The Argument From Evil (De Luna, Jenny Rose R.)

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The Argument from Evil

(P1) If God exists, He is omnibenevolent, omnipotent and omniscient. [By Christian Definition)

(P2) An omnibenevolent being would prevent any unnecessary evil if he could and knew how.

(P3) An omnipotent being could prevent all unnecessary evil.

(P4) An omniscient being would know all about unnecessary evils and how to prevent them.

(P5) Therefore, if God exists, there is no unnecessary evil.

(P6) But there is unnecessary evil.

(C) Therefore, God does not exist

o Yes
o No
o Maybe

Explain: NO

Indeed God exists. The evidence of the existence of God is shown through His creation,
conscience, and human experience. Yes, He is omnibenevolent, omnipotent, and omniscient,
and he continues to care for all things that He created. But we can only experience all of this if
we trust in Him and draw closer to God. Unnecessary evil occurs in our lives when we lean on
our own wisdom and not on the wisdom of God.

2. Why did God allow all sufferings to happen to people?


In the Biblical aspect, suffering is the consequence of human sin against God. It is the result
of our sinful and wrong choices. God allows all suffering to happen to all people because God
wants us to return to him and come closer. God allows us to experience suffering, so we cannot
trust anyone but the only one living God. He allows us to experience all suffering so that we can
be steadfast and humble despite the sufferings, and God wants us to rely only on him and not
on our own strength and wisdom. Because He knew that without Him, we could do nothing,
and He also promised that whenever we face all kinds of suffering, He will provide a way out so
that we can endure it. (1 Corinthians 10:13)
3. If God loves the people? Why did He allow people to go to hell and suffer?


Indeed God loves people, and He doesn't want us to go to hell and suffer. 2 Peter 3: 9b (TLV)
says, "He is patient toward you — not wanting anyone to perish, but for all to come to
repentance." God gives us a chance to turn back to Him, to put our trust in Him. When God
created us, He also gave us free will so that we could have the freedom to do what we want to
do, and it is also an opportunity to either receive and live in His love or reject Him. But when we
reject God, it is here that sin enters that will bring us to hell and suffer.

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