Laos Economic Development Presentation Script Outline and Ref Links (Gp-2)

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At a glance to Lao-PDR economic development in history

(Presentation-Group 2)
(Topic to each member with summarize script and reference source and link to find
details and data. Feel free to find and add any facts as your preferences naw 😊)
(Total duration: 57 mins)

1. Introduction of Country - Laos (3 minutes): Ma Ei Win Zaw

"Good [morning/afternoon/evening], everyone. Let's begin our journey by introducing Laos, a country
strategically nestled in the heart of Southeast Asia. With a population known for its cultural diversity and
a strategic location bordered by Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, China, and Myanmar, Laos plays a crucial
role in regional connectivity."

*References: CIA World Factbook - [Laos]

2. History - National Historical Context of Laos (3 minutes): Ko Hein Latt Win

"As we delve into the economic development of Laos, it's essential to understand the national historical
context. Laos was under French colonial rule until gaining independence in 1949. The post-
independence period saw the establishment of the Lao People's Democratic Republic in 1975, marking a
significant phase in its history. Laos also played a role in the Vietnam War, impacting its trajectory."

*References: Britannica - [Laos]

3. Economic Historical Overview (5 minutes): Ko Han Tun Zaw

"Now, let's explore the economic historical overview of Laos. In the pre-reform era, Laos had a
traditional agrarian economy, facing economic challenges post-independence. However, the 1990s
marked a turning point with market-oriented reforms, transitioning Laos into a more dynamic and open

*References: World Bank - [Laos Economic Monitor]

4. Key Economic Indicators (8 minutes): Ko Htet Aung

"As we assess Laos' economic development, key indicators provide valuable insights. The GDP growth
rates over the years, sector-wise contributions, employment trends, and factors like inflation, foreign
direct investment (FDI), and trade balance all contribute to the economic narrative."

*References: Lao Statistics Bureau - [Economic Indicators]

5. Infrastructure Development (8 minutes): Ko Htet Naung

"Infrastructure is the backbone of economic progress. Laos has witnessed substantial developments in
its transportation networks, energy infrastructure, and telecommunications. From the expansion of road
networks to the harnessing of hydropower, these developments have contributed significantly to Laos'
economic growth and connectivity."

*References: Asian Development Bank - [Laos Infrastructure Development]
6. Laos Exports (5 minutes): Ko Hlaing Myint

"Shifting our focus to trade, Laos' exports play a vital role in its economic landscape. Major export
categories include agricultural products, textiles, and natural resources. Our discussion will also touch
upon key trading partners and trends in exports over the years."

*References: International Trade Centre - [Laos Trade Statistics]


7. Laos PDR Imports (5 minutes): Ko Hein Min Soe

"Equally crucial is understanding Laos' imports. We'll delve into major import categories, key sources of
imports, and historical trends. This analysis provides insights into the diversity and dynamics of Laos'
trade relationships."

*References: World Bank - [Laos Data]


8. Turning Points in Economic Growth (8 minutes): Htet Ko Ko Win

"The economic growth of Laos has been shaped by various turning points. From the market-oriented
reforms of the 1990s to accession to the World Trade Organization in 2013, and significant
developments in hydropower and tourism, these moments have been instrumental in steering Laos'
economic trajectory."

*References: World Trade Organization - [Laos Profile]
9. Challenges and Opportunities (5 minutes): Ma Hsu Sandy Soe

"While we celebrate the achievements, it's crucial to acknowledge the challenges and opportunities.
Environmental concerns related to hydropower, sector dependence, and the potential for economic
diversification are all part of the complex landscape that Laos faces."

*References: UN ESCAP - [Laos Economic Challenges and Prospects]

10. Social Impact of Economic Development (5 minutes): Ma Halley Wynn

"The impact of economic development on society is a critical aspect. From poverty reduction to
advancements in education and healthcare, Laos has witnessed positive changes. However, it's equally
important to address social challenges arising from rapid economic growth."

*References: Asian Development Bank - [Laos Social Indicators]

11. Conclusion (2 minutes): Ko Han Win Thein

"In conclusion, our exploration of Laos' economic development journey reveals a story of resilience,
transformation, and adaptation. From historical roots to modern-day challenges, Laos stands at the
crossroads of progress. I invite any questions you may have as we reflect on the significance of Laos'
economic growth."

*References: Open for general questions or feedback from the audience.


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