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Mudassir Tahir Trainee Manager

rvice Standrads regarding

ing QCS & V, Hosptality
ustomer, and what are the
on Counter to achive 100%
How to get Customer Satisfaction.

Satisfying customers the first time, and quickly recovering them when you do not, ensures

total customer satisfaction. That generates brand loyalty and increased sales.
McDonald’s Operating Principles

 Quality

 Service

 Cleanliness and

 Value

Don’t worry about making money. Love what you are doing and always put the

customer first- and success will be yours - “Ray Kroc”

1. What Hospitality Looks Like

Hospitality means treating every customer like a special guest. It means making our customers

feel welcome and ensuring they receive outstanding QSC&V every visit.

2. A Customer-friendly Restaurant

 Are you friendly, visible and out at the front?

 Are your crew friendly, smiling and cheerful, or are they just taking orders?

 Do your crew greet their customers and say "please" and "thank you"?

 Do your crew present a neat and tidy appearance (clean uniforms and appropriate

shoes; hair, nails and jewellery conforming to the McDonald's standard)?

 Does your restaurant appear clean and hygienic (floors and rubbish bins clean and

litter-free; toilets in working order, clean and pleasant-smelling; front counter and

centre island areas organised and clean)?

 Are all products served fresh?

3. The Value of Customer Recovery

 Customers who complain tend to show two levels of dissatisfaction.

 Customers with minor complaints share their dissatisfaction with the front counter and

Drive-thru team members. In fact, two thirds of customer complaints are shared directly

with crew members.

 Customers with more serious complaints will ask to speak to a manager.

4. Perform Service step with Procedure

 Greet and Smile the customer

 Take the order

 Recive payment

 Assemble order

 Present the order

5. Summery

 Customer Satisfaction is very important, all the business is base on their satisfaction.

 We can satisfy to them by proper training of Staff by using the stranded procedures .

 Handling to the customer with point and pleasant tone of voice.

 Treating Customer like a Valuable Guest.

 Genuine welcome to the customers.

 Always stand help for their help.

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