The Effect of Using Educational Games in Teaching

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Universal Journal of Educational Research 6(9): 2019-2028, 2018 http://www.hrpub.

DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2018.060921

The Effect of Using Educational Games in Teaching

Kingdoms of Living Things
Meryem Selvi1,*, Ayşe Öztürk Çoşan2

Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Education, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey
National Education Directorate, Ankara, Turkey

Copyright©2018 by authors, all rights reserved. Authors agree that this article remains permanently open access under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License

Abstract This study aims to investigate the effects prone to memorizing instead of learning by thorough
of using scientific educational games in teaching comprehension. When learning such subject matter,
Kingdoms of Living Things on students’ academic students simply memorize the knowledge without
achievement and retention of knowledge. The study also processing it; thus, this knowledge is quickly forgotten.
assessed students’ perceptions of these educational games. Traditional didactic teaching is a teacher-centered method
68 ninth grade students constitute the study group of this carried out without any interaction between the teacher and
research. In the school in which the instruction was carried students or among students themselves, and generally leads
out two ninth grade classes were randomly assigned as to boring and ineffective lessons [35]. Students can go
experimental group and control group. The beyond memorizing and realize a higher level of thinking
implementation of the study lasted seven weeks as three only when they test their mental models related to a
lesson hours per week. The same method of lecturing was concept through problem-solving, inquiry, group work,
carried out in the experimental and control groups. being active with the subject matter. In order for students
Review of the topics was made by researcher through the to achieve such a deep comprehension, educators generally
question-answer method and giving the activities in the favor classroom activities that encourage active learning
textbook as homework in the control group. In the [35]. Students can learn more effectively through active
experimental group, educational games were used to learning, a process whereby students directly participate in
review, reinforce and assess the topics. At the end of the their own learning by interacting with other students to
study the score of posttest and the retention test think critically and bolster the learning of new concepts.
implemented six month after showed a significant During these interactions, students might explain a concept
difference in favor of experimental group. The results put to each other in different ways or express unnoted issues.
forth that educational games enhance students’ This is not only a method of review but also a process
achievement and are an effective tool in providing the requiring analysis and critical thinking [26]. Educational
retention of new knowledge. Within the scope of the study, games require students’ active participation in the learning
the experimental group students’ views on the use of process.
educational games were obtained at the end of Educational games are, at the same time, considered an
implementation, which were generally positive. The
effective alternative to supporting traditional teaching
students found the games informative, entertaining and
approaches in terms of educators’ responsibility, such as
reinforcing their learning, and stated that they are
inspiring students to learn, teaching them to love learning,
effective in enabling the retention of new knowledge,
and making learning fun [25]. These responsibilities are
promoting collaboration with their peers, and increasing
often neglected in science education because students’
their interest and motivation for learning.
motivation towards and participation in lessons is usually a
Keywords Educational Games, Biology, Teaching, challenging task for in-class teaching, as is still discussed
Retention of Knowledge, Student Achievement, in many studies [16]. However, students become more
Kingdoms of Living Things enthusiastic to learn when learning takes place in a fun and
interactive way [34]. Educational games are an interactive
approach to boosting active learning and motivation, and
encouraging teamwork [30]. Games have an important role
in realizing active learning since they include both
1. Introduction interactive and distinctive elements [33]. They not only
Students of content-rich subjects such as biology are make learning more entertaining but also encourage
2020 The Effect of Using Educational Games in Teaching Kingdoms of Living Things

students’ in-class participation and foster their attitudes use of educational games.
towards learning [18]. Moreover, students who are
motivated and included in the teaching method can have a
more successful learning outcome, yielding a permanent 2. Method
body of knowledge which can later be recalled [33]. The study was designed as a multi method study that
Educators can use games for various purposes such as utilized a quasi-experimental design with pre- and post-test
reinforcing a previously learned topic, teaching new control group, and descriptive qualitative research method.
concepts, and motivating students to participate [Kirk as
cited in 26]. Educational games can be used at the
2.1. Participants
beginning and end of a lesson. For this reason, they can
foster students’ interest and motivation towards lessons, or 68 ninth grade students participated in the study from an
review, reinforce and assess the learned topics. Therefore, Anatolian high school in Turkey, and 34 students were
educational games promote students’ active participation included in each of the experimental and control groups.
in lessons and thus assist with their learning [36]. Participants in the study were identified by convenience
There is a great deal of research revealing the influence sampling method in the high school which the second
of educational games on learning. Odenweller, Hsu, and researchers perform as a teacher. Two ninth grade classes
DiCarlo, (1998) indicated that games are successful in were randomly assigned as the experimental and control
promoting the learning of concepts, and that they allow group. A total of 15 of the students were male, and 19 were
students to discuss target concepts. Ogershok, and Cottrell female for each group. The students’ ages ranged from
(2004) suggests that the educational game motivated 14-15 years.
students to improve their knowledge of pediatric medicine.
Cardona, Spiegel, Alves, Ducommun, Henriques‐Pons, 2.2. Data Collection Tools
and Araújo-Jorge (2007) stated that the educational game
that used in the study can develop a good teaching The Achievement Test developed by the researchers, the
approach that helps teach complex content in molecular view form on the use of educational games and research
biology. Olimpo, Davis, Lagman, Parekh, and Shields, observation diary were used to collect data.
(2010) stated that the educational game they used enhance
student learning of basic biology terms. Barclay, Jeffres, Kingdoms of Living Things Achievement Test
and Bhakta, (2011) reported incorporating educational In the preparation and design process of the achievement
games into instruction developed significant increases in test, a table of specifications indicating the objectives of the
cardiology, infectious diseases, and pharmacy practice Kingdoms of Living Things unit in the ninth-grade biology
assessment scores. Bhaskar (2014) found that the game curriculum was developed. For the validity of test the
helped students improve their understanding of blood distribution of questions about the learning objectives was
grouping to review their existing knowledge. Osier (2014) determined according to the weight of each objective to the
reported that the educational game has a significant effect overall unit; therefore, the Kingdoms of Living Things
on students’ performance of genetic terms. Carew (2018) Achievement Test, comprising 35 multiple-choice
game was a method for comprehension of physiology. The questions, was developed by the researcher. Opinions of
results of these studies with different student groups in one biology education field expert and three biology
various aspects of biology reveal that educational games teachers about the questions’ scientific appropriateness and
can be used to support traditional teaching and learning of content validity were considered. Furthermore, two
students in the teaching process. Turkish language and literature teachers also examined the
Biology students often have difficulty grasping questions in terms of language and expression. Based on
biological concepts. For example, many students need to their feedback, necessary adjustments were made to the test.
memorize complex words to understand the topic, which The reliability investigation of the corrected and finalized
distracts them from the lesson [17]. For this reason, form of KLTAT was carried out with 176 tenth-grade
methods to ensure students’ motivation and participation students from an Anatolian high school. The item analysis
should be incorporated into the teaching process. The topic was made for the data obtained, and the item difficulty and
of Kingdoms of LivingThings, a ninth-grade biology unit discrimination indices (rjx) were calculated using
in which students experience difficulties in learning, was ITEMAN 4 software. After completing the item analysis
examined in this study. In teaching this unit, five fun and for each item, the distracter of three items whose
educative games that contributed to students’ learning of discriminative indices were between 0.20 and 0.29 was
this unit and increase their interest [25], were developed to readjusted and these final versions were included in the test.
reinforce and review the concepts in the unit through A Cronbach α reliability coefficient of 0.87 was found for
utilizing attractive methods. The study investigated the use the entire test. The item analysis revealed an average item
of educational games on the students’ achievements and difficulty of 0.570 and an average item discrimination of
the retention of knowledge, as well as their views on the 0.580, which indicated that KLTAT yields valid and
Universal Journal of Educational Research 6(9): 2019-2028, 2018 2021

reliable results. considered in the implementation of these games. For this

reason, the tables in the classroom were arranged in
Observation Diary clusters to prepare the classroom for the group game. The
An observation log recorded the second researcher’s groups were formed appropriately to the characteristics of
observations during each game. The researcher observed the game and the game materials were prepared for each
the course of each game, discussions taking place during group. The researcher made all necessary explanations and
games, students’ reactions, and the reflections of the performed an example in order for the students to
teaching and learning processes, and recorded these understand the game. Also, the game instructions in written
observations in the observation log. form were made available on the table of each group. The
hourglass was used to measure the time during the game.
View Form on the Use of Educational Games Particular attention was paid to include the game within the
A view form on the use of educational games, which was lesson hours. The researcher who administered the game
developed by the researchers and based on the experts’ observed the students’ behaviors and recorded it in the
opinions and related literature, was applied to the students observation diary.
in the experimental group after completing all games. This The achievement test, which was previously applied
form comprises four open-ended questions to determine pre-test, was applied post-test to both groups. In addition,
the students’ views of the effectiveness of the educational the view form on the use of educational games was applied
game. to the experimental group. Six months after the
implementation of the post-test, the test was applied once
2.3. Implementation again to determine the retention of their scores on KLTAT.

The implementation of the study lasted seven weeks as 2.4. Data Analysis
three lesson hours per week. Prior to the implementation,
the Kingdoms of Living Things Achievement Test was SPSS 17 (Statistical Package for the Social Science) was
applied to both groups to determine their equivalence. used to analyze the quantitative data. T-test was used to
After applying the pre-test, the lecturing was carried out in compare the experimental and control groups’ scores on
the same way in both groups. During this process, the the pre-test, post-test, and retention test scores. Content
interactive whiteboards and textbooks were used, and analysis was used to analyze the qualitative data obtained
essential parts of the lesson were noted down by the from the open-ended questions in the View Form on the
students. In the control group, students were required to Use of Educational Games. The researchers conducted an
review the lesson using the question-answer technique and in-depth analysis of both the coding schema and codes
assigning activities in the textbook as an assignment. In the assigned to the participants and consequently reached a 100%
experimental group, on the other hand, educational games agreement.
were used to assist the review, reinforcement and
assessment of the lesson material.
Five different educational games about different 3. Results
sub-topics of the Kingdoms of Living Things unit were
developed and used for teaching the experimental group.
3.1. Quantitative Results
These games were developed by the researchers based on
their imagination and using daily card games and educative Unpaired samples t-test results regarding the control and
web contents. When designing the games, particular experimental group students’ pre-test achievement scores
attention was paid to the ninth-grade biology course are shown in Table 1.
objectives, students’ age group and the appropriateness of
the game to their level. Necessary changes were made to Table 1. Unpaired samples t-test results regarding the control and
experimental group students’ pre-test achievement scores
the games based on the feedback received from one
university lecturer (Biology Education), three biology Group N x̄ s sd t p
teachers, two classroom teachers and 102 tenth-grade Control 34 8.09 1.58 66 -.909 .367
students with whom the pilot study was conducted. The Experimental 34 7.62 2.57
educative card games used in the study were labeled as
Bio-Know-Win, Bio-Find-Match, Bio-Taboo, Bio-Risk, No significant difference was found between the control
and Kingdoms of Living Things, and were implemented in and experimental group students’ pretest achievement
the same order. The games were played at the end of the scores [t (66) = -.909, p>.005]. This result showed that the
topic and designed to cover the previous topics as well. control and experimental groups’ pretest achievement
Therefore, the previous topics were reinforced by scores are similar.
reviewing them with various games. The teachers’ role and Unpaired samples t-test results regarding the control and
the implementation stages of educational games were experimental group students’ post-test achievement scores
2022 The Effect of Using Educational Games in Teaching Kingdoms of Living Things

are shown in Table 2. 3.2. Quantitative Results

Table 2. Unpaired samples t-test results regarding the control and Results Regarding the View Form on the Use of
experimental group students’ post-test achievement scores
Educational Games
Group N x̄ s sd t p The question “What are your views on the use of
Control 34 12,09 2,72 66 16,666 ,000 educational games in the Kingdoms of Living Things unit
of the biology course?” was posed to the students in the
Experimental 34 26,62 4,29 View Form on the Use of Educational Games. Their
responses to this question were analyzed and the codes
The average score of the experimental group students
driven based on this analysis are shown in Table 4.
(x̄=26.62, s=4.29) was higher than that of the control group
students (x̄=12.09, s=12.09). A significant difference was Table 4. Students’ Views on the Use of Educational Games
found between the experimental and control group students’
Students’ views Frequency
posttest achievement scores [t(66)=16.666, p<.005; d=4.05].
The Cohen’s d was calculated to determine the effect size Games enabled me to learn 30
of the study and it was found to be 4.05. According to Design and content of the games was appealing 26
Cohen (1988), this value indicates a large effect size. Games were entertaining 25
Considering the control and experiment groups’ average Games promoted knowledge retention 22
scores on the pretest and post-test shown in Table 1 and
Games provided collaboration 20
Table 2, it was seen that there is a difference between the
averages of the pretest and post-test. The average scores of Games increased my interest in the lesson 12
each group increased after the instruction; however, the Games enabled me to review 9
increase was higher in the experimental group, which was Games fostered my motivation 8
taught using the educational games. I did not get bored in the lesson at all 7
Unpaired samples t-test results regarding the control and
Games made me like the lesson 6
experimental group students’ retention test scores are
shown in Table 3. Games boosted my confidence 2
I corrected my mistakes 2
Table 3. Unpaired samples t-test results regarding the control and
experimental group students’ retention test scores Games provided me to participate in the lesson 1

Group N x̄ s sd t p As Table 4 shows, the students highlighted that (f=30)

the use of educational games promoted their learning.
Control 34 10.91 2.44 66 18.100 .000
Following that, a vast majority of the students (f=26)
Experimental 34 21.94 2.58 presented opinions on the design and content of games.
*p<0.05 Also, the students indicated that the games were fun (f=25),
promoted knowledge retention (f=22), provided
The average score of the experimental group students opportunities to collaborate (f=20), and made the lesson
(x̄=21.94, s=3.21) was higher than that of the control group enjoyable (f=18). In addition, some students expressed that
students (x̄=10.91, s=2.58). A significant difference was the use of educational games enabled them to review,
found between the experimental and control group students’ increases their motivation, keeps them engaged in the
retention test scores [t(66)= 18,100, p<,005; d=4,39]. The lesson, and boosts their confidence. Some of the students’
Cohen’s d was calculated to determine the effect size of the views on the first question are shown below. S1
study and it was found to be 4.39. According to Cohen highlighted the contribution of games to learning and stated
(1988), this indicates a large effect size. that he or she liked the games in terms of their form and
Considering the average scores stated in Table 3, the content while expressing his or her opinions on the use of
averages of the experimental group students were still games.
significantly higher than that of their counterparts in the
control group six months later than the implementation. S1: The games enabled us to understand and learn
It has been determined that the educational games used the topics better. We did not forget what we have
during the teaching of Kingdoms of Living Things Unit learned in the games for a long time. In addition,
contributed significantly to the achievements of the the games were colorful and clear. It is rather sad
students and also they were effective in maintaining the that this happens only for the biology course.
retention of their achievements. It can be said that the Playing the games with our peers also enabled us to
questions and tasks contained in the educational games correct our mistakes. The games were well
facilitate the learning of the students by activating the designed and were at a level that we can
various cognitive processes and increase the retention of understand.
knowledge. S27, similarly reported that the games improved the
Universal Journal of Educational Research 6(9): 2019-2028, 2018 2023

retention of his or her knowledge and made them in the classroom was also entertaining to the students.
understand the importance of collaboration, and reported The question “What kind of contributions did make to
the following about the games in terms of their form and you by learning with games?” was also posed to the
content: students. Their responses to this question were analyzed
and the codes driven based on this analysis are shown in
S27: It was catchy. It caused us to like the biology
Table 5.
course. We also understood the importance of
As Table 5 indicates, approximately half of the students
group study. We expressed what we know in a
expressed that the games improved their learning
better way. It provided us to find different
experience by facilitating learning, providing knowledge
alternatives. The games made us review and
retention, and increasing motivation. Moreover, some
therefore reinforce the topic. The games were quite
students indicated that the games promoted active
colorful. It was appropriate to our level, which
participation in the lesson, collaboration with their peers,
enables us to play the games with fun.
learning without getting bored, boosted self-confidence,
S13 and S18 expressed that the games made them enjoy overcoming deficiencies and mistakes, and assessing their
the lesson and encouraged communication with their peers, own learning. The views of some students on the second
in addition to improving their understanding of the topic. question are shown below. For example, S3 states that the
games promoted their active participation and expressed
S13: The games were beautiful. I entertainingly
their views as follows: “My interest in the lesson increased.
played with my friends by learning. It helped us to
My relationships with my friends developed with these
comprehend the lesson better. My communication
beautiful games. We even more socialized with each other.
with my friends increased. It caused me to more
Now, I am much more active in lessons. I had a chance to
like the biology course. My self-confidence was
identify all things. It would be better if the lessons are
fostered with the games.
taught with games.” Another student (S5) stated that in
S18: Our interest in the biology course increased
addition to improving their memory of the lesson, the
with the visually enriched and entertaining games.
games enable the development of some skills and
We learned the topics more easily. We did not get
expressed his or her views on this issue as follows: “I can
bored in the lesson. Our motivation increased;
easily recall the knowledge I was not used to be able to
therefore, all these reflected our exams well. Our
keep in my mind. My skills of speaking and explaining
relationship with our friends strengthened. I like to
increased. I recognized my mistakes and deficiencies
see and play the games once again.
during the games and therefore had a chance to correct
Table 5. Students’ Views on the Contributions of Learning with them.”
Educational Games
Some students expressed that during the lessons, they
Students’ Views Frequency were engaged, had fun while learning, and that their
Games made easier to learn. 19 interest and motivation towards the lesson increased. Of
Games provided knowledge retention 19 those students, S6 and S14 explained their views on this
Games enabled me to have fun 14 issue as follows:
Games provided me to be active in the lesson 12 S6: Learning the lessons with games was quite
My interest in the lesson increased 11 entertaining and educative. I had a chance to assess
I collaborated with other students 11 my learning since I participated in the game myself.
I became engaged in the lesson 9 I tried to overcome my deficiencies. My interest in
My motivation increased 8 the biology course increased. I was eager to come
I corrected my mistakes 8 to lessons. I tried to listen to the topics more
My self-confidence was boosted 8
carefully because I tried to score higher by
answering the questions in the games.
I became more successful 7
S14: It enabled us to learn in the lesson without
I overcame my deficiencies 6
getting bored since we lost track of time. I was able
I assessed my learning 5
to express myself in the game. I liked this very
Games made me enjoy the lesson 4 much. We were able to reach a higher success
Another student (23) stated, “Thanks to the educational forming groups with my friends, which made me
games, the topics which are not interesting to me become very happy.
more entertaining and joyous. My interest and participant S24: My self-confidence boosted. It helped me to
in the lesson even more increased. Competition in the recall the topics. My interest in the lesson increased.
course enables us to spend even more entertaining and Thanks to these games, my motivation and interest
joyous time.” This testimony highlights that, in addition to in learning increased. My attention during the
the characteristics of the games mentioned by the other lesson deepened.
students, the competitive atmosphere created by the games Considering the students’ statements, it was clear that
2024 The Effect of Using Educational Games in Teaching Kingdoms of Living Things

the use of educational games during the lessons positively points using our knowledge. I was able to express
influenced their learning. myself. Since I am a silent student, I was not that
The question “Was there any moment during the game able to participate in the lesson.
which negatively influenced you?” was posed to the
S6 highlighted that in addition to preventing lessons
students. The games were not perceived to have a negative
from being boring, the games enabled him or her to express
him or herself better and encouraged his active
Lastly, the question “How do you compare the
participation. Similar, S20 reported, “Most of us become off
educational game method and other methods used in the
during the lessons since the teacher often starts with
lesson?” was posed to the students. The students compared
lecturing then make us write. However, when we learned
the educational games with other traditional methods and
our lessons with games, our learning become more
listed the characteristics of educational games, as seen in
permanent and our visual memory developed. Since we
Table 6.
learned with fun, I even lost track of time, which increased
Table 6. Students’ Views on the Comparison of the Use of Educational my motivation. I want to participate in lessons more than it
Games and Other Methods was always before.” S17 also stated that educational games
Students’ views Frequency during the lesson increased his or her motivation towards
It is effective in learning 27
the lesson and promoted learning: “I do not find other
methods used in lessons effective because I at most apply
It is not monotonous/boring 25
myself for 20 minutes while the teacher lectures on the
It is entertaining 17 board. At the half of the lesson, I do not understand the
It promotes knowledge retention 15 topic, unfortunately.”
It encourages active participation 11 Some students argued that educational games are very
It is interesting 8
appropriate for the biology course and made them like the
lesson. Some students (S15, S28, S19, S25, S26, S21, S8,
It increases motivation 8
S27, S4, S3, and S11) proposed that this approach to
It made the lesson interesting 6 learning should be applied to all courses. For example, S15
It promoted collaboration with my stated that “I think that games are very effective primarily
in making one like the lesson. Teachers only lecture in
It develops self-confidence 2
other lesson and do not use any visual material. However,
A vast majority of the students expressed that the use of we learned the biology lesson with visual cards, games and
educational games promoted effective learning (f=27) and competitions. I wish it to be the same for other courses.”
they are not boring (f=25). Some students are of the The students indicated that educational games are useful
opinion that the use of educational games outclasses other and more effective compared to other methods. They added
methods when compared because educational games are that traditional methods are boring and prevented them
entertaining, promote knowledge retention and active from focusing. On the contrary, they learn better when
participation, are interesting, increase motivation, make active in games; thus, games support their retention of
one to like the lesson, provide collaboration, and boost knowledge. The following student statement (S22)
self-confidence. The students’ statements revealed that supports this:
traditional methods used in lesson often caused them to get S22: I think that educational games are better
bored, made them unable to apply themselves in the lesson, compared to traditional lesson methods because we
moved away them from the lesson, and prevented their do not get bored in the lesson. Lessons become
participation in the lesson. S2 and S6, who are of this more entertaining and therefore more efficient. I
opinion, explained their views as follows: study to win the game and this makes my learning
more permanent. This system is awesome. I learned
S2: The educational game method, compared to
with fun. This was also beneficial for my exams.
other methods used in lessons, provided us to learn
in a more entertaining way and made this learning The opinions of the students about the educational
more permanent. While other methods made us games are quite positive as understood from the above
bored in the lessons and caused us to aspire for the expressions. The students found the games informative,
break time, we lost track of time during the entertaining and reinforcing their learning, and stated that
educational games and aspired to the next game. It they are effective in enabling the retention of new
is a very successful method. knowledge, promoting collaboration with their peers, and
S6: Other lessons are very boring since the teacher increasing their interest and motivation for learning These
always lecture and I detach myself from the lesson, positive characteristics of educational games perceived by
I become off. In the games, however, I was able to students may have contributed to the cognitive learning by
learn easily in an entertaining way without getting affecting the affective characteristics of the students.
bored. Together with my friends, we scored good When playing the games, the students’ behaviors and
Universal Journal of Educational Research 6(9): 2019-2028, 2018 2025

reactions were observed and recorded in the observation experienced a very active and fluent process in the game.
log. Results from the observation of each game are During the game, the students seemed to be comfortable,
presented below. expressed themselves without any difficulty, and exhibited
During the Bio-Know-Win game, it was observed that a good relationship between them. They easily recognized
the students were quite eager and focused on the game. It the living things on the cards that am I and also experienced
was noteworthy that the group members established exciting times with the chance cards. All groups completed
effective communication amongst each other and that the game at approximately the same time. Some students
silent students became more active and made an effort to stated that they wanted to play the game again.
answer the questions. The students seemed to be impatient The Kingdoms of Living Things game requires students
for their turn to play the game and they listened to the game to match visuals with living things in the classification
questions quietly and carefully. No noise or disruptions schema while they have fun without experiencing any
took place in the classroom and the game proceeded as difficulty. The students were asked to recognize the visual
planned. Most of the students wanted to play the game of living things, including all kingdoms learned throughout
again once their turn had ended. While playing the the unit. All students, without any difficulty, were able to
Bio-Know-Win game, the students were observed to be put the living things whose visual is given under the correct
motivated, collaborated and communicated with their peers, kingdom. The game proceeded fluently and created a
and had fun. competitive environment. It was observed that the students
During the Bio-Find-Match, the students followed the carried out the classification of the visual with great
cards opened by other students with a great attention. Some attention. During the classification, other students cheered
students were unable to match the cards because he or she to support their friends.
did not recognize the visual of a living thing despite his or The students were observed to have fun during each
her knowledge of its characteristics. In addition, enlivened game, and their interest in the topic and learning increased.
and productive dialogues took place among students. Upon In addition, they actively participated in the teaching
completing the game, the groups requested to play again. process, collaborated and communicated with their peers,
All students were active and had fun during the game. In and students who did not participate in the lessons where
particular, the students who barely participated in lessons traditional methods are performed began to participate in
(S4, S6, S10, S14 , S22, S29, S32) actively participated in the lesson with the help of educational games.
the game and were successful.
During the Bio-Risk game, the students were quiet at
first. However, as the game proceeded, their excitement 4. Conclusions and Discussions
increased and the overall classroom environment was
transformed. This, however, did not cause noise or This study investigated the effect of the use of
disruptions. As the score gap between the groups enlarged, multifaceted and entertaining educational games to review
the students became impatient and made an effort to and reinforce students’ knowledge of the Livings Things
respond to the questions correctly. The students followed Universe unit on their academic achievement and
the rules and a respectful attitude was observed among the knowledge retention. The results revealed a significant
competing groups. The students tried to develop strategies difference in favor of the experimental group students. The
to score higher during the game and avoided selecting risky results of the retention test, which was applied six months
questions. Even though three students stated that they did after the implementation, also corroborated this result. It
not like that players could go bankrupt in the game, it was was also found that educational games increased students’
observed that the bankrupt cards made the game more achievement and served as an effective tool for promoting
entertaining and competitive. When asked questions by the the retention of new knowledge. Similarly, Liu and Chen
researcher, some students had the chance to correct their (2013) in their study conducted with primary school
mistakes. The students expressed that they had a great time students investigated students’ performance in learning
and that they would like to play the game once again. Some science-related concepts using a card game. They found
students continued playing the game during the break. that the game was effective and increased students’
The Bio-Taboo game involved all unit topics and was academic success and their knowledge retention. In a
therefore played at the end of the unit. Most of the students different study, Lewis, Peat, and Franklin (2005) used
expressed that they had a lot of fun during this game as they interactive game cards to teach protein synthesis to
did in other games. It was noted that explaining the words freshman biology students. At the end of the lesson
in a scientific manner made a considerable contribution to implementation, it was showed that by using games the
the students’ comprehension of the topic. During the game, learning takes place more easily. Spiegel et al. (2008)
it was monitored that the students have a great time in reported that educational games serve as an alternative
expressing the words of the taboo cards. It was remarkable approach to teaching complex cell and molecular biology
that the students who had barely participated in previous topics to secondary school students. Osier (2014) put
lessons performed well in the game. The students forward that the educational game designed by university
2026 The Effect of Using Educational Games in Teaching Kingdoms of Living Things

students to review basic terms and vocabulary about active participation in lessons and the development of
genetics has a significant effect on students’ performance. positive attitudes, and makes lessons more entertaining and
Similar to this study, Su, Cheng, and Lin (2014)’s study, pleasant.
conducted with eleventh-grade students, found that the use However in real life games have a winner and loser,
of educational games has a noticeable potential to facilitate there is actually no loser in educational games. Because by
students’ learning of how the immune system functions, educational games students learn many scientific concepts
and that students who learned through playing the game are and methods and also develop positive attitude towards
significantly more successful than their counterparts. As science [14]. Su, Cheng, and Lin (2014) reported that an
corroborated by the results of this study, Su, Cheng, and effective learner requires motivation to participate in the
Lin (2014) revealed that their participants’ perceptions learning activity and to use various strategies to facilitate
towards game-based teaching and teaching activity and his or her own learning. In this regard, educational games
think that game-based lessons were positive, as they can be used as an effective and powerful tool for students
reported them to be much more interesting than traditional and as an approach to support the traditional teaching of
didactic lessons. Cardoso et al. (2008) posited that games biology, which has a rich content in terms of abstract
support high school students’ learning of molecular concepts and terms. This is because cognitive processes are
biology and constitute a more active learning profile. The very influenced by emotions and there is a deep
participants of the aforementioned study also added that relationship between emotional variables and learning
games are an easy and interesting tool to learn the topic. process. Therefore, it was thought that the use of
Cavalho, Beltramini, and Bossolan (2018) investigated the educational games enhances motivation and consequently
contribution of games to high school students’ conceptual contributes to the development of positive perceptions that
understanding of protein synthesis. They found that games are necessary for learning [15].
help students to achieve conceptual objectives and to Games are considered a profoundly motivating approach
develop a model of protein synthesis and that collaborative to learning that contains elements of individualistic and
and competitive interaction raised by games can encourage team competition. Through games, participants are
students’ meaningful and future learnings. They concluded provided with a constructed experience which enables
that games with these characteristics can be used as a them to learn from what they do, rather than what they are
didactic tool in classrooms. [1]. Since games enable students to think about their peers’
The students in the experimental group commented on behaviors and to reinforce their team skills, students also
the use of educational games during lessons. Their facilitate their own learning [7]. Some students in this study
responses and interpretations revealed that the use of also stated that thanks to the games, their learning was
educational games in the teaching process helps students to facilitated; they overcame their challenges, corrected their
learn and improve certain skills, as well as increase their mistakes, reinforced their learning and had an opportunity
academic success and knowledge retention. The students to assess their learning. In this study, it was noticed that
listed the benefits of educational games: some games provided an environment for healthy
 They make the lesson more entertaining competition between the students, which promoted
 They promote collaboration among students students’ decision-making processes. Since the decisions
 They encourage active student participation made affected their progression in the game, the students
 They increase motivation towards the lesson developed strategic skills. Some of the students
 They make lessons enjoyable and attract attention emphasized that the increased collaboration with their
to the topic peers was another positive characteristic of the games.
 They encourage effective communication among Considering the fact that the intervention of the teacher and
students peers is essential for students’ development according to
 They facilitate learning and provide visual learning Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory, the use of games as a
 They enable students to express themselves pedagogical resource can be regarded as an important
 They help students to reinforce their knowledge by educational activity in terms of providing the collaboration
reviewing the topics among students [12].
 They keep students engaged in the material In this study, five games about a unit were developed
 They empower students to correct their own and implemented to reveal the role of games in learning. It
mistakes might not be possible to design games for each unit.
 They enable to overcome challenges However, various educational games can be designed using
 They boost students’ self-confidence simple and cost-effective materials, such as those in this
Similar to those found in this study, many studies in the study, for concept-rich topics which students experience
related literature on using games to teach various topics difficulties to learn. In this way, students’ motivation to
[2,3,4,5,7,8,15,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,32,35,37,38] learn, as well as some of their social characteristics, can be
report that teaching with games enhances students’ enhanced. In addition, the games designed can be used for
motivation as well as increases their motivation, promotes future students.
Universal Journal of Educational Research 6(9): 2019-2028, 2018 2027

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