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21 Aug 18 – 3 Sept 18
Diploma Of Leadership and Management

Name : Dennis PUTERA

Student ID : 17745
Name : Dennis PUTERA
Subject : Leadership and Management
Student ID : 17745

20 August - 26 August



Proposed Budget Marketing Activities 2015-2016

TV Advertisment can make much people to know about the college. In fact, Australians still spend over
88% of their screen-time to the medium to watching an average of 3 hours of television per day. An
Australian study conducted research found that TV advertising works better than any other medium at
influencing behaviour and driving people to register to the college. The television advertisers may
apparently spend too much for the cost of television advertising. But if the cost is calculated as per cost per
viewer, then the TV advertising rates will seem to be quite reasonable. And when use television advertising
our college seem very professional and quite convincing.

Proposed Budget For TV Advertising

I have some list detail activity for our makerting activities.

First, website redesign, for website redesign we just need $5000 which divide into two times redesign.
First is on September 2015 which cost $2500 and next is on February 2016 which also cost $2500. Compare
to actual budget which cost three times redesign for total $7000 our budget no need that much and we
save 40%. Because if we do too many times redesign people maybe confused about how to use the
website. People need time to adaptation to the website. No need to change a lot to the website. But make
the feature a little bit creative and useable.

Second, incentive scheme, for incentive scheme our budget will be cost totaly $2400 which from July 2015
until November 2015 need only $150 per month. No need to rush for a begining but for December 2015
need more budget than before $350 because it has a holiday (christmas days) mean our incentive scheme
will be more attractive than before. January 2016 until February 2016 has the same with the beginining
with $150. But for last two months March 2016 to April 2016 we need to rush because it is near the end of
promotion college. So we need $500 for each months. Compare to the actual budget we have save about
$2000 in a year which is 83.3%.

Third, Education Expo, this education expo we just need about $3300 and we can do it at December 2015
because people has more time in a holiday. Compare to the actual budget we just save $200 from $3500
which is 6.1%.
Fourth, promotional brochures, this promotional brochures is describe about the college detail which we
need to spread to wide community to improve the populality.

Fifth, community sponsorship, this community sponsorship has budget $2000 just one time in a year. I put
it at January 2016 because it is the begining of new year. We targeted a local community to support the
college in return with gives the funds. So they can expose to wide community about the college.

Seventh, contigency amount, for this contigency amount we are required to cover unforseen expenses of
the college. It is to prevent if something not in the plan or something outside the prediction. So we must
provide some amount to cover all this thing.
The Revision Of Budget With Radio Advertising

Why using the Radio Advertisement rather than TV Advertisement

The benefit of using the Radio Advertisment :
1. Can be found in many device such as mobile device, internet, radio and soon.
2. Much cheaper than TV Advertisement.
3. Both domestic and international are reachable.
We also can use the other source to boost the college populality like using a Social Media such as
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, soon and it is free, use website to promote the college or broadcast the
email, chat from messenger and soon.

I have some list detail activity for our makerting activities.

First, website redesign, for website redesign we just need $5000 which divide into two times redesign.
First is on September 2015 which cost $2500 and next is on February 2016 which also cost $2500. Compare
to actual budget which cost three times redesign for total $7000 our budget no need that much and we
save 40%. Because if we do too many times redesign people maybe confused about how to use the
website. People need time to adaptation to the website. No need to change a lot to the website. But make
the feature a little bit creative and useable.

Second, incentive scheme, for incentive scheme our budget will be cost totaly $2400 which from July 2015
until November 2015 need only $150 per month. No need to rush for a begining but for December 2015
need more budget than before $350 because it has a holiday (christmas days) mean our incentive scheme
will be more attractive than before. January 2016 until February 2016 has the same with the beginining
with $150. But for last two months March 2016 to April 2016 we need to rush because it is near the end of
promotion college. So we need $500 for each months. Compare to the actual budget we have save about
$2000 in a year which is 83.3%.

Third, Education Expo, this education expo we just need about $3300 and we can do it at December 2015
because people has more time in a holiday. Compare to the actual budget we just save $200 from $3500
which is 6.1%.

Fourth, promotional brochures, this promotional brochures is describe about the college detail which we
need to spread to wide community to improve the populality.

Fifth, community sponsorship, this community sponsorship has budget $2000 just one time in a year. I put
it at January 2016 because it is the begining of new year. We targeted a local community to support the
college in return with gives the funds. So they can expose to wide community about the college.

Seventh, contigency amount, for this contigency amount we are required to cover unforseen expenses of
the college. It is to prevent if something not in the plan or something outside the prediction. So we must
provide some amount to cover all this thing.

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