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Name : Faiza Rahma Rufaidah

Institution : Prasetiya Mulya University

LOVE 4C’s of Young Generation: Discovering 21st Century Skills in Indonesia’s Tourism and
Hospitality Industry

Indonesia is not just an island country with a stunning scenery; more than that, we are a rich
cultural and traditional heritage puzzle that waiting to be finished. And language, ladies and
gentlemen is a piece that complete puzzle and help reveal Indonesia’s Beauty for the world to

I am Faiza Rahma Rufaidah from Prasetiya Mulya University very honored to invite you all on
promising journey about how urgent 21 st century skills or simply 4C’s (Communication,
Creativity, Collaboration and Critical Thinking) for young generation in Indonesia to advancing
the tourism and hospitality industry. Because after all, it’s still part of our responsibility to make
the hidden gem place that we create as a content on tiktok to still look beautiful as before until
our next generation, right?

It is our flexibility skills to adapt with every situations in destinations by applying 4C’S practice
or we can say that 4C’s is the map that will guide us on a journey, but we still need a compass
to navigate wind direction. But actually, how can we truly ensure 4C’s skills? By learning English
language in kampong Inggris? Brainstorming with our friends to make engaging tourism
content? Or more than that, create virtual reality of Borobudur Temple and Dempo Mountain?
Well, those are little actions that we can do to shaping our 21 st century skill, then what’s nour
next compass? Don’t worry, Here are LOVE (L-O-V-E) the practice of 4C’s steps to help young
generation to navigate Indonesia’s Tourism and Hospitality industry.

1. Learn languages to communicate effectively

Today, there are lots of platform for us to learn about any languages in the world, let say Ome
TV, Linguo, Tiktok or even youtube. Mastering some languages besides our mother tongue and
Bahasa Indonesia not only just an asset, but it also a becoming bridge for us to introducing and
share understanding about the beauty of Indonesia to all of travelers around the world. So, it’s
not only about communication but also the heart-to-heart bridge from Papua to Switzerland or
from Palembang to California. It’s our commitment as young future leaders to share the
richness of Indonesia for all parts of the world to enriching audiences experience.

2. Obtain Creativity by Technology

The combination of think creative and propose it through technology is the door to innovation.
We can start it with loving folklore from Indonesia, Create the game of Komodo Island then
embrace it with digital tools like games platform, UI/UX website or even the virtual reality of
some destinations to create curiosity of travellers to explore more in Indonesia.

3. Value the Collaboration to achieve sustainability

Sustainability is the core value of tourism aspect, as young generation we can collaborate with
governments to create structurized mechanism about the trash management, volunteering
ourselves in local communities to help recycling the waste and becoming young generation with
positive roles to preserving destinations by not using plastic, use ecofriendly transportation and
enhancing eco-tourism

4. Enhancing Critical Thinking to solve the problem

Tourism and hospitality will always have their own challenges, it’s time for us to analyze the
core problems such as plastic or waste that carried by tourist, then we should think about the
correct solutions such make it into paving block to build the road of our destinations and adapt
it with 3R or Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. So by that we could ensure the local communities will
get the profit towards this problem solving ideas from young generation

In conclusion, we as young generation still have LOVE to increasing the 4C’s aspect of 21’s
century skill to preserve tourism and hospitality in Indonesia. So what are you waiting for? Lets
LOVE the culture and live the cherish of tourism. I am Faiza, Thank you.

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