing and summarizing skills.
• Your participation and performance in activities that improve physical wellness.
• Tell me about yourself your interest, dislikes, favourite quotes, music lyrics, books,

2. Design and make your own personalised journal.

Designing and making your own journal is not difficult and can be done by using simple material
around the house. Personalise your journal and make it special by following the guidelines
a) Create your own decorative cover using photos, pictures and drawings. Use the cover
of your journal to express something about your personality.

Follow the instructions on how to put your journal together:

I. Stack the pieces of white paper on top of the coloured paper and fold the stack in half
vertically. If the coloured paper is only printed on one side, make sure the printed side is
facing away from the white paper.
II. Thread string or wool through a large needle.
III. Use the needle to poke 3 holes approximately 15-20 cm apart along the fold. Leave
margins at the top and the bottom that are about 1cm wide.
IV. Pull the needle and thread through the middle of the hole from the outside in, leaving 10
cm of the thread on the outside.
V. Pull the needle and thread through the top hole, from the inside out.
VI. Pull the needle and thread through the bottom hole, outside in.
VII. Pull the needle out through the middle hole again, from the inside out. Tie a knot or a bow
on the outside and trim any excess wool. The bound journal is now ready to be used.

Developed by That Assessment Company 3

LO Task 1 Term 1 – 2023 ©TAC

Grand total:[70]

Developed by That Assessment Company 4

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