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NG &
List of Teammates:
1. Haafidh S
2. Fakhri
3. Hidayat
4. Nanta
5. Banyu
6. Barraq

Thursday, 7th of December 2023

I left from home to rayyan's HIKMAH house at 7.15, well at rayyan's
house my friends had gathered, I immediately
ordered a gojek from rayyan's
on the way it was very ISLAMIC house to St. Sudimara, while
jammed and very crowded so
we were late until St. Sudimara.
At Sudimara Station

When we arrived at Sudimara station, it turned out that it was quite busy there, because there
were lots of motorbike taxis and it was located next to the traditional market. We were there
for about 30 minutes, because we were waiting for someone who had not arrived yet. And
finally we left Sudimara station at 8.59 am for Tanah Abang station. Before leaving, I took the
time to buy snacks and check my card balance which would be used later. Apart from that, I
was a little afraid, because I wa someone who likes to get drunk when riding in vehicles that I
didn't usually take. For example trains, that's what I thought when I got there Sudimara

At Tanah Abang Station

1. When we arrived at Tanah Abang station, we all immediately rushed to moce to "peron"
next door to board the Kampung Bandan train. But there, we had to wait for Haikal's group
and Ustadz Didin because they hadn't arrived at Tanah Abang yet. After a few minutes they
finally arrived, and we continued went down to the next platform to wait for the train. When
the train came, we got on the train but we got the wrong train and luckily we still had time to
get off before the train started. bmBut the girls were already carried away by the train, and
finally we waited for the second train whose destination was to Kampung Bandan station. A
few minutes later the train arrived and we immediately boarded the train. In the train we
remained standing because we couldn't find a seat.

At Kampung Bandan Station

When we arrived at Kampung Bandan station, we were all told to walk to the stairs to get on
the next train. While we were walking Faris and I were asked by one of the officers at the
station, the officer asked which school we were from but Faris and I had an answer which was
different, I answered that we were all from SMPI DURROTUL HIKMAH school and Faris
answered from Tangerang. There Faris and I laughed while continuing our journey to the next
platform. After going up the stairs, we were confused about direction and some of us had
already gotten lost. But Ustadz Qori knew where the correct location was so we followed
Ustadz Qori. And we waited for the train on the platform to continue our journey to the
Jakarta Kota station. After a few minutes the train arrived. We felt happy because the train
was quiet, and we could sit down and we continued our journey.

At Jakarta Kota Station

When I arrived at Jakarta Kota station, I rested with the others in the station, while resting
time. We looked for a toilet and we were a little confused, because it was my first time here.
After using the toilet, we came out of Jakarta Kota station and take a few photos for
documentation. We felt tired and fun adventure begins from going to the Indonesian Bank
Museum and Kota Tua.

At Kota Tua

when we arrived at the old city, we all immediately gathered to rest for a while because we
were tired while waiting for further information, but it turned out that Abi and Ustadz Qori
were left behind when we boarded the train to the old city and we all had to wait for them,
after they arrived, we immediately walked into Old town and we took a photo together, after
taking the photo we were loved

At Bank Indonesia Museum

After taking photos in front of Kota Tua Station. Faris and I were told to lead the way to the
Indonesia Bank Museum, because the road was quite busy with cars. Then after arriving at the
front door of the museum, we were told not to enter first by the security guard because we
needed confirmation to the museum. Then we were told to make a line and wait to enter it,
while we were waiting we were given candy to eat. And after a few minutes we were told to
enter in rows, and the first row to enter was 7grade and the last row to enter was my grade.
When we wanted to enter, we have to require to check our bags or whatever we were
carrying. So that there was nothing that we didn't want to. After being checked, we were
asked to go to the second floor and took tickets to enter the museum room. There students'
bags had to be collected and it was forbidden to bring drinks/food and small bags inside. We
started to enter the museum room and were given tickets to the staff at the museum. I was
very surprised because the museum was very beautiful, but we didn't just go around the
museum, we were given a worksheet to do. And the answers were in the museum. My group
and I were separated because we didn't know if it would be documented by a group of friends.
So, I immediately looked for my group and I helped to document my group. My group and I
went around looking for answers to the questions on the worksheet. But we had a lot of
difficulty finding them. Finally we focused on documenting the group and looked for the
answers that we could find. We wrote as we were walking, we were distracted by a room
filled with gold. It was a very comfortable and shiny place, but we couldn't stay there for long
because we still had obligations to do. After leaving the room, we headed coin room in
ancient times, and we were told to leave the museum because the museum was going to close
or take a break. We came out of the museum at the same time as the midday to prayer dhuhur.
Luckily when we left the museum there was a mosque next to it, so we decided to pray first
and rest for a while.

Hunting Foreigners

After lunch we continued looking for tourists, my group and I went around Kota Tua to look
for tourists. But for about twenty minutes of searching, we couldn't find any tourists to make
interview, we continued looking for about ten minutes and finally we met the tourist. They
comes from Palestine, Qudus city. They visited Kota Tua and they were very happy to be able
to visit Indonesia. His name is Hamzah and his friend's name is unknown. They speak Arabic
and English very fluently and we said goodbye to them and asked for permission to take a
photo together. Then we continued our search for tourists around, after a few minutes we met
a tourist who came from Canada, his name was Mr Fredo. He visited Kota Tua with his wife
and his hobby was building large buildings. While we were having a conversation, Mr Fredo
showed us photos of the condition of the house. Four days after winter there I really respected
him because he was very kind and wanted to help us to complete our assignments. And he
wanted to visit Bali, before ending the conversation we asked permission to take a photo with
them, after the photo I said goodbye to them and I hope to meet them again. My group and I
continued our search for tourists, but my group and I felt very tired because we walked too
often without direction, which made our feet hurt. But when we were resting there was a
funny moment that made us our tiredness disappeared. While we were resting, we sat on a
road divider made of light iron, while we were all daydreaming. there was someone who
jumped over the place we were sitting but when that someone had jumped, Nanta got up from
his seat and that person was gone focus finally fell, and those of us who were daydreaming
were shocked. After that incident I saw a group from another school interviewing two tourists,
I had an idea, because my group almost gave up looking for the third tourist, I told them to
wait until school. The others finished interviewing the tourist, and after they finished we went
straight to the tourist, their names were Rino and Steffani they seemed to be a couple but I
don't know, they are from Belgium, Rino's hobby is playing football and Steffani reading
books they want to visit Bandung, Bali and Yogyakarta, they are good people, and we asked
for permission to take photos wiAfter lunch we continued looking for tourists, my group and I
went around the old city looking for tourists but for twenty minutes of searching, we couldn't
find any tourists to interview, we continued looking for about ten minutes and finally we met
the tourist. comes from Palestine, Qudus city, he visited the old city with his friend and he
was very happy to be able to visit Indonesia. His name is Hamzah and his friend's name is
unknown. They speak Arabic and English very fluently and we said goodbye to them and
asked for permission to take a photo together. then we continued our search for tourists
around the old city again, after a few minutes we met a tourist who came from Canada, his
name was Mr Fredo, he visited the old city with his wife and his hobby was building large
buildings, while we were having a conversation, Mr Fredo showed us photos of the condition
of the house. four days after winter there I really respected him because he was very kind and
wanted to help us to complete our assignments, and he wanted to visit Bali, before ending the
conversation we asked permission to take a photo with them, after the photo I said goodbye to
them and I hope to meet them again, my group and I continued our search for tourists, but my
group and I felt very tired because we walked too often without direction, which made our
feet hurt, but when we were resting there was a funny moment that made us our tiredness
disappeared, while we were resting, we sat on a road divider made of light iron, while we
were all daydreaming. There was someone who jumped over the place we were sitting. But
when someone had jumped, Nanta got up from his seat and that person was gone focus finally
fell, and those of us who were daydreaming were shocked. After that incident I saw a group
from another school interviewing two tourists, I had an idea, because my group almost gave
up looking for the third tourist. I told them to wait for other students finishing their
conversation with the tourist. After they finished we went straight to the tourist, their names
were Rino and Steffani they seemed to be a couple but we didn't know exactly. They are from
Belgium. Rino's hobby is playing football and Steffani is reading books. They said that they
wanted to visit Bandung, Bali and Yogyakarta. They are good people, and we asked for
permission to take photos with them. Finally our time looking for tourists ran out, we were
asked to tidy up our things and immediately went home.
On The Way Home

After we looked for tourists, we immediately tidied up our belongings and prepared to go
home. But before we went home, we took a photo together in front of the Fatahillah museum.
When we took the photo, we all felt very tired. After the photo, we had to walk for about 2-3
minutes to get to Jakarta Kota station. After we entered the Jakarta Kota station, we were
allowed to have a snack or go to the toilet while waiting for the train came. When the train
arrived we immediately ran so as not to miss the train and we felt relieved because the train
was very quiet and we could all sat down to rest on the train. But the pleasure only lasted
temporarily and we got off at Kampung Bandan station to transit, because Kampung Bandan
station was at the top, we had to go down the stairs first to get to the train platform in the
direction of Tanah Abang. There, we almost went the wrong way again to get to the next
platform, but in the end we got it right, and we waited for the train while splitting up so we
could find an empty seat to sit down so we could rest again because the journey from
Kampung Bandan station to Tanah Abang station was very far. And after arriving at Tanah
Abang station, we had to cross to the next platform to get to Sudimara station and we had to
go through the stairs to cross, thankfully we immediately got the train to go to Sudimara, we
immediately rushed to get on the train and thankfully we got it. The train was empty, we could
sit down again, my friend and I were so tired that one of my friends felt asleep on the train,
without realizing it we arrived at Sudimara station and we immediately got off ftom the train
and left the station and continued waiting to be boarded and our parents were picked us up.

Suggestion and Comment

(Hidayat): Suggestion: if possible for next year, it has been optimized for lunch, so there's no
waiting anymore
positive: enjoyable because it's been a long time since I've been to the old city
negative: long wait for lunch and hot and tired when looking for tourists
(Haapidh): Suggestion: My suggestion is that the ustadz/ustadzah can help students who are
having trouble and that their resting place should not be in the open room.
positive: good for practicing language and cooperation between groups
negative: wasting too much time
(Fakhri): uggestion: don't eat lunch outside, it's really hot, especially the Padang rice is still
hot so that's my suggestion.
Comment: good for practicing the language, when you go home tired
(Nanta): Suggestion: the nasi Padang is too hot and in the old city it is also hot and is rejected
by foreigners
Positive: good for communicating with foreigners and increasing literacy
Negative: hot and tired

[NOTE: for banyu and barraq there are no suggestions or comments because they are not taking part
in the activity and they are the ones who will print and stitch it]


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