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We all know that illegal drugs are something that
Mic can ruin your life and it is in our common knowledge
10 that it affects your life as a student.

However, a lot of young people are still using illegal

Divine drugs to satisfy their selves and to get out of the
8 reality

Both So, what are illegal drugs?

Drugs are substances that, when introduced into the
Michael body, it damages the mental processes, perception,
14 consciousness, cognitive functions or
mood and emotions.

Tiny According to Juvenile Justice System, Young people

(VO) who persistently use illegal drugs often experience
18 an array of problems, including academic difficulties,
health-related problems including mental health and
poor peer relationships.

Declining grades, absenteeism from school and

Divine other activities, and increased potential for dropping
14 out of school are problems associated with
adolescent substance abuse

Injuries due to accidents, physical disabilities and

Michae diseases, and the effects of possible overdoses are
13l among the health-related consequences of teenage
substance abuse.

Substance-abusing youth often are alienated from

and stigmatized by their peers. Adolescents using
Divine alcohol and other drugs also often disengage from
23 school and community activities, depriving their
peers and communities of the positive contributions
they might otherwise have made

Tiny Conclusively/, using illegal drugs within the juvenile

(VO) justice system/ leads to a cascade of detrimental
21 effects/. From academic struggles and declining
grades/ to physical health risks and strained peer
relationships/, the impact extends to family,
community, and society.
The substance abuse development process typically
Mic involves recreational use of addictive drugs, seeking
14 intoxication consistently, and the misuse of
prescription medications

To avoid falling into substance abuse, cultivate

Divine healthy relationships by steering clear of individuals
19 who exert pressure to use drugs. Surrounding
yourself with a positive social circle is crucial, as peer
influence significantly impacts behavior.

Addressing mental health is paramount, especially

Mic when it coexists with substance abuse. Seeking
21 professional help from licensed therapists or
counselors equips individuals with effective coping
strategies, reducing reliance on drugs and alcohol

Evaluate risk factors, including family history and

Divine environmental influences. Awareness of biological,
17 environmental, and physical factors enhances the
ability to overcome predispositions to addiction.

Maintaining a well-balanced life is key. People often

Mic resort to substances when facing life challenges.
16 Stress management skills contribute to overcoming
stressors, allowing for a healthier, more balanced

Set meaningful goals and aspirations for the future.

Divine This focus emphasizes that drugs and alcohol can
14 impede progress toward achieving these objectives.

Tiny Credentials: The information provided aligns with

(VO) insights from the National Institutes on Drug Abuse,
14 offering informative guidance on substance abuse
prevention/ and mental health.


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