English Dialog by Haafidh's Team (El Hansa 2024)

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DIRGHAM as WILIE (diyah)

ARIL as EJA (fina)


AZIZAH as VERA (vera)

HUSNA as NISA (pretty)



Vera and Nisa have been friends since childhood, but one day
when Vera's family fell into poverty, Nisa didn't want to be
friends with Vera anymore. When Nisa Vera Calos Eja Juan and
Wilie were doing group assignment, Vera asked Nisa for help
but all Vera got was insults.

*lagi kumpul di meja (semua kecuali mr.kevin)

Vera: Nisa, I ask you to get me that paper
Nisa: What?! who are you to tell me to do it?
Vera: I'm just asking for help, why are you like that? we're
Nisa: friend? Listen, my friends are only rich people, not poor
people like you!
Eja: what's wrong with you two? There is a problem?
Vera: nothing, we're fine, right?
Nisa: Just fine? Did you hear what Vera told me to do? but
sorry, I don't want to be asked
Vera: *pergi
Calos: Don't be like that Nisa, you guys have been friends since
Wilie: Calos is right, you should support her, not insult her
Juan: that's right, what kind of friend are you?
Nisa: what are you talking about! why are you defending Vera?
just mind your own business!! *pergi
Juan: How come Nisa is like that to Vera? aren't they
Eja: hmm she said she only wanted to be friends with rich
Wilie: It's up to them, let's go home, i am very tired

Mr.Kevin: assalamu'allaikum students! how are you today?

STUDENTS: I'm fine, thankyou!
Mr.Kevin: OK, I will be absent from my students today
Mr.Kevin: Nisa! Calos! Wilie! Eja! Juan! Vera?!
STUDENTS: Vera didn't go to school today, sir
Mr.Kevin: What is wrong with her?
Eja: we don't know, there's no reason
Mr.Kevin: ok. now i have a question, where is the biggest
island in Indonesia?
Juan: *angkat tangan from Kalimantan sir
Mr.Kevin: Correct!
STUDENTS: *tepuk tangan
Mr.Kevin: the second question. what year did Indonesia
become independent?
Wilie: *angkat tangan one thousand nine hundred and forty five,
Mr. Kevin: That's right Willie! good job.
Mr.Kevin: OK, today's learning activities are finished, please
go home students.

The next day, they went to school as usual, but not with Vera.
Vera didn't go to school for 2 weeks. When they came home
from school, they accidentally met Vera who was selling.
Wilie: guys, is that vera?
Juan: Yes, that's Vera! *semua menghampiri vera
Calos: Vera, what are you doing here?
Eja: You haven't been to school for 2 weeks
Vera: hi guys, I'm selling to help my parents. So this is my daily
life while I'm not at school
Nisa: Poor people are indeed suited to selling!
Vera: why are you like that to me nisa? I'm hurt because of you!
Wilie: is that what you want Nisa? You have hurt Vera's heart
Juan: One day, you will feel what Vera feels Nisa!
Nisa: it's impossible! My parents own many companies, there's
no way I could be like her! *pergi
Calos: it's up to her
Eja: I hope she will feel what Vera feels
Willie: that's enough, let's go home

-baru sampe 4.50-

After 3 years have passed ,wilie, juan, celos, and eja have not met vera.
It turns out that vera is now adopted by a rich family and vera is
studying at the same campus as wilie, juan, celos, and eja. One day,
when vera entered the new campus for first time,wilie, juan, celos, and
eja saw vera sitting alone

Celos: oh, that’s vera, let’s go there

Eja: Hi vera!
Vera:Hi guys, you study here too?
Juan: Yes, we study here
Vera: Where is nisa?
Wilie: I don’t know, we haven’t seen nisa for along time
Vera: Let’s move on. It’s been a long time since we saw each
Boys: Let’s go!
Vera: What are you doing here?
Nisa: Eh, since my parents went bankkrupt i have become a
beggar, i apologize, for my action when often insulted you, now,
regret my feeling
Vera: It’s okay, nisa, i’ve forgotten about that
Nisa: Have you really forgiven me?
Eja: Yes nisa, don’t do it again okay!
Nisa: Thank you friend

Don't underestimate other people, you will never know what the future
will be like.


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