Anne Frank

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The Holocaust, was the World War II genocide by the nazis to the Jewish

victims. It took between 1941 and 1945, nazis killed all Jewish people and
their collaborators. There were killed 6 millions of Jewish which was 2/3
about all European Jewish. Some terrorising ways used to kill were: mass
shoutings, concentration camps, gas chambers and gas vans.

Anne frank was a Jewish girl known by writing a diary while hiding on his
flat of the nazis, se was a German until 1941. She hided with her parents
(Otto Frank and Edith Frank), and with her sister (Margot Frank)
She wrote a diary which nowadays is very known in which she tells her life
in that hiding days, the book was published by his father (the only family
member which survived). It talks about two years while hiding with his
family during the nazi occupation on the Netherlands.

She hided on a flat, but not a normal flat, she hided on a hidden flat. The
door was secret, it was after a closet. The house is known as the Secret
Annex. This is were Anne frank wrote her famous diary.

Otto Frank was his father and the only lucky member of the family (the
only one who survived) and the one who made the world know Anne
Frank and something else about that horrible part on ours history. He
published Anne’s diary and she made theirs secret annex a museum.

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